your glorious indifference

invisiblilly tarafından

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[POETRY/PROSE] [an ode to the things that make me want to spit blood and call it poetry] copyright 2019 Daha Fazla

to all the loves i've never managed to pull out from my bones
alternate universes
who is your body for?
in all our indecency
the things we so desperately avoid talking about
blood lust
where does old love go to when it dies?
so much color
what happened to you?
do not die for love
what reminds me of you:
every beautiful thing
in my silences
my ghost
the moon and the blistering sun
more or less
i miss getting drunk with you
you could love her anywhere
it's me, alone
do you want
talk about it
set fire to everything
things i want to do when i see you again
do i look mad?
passive agressive rants
in this poem
nothing here is about him
what am i
dead man
when i say i am my mother's child
when was the last time you saw Frank?
it's a nice day, my love
an ode to London
a love letter before dying
guidelines to live by
four seasons later
in your dream
Girl Meets Other Girl
town of graveyards
i wrote u back

a girl, a concept

60 5 0
invisiblilly tarafından

pretty girl, easy girl, young, bold.
it's easy to want her:
those scared child eyes, the smell of tropical climate, warm skin of indigenous Latin American, scorching blood running through the veins.
a girl, a concept:
cursed girl, spirited, depraved.
feline smile, thinks vaguely of suicide in full moon nights, whispers songs in French, always kisses with her eyes closed.
a girl, a concept:
unknown as the inside of a stranger's skull, head nailed with gold screws, teeth made of smoke.
she has bruises everywhere, always walks with her sadness immaculately kept in her pocket, commits self-genocide every night, quotes Dostoevsky when she's in love.
pretty girl,
meticulous girl,
as empty as her mind on Sundays.
goes to hell and back every night, lets men tear her skin apart, idealizes distant tragedies without even having lived them.
a girl, a concept:
half manic, unstable, carries planets in the purple orbits underneath her eyes.
takes razor blades with her wherever she goes, swallows pieces of glass to keep interesting, washes her mouth with sacred wine, dances with the devil.
pretty girl,
confused girl,
has a train wreck somewhere inside of her.
walks through the empty streets, spits blood and calls it poetry, waits for something that's not coming back.
tragic, ephemeral, fugitive.
the girl, the concept.
she was such a young, pretty girl.
she was so young.
she was so pretty.
now never again.

Okumaya devam et

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