Shortcomings - A Moonsun Shor...

By Maryyyy_00

4.3K 64 8

Moonbyul and Yongsun is together for years now, but they're still not official to Yongsun's parents. There an... More

9 (2)
for now


366 5 0
By Maryyyy_00

Yong POV

I wake up because of the sunlight beaming into my eyes, it felt strange no one is hugging me closely. I opened my eyes and didn't saw Byul, where is she?

"Byul-ah~ Byul-ah!"

"Morning, babe. I'm here in the kitchen!" She answered back, okay.

I wrapped myself with the bathrobe Byul put in near my pillow, and decided to do my morning routine. After, I grab my phone and went out to see what's Byul doing.

I'm shocked as I saw Seulgi, Byul's dongsaeng. I thought she went home yesterday, I greeted her my good morning and she greeted me back. And ofcourse the hamster hugged me, and pecked at my lips.

"I thought Seulgi--"

"Noona, she waked me up early and fetch me.." Seulgi said complaining about her sister, I slightly slapped Byul's arm.

"She can't do anything, I'm the noona." Byul said giggling.

"What are you making?" I asked.

"Byul-noona, wanted to bake some cookies but we both know she may burned this kitchen or even the whole complex." Seulgi answered, and she got a glaring Byul which made her hide behind my back. These cutie sisters.

"It should be a surprise but you spilled it." Byul said, pulling my arm to get me away from Seulgi and backed hug me putting her head on my shoulder. Seulgi just rolled her eyes to tease how possesive her sister is.

"I wanted to make something personal, not just the gifts that we bought." She's really so much, to the point that she even want to bake.

"But Seulgi is the one making it, not you" I teased her and Seulgi is laughing loudly.

"True. True." And we are now teasing Byul that made her pout. I pecked at her lips and saw other things on the counter table.

"What is this?" I said before checking them out and saw Korean Meat Set, Red Ginseng, Korean Traditional tea set, and some health supplements. I glared at her, she's spending too much now. It's not good.

"Babe?" I looked at her and pulled her to the bedroom to talk privately.

"Wae~yo?" She asked before entering the bedroom.

"Is that for my parents?" She just nod.

"You're spending too much now, it's not good even if it's for my parents." I told her, she's now looking at the floor.

"I just want to impress your parents, Yongsun. I'll be meeting them for the first time as your girlfriend, babe." With that I hold her chin to make her look at me.

"I'm sorry. I understand where you're coming but promise me this is the first and last time you're spending that much." I leaned to give her a passionate kiss, we stayed there for minutes and decided to break off before we do something even though Seulgi is in the kitchen.

"Yes madam, let's go out now before Seulgi think of other things." She said giggling and went back to the kitchen to be Seulgi's right hand in baking.

It's already 2pm and I decided to prepare now for our early dinner. After taking a bath, I called Byul who's watching in the living room to tell her It's her turn now.

I went to the dressing room to wear the clothes that I prepared yesterday. As I was dressing up, I saw the hickeys from yesterday's love making. Thank god i'm wearing a long sleeve top that will cover the marks in my breast, where i'm concerned is the one near my abs. I decided to put a concealer to it, hope mom doesn't notice it later.

Byul knocked and entered wearing a bathrobe, she saw me putting some make up to my hickey. "I'm sorry" she said giggling, and now wearing her undergarments.

I went to her and slightly pulled the string of her bathrobe, "Should I give you one also?" I leaned towards her neck and gave it small kisses. "In here?" before I licked it. She hold my waist and slightly pushed me getting away from me. I really love teasing her, she shows her nose crinkling smile.

"Stop it unnie. We'll be late if you continue that." She said begging me not to tease her. keke

After finishing my light make up, I plugged in the clothes steamer to straighten Byul's jacket and suit. She's now busy drying her blonde hair.

"Yong texted me, she said we should fetch her by 4 so that we can catch the sunset while having dinner." She just answered me, Arasso~. I can feel that she's now nervous.

I wore my Adidas long sleeve top partnered with a Reebok Vector Velour pants and classic black converse. I also get the 'SELL ROMANTIC' cap. Byul wore the clothes that stylist-unnie and I chose for her.

We're now on our way to fetch Yonghee-unnie, and I'm the one driving Byul's car because she's now spacing out beside me.

"Hey" I called her out twice. She looked at me and slightly smiled.

"Don't be nervous, they won't eat you alive, baby" I said reaching for her hand while it's still stop.

"Byul-ah. Are you ready?" Unnie said while fixing her seatbelt teasing Byul whose quiet beside me.

"Unnie, don't scare her." I said it's not helping Byul.

The ride is smooth and these two is teasing each other, it took us an hour to arrive. Before going out of the car.

"Yah! Byul-ah are you nervous? This is the first time, huh." Starting to tease her again.

"Yong~" Byul said looking at me whining because unnie is starting to tease her again. I just chuckled at her and went out to stretch.

Byul went to get the gifts that she bought and we help her carry it, because it's really a lot and quite heavy.

"Why did you bring too much??" Yonghee said complaining she's carrying the tea set and health supplements. Byul just chuckled and said thanks.

Dad opened the front door, and Byul atutomatically bowed at him and he just gave a nod helping us carry the gifts and went inside.

"Is he mad?" Byul asked nervously looking at me.

"Aniyo~" I hold her hand to ease her nervousness. I'm nervous too, babe.

We went inside and Dad said that the rooftop is now set, and go directly there. We went upstairs and saw mom, eyeing Byul and back to our interwined hands. I said my Hello~ and smiled a little, we still didn't talk since the day that I went out to her. I think she's still disappointed at me.

Byul bowed down before sitting next to me, in our front is Mom and Yonghee, and Dad is sitting at the end of the table.

"Omma, Appa. This is my long time girlfriend, Byul." I started before this gets awkward.

"Annyeonghaseyo~ I'm Moon Byul Yi" Byul said bowing down formally. Aist she will hurt her back now.

"We know." Mom said full of sarcasm, I just looked at her and slightly squeezed Byul's hand.

"What should I call you? Adul (son) or Attul (daughter)?" Dad asked that made Yonghee laugh.

"Appa,what are you saying?" Yonghee said back

"Whatever you like, abeonim (father)" Byul answered back.

Dad chose 'Byul' and started to tell stories of me and Yonghee when we're young, and Mom is just looking at us, I can't read her expression. I noticed that Byul is not eating normal, she's eating less than her usual self. I decided to put some on her plate and she looked at me saying she's full.

"Yah! Eat more." I said using my stern voice.

"Yeah, you're eating little, is the food not delicious?" Yonghee said teasing her again.

"Aniyo~ Aniyo~" Byul deny faster and looked at Yonghee-noona. Noona just laughed at her.

"Yonghee, don't tease Byul. I can feel her nervousness here." Dad said teasing Byul too.

Byul just laughed and looked at me. I don't know what to do too. kekekeke

Mom asked a few questions after eating, that made Byul tightly hold my hand. Questions like:

Are you really sure about Yongsun?

What are your parents like, I heard you have dogs?

Do you plan on marrying her? That made me choked up my food, didn't know she's interested in that. Byul said of course, if I want too we can get married in open countries like Hawaii or New Zealand.

How about babies?

"Mom, please stop." I said at her. Yonghee doesn't know what to do also, we didn't know she's this toooo much interested huh.

"Uhmm.. If Yongsun-unnie wants we can do IVF treatment or adopt. Whatever unnie decides to." She answered squeezing my hand. Amazed is seen on my face now, wow didn't know she's planning about our future now.

"That's expensive, right?" Byul nodded and giggle a little easing the tension.

"Can you provide for my Yongsun? Do you have other works?" Mom continueing her Q & A section with Byul.

"Omma, she doesn't need to provide for me. I have money too." I said to her, Noona and Dad just laughed at me. "She have many featured songs, and credited as lyricist even to other artists, omma. This girl is getting paid off even she's having her break, Mom"
I said proudly, well that's my hamster.

"I do have investments too, eomonim." Byul added.

"Ohh creadited, How many do you have?" Mom asked getting curious.

"Uhmm, I don't know the exact number, eomonim. But the last time I checked around....60" Daebak~ noona looked at me amazed. I'm amazed too, didn't know she had that many that's why she's okay spending money huh.

"Yongsun, how many do you have?" Dad asked.

"Me?.... 20 something" That's what I know.

"Wow~ Byul-ah you're making tons of money but you're always staying at our home. I thought you're homeless." Yonghee said that made me and Byul chuckled.

We decided to go down because it's getting chilly now as the night deepens. Yonghee, Byul, and I cleaned up making Byul the one to wash the dishes, yes I'm saved. Yonghee is still teasing Byul about her credited songs, and saying she did great at answering mom's question that made Byul giggle.

After cleaning the rooftop, we went down to the living room saw that mom and daw is watching the television.

Dad called me and asked about the branded paper bags that is in the corner, I chuckled because he said he and mom really wanted to open it, they're just waiting for us.

"Byul, bought that. Not me, you're into branded things now, huh." I said giggling at what he said.

"Byul-ah!" I called Byul who's with Yonghee checking the photos in the hallway.

"Dad wants to ask something." I felt a smacked on my arm. And saw Byul going here.

"Not me, it's your omma yongsun." Now they're pointing fingers. kekekekeke

"They're asking what those paperbags are." I said to Byul who's confused, and pointed at the gifts she prepared.

"Ohhh... they're my gifts eomonim and abunim." Byul said and started kneeling formally to to give the gifts. Yonghee went to the living room also, handing me and appa a beer. We're sitting on the floor and, mom and dad is sitting on the sofa leaning forward curios to Byul's gift.

"This is for eomonim." Byul handed the paperbag with respect. "Abeonim and of course Yonghee-unnie." She said giving them the paperbags and introducing also the other things that she bought, but they're more interested in the Gucci.

"Daebak~ you're spending to much, do you still have money? " Yonghee said paraising and teasing at the same time. Byul chuckled and signaling 'no' with her head that made me and noona laughed.

That night we watched a movie, it has been our family tradition to watch one or two movies when where complete as a family bonding. We decided to watch the recent horror movie, Mom and Dad relaxing in the sofa with Yonghee, while me and Byul is sitting on the carpeted floor.

"Yong~ wear this." She whispered as she take off her jacket giving it to me. I looked at her asking why?. "It's already smudged." Pertaining to the make up on my hickeys, they're quiet visible now. I let it rest on my shoulder, it's also getting cold because of the a/c.

I was holding Byul's hand tightly because it was getting scary now,

"Unnie, let go." She whispered at me pulling her hand.

"I'm scared!!" I screamed at her which made her flustered, and she started laughing.

"You're the one who suggested this movie, unnie. kekeke"

"I told you to hold my hand!! Hold it tightly!" I said that made the whole family laugh.

This should be a five chapter story but ideas is coming at me while I write. keke
Maybe a 7 chapter? But it would be less than 10. hehe

Give love juseyo~~ Thanksss

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