By temanguby

347K 11.5K 654

Interpol agent, Melissa Dlamini is playing wicked games with the wrong man. Forced to go undercover and bring... More



6.1K 184 29
By temanguby

Seventeen years later

"You did not have to be that harsh love." I said, my arms circling around his neck pulling him closer as he stared at me trying but failing to stay mad, his arms quick to circle around my waist.

"She just..." He trailed off looking away as he shook his head.

"I know baby but you should understand that she has been locked up in the house all her life. We should consider letting her go for varsity."

His head shot back up nearly making me laugh. Seith was so sexy especially when he was playing papa bear. I still don't know how he knew I was pregnant before I even knew. I shook my head staring at him, my hand stroking his ear watching as his eyes filled with lust sending me over the edge. I could never get enough of this man.

I bit my lower lip feeling young again as I blushed, a rumble from his chest made me yelp nearly purring, soaked to no end him always having this effect on me.

"Did I tell you how sexy you look, the mother of my children. I should take you right here, right now and see if we can jump on baby number three."

How could I stay sane when he said such things leaving me pooling for him, holding on tight, our lips so close we were breathing the same air. His breath fanned my skin leaving it tingling, wanting nothing more than his touch.

Seventeen years of pure happiness. Seventeen years filled with nothing but laughter and love. How had we been so lucky, thinking back to our official wedding day. It had been so glorious, it being the largest and most beautiful wedding of the century. I blushed as he claimed my lips, claiming them as if it was the first time, my body coming undone as my limbs gave out but he was there to hold me, grabbing me and pulling me up as my legs wrapped around his waist.

Lord I loved this man, my heart still drumming the same beat it had seventeen years earlier. Nothing could tear us apart. Nothing could begin to explain the love I had for this man.

"Mom! Dad!" The voice came, my heart having a stroke as I jumped off, my feet touching the ground quick to look away, my face red and burning, my face buried deep in Seith's chest.

"You guys are so gross." That are teenagers for you.

"Derick what do you want and what happened to knocking?" Seith asked sure to be livid at the boy who sounded to not be bothered by his father's tone.

"Sorry dad but you should lock your door you know. Well the guests are here. You can't be late to your own dinner." Derick said, the door closed mentioning that he was gone, pulling my head up only to burst out laughing, my hand to my chest where my heart drummed as if it would escape me.

"That boy will give me a heart attack I swear and let us not start on Lethu. I should ground her until she turns thirty." Seith said making me laugh.

"At some point we will have to let them go and live their lives Hun. We can't lock them up forever." I said fixing his t-shirt.

"But I don't want to." He said, pouting, looking so cute making me laugh.

"I know Hun but we have to." I said as he nod his head, looking deep in thought, the matter that someday Derick and Lethu would move out of the house keeping him up at night.

He pulled me in again, his head leaning down as he captured my lips in his the kiss having my toes curl as I clung onto him. My smile went wide knowing that tonight it was definitely going down.

"Let's go love." I said pulling back getting a protest from the big all bear, he was so cute making me ruffle his hair up to make him look dangerous and so sexy. I bit my lip, groaning not wanting to let go but having to. Seith had completely changed, I am talking about three sixty, well, when it comes to us anyway. He made me feel special every day, letting us all know how he loved us to death. I shook my head, thinking of the magical past seventeen years. It seemed like we have all just been riding in a wave, happy really.

"Yeah," He said giving me one last kiss before tucking me under his wing leading the way out of the room. We walked past the brightly lit rooms. There were no guards inside the house. The house was just small to have guards walking around.

We walked into the elevator, the doors about to close as the voice and quick feet came running.

"Hold it please."

I put my hand up as the doors went back opening wide giving view to my beautiful daughter-Lethu who was just growing too fast. The girl had her father's looks and height. She was practically the female version of him. The confidence and power just poured out from her, telling us of all the great things she would do.

The red short dress she wore hugged her body like a glove showing off her curves which she should not be having at such a young age. What is happening these days, teenagers looked like twenty year olds. I shook my head not liking this.

She stepped in, standing just in front of us looking down knowing what she had done, shame and guilt eating away at her. The girl had just been cat fished, falling victim to men who wanted to cut her up sending her pieces back to us. I shook my head at this looking at her father who was heaving, livid with the girl who had tried running away just a few hours ago.

"Mom and dad," She took a deep breath, turning to face us, her caramel skin red while she fumbled with her hands.

"I am so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. It was just, I don't know. I am sorry to cause so much trouble and pain."

She looked down, the tears brimming in her eyes.

My beautiful poor girl. I sneaked out from Seith's arms, wrapping mine around her, grabbing her frail body to mine holding on tight. My family was my world and after Grandma passed away five years ago I had held them even closer wanting to treasure all the time I had with them.

The elevator opened and Seith was first to dash out, shaking with anger just about to blow up really. Our heads snapped up watching him dash away to the living room, my heart aching as the little girl broke down.

"He hates me now mom." Her voice broke, her body shaking.

"No he doesn't baby. He is just hurt that is all, you were about to run away and we would have lost you love. It's just painful to think of, give him some time." I said cooing her as she nod her head.

"I am so sorry," I gave her a squeeze. The girl had a heart of gold always thinking the best of people. How had we been so lucky? This had been the first time she had done something like this and it had shocked us to no end yet looking at her now I could see how she had learned a lesson.

"It's okay baby, come let's go eat. I made your favourite."

She peeked up smiling, wiping away her tears.


"Yes baby, and guess who is here!" I shot out for her seeing her light up like the moon it being so cute really. Her crush was known to us all and what not to do but invite our dear young friend to cheer everyone up after such a dreadful day.

"Now please don't joke like this, o.m.g I need to change mom and put make up. He can't see me like this." She scrambled, already hitting the elevator button over and over again.

"Don't be dramatic, come on." I said, pushing her out.

Teenagers, I shook my head as we walked with her tucked in my arms.

"Mom, Stop please, you making me look like a baby. I am a grown woman now you can't just hold me in such a way. I love your hugs but he is here and I have to seem mature." She said, the whole ordeal about before long forgotten. I shook my head laughing as I let her out of my grasp seeing her smoothen out her dress clearing her voice.

We walked into the living room where everyone already sat, my eyes falling of Seith who was pouring himself a glass of wine.

"Me too dad," It was Derick pushing his own glass.

"Don't test me. You kids both should be grounded if it was up to me. Grounded for life." Seith shot back nodding his head finding pleasure in his words.

"What did Lethu do now?" Derick asked raising an eyebrow.

"She tried to run away!" Seith shot out, his voice accusing with Lethu bowing her head down in shame. I rolled my eyes watching the little firecracker shoot up.

"She did what! Lethu are you fuck'n crazy. I will ground you myself. No going out of that room of yours for five years. What were you thinking?" Derick stated, his father quick to nod his head agreeing with his son.

"You can't do that, mom! He can't do that!" Lethu screamed turning to look at me panic all in her eyes. These children were just always at each other yet the love they had was something else.

I sighed it being too early for this kind of drama.

"No one is grounding anyone. Lethu has learned her lesson and that is that." I stated taking a seat next to Seith, the food brimming with the delicious smell making my mouth water.

"Thank you mom, you got that Derick, leave me alone." Lethu shot back as I rolled my eyes knowing this bickering will go on for hours.

"Mom you can't do that!" It was Derick this time as I sighed.

"Guys pay respect, we have a guest in our table." I spoke out looking over at Seith who was just nodding his head, whispering something to his son both of them nodding their heads.

What were they scheming about now?

You could never say that Derick was adopted, he was ours, we loved him to death and dreaded the day we would have to tell him the truth. Seith took him everywhere he went. The two were inseparable. I shook my head not wanting to even think about it. The boy was as impulsive and stubborn as his maternal father, who knows how he would lash out.

"Rafael sorry for watching all that." I sighed as the boy who was not more than twenty-three stood up walking around the table giving me a kiss on the cheek with a hug. My heart ached for him. His father who had been an ally of ours died just about a few years ago leaving chaos behind him. Everyone knew of the hate he carried for his son, the bastard did nothing but talk about the abomination of a son he had. I grabbed on his shoulder giving him a squeeze. He was a valued family friend.

He pulled up as I stared at him, surely looks could deceive. The boy looked beyond his age, wisdom only learned through experience showed off him. His body was as if he grew up in a ring but of course he had.

"Always a pleasure to sit with all of you, feels at home." He said, his charm and witty mouth surely to get him far.

"So happy to have you." I said as he pulled back walking over to Lethu who was so still you would think she would faint. I smiled watching them, her chest rising up and down as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Lethu," He simply said, my daughter surely to faint any moment.


Seith hoped for an alliance between the two yet I on the other hand was sceptic. The boy had gone through so much and you never know what that does to a person yet we would have to wait and see what fate had in store.

Rafael walked back around, taking his seat.

"I have been dreaming about your cooking Melissa." He said taking a gulp of wine.

"You have been dreaming about my wife's food?" Seith asked, Rafael quick to choke on his wine, eyes shooting out as he shook his head the whole table bursting in laughter.

"No, I mean..."he fell out of words, going quiet.

"It's Okay Rafael just messing with you. I would be disappointed if you didn't. She can do her thing. Anyway how has the business been going? I heard the Rogarou boy gave back all the territories."

"No business talk in the table boys. Do that in your study." I scolded all of them as they said their sorries, a smile gracing my face.

Everyone began dishing up, conversation picking up again, my eyes moving over the table not being able to help the smile on my face. This was my family and I was the luckiest woman to ever walk the earth.

I sighed, Seith squeezing my hand only to give me a kiss on the cheek as I blushed never getting used to his affection.

"eewwhhh guys!" Both Derick and Lethu shot up as we all burst out laughing never been happier in my life.

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