Back In time

By creammeier

205K 8K 1.1K

"Well then, there must be a reason why you aren't able to keep your eyes off me in the market today, Miss Wel... More



3K 131 10
By creammeier

"Tickets for two, please." Nicholas said, handing over a few notes in exchange for two tickets and booklets that read 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

Great, this is like literature class all over again.

Don't get me wrong. I love literature, but I do have a knack for sleeping during these plays.

As soon as we settled into our seats, the lights dimmed and the orchestra began to play an extravagant theme that made the hairs at the back of my neck stand. It was so grand that I felt as if I was pulled into the time Shakespeare.

Forty minutes into the play and I still found myself staring at the actors and actresses gracefully gliding from one end of the stage to another, flaunting whatever skills they had grasped from practicing into this play.

If literature classes could be that interesting.

I was too absorbed in the play that I was left unaware that Nicholas had reached out to grab my hand, placing mine in his. "What are you doing?" I asked, with my attention still fixed on the play. But he did not return an answer. I felt the temperature increase on my cheek.

Thank goodness it was dark.

And so, we held hands throughout the entire play. In fact, thanks to him, I couldn't concentrate on the second half of the play. It was as if my heart was about to burst from thumping too quickly, and too loudly, which I prayed that he couldn't hear.


"So, what did you think of the play?"

"It was great!" I replied.

"Is this your first time watching this particular play?"

"Nope! I watched it several times in school during literature class. It was technically quite boring. I slept a few times and even skipped the lesson to watch dramas from the internet." I blurted, not realizing what came out of my mouth.

"Internet?" He stared at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh, umm...I meant errr..." I searched the area for something to divert his attention, "what's that over there?" I pointed to a shop, hoping that Nicholas will get off this subject. Meanwhile, Nicholas turned his head to look where I was pointing before looking back at me.

"Is your mind always filled with nothing but food?" He chuckled, while I heaved an internal sigh of relief.

"Usually, why?"

"Well, that is a famous restaurant. One of the best in town. Which brings me back to the point..."

Please not the internet topic.

"Are you famished?" As soon as he said that, my stomach grumbled. Loudly.

"Come on," he chortled, "time for your favorite part this evening."

"Welcome, Sir. May I know how many will be dining this evening." A smartly dressed waiter assisted. Their full-white suit gave each staff a sleek and neat appearance.

"Just two."

"Right this way, Sir." The waiter grabbed two menus before leading us to our table.

As I stepped through the door, I was greeted with the sound of soft violin playing in the background. The walls of the restaurant were plastered with rich cream-colored wallpapers, while the tables and chairs were carefully crafted, each of it as its own work of art. To top it off, a huge crystal chandelier hung on the ceiling, illuminating the entire place. Not knowing that we have reached our table, I continued taking in every single detail of the restaurant.

Now I know why it is one of the best in town.

"Abbey." I snapped back into reality when Nicholas called my name. "Are you going to continue standing there looking like a lamp post or are you going to sit down?" I looked at Nicholas who was standing behind a chair, smirking. His eyes directed me to the seat which he pulled out. Quickly, I settled down before taking a glance at the menu.

To say that I wasn't going to have a heart attack before dinner would be unreal. The prices in this restaurant were off the charts. Never in my life have I ever eaten at such an expensive place.

"Erm...Nicholas, how about we eat somewhere else?"

"What for?"

"This place is really expensive." I whispered softly so that the staff would not hear.

Instead, Nicholas smiled at me, giving me the 'it's alright' look. "This is my way of making up it up to you. Feel free to order whatever you want. This place is within my limits."

"Are you sure?" I asked one more time.

"If I were to be bankrupt from a meal like this, I would have already been living on the streets many years ago."

"Alright! If you insist!" I gave a sinister laugh before eyeing on the most expensive dish there is on the menu. Just as I was flipping through the menu, a sweet and gentle voice caught my attention. I looked up, only to find myself caught in a trance. Standing before the table was a woman, simply yet elegantly dressed, with her long brunette hair tucked behind her ear.

"Sir Nicholas. What brings you here?" She smiled, with her gaze fixed on Nicholas.

"Miss Dolittle," Nicholas stood up and placed a kiss on her hand.

What am I. A piece of glass?

"Just having a little something after a show. What about you?" Nicholas probed.

"I am here for dinner with my mother. We have just finished some left-over errands for-"

"Where is Mrs. Dolittle?" Nicholas interjected. His voice sounded strained, unlike the usual calm and deep one.

"She just went to the powder room. She should be back soon."

"Who is this?" She questioned, as she looked at me with the most peculiar yet sincere eyes. She looks so beautiful up close. Her perfect features and fair skin complemented the soft and wavy brunette locks that fell to her waist. If I were a guy, I would have fallen head over heels for her by now.



"What?" I questioned.

"You just said pretty." While I was dying from embarrassment, Nicholas looked like he was about to fall out of his chair.

"Anyway, hello! My name is Amelia Dolittle. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiled, revealing a set of perfect white teeth before curtseying.

How can a human be so perfect?

Unaware that Nicholas had been nudging me, I continued staring at her with my mouth wide open. "Abbey!" Nicholas whispered, nudging me harder this time.

"What!" I whispered back in annoyance.

"Introduce yourself." Not knowing what was going on, Amelia was now staring blankly at us both.

"Oh! Hi, my name is Abbey Wellesley." I stood up and extended my hand for a shake. Instead, she looked at my hand then back at me, as if like I was from another world. I mentally scolded myself for having forgotten what age this was.

"Uh, it's just a way of introducing myself. You shake the hand." I beamed.

"Then..." Amelia grabbed my hand and shook it, "nice to meet you too, Miss Wellesley." She grinned. As exaggerating as it might sound, she looks too pure for this world.

"Would you both like to join our table?" She offered, gesturing towards her table.



Nicholas and I said in unison before staring back at each other.

"Yes! We will join you." I quickly said.

"No, we will not." Nicholas opposed. I gave him a death glare while keeping my lips pursed.





Amelia on the other hand, was standing between the both of us, smiling awkwardly; probably regretting her extended invite as many were now focusing on our table.

"Thank you for the invite, Miss Dolittle, but we shall be heading to another restaurant." Nicholas gestured for me to follow him. Defeated, I decided to comply. Not because I was afraid, but because I needed someone to foot the expensive bill. Nicholas began to walk towards the entrance, while I followed behind.


I saw his shoulders tense before slowly turning around.

"Mrs. Dolittle." Nicholas went up to greet the woman, clad in an elegant black dress, with a kiss to her cheek. In that instant, Nicholas took hold of my hand and pulled me close to him. It was as if he was trying to protect me from something.

"This is Abbey Wellesley."

Nicholas' mother eyed me from top to bottom. Her eyes held a tinge of disgust and hatred but was quickly overtaken by a warm smile.

"Well, I am charmed to finally meet you, Miss Wellesley." The sarcasm in her tone was unmistakable. Though I didn't know what feud I had with her, I knew that I wouldn't want to sink to her level.

Manners, Abbey. Manners.

"Likewise." Trying to put my best smile forward.

"Well, please join us for dinner," gesturing to their table.

"No, we were-" I was cut off by Nicholas.


I was taken aback by what Nicholas said. Though he rejected Amelia's offer, he didn't reject it when it came from Mrs. Dolittle. I did not take Nicholas to be the type that respects his elders, especially when it involved things where his ideas were contrary to theirs.

After Nicholas ensured that I was settled down, he then proceeded to take a seat between Amelia and I. The tension between Mrs. Dolittle and Nicholas was unmistakable. Since Amelia and I were sitting in the opposite direction, our eyes were locked; telepathically communicating to come up with a solution to ease the rising pressure.

"Let us order, shall we?" Amelia broke the silence.

"Yes!" I supported. Instantly, the heaviness of the air grew lighter as Nicholas called upon the restaurant's attendant to take our orders. Somehow, I cannot help but wonder about the events that took place between Mrs. Dolittle and Nicholas that could build and pose that much hostility; yet have Nicholas remain obligated to her requests.

As curious as I was, I remain nervous to the happenings that I knew would slowly unravel as the night deepens.

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