The Cosmic Cavalry Season 2

By SeldStories

70 5 1

The Cosmic Cavalry find themselves on yet another adventure, traveling the galaxy to help the helpless. I own... More

Episode 2 - Journey to Exile
Episode 3 - Invader
Episode 4 - Heavy Metal
Episode 5 - Return to Terra II
Episode 6 - Battle For Terra II

Episode 1 - First Contact

22 2 1
By SeldStories

The Cosmic Cavalry begin dancing and drinking to "The Boys Are Back In Town" by Thin Lizzy in the living quarters of their ship, The Cruiser.

Ben & Luna begin dancing together, as Falicia & Johnny sit on the couch talking, laughing and drinking.

Mas begins talking over the speakers of the ship.

Mas: Mr. Watts, we have a distress signal coming in.

Ben pauses the music.

Ben: From where?

Mas: It appears to be coming from Dilo sir.

Johnny: Dilo?

Luna: What's Dilo?

Falicia: That's impossible..

Luna: Hello?! What's Dilo?

Ben: A planet in Solar 3.

Luna: Solar 3? That Solar System is forbidden!

Ben: They shouldn't even be able to send a distress signal. We need to go and check it out.

Falicia: What if we get caught? We could be sent to Yasamer for life!

Johnny: Come on, it'll be fun. I thought you wanted to explore all regions of the galaxy?

Falicia smiles.
The crew sit at their seats in the cockpit and begin to take off towards Solar 3.

Luna: So I'm not exactly an expert on solar law. Why can't we go there?

Ben: Well, our galaxy has 20 solar systems inside it. System 1 is your basic Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter. Solar 2, that's our solar system. Home to The Mainbreaker, Terra II, Phintrophia, excreta.

Luna: Okay.. So where's Dilo again?

Ben: Solar 3.

Luna: And why can't we go to Solar 3?

Johnny: Starlight shut it off. They've kept a forcefield around it for hundreds of years now. It's only got a few planets. Furtha, a planet filled with nothing but lava and rock. It's too dangerous to visit, like a sun it could explode at any moment although it's far enough away from the other planets that they'd be safe.

Luna: And the other planets?

Johnny: Well there's Minglow, a water planet.. No land whatsoever, although the water is toxic, it burns like acid. Then there's Giss, that planets air is basically just gas, It'd kill you within seconds. Then there's Urana.

Luna: What's wrong with Urana?

Falicia: No one knows, nobodies ever been.. Then of course there's Dilo.

Luna: I'm afraid to ask what's wrong with Dilo.

Ben: Nothing, actually. It's a lot like Terra II although they have no idea that aliens, spaceships and things exist. Its like a 2000s Earth.

Luna: Wow. So we'd be first contact?

Ben: Apparently so. We should be there soon.

Falicia: Wait, if Starlight put a forcefield around the solar system how are we gonna get through?

Ben: If we go in through hyperspace we can get past it.. Although it will trigger a sensor. We'll only have maybe a day at most until Starlight patrols arrive to check it out.

Luna: A day?

Ben: At most. Depending on where the closest patrol is.

The Cruiser takes off, on its way to Dilo.

On Dilo, citizens of the small planet are in hiding, fearing a great threat.

In a secret underground base a man and a woman sit, nervously.

The man stands.

Esbin: This is becoming rediculous.

The woman, Esbins daughter looks up at her father.

Ruth: Dad, I told you that thing was useless. We need to come up with an actual plan! We can't just sit here waiting for-

Esbin: It isn't useless! Believe me.

Ruth: No one is allowed in our solar system, that's what you said! No distress signal is going to help! Why would anyone risk their lives for us?!

Esbin: We have to try! I won't let you die.

Ruth: I'm not leaving, not until we stop them.

A few hours later, The Cruiser begins to orbit Dilo.

Ben: Preparing for landing.

Ben flicks a switch above his pilot seat.

Johnny: You wanna camouflage?

Ben: Well, they've never seen other species and we don't wanna freak the whole planet out so yeah, camouflage is a good idea.

Johnny slides his finger across a screen at the weapons seat (Johnnies seat) and then pulls down a lever. The Cruiser turns invisible.

Luna: You happy you finally got to use the camouflage?

Johnny: Hell yeah. I installed it two months ago! I've been dying to see it in action.

Ben: Where's the signal coming from?

Falicia looks at the map on her screen at the mapping seat.

Falicia: 6674, 87, -12

Ben: Mas, you get that?

Mas: Yes sir. Locked on for landing.

Ben: Alright let's gear up.

The crew put on their outfits and grab their guns and step outside of the ship to find an empty field and a small farm house.

Johnny: Shit.. It really does look like Terra II.

Ben: Yeah, very few planets have grass like this.

Ben kneels down and picks up some grass to look at.

Luna looks down at a screen on her wrist aka her Galec-Watch.

Luna: Signals coming from over there.

Luna points at the barn and the crew walk inside it.

Ben: Anybody home?

A hatch in the ground swings open and Esbin climbs out, followed by his daughter Ruth. The Cavalry grab their weapons in shock.

Esbin: Oh thank the stars! I knew someone would come! Please, lower the guns! I'm not your enemy!

Johnny: Maybe don't jump out on people like that then, huh?

The crew lower their weapons.

Ben: What's the problem? We heard your distress signal.

Johnny: Hold on. Before we get into that, how the hell did you two send a signal into space? Dilo is so far behind current technical-

Ruth: We found the transmitter.

Falicia: What do you mean, found?

Esbin: Please! Follow us!

Esbin and Ruth climb back into their underground base. The crew slowly follow.

Ben: Holy shit.

Johnny: Where the hell did you find all this tech?

Esbin: Ah.. That's actually why we sent the distress signal.

Luna: Explain.

Esbin: Ruth?

Ruth: About a year ago, a giant spaceship crash landed here. The government confirmed it was alien. They also confirmed the aliens inside were dead. It was our planets first contact with aliens. However, a few months ago the president of Dilo revealed himself to be one of the aliens in disguise.. Wearing the presidents skin like some sort of suit. Over the last year they've slowly been kidnapping people and forcing us to be their slaves.. If we refuse, we get vaporised. The aliens call themselves Morgals. They say their planet was destroyed and now they're taking ours.. They've taken over. Killing our people. If you're not already serving them, you're either dead or in hiding.

Falicia: Crap.. That's.. A lot.

Ben: So they was the first aliens you ever saw?

Esbin: Yes.

Johnny: Still doesn't explain the tech.

Ruth: Every so often I sneak into their main base and steal it.. It helps us fight them. I finally found a transmitter and that's how we called you here.

Ben: Hold on. So these "Morgals" are killing your entire race?

Ruth: Well, most of our people are just slaves to them, until we mess an order up then we're dead. They're breeding. There's hundreds more of them everyday. My father and I... We formed a group, a sort of resistance.

Ben: So where are the rest of you?

Esbin: A month ago there was forty of us.. Now, it's just us two. We sent a distress signal before, these bounty hunters came and took my wife.. Ruth's mother and flew away.

Falicia: Do you know where they took her?

Esbin: How would I know? A year ago we thought we was the only species in the world.

Ben: Okay. First we need to stop the Morgals.

Luna: Any idea how we can stop them?

Esbin: Well, actually I do have a theory.

Ruth: You have a lot of theories, dad.

Esbin: Just shush for a moment! Their leader, they call him The Father. Now, I believe if we can take him out, we'll stop them all!

Ben: Why do you think that?

Esbin: The rest seem to draw their power from him. From what I can tell, anyway. He's a god of some sort.

Falicia: Gosh.. This is The Paralive all over again.

Johnny: Hey, no it isn't. The old man says stopping their leader will stop the rest. We just get into the base and kill him, problem solved. Right?

Esbin: Well, as I said I'm not quite sure.

Ben: Hold on, before we do anything rash. How do you even know this? What makes you think the Morgals get their power from this father guy?

Esbin: Look.

Esbin points at a computer screen and shows the crew footage of The Father putting his hand into a giant tube which shoots energy into the sky, that then rains energy partials infecting the rest of the Morgals.

Ruth: A week ago I managed to use their own tech to hack into their CCTV. Their base is where the King of Dilo use to live, before they killed him.

Ben: So we kill him and the energy dies?

Esbin: Exactly.

Ben looks over at Johnny.

Ben: What do you think?

Johnny: What are you asking me for? You're the captain.

Ben: Yeah, I am.. And one day you'll take over. This is dangerous Johnny, we have absolutely zero idea what we're up against here. I need your help making a decision.

Johnny: I say we do it.

Ben nods.

Ben: Alright. Let's go.

Ruth & Esbin grab their earth-like pistols.

Ben: What are you guys doing?

Esbin: Well we're coming with you?

Falicia: We usually don't take people with us..

Ruth: Tough. You don't even know where you're going. I assume you have a ship?

Ben: Yeah.

Ruth: Then let's go.

Ruth climbs out of the hide out and the rest of the crew and Esbin follow. They walk out of the barn..

Ruth: Where's the ship?

Johnny: Right in front of you.

Johnny enters a code into his Galec-Watch on his wrist and The Cruiser becomes visible.

Esbin: Wow! It's nothing like I've ever seen!

Luna: Let's get strapped in.

The crew, Esbin & Ruth walk onto The Cruiser and reactivate invisibility mode. The crew strap into their seats while Ruth & Esbim stand behind them.

Ruth: This is amazing..

Esbin: It's so beautiful.. So.. Futuristic! Aha!

Ben: Thanks. Alright, we all know the plan?

Falicia: Yep. Fly to the base, kill The Father and hope it kills the rest of the Morgals.

Luna: Music?

Johnny: On it.

"Take On Me by A-ha begins to play"

Esbin: What is this?

Ben smiles as The Cruiser rises from the ground.

Ben: Earth music! "Take On Me" from the human year 1985!

Ruth: Yeah, we have no idea what an Earth or a human is!

Ben: Old planet. Long gone by now, humans aka my race abandoned it billions of years ago because our sun was ready to explode.

The Cruiser takes off.

Johnny: It's a good song, right?!

Ruth: I guess..

Esbin: I like it!

Over at the Morgal base..

A Morgal approaches The Father.

Morgal: Father. A ship has entered Dilo's atmosphere.

The Father: That's not possible. Where?

Morgal: We're tracking it now. The ship appears to be using camouflage technology.

The Father: Continue tracking it. Their camouflage technology is only invisible to the eye, it is still traceable.

A few moments later The Cruiser begins to hover in the sky above the Morgal base.

Johnny turns the music off.

Ben: This the place?

Esbin: Yes.. That's it.

Ruth: Okay. Land the ship we can sneak in through the air vents, that's how I've been getting inside.

The Cruiser gets shot by a Morgal ship.

Ben: Crap!

Esbin: What? What's happening?!

Ben: Falicia?!

Falicia looks at her screen at her seat.

Falicia: They must've tracked us!

The Cruiser gets shot at again and begins to lose flight control.

Ruth: We're invisible how can they be tracking us?!

Johnny: We're only invisible in vision, the ship can still be tracked. They must've been tracking the atmosphere when we came in!

The Cruiser gets shot once more and the camouflage breaks, making the ship visible.

Ben: Johnny!!

Johnny: On it!

Johnny activates The Cruisers left and right guns and begins to shoot purple lasers at Morgal ships, blowing them up in the sky.

Luna: Well, they know we're here now!

Ben: I wish we still had that damn canon.

Falicia: More ships incoming!

The Morgals continue fire onto The Cruiser from their ships and The Cruiser begins to smoke.

Ben: I've gotta land.

Johnny: What?! Are you insane?!

Ben: The Cruiser is about to blow up, we can't take this much heat!

Luna: They want slaves, right? They might not kill us.

Ruth: Yeah but that still might!

Ben: It's a risk we're gonna have to take. Hold on!

Ben crash lands The Cruiser just outside of the Morgal base. The crew, Ruth & Esbin step outside the ship with their hands in the air as Morgal soldiers begin running over to them.

Ben: Okay, here's the plan. We obey their orders and hopefully find a way to escape..

Johnny: Without our guns?

Ben: If we bring our weapons they'll think we're still fighting back.

Falicia: Mas has the ship on lockdown, they won't get inside.

Luna: Let's hope not.. My swords in there.

The Morgals arrive and begin shouting.


Ruth: Wha.. What? Why can we understand them?

The crew, Ruth & Esbin fall to their knees.

Falicia: The Cruiser has a built in translator. It basically gets inside your head and allows you to hear every language in your own. That's why you can understand us too. We added it a few weeks ago.

Esbin: Amazing..

Morgal: Enough talking! The Father wishes to see you.

Luna: What?! Why?

Morgal: We are not at liberty to discuss that. Stand, follow.

They all stand and are put into handcuffs. The Morgals lead the crew, Ruth & Esbin inside the base, where they come face to face with The Father.

The Father: Ah.. So you are the ones who came through the atmosphere.

Johnny: This is all very "take me to your leader" you wanna explain why you wanted to see us?

The Father: Does this blabbering boy speak for you all?

Ben: I'm the captain, if that's what you're asking. His question is valid though, what do you want with us personally?

The Father: Besides my race, the Dilo's have never had any other alien contact. I feared you were Starlight, attempting to stop me from creating a new planet for my race.

Ruth: Only race? You're forgetting the bounty hunters that took my mother!

The Father: Ah yes.. A reasonable trade off. The hunters needed a slave and I needed more weapons.

Ruth: I'll kill you!

The Father: Haha. Take them to the prisons, they'll make good slaves. Perhaps put them in ship manufacturing.

Morgal soldiers escort the crew, Esbin & Ruth into a small jail, built underground the Morgal base and throw them all into a cell, releasing their handcuffs. The soldiers slam the gate shut and it locks.

Luna: Well this is perfect.

Ruth: How the hell are we gonna get out?

Prisoner: You won't.

The crew, Ruth & Esbin turn around and see two other prisoners.

Johnny: There must be a way.

Prisoner: Unfortunately not. We've been in here a whole month, they only take us out for jobs.

Falicia: I'm a doctor, let me have a look at you.

Falicia begins to check the other two prisoners incase of any Injuries, however, they seem fine.

Luna: If we can get some guns and bust this gate open we could shoot our way back upstairs and kill The Father.

Ruth: That'd be great but how do we do that?

Esbin: Well they want to keep us alive, perhaps we could use that to our advantage?

Johnny: That's it!

Ben: What?

Johnny: Remember that old Serial we use to watch when we were kids?

Luna rolls her eyes.

Ben: You mean Space Adventure?

Johnny: Yeah! When they got imprisoned they faked a fight!

Falicia: You need to stop watching cartoons.

Ben: No, wait.. That could work! We fake a fight, the guards unlock the gate to stop us and we jump them for their guns!

Johnny: Exactly!

Prisoner: Wait, who the hell are you?

Johnny: Nevermind that.

Johnny looks at Ben.

Johnny: Ready?

Ben: Oh yes.

Ben punches Johnny in the face, Johnny hits Ben back in the stomach.

Morgal Soldier: You there! Stop that!

Ben headbutts Johnny

Falicia: Oh my stars, Ben! Don't hit him too hard!

Johnny upper cuts Ben.

The Morgal soldier runs over to the cell and unlocks the gate, as soon as he does, Johnny grabs the soldiers gun out of his hands while Ben, Luna & Ruth tackle the solider to the floor and knock him out.

Johnny: Easy as ever!

Johnny throws Ben the Morgal gun, Ben catches it.

Ben picks up the cell keys from the floor next to the solider and tosses them to the prisoner.

Ben: You know where the armory is?

Prisoner: Just round that corner! Why?

Ben: Free the other prisoners, fight your way out. We need all the help we can get.

The crew, Ruth & Esbin run round the corner and into the armory and each grab a Morgal rifle.

Ben: Okay, everyone ready?

Esbin: How do these work? Alien technology, it is truly fascinating!

Esbin accidentally shoots the wall.

Johnny: Next time you do that, make sure it's pointing at an enemy.

The crew, Ruth & Esbin run upstairs, where six Morgal soldiers are standing guard. The crew shoot them all dead and continue to push forward throughout the Morgal base.

Morgal Soldier: Father, they're coming!

The Father: Don't just stand there you brain dead fool! Guard that door!

Twenty Morgal soldiers aim their guns at the only entrance to the room they stand in.

Ruth: Its just up here!

The crew, Ruth & Esbin continue running until they finally reach the room where The Father is hiding.

Ruth: Its through this door.

Ben: How many soldiers?

Ruth: I have no idea. There's millions of Morgals, more will be on their way if we don't hurry.

Johnny: We could swing the door open and throw in a pusle grenade!

Ben: Do you have any pusle grenades Johnny?

Johnny: Oh.. Right.

Five Morgal soldiers come running around the corner and aim their guns at the crew, Ruth & Esbin.

Morgal Solider: DROP THE GUNS NOW!

Luna: Fuck.

Morgal Solider 2: NOW! Or we fire!

Everyone looks at Ben.

Ben: Do it.

Falicia: You sure?

Ben: We're dead if we don't.

The crew drop the Morgal guns on the floor, Ruth & Esbin do the same.

The Morgal soldiers force the crew, Ruth & Esbin inside the room to meet The Father.

The Father: You will kneel before me.

Johnny: Eat shit.

The Father: Guards.

A Morgal solider kicks the back of Johnny's leg, making him fall to his knees.

Falicia: Leave him alone!

The Father: KNEEL!

They all drop to their knees.

The Father: Now then.. Who are you? You're not of Dilo, that's certain.

Luna: Why do you care?

The Father: Over the last few months many Dilos have tried to kill me, I'm curious what your races are.

Ben: Yeah? Well we ain't gonna tell you shit.

The Father: I could have you executed right this second if I pleased.

A Morgal solider pushes the barrel of his gun against the back of Ben's head.

Ben: So do it.

Luna: Stop. He's human.

The Father: Human? Ah.. I've never liked humans.. You're all so stubborn. But what about you? You're far too pretty to be human.

Luna: I'm Loke.

The Father: And the others?

Falicia: I'm half human half Loke.

The Father: Fascinating.. What about you, the mouthy one?

Johnny: I'll rip your fucking head off you piece of-

Another Morgal solider pushes the barrel of his gun against the back of Johnny's head.

The Father: It seems that none of you quite grasp the realisation that I am the one in charge. Perhaps you're visual learners.. Execute one of the Dilos.

Falicia: No! Don't!

A Morgal solider shoots Esbin in the back of the head.

Ruth: NOO!!


Ben: You son of a bitch!

Ruth jumps up and kicks the Morgal solider standing behind her, grabs it's gun and aims it at The Father..

The Father smiles and claps.

The Father: Ahh! Yes! Quite impressive.

Ruth: Ben.. If he goes they all do, right?

The Father: What?

Ben: It was just a guess.

The Father: What are you talking about?

Falicia: You! You sack of shit! If we kill you, your race dies! Right?! That's what the energy in the sky was! You feeding your race?!

The Father: Even if that's true.. What if you're wrong?! My soldiers will kill you the moment you pull that trigger! So what if you're wrong?!

Ruth: If I'm wrong.. I have nothing else to lose.

Ruth pulls the trigger, killing The Father. The Morgals begin to scream and melt down into puddles of goo..

Luna: Holy shit it worked.

Falicia: I really didn't think it would..

Ruth: Oh god, dad!

Luna quickly stands and turns Ruth around.

Luna: Don't look. Don't look.

Luna holds Ruth as Ruth cries.

Johnny: Ruth.. I'm so sorry..

A few hours later, the crew & Ruth stand outside Ruth's farm house, over Esbins grave.

Ben: He'd be proud of you. You saved your entire world.

Ruth: Yeah..

Falicia: Your mother.. She's still out there, right?

Ruth: Somewhere.. I have no idea where.

Hours later, The Cruiser hovers in orbit outside of The Starlight HQ.

Ruth stands in the living quarters looking out of the window as The Cruiser lands.

The Crew & Ruth step outside onto a landing platform in Starlight HQ.

Falicia: You sure you don't want to come with us?

Ruth: No.. I need to find my mother.

Ben: You ever need anything just find a way to contact The Cruiser.

Ruth: I will.. Thanks.

Luna: Starlight will help you, don't worry. Just make sure you speak to Captain Seval, you can trust her.

Johnny: Plus she's the only one that won't arrest us for entering your Solar System.

Ruth: Thanks guys.. I'll see you around?

Falicia: You better.

Ben: Yeah, it's a big ass galaxy, you better not go running off.

Ruth laughs.

Ruth: I won't.. Thanks again.

Ruth walks down the platform and into a Starlight building.

The crew sit back inside The Cruiser.

Luna: Think she'll be okay?

Ben: Yeah, I'm sure we'll see her again.

Falicia: Mas, music.

Mas: Of course mam.

Twist & Shout by The Beatles plays.

Ben: So, where to next?

Johnny: How about a day of relaxing?

Ben laughs.

The Cosmic Cavalry return in Episode 2...

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