By Crazzi_MA4E

49.3K 1.9K 1K


chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
chapter Eleven
Chapter Twleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
not a chapter
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Tweenty Two
Chapter Tweenty Three
Not a story update
Chapter Tweenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Tweenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Sixteen

1.3K 65 38
By Crazzi_MA4E

"How the hell did they sleep through all that yelling!?" Nighmare grumbled as he stormed his way upstairs. The three skeletons looked at eachother before looking back at the stairs. Three loud bangs were heard from up stairs along with some yelling from the negative god. Nightmare came stomping back down the stairs with three skeletons being held by the gods tendrils. "Are we NOT aloud to sleep in!?" Horror growled as he tried wiggling out of his boss's grip. "Did you not hear us yelling downstairs!?" Nightmare snapped his neck towards Horror completely ignoring the cannibals quetion "I did but i thought you were yelling at one of the others so i fell back asleep!" "I let you guys sleep in to much... next time you hear me yelling you come dow Stairs! What if we were being attacked and you fell just because you thought I was yelling at one of the others!?" "I dont know why your making such a big deal out of this Nightmare we were only sleeping and whatever happened has now passed so theres nothing to be angry at, we promise next time we hear yelling we'll come straight down stairs" Killer reassured as he looked at Nightmare with a slight 'please dont kill me' face. "Yea, Nightmare were sorry" Cross sighed as he looked at the ground. The goopy god groaned before dropping Horror and Killer and setting Cross down on the couch. "Hey! No fair how come he gets a soft landing!?" Horror complained as he rubbed his tail bone.

Nightmare only rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch next to the monochrome skeleton. Horror and Killer both glared at Cross, the black and white monster staring back with a look a fear and slowly scooting closer to his boss. "Are they gonna kill him?" Blue questioned as he pointed to Horror and Killer, "nah, Nightmare would most likely beat them if they tried anything" Dust chuckled as he watched the three skeletons stare at eachother. "Please dont hurt me..." Cross breathed out as he continued to stare at the skeletons sitting on the floor. Nightmare glanced at them before giving them death glares. The two on floor quickly looked away as they did not want to get hurt. Those two are such babys! Right Error-?" Dust glanced beside expecting to see Error but all he saw was no one there. "Error?" Dust questioned as he looked around trying to find the glitchy skeleton.


Error sighed as he sat on his blue bean bag. He had left as soon as Nightmare came back down stairs, he didnt want to deal with his idiotic teammates so he left to his anti-void. He was now staring up at the non existant ceiling. The destroyer layed in silence as the voices in his head started rambling.
'Dream is so annoying!'
'Why didnt you just give Blue to him? its not like you need that sans for anything'
'Its sooo boring without Ink'
'destroying AU's wont be as fun without that creator'
'I say we go find that bratty Glow stick and beat his ass!'
Error groaned as he now grew annoyed of the voices complaining. He stood up from his bean bag and opened a portal to outertale. He was banned from outertale bu that was never going to stop him, he had found a nice floating island to rest on far from the main island so he didnt have to worry about anyone finding him. The destroyer let his legs dangle as he stared up at the stars. Blues, purple, greens, and pinks all flooded the pitch black sky along with bright white stars. But staring at the galaxy around him made him remember when Ink had painted that galaxy on the anti-voids wall. He remembered asking what Ink had done, the artist only replied with a smile. Then the destroyer had asked if was for him, 'no silly it's for someone else... of course it's for you!' The destroyer remembered that sentence so clearly. A small smile formed on the black skeletons face, he remembered how Ink replied to his short 'thank you' with speaking in Spanish 'No hay problema (no problem)'. His smile grew at the thought of Ink learning spanish. The artist had taken the time to learn the language... all for Error.

The glitches eyes widened as he remembered what he did. Ink did so much for him and the destroyer only repayed the creator back with giving him to someone who only wanted to use his for experiments. Error stood up as quick as he could and opened a portal to the mansions living room. He ran In side the portal, startling the five skeletons his the room. "There you are Error, where were you. You just disappe- WhƏrƏ$ N!Ghtm^RƏ!?" Error cut off Dust with his now very glitchy voice "upstairs in his office, why?" Without answering Dusts quetion, Error bolted upstairs and mede his way to Nightmares office only to bust the door open. The sudden appearance and loud sounding thud from the now broken door made Nightmare jump. "WƏ m^D ^ HŪgƏ M!sT^Kə!" Nightmare looked up from his paperwork and stared at Error before getting out of his seat and slowly making his way to the destroyer. "Error, calm down i can barley understand you" Nightmare stayed a couple feet away from Error knowing the destroyers haphobia would be way worse with his panicked state. Errors quick breaths become slower as time passed "there we go breath, Error" the glitches breathing became normal as he took one deep breath before replying "We MaDE A mIstAke..." The destroyer looked down at the ground as he felt Nightmares confused gaze on him. "What do you mean?" Error sighed, his glitching increasing slightly. "GIVinG InK To E!GaStER WAs A mIsTake..." Error sighed before looking back up to the negative god "hE DidNt DeSErvErE It... He DoSEnT DeSerVE To Be ExPErimENtEd ON! He NEvEr DiD! WevE MaDe sUcH A terRibLE MistAKe, NigHtmARe!" The glitch rubbed his arms as he stared at Nightmare, the other giving a look a disbelief before a voice caught both there attention.
"Y-you did what..."

Ok! Hello I'm back!
So I came up with a new idea pretty quickly
This chapter it shorter than I usually make them But i promise to make the next chapter longer

Anyway that's all for today/tonight!

Cya next chapter 🖐

Words: 1039

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