
Autorstwa varchie4you

61.3K 1.7K 507

Veronica loved Archie more than ever and she already saw herself getting married to him some day in the futur... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 27

1.5K 47 14
Autorstwa varchie4you

Archie is biting his nails. Betty just called. She's in the hospital with Veronica and Hermione. The baby is coming and he's stuck in traffic with Valerie.

"Daddy are you okay?" Valerie asks quietly.

"Uhm yes princess. Just a little nervous. When you were born I was at the hospital in time"

"I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault sweetheart"

"Yes it is" she mumbles "To pick me up from school you had to leave mommy. So it is my fault"

"Valerie Victoria Lodge soon Andrews, it's not your fault. Stop saying that! It was mommy's wish to stay at home and it was my choice to leave her, okay?"

"Okay daddy"

Archie sighs. With ever passing second he gets more nervous. He looks at his watch. It's been 20 minutes since Betty called. The hospital is only a mile away and by now walking would probably be faster. So Archie pulls onto a Walmart parking lot. He helps Valerie out of the car and starts walking while holding his daughter's hand.

"Daddy slowly down. I can't walk that fast" Valerie whines while she tries to keep up with Archie. He sighs and picks her up before he starts running. Just a couple minutes later he reaches the hospital, out of breath and sweaty.

When he stands in front of Veronica's room, he sets Valerie down and grabs her hand. "Sweetheart, mommy may be crying or screaming okay? I just want you to be prepared"

"Why is mommy crying?"

"Mommy may be crying. Giving birth is painful my love but don't worry, mommy will be fine. You and auntie Betty will do something fun and the next time you'll see mommy, your baby brother will be here"

Valerie nods before she grabs the door handle and walks into the room. "Mommy!" Valerie smiles.

"Hi sweetie. Where is daddy?"

"Here" Archie says and walks in "I'm so so so sorry baby. We were stuck in traffic so we walked, well run here and -"

"It's okay Archiekins. Just come here"

Betty smiles and places Veronica's hand into his. She pats his back before she walks to Valerie. "Say bye to mommy Val and then we two go have ice cream"

Valerie squeals. She gets on her tiptoes and kisses Veronica's cheek. "Bye mommy"

"Bye honey. I love you"

"I love you too mommy" Valerie giggles before she takes Betty's hand into hers.

"You got this V" Betty laughs. She squeezes Valerie's hand before she takes the little girl out of the room.

Archie kisses Veronica's knuckles a couple of times before he apologizes again. "I'm so so sorry baby"

"Archie it's okay. It's not your fault and you're here now but before anything happens, kiss me"

Archie chuckles and leans down. He kisses her softly when Veronica suddenly bites into his bottom lip.


"Sorry, contraction" she groans.

"How may centimeters?"


"Already?!?" Archie gasps.


"Archie" Hermione grins "calm down honey"

"Y-yes ma'am"

Meanwhile Betty and Valerie reached a little cafe down the street. They share a big bowl of chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and strawberries.
"Are you excited Val?" Betty asks.


"Did mommy and daddy tell you the name?"

"Mhm but I'm not allowed to tell anyone" she grins.

"It was worth a shot" Betty giggles. "Tell me honestly Val, did you want a sister?"

"At first yes but now I'm happy"

"That's nice" Betty smiles "Listen honey, Mommy and daddy will be really busy with the baby at first and the little man probably will get more attention than you but they love you okay? And whenever you need a break, you can always come to my and uncle Jug's place"

"Okay" Valerie smiles.


Sweat and tears run down Veronica's face while she squeezes Archie's hand. She's 10 centimeters dilated and it's time to push. She got an epidural but it still hurts. "Let's have a baby, baby" Archie cheers and kisses Veronica's forehead. She giggles and nods.

"Okay Veronica, are you ready?" the nurse asks.

Veronica nods again. She takes a deep breath before she starts to push. Even though she got the epidural, she can feel her baby. It's feels weird but also kinda good.

"Very good Veronica. Take a deep breath and push again" the nurse smiles.

"You're doing so good Ronnie. I'm proud of you" Archie smiles. He squeezes her hand and kisses her knuckles again. "I love you baby. You don't need to response. I know you're kinda busy right n-"

"Shut up!" Veronica groans which makes Hermione giggle. She's emotional support for Veronica and doesn't want to say much. So her daughter and Archie can enjoy their moment.

The nurse giggles too "just one more time Veronica. Ready to meet your son Mr. Andrews?"

"Born ready!" Archie says. He smiles widely. The last time Veronica saw him this excited was when Valerie was born. He's a perfect father and Veronica is so happy he's the father of her children.

Archie can't wait to hold his son in his arms. He loves babies and he could have 5 more but Veronica will never agree to that. He rubs his thumb over her knuckles, counting the seconds until his son is finally born.

Suddenly he hears a little scream. Tears form in his eyes when he sees the little boy in the nurse's arms.
She places him on Veronica's chest. All the pain is gone and happiness has taken over. Veronica carefully strokes his tiny back while Archie runs his fingers through his red hair. Unlike Valerie, he has a lot of hair. "He's beautiful" Archie whispers.

"He looks just like you" Veronica giggles "his red hair, his hazel brown eyes, his cute little face, it's all you"

Hermione chuckles "Now you both have little mini versions of yourselves"
She leans down and kisses her daughter's head and then her grandson's before she slowly walks backwards towards the door. "I'll leave you three alone"

Veronica smiles and nods before she brings her attention back to her son. "They both have your eyes"

Archie turns to face his wife. He places his free hand on her cheek, rubs her cheekbone with his thumb and kisses her softly. "I love you Ronnie. You're the best"

"I love you too"

The little boy shifts a little on Veronica's chest. Archie holds his finger next to him and he immediately grabs it.

"Hello little Frederick. I'm your daddy. I promise you I will forever love and protect you, no matter what. You're named after an amazing man and I can't wait to see you grow up and be just as amazing as he was" he smiles and places a tiny kiss on his son's hand.

"I'm sure he will be just as amazing as him and you and that's why I think his middle name should be Archiebald"

"Are you serious?" he whispers.

"Mhm, he's your first son and he looks just like you. I think it's perfect"

"I don't have words for how much I love you Ronnie"

She giggles and purses her lips to signal Archie to kiss her. So Archie leans forward and kisses her.

"First son" he grins "does this imply he won't be my last?"

"Shut up Archie" Veronica laughs.


Frederick Archiebald Andrews is just thirty minutes old when his big sister holds him in her arms for the first time. She sits on the bed next to her mom. Her dress matches her brothers little outfit, something Veronica planned for months and she can't get over how cute her kids look.

"He looks like daddy" Valerie giggles.

"I know right"

Valerie carefully pulls his little hat off and runs her fingers through his red hair. It's slightly wavy and Veronica knows it will be curly like Valerie's one day. "He has so much hair" the little girl says.


Valerie leans down and places a soft kiss on her brother's forehead. "I love you Freddie"

"His name is Freddie?" Betty gasps.

"Frederick" Veronica smiles.

"This is so cute" Betty squeals. She plays with Valerie's hair while looking at the little boy.

Just in that moment Hiram and Hermione walk into the room. He smiles widely and walks straight to Veronica. He kisses her head and then looks down to his grandson in Valerie's arms.

"Can I hold him mija?"

"Sure abuelo"

Hiram carefully takes the little boy into his arms. He looks at him for a while before he turns to Archie.
"There actually is one thing you're good at Andrews. You make perfect babies"

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