who are you? || taegyu || com...

By JiminHitachiin

159K 10.4K 7.3K

"Who are you?" "You'll see." ------ Beomgyu was an artist. And he was pretty damn good. At least that's what... More

~the opportunity~
~the meeting~
~the visitor~
~the beginning~
~the reactions~
~the second entry~
~the first question~
~the third entry~
~the second question~
~the fourth entry~
~the third question~
~the fifth entry and a call~
~parties suck~
~call me hyung~
~unfortunate events~
~the sixth entry with advice~
~the fourth question~
~couldn't have waited two more days?!~
~lunch but problematic~
~the rooftop talk~
~the final entry pt. 1~
~the final entry pt. 2~
~the morning before~
~the final question~
~the response~
~the confession pt.1~
~the confession pt.2~
~the first date pt.1~
~the first date pt. 2~
~ a yeonbin tale~
~a shoe~
~the realization pt. 1~
~the realization pt.2~
~the letter~
~beautiful life~
~thank you~

~the party~

4.5K 285 177
By JiminHitachiin

It took two hours, with some urging from Beomgyu along with a little bit of encouragement from Taehyun and Kai to get Yeonjun to ask Soobin out. The three boys watched silently as Yeonjun wiped his hands on his pants before approaching the dancing boy and tapping him on the shoulder. Soobin turned around and smiled when he saw the older saying something that could only be guessed by the three younger boys. Beomgyu watched proudly but also worriedly as Yeonjun took Soobin's hand and gently led him out of the room, assumingly to somewhere quieter. Beomgyu frowned.

"Should we like... follow them?" Taehyun wondered, glancing over at Beomgyu and Kai who stood by him, both with equally curious faces on. The oldest grinned before setting off after the couple silently, shooting a look over to the two youngest. He smirked and motioned them to follow him.

"Obviously. Who else is going to get their first kiss on camera?" The other two shrugged and followed the oldest, Beomgyu leading the way after his friend. They rounded the corner and continued on, not one of them knowing where the hell they actually were but settling for following Beomgyu who still led the way confidently. He knew where Yeonjun and Soobin were simply because he knew Yeonjun. They would be in the backyard, away from people and prying eyes when Yeonjun would confess and Beomgyu just hoped they could watch from a window or something.

He cheered to himself silently when he saw a window and through the said window, two figures talking in the shadows of the night. He glanced over his shoulder to see Taehyun and Kai following him around like lost puppies and waved them over, squatting in front of the window to just look over its frame so that they wouldn't be seen. Kai joined him on his left and Taehyun on his right. Beomgyu tried not to let his heart panic too much since he was now surrounded by two strangers, one of which made him feel things.

He focused on the couple outside, pulling out his phone and resting it in his hand. It took a minute or two but they soon saw the two hug, Yeonjun leaning forward and finally pressing his lips to Soobin's, earning a small, collective cheer from the three onlookers. Beomgyu snapped a photo and glanced down at it, studying it and making sure it was perfect. Yeonjun would thank him later.

The three quickly dispersed back into the party so they wouldn't be caught and Beomgyu once again made his way to the bathroom. Not for any particular reason, just needing to be alone and away from the crowd. However, he should've known that you can only get lucky so many times when he heard some rather lewd noises from inside the bathroom. He sighed, rolling his eyes and turned towards the house's front door. He just needed air. He swam through the masses of students and finally made it to the front door, throwing it open and allowing a cool breeze to hit him gently. He sighed and crossed the threshold, enjoying the wind as it combed it's way through his hair and nipped at his clothing, cooling his sweat immediately and sending a gentle shiver down his spine. He stared up at the night sky, his hands shoved in his jacket pocket and took a minute to appreciate the starless sky. One of the few things he hated about living in Seoul was that the stars seemed to hide away most nights, only appearing when the city was asleep and the moon was dark.

He shook his head and turned to go back in, figuring he should probably congratulate his only friend on finally getting his shit together when a hand grabbed his arm. He spun around to face the unknown person and just became more confused when he realized he had never seen this specific kid before. The guy was clearly drunk, swaying from foot to foot with a giddy, almost hungry look upon his face. "Well, hello beautiful," the boy slurred, hiccupping in his face then giggling, covering his mouth with his free hand. Beomgyu frowned and tried to pull his arm out of the surprisingly ironclad grip. He glanced around for help, only to realize that no one was outside and those that were were too wasted or high to be of any help. Groaning, he turned back to the drunk, irritated.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble so please let go of me," he snapped, still tugging at his arm. The boy in front of him was shockingly strong, his burgundy hair covering a lot of his face as he swayed in the breeze, looking as if he was about to topple over.

"Now why would I let you go?" the boy asked, tugging Beomgyu closer to him and wrapping his other arm around his waist. The artist frowned, trying to once again pull away from the male, eventually managing to get an arm free to start pushing the guy away.

"Let me go now, or I'll scream," Beomgyu threatened although he winced at the slight waver in his voice. He knew he couldn't get away from this guy easily and it didn't look as if anyone would come to help him but it was always worth a shot. The drunk frowned, only holding Beomgyu tighter and his face nearing the frightened boy,

"No one will hear you," the guy sang, an evil grin crawling onto his features. Oh this ain't it. Beomgyu then panicked and did the only thing he knew to do. He rose his leg and kneed the guy right in the crotch, simultaneously pushing him away slamming his foot onto his toes. He took his free hand and threw a right hook at the boy's jaw, gasping in pain before the adrenaline rushed through his veins, not allowing him to feel it for long. The drunk on the other hand, stumbled back, his hands seemingly debating over whether to grab his foot, lower regions, or his jaw.

Beomgyu took the opportunity and sprinted back into the house. He hit the wall of heat as soon as he opened the door and stumbled inside, his breath steadily increasing as he gasped for air, eyes searching for familiar faces. He shoved his way through the crowd, trying to ignore the dirty and strange looks he received from the intoxicated teenagers as he stumbled through the room. His eyes finally landed on the four people he was looking for and he rushed towards them, basically barreling into Yeonjun as he tried to pull himself to a stop.

Their conversation halted immediately as they took in his wrecked state. Beomgyu's hair was pointing in every direction, his clothes wrinkled in several areas and his chain was only hanging from one belt loop, the other end dangling around the boy's knees. His jacket was half on his shoulder half off and his breath was coming in shallow puffs and he searched over his shoulder for the intoxicated boy. "Beomgyu? Are you okay? What happened?" Yeonjun was looking at him worriedly, gently dropping Soobin's hand to go over and grasp the younger's two shoulders.

"I- I'm fine," Beomgyu answered although he knew they didn't believe him. "J-just some d-dumbass that tried to do some t-things when I went outside. I'm okay though I got away." Yeonjun's eyes widened and narrowed, anger swirling in his orbs and he looked over Beomgyu's shoulder.

"Where is he? I'll kill him." Beomgyu chuckled shakily and gently pushed the older away, shaking his head.

"I took care of him." It was Taehyun's turn to widen his eyes as he took a step towards the older boy.

"You fought him off?" he asked, eyes surveying Beomgyu's ruffled look.

The older scoffed but nodded, "I can take care of myself." Yeonjun nodded at that, returning to Soobin's side.

"Yeah, you should see him angry. Not a pretty sight," he murmured, shuddering. Beomgyu smirked and ran his hand through his messy hair.

"It's what you get for messing with my shit."

"I literally ate a bag of bread. That was it!"

"No, you also ate all my peanut butter and nutella! My precious food," Beomgyu whined, fake crying. The other three erupted in laughter and Soobin patted Yeonjun's shoulder softly.

"Babe, you and I both know that if you ate my bread I would kill you as well." Yeonjun huffed but nodded in defeat.

"Fair point," he murmured before his eyes immediately brightened. He turned towards Beomgyu, ginning. "Beom! Guess what?" Beomgyu grinned, already knowing what he was gonna say but allowing him to say it anyway.


"Soobin said yes!" He cheered, wrapping his arms around the tallers waist and Jumping happily. Soobin giggled, pulling his arms out of Yeonjun's grasp to wrap them around him as well.

"Oh thank god, I thought it would never happen. Now I don't have to listen to your constant whining of 'Oh mY gOsH sOobIn iS So preTtY' and 'BeoMgYu gUeSs whAt SoObI-"

Yeonjun smacked his hand over the younger's mouth, glaring at him, his face beet red. "Listen here you little-" Beomgyu was suddenly ripped from his grasp and back into someone's embrace.

"Hey beautiful, are these people giving you trouble," a voice whispered, toxic breath washing over Beomgyu's face. His eyes widened as he recognized the guy and quickly tried to get out of the grip he had on his waist. The four boy's in front of him were frozen as they watched the scene in other shock. "Much like the trouble you gave me outside," the boy growled, tightening his grip on Beomgyu's waist.

"Let me go!" Beomgyu yelled, stepping on the boy's foot and attempting to elbow him in the stomach, only to send them both tumbling to the floor, the intoxicated male over Beomgyu. That seemed to snap Yeonjun and the others out of their trance as they rushed forward to help their struggling friend. The boy was just leaning down to kiss Beomgyu, who had his face turned to the side, refusing to let his first kiss be stolen by a complete stranger who was trying to rape him.

The first one to reach them was Taehyun and to say Beomgyu was shocked when he jumped on the drunk's back, sending him to the floor on top of the intoxicated male was an understatement. Soobin and Kai rushed to Beomgyu's side, helping him off the floor and Yeonjun went to wrestle Taehyun off the boy, who was now knocked out due to a wicked punch the red head threw at his temple. "Come on Taehyun, you need to chill. You took care of it."

Beomgyu watched, frozen as Taehyun slowly stood up, throwing his head back as if to release tension and catch his breath. And could he just say Damn that boy was hot as fuck. The pair slowly walked back towards the group, all eyes now resting on Beomgyu. They stared at him silently, not really sure what to say or anything.

"Well, " Beomgyu began, just now realizing his breathing was really heavy and his heart was beating just a bit too fast. "I thought I took care of him." That was the last thing he remembered before the whole room turned black.


Ignore my spelling errors lol

this chapter was fun XD

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