Hey, Love. [on hiatus] ✔

By euphoriacion

276K 6.5K 1.2K

Amber Lindt is a 17-year-old girl. After her parents' divorce, she is forced to move to a different state. Sh... More

Thank You So Much
1- Home Sweet Home
2- Springfield High
3- Charging Failure
4- Mr. Jerk Or Demon
5- Party Time
6 - Kiss?
7- First Time Drunk?
9- Reflexes!
10- Hangover
11- Life Story
12- Pair
13- Creep
14- Try Harder
16- Knight In Shining Converse
17- Nice Caiden?
18- Rivalry
19- Lesson Learnt
20- Captain Roger's..
21- The Bad Boy's Hobby
22- Parental Questions
23- Trip!
24 - One Room, One Bed.
25- Cuddling Is Perfect For Fighting sadness
26- Freaking Out.
27- The Race.
28- The Race (Part 2)
29- caiden's past
30 - The Date.
31 - The Date (Part 2)
32- wild amber.
33 - Cute Caiden.
34 - Everything's Going Down.
34 - My Angel
35- Stolen Kisses
36 - Hot Waves
37- The Lady In Scarlet
38- Come Home Darlin'
39 - Young Love
40 - Absorbent And Yellow And Porous Is He
41- A Daredevil Eh?
43- Buubli.
44 - I'm Saying WAP WAP WAP
45- Like A Glowing Shimmer In A Hoard Of Dullness.
46- Skin On Skin

42- My Lovely French Fry

1.6K 49 13
By euphoriacion

Caiden's POV

"no fair!!!" nick whines and slumps down on his seat as amber strikes for the 5th time.

"shut up ok... You're just sad cause' we're better than you" amber says rolling her eyes.

"both of you shut the hell up and let's continue playing?" Charlie says raising from his seat and grabs onto another bowling ball from the rack.

We were currently playing bowling in pairs.. As in me and amber, nick and Trixie (his new girlfriend), charlie and sam, Andrew and Isaac .

charlie walks up to the platform and throws his ball which results in a strike and cheers erupt from the entire group. 

"so who's winning yet?" sam asks smirking.

"obviously us, what do you mean ?" charlie says mockingly

" i'd be winning if only caiden didn't suck at bowling" ambers huffs and pouts looking at me.

"hey, hey. humans have some disadvantages ok" i say raising my hands up in defense.

"i thought you'd look pretty sexy playing bowl, but i guess my dreams were shattered" ambers mumbles.

" you want sexy? oh alright love" i whisper to amber and run my fingers down her nape. she shivers under my touch and a victory smile appear on my lips. "oooh, I'll give you sexy"

"This is it the last bowl, if you get a strike in this one, you and Charlie win the game" amber announces smiling at them.

Charlie walks over to Sam giving her a kiss on her cheek and rubbing her shoulders

We all hype and cheer her up shouting and whistling.

Stares are thrown at us from the other groups who are playing bowl too.

Sam walks over to the ball stand and pick up a ball, inserting her three fingers in it (ahh y'all horny minded bitc-) she walks up and swings the ball  and turns around a smirk on her face.

We all look at the ball wide eyed holding our breaths, and shout in joy as the ball hits a strike and jump on Sam cheering her up. Getting stares from the entire centre

Nick ends up paying for the bowling game and I decide to pay for the dinner.

The group finally decides to eat at a diner nearby the bowling center. The interior all neon green and neon pink. We all take a seat at a booth and order our food.

"listen, for the 69th time cereal is not soup"

"cereal is literally a liquid with pieces inside. And soup is liquid with pieces inside, they're same"

Andrew and Blake were on a topic of whether cereal can be considered a soup or not. Ignoring their bickering caiden sets his mind somewhere else.

"bruh, nick. When's the next game?"

"the one in our home ground ? I guess next Saturday"

"we're playing against east high yeah?"

"yeah, those bitches" nick says making a gag face.

"what'd you just say?" amber says next to me

"what?" nick replies

"which school I meant"

"east high, it's this rival school of ours-"

"yeah, I know"

"how?" nick asks srunching his eyebrows

"eh, it's my old school"

Everyone makes their face into an '0' and nod.

"who all are there in the that school's team?" I ask curiously

"wait... Coach sent me a list, I have it in my phone" nick says shuffling with his phone

The waitress gets out order and we all get engrossed in shoving food in our belly and make conversations.

"Ok so it's Mike Angelo, jack harper, simon Park, Aaron Tay-"


"I. Said. Mike. Angelo. Jack-"  stopping at every word

"no you dumbass I meant who was the last name you said"

"asshole you just asked 'who?'"

"ok.. Ok sorry my babe, nick what was the last person's name?" caiden asks mockingly

"um.. Aaron Tay I guess"

Caiden immediately turns to looks at amber recognizing that name. Fuming at the fact he's coming to their school
Amber looks away, caiden squeezes her hand and amber looks back at him his eyes comforting her. Amber nods back and squeeze her hand into his.

"why'd you ask?" nick asks eyebrows furrowing

"nah, it's just some dude I heard of.. Nevermind"

"alright" nick replies and shoves French fries into his mouth.

"if my girlfriend was French, I would call her a French fry" Charlie announces intendly watching a fry

"bitch.. You ain't getting a French chick. I'm the only one you ever getting" Sam replies flipping her hair dramatically.

"really? Charlie had hopes for a French chick?" amber asks chuckling.

"hey, hey! This dude right here is hot as fuck.. Watch your words" Charlie points at himself and announces with a smirk.

"you wish-" Sam starts of but gets cut off when Charlie shouts loudly.

"I am a fucking hot ass male in his teens. And I fucking love it" he announces to the entire diner and gets 'whoops' and cheers from some other kids from school, but the owner just ask him to shut the fuck up and eat his food.


They all finished dinner by around 11:30 pm and they decided to call it day and departed their own ways.
Caiden dropped of amber at her house making out for minutes before caiden drove off her driveway.

Caiden reach his own paveway, switching off the engine and locking the doors. Walking up to his house door, something felt weird. Was it the fact that his doormat was crokked as it someone had shuffled in to his house? Or was it that his house door was opened ajar.

But caiden intendely tried to remember whether he had left the door unlocked before leaving. But he had not. Someone had broke into his house and this wasn't the first time.

Quickly he walked over to the back door of his house, grabbing a baseball bat in his right hand. Holding it in a position to swing at any minute.
Tiptoeing inside his house, his eyes sharp as an eagle, looking out for anything unusual at his place.

He walked over to his kitchen searching for something, cause he knew there was something wrong.

Taking fast and steady steps, he reached his hall and searched and looked everywhere when a red and black envelope caught his eye sitting on his counter top.

"Ah, fuck! " he shouted and heaved a sigh of relief.

"that bitch"  he threw the baseball bat over to his couch and stormed over to the counter grabbing the envelope.

Ripping off the wax seal off and flipping open the envelope. Caiden's eyes grew big as he saw the subject of the letter.


The update y'all have been waiting for

Sorry I'm evil ;p

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