Destined To A Vampire | Vmin...

By moonjin97

74.6K 5.8K 1.5K

What happens when Taehyung and Jin decides to visit their bonded mates.💜❣ Main ship. Vmin💘 Side ship. Jinko... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

2.8K 259 57
By moonjin97

The Jikook buddies were driving their way to Kim's mansion. After their work in the flower shop, they went to their houses and changed to normal wears.

Jungkook felt something fishy. He constantly looked behind to see if someone was following them.

"Kookie, why are you turning back often?"

"It's just, I feel weird hyung."

Before Jimin could ask more, Jungkook suddenly felt like someone pushed them, and he lost his balance. They both fell down on the ground with cycle sliding away from them.

"H-Hyung? You okay?" Jungkook rushed towards Jimin who was sitting on the ground while wincing in pain.

"I-I am not fine, Kookie. It hurts." Jimin was in verge of crying, while looking at his wound on his hands, which was starting to bleed.

Jungkook looked around to see what tripped their motorcycle. But to his luck there was nothing. The road was pretty clean, and he didn't know how the hell did his cycle slid across the road. It felt like somebody had pushed them.

Jungkook dusted off Jimin's hands, and slowly blew some air. Jimin was keeping his eyes shut and sobbing silently by the pain.

"Hyung, get up." Jungkook pulled up Jimin by placing his hands under Jimin's armpit. Jimin also checked around Jungkook to see any wound on his body.

"K-Kookie, you are not bleeding are you?" Jungkook smiled by his hyung's concerned words and nodded negatively.

Jungkook picked up his cycle from the ground, and when he was about to hop up suddenly he heard someone speaking.

"Well, what's that beautiful smell?"

Jimin and Jungkook turned around to see a stranger, who was taller than them. He was wearing black turtle neck tshirt and black jeans. His face was pale, like he was starving for days.

"H-Hyung, let's go." Jungkook knew something was off from this guy. He didn't want to stay any moment longer with this stranger.

But before Jungkook could sit on his cycle, the stranger came in lightening speed and clutched Jungkook's throat making the other desperately breathe some air.

"Mister, what are you doing. Leave Jungkook. Kookie, Kookie." Jimin tried to pull away the stranger's hands which was holding Jungkook's neck tightly making him to choke.

Jungkook was finding difficult to breathe and tried to get away from the grip.

"H-Hyung, run. R-Run." Jungkook tried to warn his friend, but the other was shaking his head and was stubborn to leave him alone.

"Mister, please leave him. Kookie." Jimin started to cry, and hit the stranger's back continuously making the other growl.

The stranger let go off his hands by pushing Jungkook far away. Jimin's eyes widened when he saw Jungkook flying in the air, and got hit on the wall.

"Kookie!!" Jimin gasped and tried to run to his friend, but was stopped by the stranger who was holding his back of his tshirt tightly.

"Leave me, I need to go check on Kookie. Meanie." Jimin wiggled his body, and tried to run but the other was so strong that he couldn't move an inch. Jimin kicked his legs in the air, when the stranger picked him by back hugging.

"No, leave me. Someone help us. Jungkookie." Jimin shook his head and started to cry continuously. He saw Jungkook, who was lying on the road unconsciously.

"Aww never knew Kim's mate was a cry baby. Your blood smells so sweet. No wonder, he is lucky always." Jimin closed his eyes shut, when he felt the stranger sniffing his hair.

"Mister, leave me. Please. I need to take Kookie to the hospital. Ahhhh." Jimin screamed when the stranger pushed off him from his strong hold. Before he could get up, the stranger straddled him making Jimin widen in fear.

"M-Mister, get up. You are so heavy." Jimin tried to push the man but the stranger took his small hands and brought to his nose while sniffing the blood which was leaking from the wounds.

"I wonder will your blood taste as sweet as it smells!" Before Jimin could ask what the stranger meant, his eyes widened by the stranger's action.

"No-Ahhhhh" Jimin screamed in pain, when the stranger sunk his teeth on his wound while sucking his blood. Jimin was feeling dizzy, and felt like he would pass out any moment.

"Let go off my baby before I rip your head off."

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