In the Mansions

By OutsideTheDistricts

1.8K 63 8

My friends and I role play a lot in this website called We have this whole world mapped out based... More

The Capitol
District Five
District Seven
District Nine
Childhood Enemies
Start A Family?
Girl Talk
Boy Drama
Anna and Talia
Zoe Loves Sharryl
Soda Sheets
Into the Caves
Anrick Cave Scene
Better Than Revenge
A Short Chapter
Allison's Peacekeeper Father
Mental Breakdown
Memory Loss
Gracie's Friends
Gracie Takes the Heat
Hair Cut
Another Masquerade?
The Yellow Wood Tracks
Little Dancer
Hot Chocolate
Zoe Ninja Attacks a Peacekeeper
Confiding in People
Gracie Trusts Strangers Too Easily
Boys Come Out To Play
Andrick Kisses!
We're So Bored
Stop the Fighting

Oreo Alcohol

46 1 0
By OutsideTheDistricts

Andrea turns around when she hears talking "What the hell....?" 20:48 

Derrick hears someone. "Who's there?" 20:50 

Chris pulls Talia into his arms. "That was fun." 20:50 

Andrea: Um.. Andrea.. Is that you, Derrick? 20:50 

Talia laughs and kisses Chris "It was" 20:52 

Derrick: Yeah, it's me. 20:54 

Talia: (locking people in caves=turn on? lol) 20:53 

Chris: (lmao. Doing bad things in general = turn on.) 20:53 

Andrea goes over and tries to open the door but it won't budge and mutters, "Fuck..." 20:58 

Chris kisses Talia back, grinning against her lips. 21:01 

Derrick looks around in the darkness. "What is it?" 21:02 

Andrea: They locked the door.. 21:02 

Derrick palmfaces. "Seriously? Why?" 21:02 

Andrea bangs on the door "Open the damn door!!!" 21:02 

Chris laughs when he hears Andrea. 21:03 

Talia giggles when she hears Andrea "No way you oreo stealer!!!!!!!" 21:03 

Andrea facepalms 21:03 

Derrick: Oreos? Well, why the hell am I here then?! I had nothing to do with stealing oreos! Nov 27 

Andrea blinks to try to see around the cave in the darkness 21:04 

Talia grins and says quietly enough that Derrick wouldn't hear her through the door "Cuz you like Andreaaaa" 21:05 

Chris chuckles. 21:06 

Derrick walks over to the door and kicks it angrily. 21:06 

Andrea leans against the wall to the cave "They're not gunna let us out" 21:07 

Talia laughs "It's like seven minutes of heaven" 21:07 

Chris: Except it will be for more than seven minutes. 21:08 

Derrick goes over to Andrea and sighs, sitting next to her. "They have to sometime. I know they don't like me, but I don't think they'd let me die here just because of that." 21:09 

Talia: Hahaha yeah 21:09 

Andrea: I guess... 21:10 

Chris: How long shall it be? All night? Or should we eventually let them out soon? It'll probably get even colder down here later on in the night. 21:10 

Talia: Hmmmm how ever long it takes for them to hook up 21:11 

Derrick rubs his temples because he can't believe he's going to be stuck here with Andrea and he's not quite sure how he's going to handle it. 21:11 

Chris laughs and jokes, "And we'll know when it happens somehow? I'm sorry, Talia, but if you have cameras set up in there or something, I'm not the kind of guy who likes to watch that kind of stuff..." 21:12 

Andrea feels awkward and wonders if what Gracie said about Derrick liking her is actually true... 21:13 

Derrick hopes he won't say anything to make Andrea hate him since he hasn't so far and decides to stay quiet to not risk it. 21:14 

Talia: Oh my gosh, Chris! We can let them out in an hour or two.. or three 21:14 

Andrea: So um... I heard you've been in a bad mood this week. 21:15 

Chris: Okay. What should we do in the meantime then? 21:16 

Derrick thinks to himself, "Where, there goes my brilliant plan..." 21:16 

Derrick: Really? Who told you that? 21:16 

Talia: Umm deffinately not! 21:21 

Andrea clenches her jaw "That's what everyone says" 21:21 

Chris laughs. "You decide, baby. I suck at coming up with fun things, remember?" 21:29 

Derrick: Well, I am. I'm healthy, I have enough food, and a roof over my head too. Well, right now it's a cave roof, but you get what I mean. Overall, I'm fine. 21:31 

Andrea: Just because you're living doesn't mean you're fine. 21:31 

Talia laughs and takes Chris's hand and pulls him upstairs "Can we raid the kitchen for oreos first?" 21:32 

Chris smiles and follows her. "Sure." 21:34 

Derrick: ... I guess that's true. 21:34 

Andrea: So are you living or are you fine? 21:35 

Talia grins and goes to the kitchen 21:36 

Derrick shrugs. "I guess I'm living..." 21:37 

Chris follows her, looking around at the old mansion and remembering the few memories he made while living here. 21:37 

Andrea: Then what's wrong? Nov 27 

Talia looks around the kitchen, opening cabinets for the oreos 21:38 

Chris sits on the counter. 21:41 

Talia sees a couple packs in the back of one cabinet and grabs them 21:42 

Derrick: I don't know... Well, I do, but... It's kind of hard to explain... I got into this argument with Gracie and I said some really terrible things. It took her crying her eyes out for me to realize what a terrible person I am and I'm just tired of being that way. 21:43 

Talia throws the packs on the counter and grabs a couple oreos 21:43 

Talia: Want some? 21:43 

Chris: Of course. Do you even have to ask? 21:43 

Andrea: So then what's so hard about changing? 21:44 

Talia laughs and gives Chris one of the packs and hops up on the counter next to him 21:45 

Derrick: I'm too used to being this way. Just yesterday, I tried being nice to Matt and I ended up saying something cruel before I could stop myself. 21:46 

Chris: Want some milk to go with the oreos? 21:46 

Andrea: What'd you say? 21:47 

Talia: Oh, yes! 21:47 

Derrick: I can barely even remember. Something about how Nina doesn't deserve to put up with a sorry guy like him. 21:54 

Chris hops off the counter and fixes two glasses of milk. 21:54 

Talia eats an oreo 21:54 

Andrea shakes her head "Why would you even say that?" 21:55 

Chris hands Talia her glass and sits down again, grabbing an oreo and dipping it in the milk. 21:56 

Talia dips an oreo in the milk "Thanks" 21:56 

Derrick: I don't even know. It just came out before I can stop myself. It's as if whenever I so much as try to be nice, a side of me has to be completely evil just to make up for it. 21:57 

Chris leans over and kisses her forehead. "You're welcome, baby." 21:57 

Andrea: Why? I don't get it. Why try to make other people feel bad...? 22:00 

Talia grins and pulls her oreo out of the milk and eats it 22:02 

Derrick: I-I don't know, okay? I don't. 22:03 

Derrick crosses his arms irritably and rests his head back against the cave wall. 22:03 

Chris eats his oreo too. 22:04 

Andrea bites her lip "But you're never mean to me like you are to everyone else" 22:05 

Chris: Wow, I just realized something... If we ever invented an oreo-based kind of alcohol, Gracie would definitely start drinking again. 22:05 

Talia: oreo alcohol.... I think I would be wasted all the time. 22:06 

Derrick sighs. "I know. And I'm trying to keep it that way. Maybe if I can at least stay nice to you it will somehow make up for being an asshole to everyone else..." 22:07 

Allison joined the chat 22:07 

Andrea smirks "I'm not friends with bullies" 22:10 

Derrick: Too bad. Guess we won't be friends then. 22:12 

Derrick thinks that would be for the best because then he wouldn't ever say anything mean to her. 22:12 

Andrea nods "Guess not..." 22:13 

Chris shakes his head. "I wouldn't let it happen. Already had to put up with Gracie being drunk. I won't let you make her mistakes." 22:13 

Talia: Guess we can't make oreo alcohol then 22:14 

Chris: Nope. It'll never ever happen. It's something too good to be given to mere mortals anyway. 22:15 

Derrick sighs and looks to the door. "Seriously, how much longer can they keep us in here anyway?" 22:16 

Talia laughs "I thought I was the oreo goddess" 22:16 

Chris eats another ore. 22:16 

Andrea shrugs "I dunno..." 22:16 

Chris: Yes, yes you are, but you're an underage goddess that won't be drinking oreo alcohol anytime soon. 22:17 

Talia: Hmmm I'm pretty sure I've drank before though. 22:17 

Derrick shivers because it's getting colder. 22:17 

Chris: Yeah, but not oreo alcohol you haven't. 22:18 

Andrea shrieks and jumps up 22:19 

Talia: If there was oreo alcohol I would be the first to try it. 22:19 

Chris: And I would be the first to destroy it and you'd go through oreo alcohol withdrawl. 22:27 

Derrick jumps up too. "What? What is it?!" 22:27 

Andrea: I- gosh sorry it was just a spider... Jeeze. Gosh, I hate spiders. 22:28 

Andrea shivers 22:28 

Jo joined the chat 22:28 

Talia laughs "Okay I'll stick to regular oreos then" 22:29 

Derrick takes a deep breath. "Andrea, you scared the hell outta me... I heard these caves are where Gracie encountered the mutt that clawed her face." 22:29 

Chris: Good. 22:29 

Chris eats another oreo. 22:29 

Andrea steps on the spider and mumbles "I know sorry. It's just that... um yeah spiders... gosh.." 22:31 

Talia: I wonder what Andrea and Derrick are doing 22:32 

Derrick chuckles. "Well, I guess I get what you mean. They are disgusting little things after all." 22:32 

Chris: Think they're all over each other yet? 22:33 

Allison: (back!) 22:33  

Talia laughs "I dunno" 22:34 

Allison walks downstairs wrapped in a blanket. 22:35 

Chris shrugs. "Knowing Derrick, Andrea's screaming and rocking back and forth right now. No one can put up with him for so long." 22:35 

Talia laughs "Good" 22:36 

Allison sits on the couch and picks up a random book on the table and begins to read it. 22:37 

Chris shakes his head, smiling. "You really dislike that girl, don't you? Wishing her a fate like that?" 22:37 

Andrea stands where she is and crosses her arms, too scared to sit back down 22:37 

Talia scrunches her nose "I guess" 22:37 

Derrick leans back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. "Not going to sit back down now, huh?" 22:39 

Andrea shakes her head "No way" 22:39 

Chris: Why? i mean, other than the stealing your oreos thing, I don't think she's that bad. 22:40 

Talia: I dunno, I just don't 22:41 

Jo wakes up in her room 22:41 

Allison turns the page. 22:41 

Andrea shakes her head "No way" 22:39 

Chris: Why? i mean, other than the stealing your oreos thing, I don't think she's that bad. 22:40 

Chris: (Allison, want me to get Brendan or someone to hang out with you?) 22:40 

Allison: (Breandan is prefect!!) 22:40 

Talia: I dunno, I just don't 22:41 

Chris: (lmao.) 22:41 

Jo wakes up in her room 22:41 

Allison turns the page. 22:41 

Jo goes to the bathroom and washes all the dried blood off her 22:42 

Brendan joined the chat 22:42 

Allison: (Yay!) 22:43 

Allison tucks her feet under herself and keeps on reading. 22:43 

Jo changes into her other set of clothes 22:43 

Derrick smirks. "We should probably figure out if there's another way to get out of here. I know you're probably tired of hanging out with me by now." 22:44 

Brendan walks downstairs after seeing that Gracie's asleep in her room, so he can't hang out with her. 22:45 

Andrea glances down the tunnel "Okay..." 22:46 

Jo gathers up her bloody clothes and goes downstairs 22:46 

Derrick slowly starts walking. "I remember Gracie saying something about there being another way out... There was some kind of hole in the ceiling of the caves... That's how the mutt fell in and attacked her..." 22:48 

Brendan sees Allison and goes over to her. "Hey. How are you?" 22:48 

Andrea: Oh, great... 22:49 

Derrick: I know. Not very reassuring, right? The possibility that there might be mutts down here... 22:50 

Allison looks up and sees Brendan "Hey. Good? and you?" smiles. 22:51 

Andrea: Okay, you can stop talking about that now. 22:51 

Jo heads down to the basement 22:51 

Derrick: Sorry. 22:51 

Andrea keeps her arms crossed and glances around the dark walls as she walks 22:52 

Brendan sits down next to her and replies, "I'm doing well." 22:53 

Allison smiles "thats great!" 22:53 

Jo drops her bloody clothes on the table and goes to grab a needle 22:54 

Allison left the chat 22:55 

Derrick feels himself about to step on nothing but air and steps back quickly as he cries out, "Shit!" 22:56 

Andrea freezes "What??" 22:57 

Derrick: I-I think this ends at a cliff... I nearly fell... 22:57 

Derrick kneels down and reaches down over the edge, feeling nothing. 22:58 

Andrea takes a couple steps forward and finds the edge of the cliff 22:58 

Jo continues looking for a needle 22:58 

Andrea: Oh wow. Are you alright? 22:59 

Derrick grabs a rock and throws it down, not hearing a noise until a long time afterwards when it hits the floor below. 23:00 

Derrick: Oh, yeah. Nearly plummeted to my death, but I'm just grand... 23:00 

Andrea: How wide do you think it is? 23:01 

Allison joined the chat 5 seconds ago 23:01 

Allison sets her book down. 23:02 

Brendan sees that the television's turned on to some Capitol junk and turns it off. 23:02 

Derrick: I don't know. 23:03 

Derrick feels around the edge. 23:03 

Allison scrunches her nose. 23:03 

Brendan: You weren't watching that, were you? 23:04 

Andrea: Be careful, Derrick. 23:04 

Allison: no, I dont really care. All it does is remind me of my dad. 23:05 

Derrick: Well, I don't expect you to kick me off the edge and I'm not suicidal, so I think I should be okay, Andrea. 23:05 

Brendan nods. "That's understandable." 23:05 

Andrea rolls her eyes and keeps her arms crossed "Whatever" 23:06 

Derrick stands up and steps away from the edge. "I really have no idea how we'd be able to get down, though." 23:08 

Andrea shivers because it's getting pretty cold 23:10 

Jo heads to the living room to look for a needle 23:10 

Derrick hears a low growl. 23:11 

Allison stands up and straightens out her dress. 23:13 

Jo walks into the living room 23:14 

Brendan: That looks really great on you, by the way. 23:14 

Jo: Have y'all seen a needle anywhere? 23:14 

Derrick steps closer to Andrea. "Did you hear that?" 23:14 

Allison blushes. "Thanks!" 23:15 

Andrea's eyes widen and nods. "Uh huh..." 23:15 

Allison hears a voice and turns around. 23:15 

Brendan glances at the girl that just walked in. 23:15 

Allison raises an eye brow. "No..." 23:16 

Derrick grabs Andrea's arm and starts pushing her. "Go to the door and stay as close to it as possible." 23:16 

Andrea: What are you doing?? 23:17 

Andrea starts going to the door like she was told but glances back at Derrick. 23:18 

Jo: Dang. If you see one can you let me know? 23:20 

Jo: Have I met you two before? 23:21 

Brendan: I don't think so. My name is Brendan. 23:21 

Jo: Hi Brendan, call me Jo 23:21 

Allison shakes her head. "My name is Allison" holds out her hand. 23:21 

Jo shakes Allison's hand "Call me Jo" 23:21 

Brendan: Nice to meet you, Jo. 23:22

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