:Captured: Bakugou x Reader

By Forgotten_Damsel

100K 3.5K 2.5K

Bakugou x Reader Tribal AU When you're suddenly taken away from your home village by force, you find yoursel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

4.8K 182 110
By Forgotten_Damsel


Word Count: 4112

Also special shoutout to @Brownbear626 for all of the amazing artwork they have made for this book so far! Please do check it out :)

Anyways onto the next chapter!



After consoling Mitsuki for a while longer, she slowly returned to her usually spritely self. Once the peppy blonde was back into her usual mood you immediately thanked her for the beautiful piece of artwork she gave to you to which you learned an interesting fact. She had based the design on one of the skirts that they had pillaged from your tribe making the piece the perfect blend of both cultures.

And for you, that fact made the bracelet even more special.

Admiring the silver piece once more, you went back to your own jeweler work becoming engrossed with it, from every turn of metal to gem placement. You were determined to match Mitsuki's work blissfully ignoring the truth that she had years of practice with the craft while you had only had two weeks of experience at best.

The opening of the heavy cloth of the Bakugou household brought with it a shivering coldness. Hearing his heavy steps approaching, you carefully placed your hard work in your bag, hiding from the his curious and observant vermillion eyes. He was always trying to sneak peek of it.

"You know you can't see it, puffer-"

Annoyance that once boiling overturned to ice when you finally gave your attention to the intruder that had entered the abode.


This was bad. Really bad.

It wasn't your secretly lethal pufferfish that had swam into the home.

Instead, it was perhaps the fiercest shark that lurked in the depths of this tribe. A great white that was constantly circling its prey. Waiting for an opportunity to strike. And today, he determined that now was the time to attack.

Those piercing mismatched piercing jewels glowering into you was more than enough to prove it.

"T-Todoroki?" You croaked.

"Todoroki, what brings you here?" Mitsuki piped up as she wiped the table clear. The metal clanging against one another while shining stones rolled to the edges, teetering with the idea of going over and ruining their bright gleam.

"It's dinner and I saw that (L/N) wasn't there yet so I came to collect her." The placid male explained in a matter of fact matter as he rounded the corner catching a random stone from its jump and placing it back on the table.

One of your brows made its own jump, "It's dinner time?"

Rising from her seat, Mitsuki unknowingly strutted over to the hut entrance. Ripping the door open, the flutter of the cloth revealed that the sky was indeed had been inked a dark coral blue hue. A pillar of smoke fogged the sky, proving that dinner was indeed in full swing.

"Well look at that, time really does fly when you are having fun," Mitsuki teased letting the curtain close off the outside world once more.

"Where's Bakugou then?"

If dinner was already happening then that meant that the angry blond had to be just around the corner, ready to save you from the great white that desperately wanted to take a bite of you.

"He's still out." Straight to the point with little context. A true Todoroki response.

Kneeling at the table once more Mitsuki let out a soft sigh, "Well they did have to go pretty far for it...I wouldn't be surprised if they came in around Bakugou's typically bedtime."


So, there was no hope of a perfectly timed Bakugou charging in.

"May I take (L/N) to dinner chieftess?"

Your eyes flared open slightly, your mind working quickly to conquer up an excuse before the elder could answer. Catching a glimpse of shockingly bright metal in the corner of your eye, a sly smirk of the perked up on the corner of your lips before expanding into a grin so wide it hurt your cheeks, "We could always help you picking up to Mitsuki and go to dinner together. I'm sure Kota would love to see you."

It was the perfect escape and Mitsuki was the perfect Bakugou replacement. He practically a carbon copy of the female already--plus she had the advantage of being chieftess. Todoroki wouldn't be able to do anything to you as long as you had her in your company.

"No it's alright (Y/N), you go on ahead with Todoroki."

Refusing to give up, you leveled up your game by inching closer to the spiky-haired blonde, "Are you sure? I don't mind helping."

"Of course I'm sure! I have a few things to do around the hut anyways, you two go on and get food while it's hot."

Not needing any more permission, a snow-white palm was extended your way. Dropping your smile, you looked up its owner. His face was still frozen in his usual expression and daunting eyes locked on your body. Swallowing your nerves, you ignored the fire alarms that were going off in your head. Taking his hand, you were greeted with his inhumanly cold touch that dared your body to break out into goosebumps.

How could one man be so cold and still be alive?

Wordlessly, you were jerked up to your feet with so much force you ended up tumbling straight into his broad chest. Smacking into the cold skin your face broke out into wildfire. Arching your head backward, you obtained an up close and personal view of Todoroki for the first time. Just like all of his other features, Todoroki was a perfect blend of masculine and feminine. It was utterly sinful.

He was inhumanly beautiful.

There was no other word that could describe him.

While Bakugou was undoubtedly handsome, arguably gorgeous to some, Todoroki was simply beautiful. Just like all of his other features.

Blinking, you quickly peeled yourself away from the male, "S-Sorry."

Plucking your satchel from the ground, you gave a Mitsuki a quick goodbye and promised to meet her in the morning as usual. Looming over your shoulder, Todoroki also gave his farewell before ushering you out the door with little care.

Before you could make a step towards the center grounds, a bone-crushing grip encased your wrist. Hesitantly, you looked up at your walking nightmare to be greeted with a sharp artic orb burning into you.

"Come with me," spinning swiftly on his heel.

You knew it.

Todoroki had no intention of attending dinner.

And you were trapped with no defense or hope in sight. No Bakugou. No Kirishima. No Ashido. Hell, no Kaminari. No, it was just you and the one person who hated you to your very core.

Not waiting for an answer, you were tugged forward, forced to follow the path to wherever Todoroki's had in mind. Your body moved in jerky motions as you stumbled behind him unfamiliar territory of the woods. While he took care not to step in areas that would make the least amount of noise, your footing was determined to make as much noise as possible in a hopeless attempt to catch the attention of another wandering soul in these woods that could perhaps save you from your impending demise.

As your eyes remained on the square of Todoroki's toned back, your free digits fidgeted with your necklace feeling over every nook and cranny trying to find some sense of security in the precious string.

Coming to a stop, unique jewels bounced around the area surveying it. Deciding that it was suitable, Todoroki spun around facing you once more. Lurching down to your level, you were locked in a staring match with a stunning kynatie and a mother pearl that had the honor of severing as his irises.

"Why haven't you tried to escape yet?" His deep tenor voice cut through the tension that was steadily growing between the two of you.

Taking a steady breath, you gained the confidence to rip your hand free from his strong grip. You narrowed your eyes towards the impressive male and he happily returned the favor.

"If the reason why you've been a prick to me this whole time is because you're worried about me running away, you have nothing to worry about. Trust me." You spat.

It was now Todoroki's brows turn to furrow, "Are you stuck here? Is it because of the child?"

Rubbing your wrist, you remained quiet.

It was clear that the male was not a fan of your silent answer. Standing tall once more, Todoroki's lips bent into a deeper frown, "If you had the chance to leave would you?"

Flinching, you maneuvered your gaze away from his, losing the staring match as you thought over the question.

You never seriously pondered the idea of leaving Bakugou's side as you had immediately accepted your fate. You were bound to him for the rest of your days the moment he acknowledged your vow to him. So, thinking about the alternate path Todoroki posed to you threw your mind for a loop.

Of course, you didn't want to be with the explosive man for the rest of your days.

He held more negatives than positives and was a pain in your side in almost everything he does; yet, you had to give him credit when it was due. He was notably softer with you when you compared your interactions with him to his friend groups in his own Bakugou way. He was still an ass, no question about it, but he wasn't a jackass like you originally thought.

He really was trying to stay true to his word from the first night.

He really was trying to get you to fall in love with him.

And even though it pained you to admit it, it was sweet to have a man try so hard to swoon you at times. No, you were giving him too much credit now. It was really bittersweet, like dark cacao-- a dance of sour and faint hint of sweetness.

But, did his changes eclipse his past actions? Absolutely not.

Escaping Bakugou would be an impossible task anyways. You were on his turf.  He would be able to find you and Kota in a matter of hours and gods know what would happen to you when he got his hands on you. And even if you did escape him successfully, what would your life be?

Would it be a life of splendor? How long would you and Kota have to wait for the impending return of Midoryia and company? When you were reunited with the freckled boy, would you all be able to breathe life into your tribe again? Would you ever even unite with him? Lost in the sea of questions that flooded your mind, you found yourself floating on the only two definitive answers: the first being that you would finally be able to give your people a proper burial; the second would be living with the eternal shame from breaking your oath--something not taken lightly in your tribe traditions.

Either way, you would be getting the short end of the stick but one reaped more benefits than the other.

"I made a promise."

"So, you are stuck here." Todoroki mustered out quickly putting two and two together.

No words were exchanged after this revelation as your resident shark fell into his own stupor digesting your response while you studied him, waiting for the ideal opportunity to escape his den. Perhaps your demise was not as near in the future as you originally thought.

You just had to wait for his next move and pivot it in your favor. And that move was to stalk closer to you. Taking a steady breath, you slyly dripped your hand into your satchel, wrapping your digits around the metal band it protected. Although the armband was dramatically larger than your coiled fist, it was better than just your bare knuckles.

One hit.

You just needed one good hit to the button of his chin. And if it went well, this mountain of a man would be hitting the ground with his vision flushed in a world of black while you hightail it the hell back to the tribe.

Biting your bottom lip, you readjusted your stance slightly, your mind steadily shifting into back into a flight or fight. And you already knew what your body's default setting was. It was to fight. And the moment he was in striking distance you launched your attack.

His eyes did widen a fraction; his jaw going slack for a moment as your tight fist was hurling his way. Giddiness filled your clammy body at seeing the rare change of expression, you had successfully caught him off guard. You actually had a chance of landing your shot.

And you did land the shot. In a way. You felt the contact, but not as much as you wanted. You had only merely grazed him as he had lurched his head backward in a last-second chance to escape your swing. And of fucking course it had to work it.

The only evidence that your hit had even made contact with his skin was a hairline scratch on his chin from one of the gem prongs.

Foolish. You were so foolish.

Acting quick, you spun around making a mad dash for freedom even with a conscious Todoroki inches away. However, Todoroki was just as quick thinking as a heavy body tackled you bringing you to the hard ground, knocking the air out of you. Pinned to the ground, you clawed at the dirt as you squirm before you were flipped over like a rag doll forcing you to come face to face with the full-blooded predator.

In one fell swoop, your wrists were captured and hastily pressed into the earth, rendering your struggle futile.

Panting underneath him, you could feel his surprisingly hot breath against your skin as he closed the distance between the two of you. His eyes steely and hard as they peered into your soul.

"Let me help you."

"W-What?" You uttered in disbelief as your body stiffened.

"Let me help you escape here."

Gaping at him, your heightened fear of the male began to dissipate as your focus bounced around his visage slowing witness his icy exterior melt away.

No longer did his eyes hold the same intensity as they once did, they became more innocent and wounded. Brows crushed together like two ocean waves hitting one another. Even his touch felt a fraction warmer.

"Why?" Your voice croaked coming out a hair above a whisper.

The strong shark front was cracking as Todoroki slowly removed his hold on you, retreating to the other side of the clearing, "You're the first outsider to marry into our tribe since my mother."

Braiding your legs together, you cautiously watched Todoroki. The heterochromatic male keeping his back towards you as tension visibly filled his body.

"My mother's tribe was known for their shamans and was almost completely comprised of them.  It was more common for a couple to have a child with shaman potential than a normal child. Something that my father craved. So, when my mother's tribe fell on hard times, my father offered his services in return for a bride. They had no other choice but to accept the offer and even allowed him to pick out the woman he wanted to lay claim to. And he chose my mother.

He never loved her, but she tried to love him until he started to abuse her. It was then she realized he didn't see her as a human. He saw her as a breeding tool meant to produce his ideal heir, a child with shaman potential. She tried to escape multiple times. But with every failed attempt, my father put stronger restraints on her taking away what little freedom she had. He even had chained her to the hut until she became pregnant for the first time.

My mother had to suffer through four births before she finally had me, the child of his dreams and my mother's nightmare. She loved all her children, she even loved me for a time, until I started growing up. She fell out of love with me because I looked like that monster.

And one day, she hit a breaking point. She was having a meeting with an elder over tea discussing a way to leave the bastard and return to her tribe with all of her children. I didn't know about the meeting and ran in to show her a craft I had made for her. And all she saw was my left side. She had thought my father had came in the hut and caught her in the act of plotting her grand getaway.

Without thinking, she took the pot off of the fire and poured the scalding water on the left side of my face. When she finally realized it was me, she wailed an endless stream of apologies while freezing over the blistering burn giving me frostbite. The elder who she was meeting with tore me away from her grasp and immediately took me to Recovery Girl. The whole time I fought against him. I just wanted to be with her even though she had hurt me. I knew she didn't mean to.

My father was enraged when he caught wind of the news that she had damaged his perfect child. He took her before the elder council and the chiefs at the time and demanded she be exiled. She gave evidence of her abuse and struggles but her proof fell on death ears by my father's claim that she had gone insane. The bastard even got the elder that took me to the medical hut, who was planning on helping her escape, to testify in his favor. And he got his way, like he always does. My mother was banished that night with nothing on her person, not even clothing...she never made it back to her tribe. I went looking for her there the moment I learned to ride a horse."

Shifting his weight, a mournful Todoroki faced you. His hand prodding his scar before dropping to his side like someone had suddenly tied a weight to it.

"The night Bakugou brought you to our tribe, I saw the fear in your face. I saw my mother in you. I wasn't able to help my mother but I can help you. I'm not letting you follow her path of suffering. On that day, I vowed to myself that I was going to help you get out of here. I watched you every day after that, waiting to find a moment to speak with you; but, the longer I watch you the more my dedication of saving you became diluted. You started to look happy here. You even started to look happy with him.

I know that Bakugou is different from the beast that is my father. So I held out hope that perhaps I was wrong. That maybe you did want to be with him at your free will. However, now knowing that you didn't have a choice...it was stupid of me to even question myself. So please, let me help you escape from here so you can go back to your true home."

A heartbroken smile bloomed on your face as you rose from the ground closing the distance between the two of you. He was so desperate to help you in a hopeless situation. A true knight.

"Todoroki, I really appreciate you wanting to do what's right and I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you and your mother...but you can't help me. I swore to always stay Bakugou's side and there's no escaping it," You confessed taking the hand you once feared with your whole being and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Thank you...for caring about me."

Reaching up, you cupped his strong left cheek in the palm of your (S/C) hand. Your touch made the male flinch, unused to such a caring hold. It was foreign to him. Maybe even unworldly based on everything he told you.

Being careful not to frighten him, your thumb sluggishly rubbed the rough patch of skin, "Your mother would be proud of you."

The unbreakable wall of Todoroki finally broke as he crumpled over into your form wrapping you in his body. The male did not cry, but tremors did escape his body. And you allowed him to hold you only interacting with him by giving him soft touches while he recovered from his outburst of emotions.

"I will find a way to get you out of here." The male promised squeezing you with determination to stay true to his word.

Your smile morphed into a smirk at his words. Looks like his resolve still remained despite everything, "We should head back."

Feeling his nod, you detached yourself from the shark turned guppy, and collected your things off of the ground. Following closely behind him, the two of you fell into a comfortable pace. During the journey back, there were no words exchanged between the two of you. It was as if an unspoken agreement had been made: the two of you would never discuss anything that had happened transpired between the two of you today again to another living soul.

Entering the tribe grounds, specifically, the center grounds where dinner was nearing its end, your legs were tackled by a familiar boy, "You're late (Y/N)!"

Giggling, you ruffled his hair, "I know I'm sorry Kota, I got caught up with some things."

"You're lucky I made a plate for you everything good is almost gone!" The boy grumbled taking your hand pulling you seamlessly away from Todoroki and towards a table filled with familiar faces.

"Where the fuck were you at with Icy-hot?" Bakugou groaned as you took your seat next to him and immediately a signature ferocious paw took a claim to your thigh giving it a jealous squeeze.

Settling in, you looked over the plate Kota had made for you, "We talked, that's all."

Huffing, the ash-blond pushed for more information, "About what?"

Glancing over, you watched Todoroki settle down with his own plate of food. Meeting his gaze, there was no more fear overtaking your body. Instead, it was a comforting warmth. Someone was looking out for you and Kota.

Smiling, you shifted your attention to the male that craved it, "You."

And a lot of other things, but mostly you. Kind of.

The look on Bakugou's face was priceless. Eyes became the size of moons, displaying the shimmering garnet orbs and dilated pupils; cheeks set ablaze with a burning rouge that was steadily climbing to the tips of his ears; a broken seal on his lips gave his sharp canines the chance to escape his mouth.

As if catching himself in his dazed state, his free hand quickly clamped itself over the bottom of his face as he propped his arm onto the table. Brows scrunched together as his hot fingers tapped wildly against your soft skin. It was a rare sight. An embarrassed Bakugou who had been rendered speechless.

Feeling a poke at you happily gave in to Kota's desires listening to his day and whatever he wanted to talk about. Occasionally, Kirishima and Ashido would break into your conversation with the boy, but they were too busy capitalizing on the opportunity to tease the male that was always picking on them.  

Bending over the table, Kirishima wore a devilish sharp-toothed smile on his face as he whispered into the shell of Bakugou's ear. Watching the exchange out of the corner of your eye, you watched Bakugou's face grow five shades dark. Abruptly, the hand that held his head up smack into the table revealing that his lips had curled up into an awkward line.

"Come on (Y/N)."

A hearty cackle left the redhead at the command, "B-Bakugou you dirty dog. I didn't actually expect you to-

"SHUT. IT. Shitty hair! We're going to bed, not whatever your sleazy brain has in mind!!" Bakugou barked out with a deathly glare.

The rebuttal only made the couple howl in laughter and although you did like watching the blond get embarrassed you decided that he had enough for the day. Kissing the top of Kota's head and fixing his headband, you wished the table a goodnight's sleep. Gather your things, you wandered to Bakugou's side as he threw a strong arm around your waist, gluing you to his side.

Touchy as ever.

Passing Todoroki, you gave him a fleeting glance as a collection of his words wandered back into your mind. Craning your neck up towards Bakugou, you secretly observed the male who was too focused on escaping his ignominy to notice.

I look happy with you, huh?


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