Levi x Reader One-Shots [DISC...

By kuroyukihimee

347K 8K 4.1K

Important More

Levi x Pregnant!Reader
Levi x Avain!Reader
OverProtective!Levi x Reckless!Reader
Vampire!Levi x Reader
Author's Note
Levi x Possesed!Reader
Levi x Dying!Reader
Author's Note
Levi x Possesed!Reader Pt.2
Author's Note
Dead!Levi x Reader
I'm needing Ideas!
Levi x Equal!Reader
Levi x Pregnant!Reader
Yandere!Levi x Reader
Author's Note
Christmas Special
Christmas Special #2
Merry Christmas!!!
New Year Update
New Year Special
10 facts about me
Comedy One-shot!
Author's Note: I'm sorry
Levi x Singer!Reader
Gamer!Levi x Gamer!Reader
Sick!Levi x Reader
Levi x Popular!Reader (AU)
Valentine's Special
Levi x ShySinger!Reader
Author's Note: WAIT!
Author's Note: Let's take a break
Author's Note: This will end here
Father!Levi x Mother!Reader
Author's Note: Yes or No? Also, HELP!!!
Author's Note: I'm Inlove... Ohgosh..
Author's Note: Surprise!
Author's Note: Forgive Me
Author's Note: It's My birthday
An Alarming Event
OlderBrother!Levi x LittleSister!Reader: Lemon
Author's Note: Thank you ♥
Author's Note: Read this
It's Over isn't it?
Yo! It's My Birthday!

Teacher!Levi x Student!Reader

12.2K 299 503
By kuroyukihimee

Requested by Sakomi

(A/N: I've decided that Levi will be your math teacher! Cause not everybody loves math >u< So if you like (love) levi. You'll love his math ;D)

Your name is (Y/N) (L/N), you were always second in the rank of all your subjects, either your friends mikasa, eren, hanji or jean were always ahead of you in other subjects. Connie is 1st in History. Armin is 1st in English. Christa is 1st in Arts. Eren and Jean tied score in Physical Education so they're both 1st. Sasha is 1st in T.L.E .And Mikasa is 1st in Science. So far, the only thing that they can't beat you in is Math.

(A/N: Bestie babes! Here's your list of teachers so you won't get mixed up)

Math - Levi Ackerman

Science - Hanji Zoe

History - Erwin Smith

(just random teachers from here:p)

T.L.E. - Jeanina Hiro

MAPEH - Lovely Ryokas

English - Redel Ienaga
. . .

Amd now, 5 minutes left before science ends and math is next. Your last subject for the day. Ms. Zoe was now asking quetions based on his topic for the day, and you really hoped this would get over since you want to see your favorite teacher now.

" Now, what are the ways to mitigate climate change?... Yes, Mikasa?"

" Increase carbon sequestration and conservation, Use of Bioenergy, Reduce of changed fertilizer use, anaerobic digestion of wastes and Improved energy efficiency"

"Very Good as always I see, Mikasa... Now" Hanji scanned through the last row "(Y/N)?"

'Well, shit...' You thought as you stood up "Yes Ma'am?"

"What're the effects of climate change?"

You took a deep breath trying to exhale the large shyness building up in you, fast. " Shrinking Ice sheets, Sea level rise, Depletion of Biodiversity, Ocean Acidification and Extreme Wea--" You didn't hear the bell ring because of your nervousness, having the whole have to stare at you. You only noticed the time when the door busted open... And your favorite teacher walked in

"Shitty Glass, your overtiming..." Levi said

"ther" you silently finished your sentence

" Sorry, I just had to let Miss (Y/N) finish her answer"

"Tch, fine"

Hanji l fixed her things

"Well, Good bye Class and bye shorty" Before she went out, but before she was at the door you all stood up

"Tch... Skank" Levi muttered

"Good bye and thank you Ma'am Zoe. Good Afternoon Sir Ackerman"

"Take a seat" Levi said as he scanned through the page of  his book

You all took a seat and you quietly pulled out your notebook and book

"Now, We're on a new topic now"

Everybody in the classroom began whispering to each other

"We're gonna move to trigonometry now. It's hard so you better listen well brats"

They all answered 'yes' while you just nodded

"Now first, let's strt with the basics... Trigonometric ratios"

~Time Skip~

"So those are the ways to determine a right triangle's missing side, either it's the hypotenuse, shorter leg or longer leg that is missing"

The bell suddenly rang

"And that's it for today brats. Your dismissed"

You all stood up

"Good bye and thank you Sr. Ackerman" With that, you, mikasa, eren, jean and christa went out together, chatting all about random things

~Time Skip~

You were all at Mcdo, enjoying the evening. When you were all done eating, you all went your seperate ways. It was already pretty dark, but you were confident that you won't get scolded since hanging out with your friends are sorta your parent's reward for you, for being an obidient student.

You were walking back home when suddenly, you came across a small group of drunkards. You stared at the pavements and decided to walk past them but they blocked your way.

"Ummm, excuse me" You muttered, loud enough for them to hear as you looked on the other side of the road, still not facing them

"Hey there miss"

"Would you like to come with us? We'll make you feel like heaven"

"Hey look at us"

You saw them -since you were still facing down- took a step forward and you stepped 2 steps backwards.

They snickered

"Afraid eh?"

You were suddenly pulled roughly and your chin was roughly faced upwards to clearly look at them. You were really getting afraid now, the thought of being raped and left in a dump scared you.

"Hm? Hey, your pretty cute. We'll take our time with ya, won't we guys?"

You saw them all have the same faces on. And you bet, they all have the same thoughts too.

You felt your eyes get watery. When one of the man's hand travelled up your shirt, and their bare hands touched your waist. You were frozen in fear and tears fell out of your eyes (A/N: They're still holding your chin upwards, okay?)

"Someone... Please help... Me" You whispered

You were suddenly pulled backwards before you heard a punch a scream before you landed on the cold pavement...

You quickly covered your face with your hands as the tears came non-stop. You were hearing several ounches and groanings but you were to scared that now you were sitting on your  opened knees. Like a damsel in distress

"Hey... (Y/N), Are you okay?" That voice... It couldn't be...

"You can stop crying you know, brat"

Your eyes widened before you slowly looked up...


"Tch, call me levi when we're not in school"

You felt like it was really inappropriate, but he was your teacher and it was his orders... Sooooo, no choice...

"What're you doing out so late at night?" He asked

He extended his hands towardsyou and you shyly took it... His hands... It was so soft yet warm at the same time...

"U-ummm, we ate at Mcdo, sir"

"By we, you mean?"

"My friends"

"Jaeger and the others?"

You nodded. A short silence filled the both of you.

"Were you hurt?"


Levi kept staring at you while you looked at the sideway and blushed uncomfortably. Before you knew it, Levi had pulled you into a hug.

"S-sir?!" You stuttered

Luckily, it was already dark so there weren't any people around at all at your part

"Thank goodness... Your alright.." You heard your teacher mutter

You knew this was wrong... But, what is so wrong of loving your teacher. Age doesn't matter anyways, same goes with positions.


"Yes, levi" You almost stuttered as you said his name, it almost felt like a new and odd word for you...

"Find the missing I in Triangle L, U, V and Triangle Y, O, U... What is their perimeter?"

You blushed harder

"U-ummm, etoh... They don't have numerals"

"So, What word does it form?"

"I-i Love y-you" You stuttered

"I love you too (Y/N) (L/N)"

"Eh?" you said, shocked that you crush and favorite teacher ACTUALLY loved you back!

You felt your heartbeat quicken

"Your heart is beating fast, Miss (L/N). Does that mean you love me too?"

You nodded as you buried you red face in his soft scarf and trench coat.

"Well then, since you love me... You wouldn't mind me doing this"

Levi pulled away from the hug and quickly kissed you. It was short though...

"Levi..." You said before you kissed him again, this time, longer. You felt levi smirk but you payed no mind to it... You finally found the final answer to your equation!

I wonder what'll happen if they meet uo again tommorow, right? XD I bet you babes are so curious! What's that? You want to know? Wellllllll, alright!

You went home, luckily your parents still doesn't come home in 2 and a half hours so you had time to squel your kiligness in your room

~Time Skip~
'Well, shit you levi! I forgot to alarm because of you! Not that i regret it... But still' You thought as you ran to your classroom. "And math is the first subject now... Shit" You whispered with a slight of yell

You stood infront of the door and arranged yourself. You knocked on the door 3 times and opened it...

"Sorry I'm late sir!" You said as you looked at him with a blush decorating your cheeks. You saw levi smirk before you looked to the other side of the classroom.

"Very well, take a seat then Miss (L/N)"

~Time Skip~

Levi gave you a long seatwork to where you would solve each triangle by getting it's ratio and value. Levi walked around the classroom, observing. When he came across to you, he gave you a slip of paper:

"Meet me at the school backyard after school"

You looked at him and nodded before you quickly turned back to answering the seatwork. Levi then, leaned near your ear and whispered

"Why were you late? Did you dreamed about me (Y/N)?"

You blushed deeper and levi slightly chuckled quietly

"Alright brats! Copy the given and I'll make it as an assignment so that you'll have enough time to answer all of it correctly!"

Levi narrowed his eyes towards you before you sent a small glare towards him...

Still you didn't regret anything, knowing that, that noon, Levi was such a sweetheart to you

Awwwwww!!! So did ya like it? Did ya? I'm absent in school now so I didn't had anything to do... So i just updated this :) Hope you enjoyed it! I'm gonna need a few requests again ok? Oh! And thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much for all the votes and comments! I really appreciate it! I really do! Well, I'm sleepy now! Ja~ne!

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