One Piece: Law of Flame

By M-B312

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Harbinger D. Daisuke. A soldier, an assassin, a pirate, a powerful Devil Fruit User, and the eldest brother t... More



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By M-B312

|| Cora-san and a Friend ||

Daisuke was thinking to himself as he sat in his room. His mind kept wandering to Law, and he sort of believed he understood why.

Corazon hadn’t returned yet from the mission Doflamingo sent him on, but Daisuke knew he was fine. He may be clumsy and a major idiot at times, but he was surprisingly strong.

Daisuke’s room was dark, for night had returned again. Daisuke sat at his desk, his bed was next to him, still made from a few nights ago.

Daisuke still didn’t sleep well at night. He continued to have frequent nightmares, and who could really blame him? He’d been through a lot for only being twelve.

Daisuke tapped his pen on the blank sheet of paper that sat in front of him on the dark, maroon-coloured desk. He had been sitting here for over an hour now, unable to keep one tram of thought going for long.

His baby den den mushi sat in the corner of the desk, sleeping peacefully. The den den mushi always confused Daisuke. They were snails, real, living snails, yet they were also communication devices.

Is the snail aware that it’s basically a phone? Is it somewhat sentient?

Daisuke laughed to himself as he realised what he was contemplating. He then let out a sigh, leaning back in his seat. He was worried about Law. He didn’t have a room in the crew house, which is where Daisuke’s room was, since he wasn’t part of the Donquixote Family.

Daisuke ran his hands through his hair as he set his pen down. His eyes wandered to the baby den den mushi, wondering if Corazon would decide to call him or not.

He then looked to the window that was on the wall in front of where he was seated. It was night, a full moon. Clouds blocked out the stars, but the moon’s light still peeked through.

The flames from the waste processing plant were burning brightly, acting like street lamps. The exhaust they pumped flushed into the air, polluting it.

Daisuke turned to his side, seeing his bed. The sheets were grey in colour, just like the rest of the room. There was a wardrobe on his other side, right next to the desk. Next to the bed, however, was a small bookshelf that had pencils, pens, paints, and paintbrushes decorating the top.

Daisuke’s jacket was hanging off the back of the chair, and his knives and scarf were still on his person. He only really ever takes them off to sleep or shower, but since he wasn’t doing either of those things, he didn’t bother to remove them.

Ring... ring... ring...” the baby den den mushi suddenly started ringing, immediately bringing Daisuke’s attention to it. The snail was black in colour, and its shell was red. It looked a lot like Daisuke’s jacket.

Daisuke stared at the snail’s focused, blank eyes before looking over his shoulder at his door. It was closed, locked even. Daisuke hated it when someone would barge in unannounced, aka Buffalo, so he always kept his door closed.

Seeing that the situation was safe, Daisuke answered the mushi. “Oi,” he simply said into the snail after picking it up and resting it in his palm.

The other end was silent for an uncomfortably long time. “Harbinger,” Doflamingo’s voice suddenly surged through, the snail mouthing what he said. “Boss.” Daisuke replied, his tone instantly going dull.

Doflamingo only called Daisuke on his den den mushi for two reasons. Either he needed to discuss information privately, or he was giving Daisuke details about his mission.

There was a dark chuckle from Doflamingo’s end. “I had a feeling you would still be up.”

Daisuke simply hummed, setting the mushi back down in its spot on his desk. “What is it that you need, Boss?”

I wanted to talk to you about Law.” Doflamingo said, his tone turning dark. Daisuke froze. Doflamingo wanted to talk to him about Law? Why?

“Why?” Daisuke voiced, not meaning to show emotion. Although, it was too late. Doflamingo heard it.

The baby den den mushi’s eyes narrowed as its mouth curved into a smirk, imitating Doflaming’s expression. “Why do you care about that boy? Why do you go to extreme lengths to protect him?”

Daisuke knew his confused expression was being displayed on Doflamingo’s den den mushi, so he couldn’t really hide his emotions.

It was one of the few things Daisuke hated about the communicating device, since when he has a conversation, he preferred to be the one with all the cards. But if you show your emotions, you’re basically handing your cards to your enemy.

“Is there a reason you want to know, Boss?” Daisuke asked, all emotion suddenly draining from his voice.

Doflamingo laughed. “I’m just curious. You never act like that to anyone else, so, what makes that boy so special to you?”

Daisuke looked away from the baby den den mushi, even though there wasn’t really a reason to. He was just talking to Doflamingo. So why did it feel like Doflamingo was in the same room?

Daisuke eventually looked back to the baby den den mushi. “I just... do.” He said lowly, making Doflamingo laugh.

I see. Anyway, get some rest. It’s not good to keep yourself awake.” Doflamingo said, ending the call.

Ker-chank,” the baby den den mushi robotically said as its eyes closed.

Daisuke kept his eyes on the mushi. What the hell was that all about? Doflamingo isn’t planning anything... is he...?

Daisuke shook his head, picking back up his pen. “Then again, he knows what I’d do to anyone who hurts Law. So... I don’t really have to worry... right...?”


Daisuke was no doctor. He only knew how to take care of deep flesh wounds and a few sicknesses.

He was nowhere near Law’s level of knowledge in the medicine field, but that didn’t stop him from trying to find a way to help save Law.

When Daisuke would go out on his missions for Doflamingo, he would spend a few extra days learning what he could about the White Lead Syndrome and about Flevance.

When Doflamingo would ask why he took longer to return, Daisuke would answer by simply saying he went exploring.

The broad answer made Doflamingo begin to question where Daisuke’s loyalties lay, but in the end, Daisuke always delivered what he was sent to get.

Daisuke knew he was running out of time. Law only had three more years to live, as his skin was slowly beginning to pale over on certain spots.

Daisuke let out an agitated sigh as his pen slid across the paper of his sketchbook. He was always a talented little artist, and he always liked to draw, but his home never gave him the chance to do so.

So, when he wasn’t busy killing people for Doflamingo, he would sketch in the decently-sized black sketchbook Corazon had given him a little over a year ago.

The new large, thick line was caused by Buffalo and Baby-5, who ran screaming to the waste processing plant—that was also acted as the meeting room building—that Corazon was back.

Daisuke was happy that the man he considered as a father was home, but at the current moment, he was pissed that his drawing was ruined.

True, he was only doodling the waste processing plant for probably the hundredth time, but he was growing fond of his little project.

“Cora-san’s home?” Daisuke mumbled to himself as he tore out the ruined doodle, tossing it to the side. The entirety of Spider Miles was a rubbish heap, so the crumbled paper ball was instantly lost. “I hope he doesn’t do anything brash to Law.”

He should’ve kept quiet. Because the next thing Daisuke heard, was a scream followed by the shattering glass of a window.

Something crashed into the ground close to where Daisuke was, effectively startling him. Closing his sketchbook, he quickly stood up and ran over to where the body was.

When he saw who crashed into the rubbish, he felt his breath hitch in his throat.

Law shakily lifted himself up to his knees. What the hell was that guy’s problem?! He comes in, smacks around Baby-5 and Buffalo, then proceeds to throw Law out the window?! The window of a very large building, nonetheless.

Law’s hand went to his right temple where he felt a warm, sticky liquid begin to trail down his head. He didn’t need to look at his hand to know he was bleeding.

He turned his head towards the building he was just tossed out of, seeing this “Corazon” guy’s figure looking back at him. He growled lowly, making a vow to kill Corazon one day.

“So, let me guess, Cora-san threw you out of a window too?” Daisuke’s voice said from behind Law.

Law sat up, pushing the rusting metal pipes off his body. “Y-Yeah. What is that guy’s problem?” Law replied, wincing at the pain from his temple.

Daiauke laughed as he held his hand down to Law’s level. “Honestly, that’s a good question. Come with me, I’ll patch you up.”

Law looked at Daisuke’s outstretched hand with curiosity. Didn’t he say that he got thrown out of a window as well?

Law took Daisuke’s hand, the older boy easily lifting Law to his feet. As Law stood, he took notice of the black book that was under Daisuke’s arm, followed by the pen that was resting behind his left ear.

“Follow me. I want to clean that nasty-looking cut of yours before it gets infected. You’re a doctor, so you know that living in a rubbish heap like this place ain’t very sanitary.” Daisuke said.

Law nodded, grumbling. Even though Law was pissed, being near Daisuke helped him ease up ever so lightly.

Daisuke brought Law to his room, setting his book and pen on the desk. Law never would have thought that Daisuke would live in the same house as the others, as Daisuke is pretty open about how much he dislikes the others except for him.

As they entered the room, the door creaked open with a longing whine. “Take a seat there, and I’ll grab the medkit. I usually end up hurting myself a lot on my missions, so I usually always have a medkit that hasn’t yet been used much.” Daisuke explained as the raven-haired kid pointed to his bed for Law.

Law did as he was told, pulling himself up on the grey-coloured bed. “Why do you have all those pens?” Law wondered.

There were a lot of crashing sounds as Daisuke dug through a closet. “Huh? Oh, yeah, I have a passion to draw.” Daisuke answered as he found what he was looking for.

Daisuke closed the door to the closet-like sideroom with his foot as he moved over to Law, holding a small white box in his hands.

He took a seat on the bed that was next to Law, placing the box on the edge. “You like to draw?” Law inquired.

Daisuke smiled as he took off Law’s hat, setting it in the boy’s lap so he could get a better view of the cut.

With a nod, he opened the medkit, taking out a rag. “I do. Hard to believe huh? With the way I act around everyone.” He joked.

Law softly returned Daisuke’s smile as Daisuke grabbed a bottle from the desk. Law watched as Daisuke dampened the rag with water from the bottle that looked pretty clean.

Law was sort of surprised at how mature Daisuke was. He acted like an adult, even though he was only twelve.

Taking the now wet rag back over to Law, Daisuke sat back down on the bed and leaned in to Law. “Don’t worry,” Daisuke said as he lightly pressed the rag to Law’s temple, “the water I get is safe. I reworked the pipes, as I wasn’t going to live in a place with gross water.”

Law winced at the touch of the rag. It wasn’t a painful wince, just more of a surprised one. After his temple was good and clean, Daisuke pulled the rag down the side of Law’s face, cleaning up the rest of the blood.

“Do you like living here?” Law wondered, his eyes closed to prevent blood from getting in them as Daisuke cleaned his face.

He heard a pleasant hum come from Daisuke as Daisuke pulled the rag from Law’s face, searching for something in the medkit.

“Not really, no. But there is one person. He’s been like a father to me. He’s the only other person I like here besides you, Kid.”

Law felt something being applied to his temple. Once the bandage was secured, Daisuke let out a huff. “You’re the medical professional, so you should know not to touch that bandage for at least a few days. If it opens again, or if you think it’ll need stitches, just ask, okay?” Daisuke said as he began to place the items away in the medkit.

Law gave a nod, hopping off the bed. “Thanks, Daisuke-ya.” Daisuke smiled in return, ruffling up Law’s messy raven hair before Law put his hat back on. “Don’t mention it, Kid. Take care.”

Law smiled back as he nodded once more, beginning to leave Daisuke’s room. But as he reached for the door, he heard Daisuke’s voice. “You know, Cora-san isn’t as bad as you think once you get to know him.”

Law looked into Daisuke’s dark-blue eyes, seeing a glimmer in them. “Sure.” Law huffed, earning a laugh from Daisuke. With another goodbye, Law left, leaving Daisuke alone with his thoughts once again.


A few days have passed since the incident with Cora-san and Law. Daisuke was standing on the balcony of the meeting room building, leaning on the railing as he watched Law’s small figure seated in the distance.

He was spinning one of his knives around his finger as the others were getting ready to eat.

Daisuke never ate with them, but Doflamingo had something to say, so he was forced to be there.

Corazon walked up next to him, lighting his fag. For once, he didn’t set himself on fire in doing so.

Corazon saw the way Daisuke watched Law like a worried parent would. It confused him, as he knew Daisuke wasn’t the type to care for someone.

“It’s time to eat-dasuyan!” Buffalo cried from behind the two. Corazon lightly pat Daisuke on the shoulder before heading inside. Yet Daisuke didn’t move.

He stood there waiting for Law as a member of the Donquixote Family walked out.

He had tan skin, neatly kempt slicked-back black hair, and he wore a suit with round black sunglasses.

Señor Pink.

“Didn’t you hear Buffalo, Harbinger-san?” He asked. Señor Pink’s voice was somewhat deep and condescending.

Daisuke hummed, “Yes, I did hear that bafoon. I just don’t care.” Daisuke harshly replied, earning a chuckle from Señor Pink. “Always so cold, huh?”

Daisuke didn’t answer as Law made his presence known to the two by climbing up the stairs to the building and stomping down hard on Corazon’s cigarette butt.

Daisuke wasn't going to tell the Donquixote Family executive that he was waiting for Law, but the suited man figured it out.

Law and Daisuke’s relationship was pretty well-known throughout the pirate crew. Very well-known, in fact, that if you were to hurt Law in any way, you would have hell to pay from Daisuke.

Don’t let the fact that Daisuke being a kid make you underestimate him. The boy’s taken down men twice—sometimes even three times his own size with ease.

“That crazy bastard!” Law hissed out angrily. “There you are,” Señor Pink walked up to Law as Daisuke looked over his shoulder at the two, “Doffy wants to ask you something.”

Law turned on his heel, meeting the larger man that stood before him, “I have a question, too!”

Hearing this, Corazon appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Law by his hat and tossing him back into the trash heap.

Daisuke let out a sound of surprise, slowly turning to find out who hurt Law. But when he saw Corazon, he just stood there.

“You have no mercy, Corazon,” Señor Pink said as Corazon walked back into the building, silent as usual, “even though you hate kids.”

Señor Pink gave Daisuke one last look before following Corazon in. Daisuke would’ve followed, but he was more worried about Law.

A few moments passed when Law climbed up the stairs again. Luckily, he didn’t wound himself too badly like before. He was bleeding, but it was only a flesh wound on his arm. “I swear, I’m going to kill him.” Law grumbled as Daisuke laughed.

Law walked up to Daisuke, only to get his hat playfully pushed over his eyes by the older boy. “You can try, but it’ll be quite tricky. That man has a way with escaping despite his clumsiness.” Daisuke joked.

Law mumbled something as he pulled his hat up, glaring at Daisuke. But when he saw Daisuke’s smile, he softly smiled back.

“Let’s get this over with,” Daisuke then sighed, turning to the entryway, “then I’ll find something for us to eat. Sound good, Kid?”

Law gave a slow nod as Daisuke sucked in a breath. “The Boss said he wanted to ask you a question,” he said to Law, repeating the words of Señor Pink, but Daisuke’s words were laced with worry, “I’m not sure what about, but he called me too.”

Law watched Daisuke as the older boy turned to the door. As he reached to open it, they heard Doflamingo’s voice. “I’ll make them pay for their betrayal.”

Practically ignoring Doflamingo’s words, Daisuke and Law entered the room. Large stone bricks made up the walls and had neatly rolled up, dull purple curtains hanging from them despite there being no windows where the curtains were.

Daisuke knew that Doflamingo was talking about Rakesh. He knew because Corazon told him that Rakesh was starting to gather their own allies.

Daisuke moved over to the side of the door and leaned against the wall, arms crossed as the others—except for Law and himself—were seated at the large purple table, in the middle of the room, eating.

The food was definitely high quality. Then again, anything Doflamingo was severed was of high quality. If it wasn’t, you’d be dead.

Naon wasn’t hungry as he already ate before coming here. He never did care for fancy meals, nor did he care for how the food he was eating tasted. As long as it fed him and kept him alive, he didn’t bother caring for the taste.

The two boys sudden arrival caught the attention of everyone in the room. “What do you want?” Giolla asked, a glass of wine in her hand, “We’re having dinner.”

Neither Law nor Daisuke answered her. Daisuke simply closed his eyes as Law rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand, scowling at Corazon.

Law stood next to Daisuke as usual, keeping his eyes on Doflamingo. Occasionally, he would look to Corazon, but he never stayed looking at the klutzy man for long.

Daisuke had his arms crossed over his chest, eyes still closed. Law thought he was sleeping, and maybe he was. It was pretty obvious that he didn’t give a shit as to what was going on.

Giolla looked over to Law and Daisuke, and with a wave of her hand, she spoke. “Toss them out.”

Her words made Daisuke’s eyes snap open. Before anyone could do anything, Doflamingo stopped them, “It’s fine.”

“What?” Giolla said as they all looked at Doflamingo. “I called them,” Doflamingo said with a sickly smirk. “You did?” Giolla inquired.

He didn’t answer as Trebol laughed, a fork with a piece of sausage stuck to it was in his hand as he addressed Law. “Hey, hey, Law! It’s been a week now. Don’t you wanna get out of here?”

He then placed his hand on Corazon’s head as he laughed again. “You’ve been beaten up by Corazon the entire time you’ve been here!” His voice slid into the young boy’s ears like mucus.

Daisuke looked over to Law, yet Law didn’t look back. Why hadn’t Law told him what Corazon was doing?

“You know we only have the best. Most kids and adults end up running from us after a while,” Diamante noted, smirking, “so, how much longer will a powerless brat like you last?”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Law clearly stated, raising his fists into a low guard as he took a step forward. Daisuke’s expression dulled at Law’s words, not liking them one bit.

Don’t forget the Blood Law no matter how you get harmed.” Lao G said as he grabbed another slice of what looked to be a type of pizza. “This family will fall apart if a member defies us Executives’ authority.”

“I onced laughed at Pica-sama’s voice and almost died from torture!” Buffalo said to Baby-5, to which the girl laughed at him.

Law wasn’t bothered. “It doesn’t scare me. I’ve seen hell.” There was a dark tone to his voice. One Daisuke clearly picked up on.

Instead of doing the usual lashing out of why Daisuke was here, Daisuke crossed his arms and went back to leaning against the wall. He soon took out one of his knives and began to twirl it around his fingers.

Doflamingo laughed, resting his head in his palm. “It does not matter in the end,” he said, glaring at the knife that danced in Daisuke’s hand, “you can bluff as you like. I will personally slaughter anyone who hurts Corazon, for he is my precious, biological younger brother.” He then made a gesture with the knife in his hand that symbolised the slicing of the neck.

At Doflamingo’s words, the knife abruptly stopped. The blade ended up piercing the skin of Daisuke’s finger, but Daisuke just watched as the blood poured from his finger down the blade as if watching a crimson waterfall.

He knew Corazon was Doflamingo’s brother, but he still hated hearing those words. How could someone so cruel like Doflamingo be related to someone so kindhearted like Cora-san?

Law said nothing as he pinched the edge of his mouth at Doflamingo’s gesture. He then lowered his arms to his sides, revealing a white patch of skin that was just below his chest.

His torn, raggy grey tunic didn’t do a good job of covering his chest in the first place. “H-His skin! Look at his skin!” Machvise yelped, hysterically pointing to Law.

Law growled, not liking the fact that Machvise pointed out his discoloured skin. Giolla suddenly cried, recognising what it was. “He’s infected!” She spat, flailing her hands, “It’s the White Lead Syndrome! It’s agonising pain if you get infected!”

Daisuke didn’t react too kindly to Giolla calling Law ‘infected’. He took a quick step forward, chucking his knife at her. Of course, it wasn’t if  Daisuke could kill her, which he clearly could, it was should he do so.

The knife whipped past Giolla, the cool black steel of the blade grazing the top of her left cheek, but it didn’t draw any blood. The knife then lodged itself into the wall behind her, making a crack.

“You little punk!” Giolla screeched, but backed down when she saw the death-ridden glare that coated Daisuke’s face.

“Bite your tounge. If you don’t care to think ’bout what words you throw around, then maybe you wouldn’t care if I slit off your ear then, huh?” Daisiuke hissed out darkly, taking a protective step in front of Law.

Doflamingo smirked before looking in Daisuke’s direction. “That’s quite enough, Harbinger, back down. I don’t need you threatening members of my family.”

Daisuke’s glare shot over to Doflamingo, yet the man wasn’t affected by it like Giolla was. “I don’t need your shitty ‘family’ members to speak so ill-suitedly ’bout my friend.”

There were many gasps that filled the room. Everyone’s eyes were on Daisuke, not believing what he just said. Everyone knew about the relationship between Law and Daisuke, but no one ever expected Daisuke to openly state how he saw Law as a friend.

All the eating stopped as everyone was focused on the twelve-year-old, knife wielding master in the room.

Ever since Doflamingo made him a member of the Donquixote Family, he hated everyone. The only person he seemed to show the tiniest bit of likeness towards was Corazon. The said male smirked to himself as he continued eating.

Law couldn’t believe his ears. Daisuke did truly care about him. Law didn’t know why, but when Daisuke called him his friend, he felt... happy. An emotion he hadn’t felt in quite some time.

The smile on Doflamingo’s face only widened. “Yes, yes, I suppose that was rude. I do apologise for their behaviour.”

Daisuke knew Doflamingo’s words were lies. He’s worked for that deranged man long enough to have figured that out.

“B-But, Doffy-sama, that boy is infected with the White Lead Syndrome! Do you not know how contagious that is?!” Giolla barked, causing Daisuke to growl at her.

Hearing Giolla, Buffalo abruptly shot from his seat and backed up against the wall in fear. “You’re contagious?! That’s disgusting-dasuyan! Leave! Go away!”

Buffalo’s wails pissed Daisuke off to a point Daisuke didn’t think was possible. Daisuke reached for another knife, genuinely wanting to cut open Buffalo’s gut. But Law grabbed Daisuke’s hand, stopping him.

Daisuke looked over his shoulder at Law. Seeing the boy shake his head, Daisuke let out a defeated sigh and lowered his stance.

Doflamingo slammed his hands down on the table, grabbing everyone’s attention. “That’s enough! Giolla, don’t spread information that is nothing more than a nonsensical rumour. Shame on you. Look, you made Buffalo believe you. White Lead Syndrome is caused by poisoning. It isn’t contagious.” Doflamingo said, jabbing his thumb behind him at Buffalo, who was still panicking against the wall.

“But stay away from me just in case-dasuyan! I don’t wanna catch such a disease-dasuyan!”

The room fell silent as Doflamingo looked to Law, having to look past Daisuke to do so. “Hey,” he said, bringing both Daisuke’s and Law’s attention from Buffalo, “tell me, were there any other survivors of the White Town, Flevance?”

Law slightly shrugged. “I don’t know,” he admitted, “I was so desperate to escape that I didn’t bother to check.”

Doflamingo nodded. “How did you get out?” Daisuke also looked to Law. He didn’t want him to have to talk about his past. It was hard for him, Daisuke could tell.

“I crossed the border hiding under a stack of dead bodies.” Law answered in a monotone voice. His answer caused Gladius to gag, and to make Daisuke’s guard drop. “Hey! I’m eating!” Gladius hissed.

Doflamingo gave another nod, oddly satisfied. He put his hand to his forehead. “What are you holding a grudge against?”

Law looked into Doflamingo’s slim, sharp-framed red glasses with dull, emotionless eyes.

“I don’t believe in anything anymore,” he then looked past Doflamingo to Corazon, who was busying himself with eating, “I’m not afraid to die! You should be careful, Corazon. I’ll definitely get my revenge on you.”

“Hey, are you stupid? Did you listen?! If you do that you’ll be tortured! You’ll be “skewered,” don’t underestimate pirates!!” Baby-5 barated.

Law glared at her from over his shoulder, causing her to cry as she held on to Buffalo.

With an agitated grunt, Daisuke took his leave. “Talk to me about what you wanted to later, Boss,” he growled out, “I need to be by myself.”


Daisuke kept quiet about his actions in that room. Law did come to him, asking him if what he said was true. Of course, Daisuke told no lies.

Yet, nothing could’ve prepared Daisuke for what he saw the next evening. He was busy sketching in his journal, so he didn’t realise what Law was planning to do until it was too late.

Daisuke knew Corazon was near him, taking a smoke break whilst reading the News Coo. But what he didn’t expect was to hear a sudden pained groan from him.

Quickly turning over, Daisuke watched in horror as Law drove a dagger through Corazon’s back.

Daisuke had to see his father die in front of him again, and it hurt worse the second time.


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