The Girl in the Turquoise Sho...

By LaughA-Lot

16.1K 611 201

Gabe Morales IM5 Fan-Fic More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12. *Part 2*
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28 *Part 1*
Chapter 28 *Part 2*
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31 *Part 1*
Chapter 31 *Part 2*
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.

Chapter 12. *Part 1*

356 15 3
By LaughA-Lot

~Autumn's P.O.V.~
Allie and I drove to Cole's house. Along the way there was a car accident, so there was traffic. I hope we don't get there too late.

~Gabe's P.O.V.~
It's already 8:00 and Autumn isn't here yet. I'm starting to think she isn't coming.

"Hey, do you know where Autumn is?" I asked Cole.

"Wait! They didn't come yet? Allie said they were going to be here. I really hope Allie comes." Cole said looking worried.

"And Autumn...." I said looking at Cole.

"Yeah, yeah." He said walking away. I need to know if she is coming or not. If she doesn't, I will have the lamest night ever. I need to call her. I took out my phone and put in her number.
A: "Hello?"
G: "Hey Autumn."
A: "Oh, hey Gabe, what do you need?"
G: "Are you coming to the party?"
A: "Yes Gabe. I am."
G: "Are you sure?"
A: "Yes, we are just in traffic."
G: "Okay. But are you positive?"
A: "Gabe... I promise you that I will be there. Don't worry. I promise."
G: "Okay, but,"
A: "Gabe, I promise. I promise a thousand times. Do you believe me?"
G: "Yes."
A: "Good. Now I'll see you later, okay?"
G: "Okay."
A: "Okay, don't have too much fun without me yet."
G: "Oh, I won't."
A: "Okay, bye."
G: "Bye."
I hope she gets here quick.

~Allie's P.O.V.~
"What was that all about?" I asked Autumn when she got off the phone.

"Nothing, it was just Gabe." She told me putting her phone into her purse. I know she has feelings for Gabe, I just know it. She may be tough but she has a soft side. And I'm going to activate it. I have my ways.

~Autumn's P.O.V.~
I just saw Allie have one of those 'I have a plan' faces. Now I'm getting really scared.


We finally got to Coles house. It looked like a was full of people. Man, this guys seriously knows how to throw a party! We got off the car and I felt butterfly's in my stomach.

"Are you ok Autumn?" Allie asked me.

"Yeah. You go ahead, I just need some fresh air." I told her. She nodded and headed towards the front door. I opened the car and sat inside for a while. I decided to go on my social media to calm me down so I did. I didn't notice that I only had 20% of battery. So I just wanted to be on my phone until it died, and I'll ask Cole if I can borrow his charger. So I did. I played games and watched videos, and checked my social media.

~Cole's P.O.V.~
I was with the boys when I heard the door open and close. I went to see who it was. When I saw who it was, my mouth dropped. It was Allie and she looked amazing. She saw me and walked towards me. I felt my heart beating faster and faster.

"Hey Cole." She said to me.

"Hey Allie, you look nice." I said to her.

"Thank you so much Cole, you look very handsome." She said with a smile. I knew I had to make a move.

"Thanks. We are over here follow me." I said than I grabbed her hand.

"Hey, guys." Allie said to the boys.

"Hey Allie." They all said.

"Where's Autumn?" Gabe asked her. Then Allie looked at me. She pulled me to the side.

"Autumn stayed outside because she was nervous, well she looked nervous." Allie told me. I nodded in okay and we went back to the boys. Then Gabe's girlfriend came.

~Allie's P.O.V.~
Wait! No! Gabe can't have a girlfriend. I know Autumn likes him and if she sees them together or she finds out, she is going to be heart broken. Then all hell broke loose and Autumn came in.

"Hey Cole, can I borrow your charger?" She asked Cole. I think she noticed the girl that was all over Gabe. She just looked away from where Gabe was standing.

"Hey my big sis!" Dana said to Autumn.

"Hey my little bro!" Autumn says hugging Dana. Then after that she hugged Will and said hey to him, and he did the same. Then she turned to Gabe.

"Hi." She said awkwardly to Gabe.

"Hey." Gabe said to her the same way. Then she turned back to Cole and I.

"Oh yeah hey Cole," she says then hugs him. "So, I need to borrow your charger my phone died." She said holding her phone.

"Oh, you can use it. It's in my room. Second door to the left upstairs." Cole responded. Autumn nodded and headed upstairs.

I would go with her, but I felt like she wanted to be alone.

~Autumn's P.O.V.~
I went up to Cole's room and looked for his charger. I found it and put my phone to charge. I couldn't think straight so I just sat on Cole's bed. Does Gabe have a girlfriend? Does he really just think of me as a friend? Why did I fall for him? Why?! I started getting angry with my confusion. I couldn't take it anymore. I bursted into tears. I cried silently while the tears rushed down my face. I grabbed a tissue and dried my tears but the tears kept coming down. So I cried and cried and cried, but in silence.
Hello. Thank you guys for the reads. I hope you guys liked it. Vote and Comment! Thanks. Bye, until next time.

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