My Sister's Keeper (TLOU Elli...

By Multifiction2513

18.4K 396 50

Follow Ellie, Dina and Ellie's twin brother Dylan as they hunt down the people responsible for Joel's death... More

You Like Her
The Dance
I'd Like To Try
Waking Up
Clearing The Supermarket
Eugene's Place
The Chalet
Welcome to Seattle
Take On Me
Have A Little Faith
Room For Three
Back to School
The Book Store
TV Station
The Tunnels
Flashback - Happy Birthday!
Hillcrest Part 1
Hillcrest Part 2
Flashback - Finding Strings Pt 1
Flashback - Finding Strings Pt 2
Road to the Hospital
Meeting the Seraphites
Hello Nora
We Made Her Talk
Next Stop The Aquarium
Road To The Aquarium Part 1
Return Home
Final Farewell
Secret's Out
For Our Family
Bit Of Excitement
Peace Shattered
Finding Abby
You Let Her Go
Years Later

Packing Up

580 13 0
By Multifiction2513

The next day, Ellie, Dylan and Dina visited Joel's grave. Ellie knelt beside Joel's grave sobbing as Dina and Dylan watched over her. Dina held onto Dylan's arm as he was still rather fragile.

Ellie stood and took a deep breath in and out before moving over to Dina and Dylan.

"I want to stop at his house before we leave. Just have to pick something up." Ellie informed.

"Okay." Dina replied.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to see Talia before we leave. I need to tell her what's going on." Dylan said.

"That's fine." Ellie replied.

The trio began the walk out of the cemetery.

"Ellie, I want you to have this." Dylan said as he held out a book.

Ellie and Dina stopped as Ellie took the book, noticing it was his sketch book.

"Why are you giving me your sketch book?" Ellie asked.

"Look inside." Dylan answered.

Ellie opened the book and revealed the drawings inside, which brought a tear to her eye.


"There's drawings of you, Joel, Dina, Jesse and other stuff. I just thought it would bring a smile to your face." Dylan said as he smiled at his sister.

Ellie hugged Dylan.

"Ow." Dylan mumbled.

"I'm sorry." Ellie said as she pulled away with a small smile.

"It was worth it. Put a smile on your face, didn't I?" Dylan grinned.

Dina smiled at the twins, "You two are so cute."

The twins smiled at Dina as they continued walking out of the cemetery. The conversation returning to the job at hand.

"I couldn't get to the horses. Looks like Tommy took one. Now Maria's got the stables locked down." Dina informed.

"Fucking Tommy." Dylan sighed.

"We'll figure something else out on the way. A car or a horse or something..." Ellie said.

"Okay." Dina replied.

"This makes getting to Seattle a lot harder." Ellie informed.

"Then it's gonna be harder." Dina said.

"You can still change your mind, you know..." Ellie said to Dina.

"I know." Dina replied.

"I just don't want you to feel like you have to." Ellie informed.

Dina placed her hand on Ellie's shoulder, stopping her.

"Ellie." Dina said.

Dina placed her hand on Ellie's cheek.

"You go, I go. End of story." Dina smiled.

Dylan smiled at the interaction between the two, grateful that Ellie would have another positive influence on this trip, someone who would be able to help her. 

Ellie placed her hand on Dina's wrist and nodded at Dina. Dina removed her hand from Ellie's face and the trio continued their walk towards Joel's house.

"You need to get your backpack?" Ellie asked.

"I hid it by the east gates. I figured we'd wanna slip out that way." Dina replied.

Dylan followed the girls as they headed to Joel's.

"Dylan, why haven't you told Talia about this?" Dina asked.

"I didn't want her to think she had to come and I know that if I told her the day before we left, she'd have a bag packed and she'd insist on coming with us. I don't want to risk her safety, seeing as she had never done anything like this before." Dylan replied.

"So, you're going to tell her literally before we leave? How do you think she's going to react to that?" Dina asked.

"Probably not good, but I think she'll realise that I'm doing this for a good reason and that I didn't tell her because I'm protecting her." Dylan answered.

Dina nodded, "Well, I hope it all goes well."

"Me too." Dylan said as they reached Joel's house.

The trio walked up to Joel's front porch. Dina and Dylan stood to the side as Ellie approached the front door. Ellie went to open the front door, but stopped. Dina and Dylan noticed Ellie's hesitation and Dina stepped forward.

"Hey. What do you need, I can go get it." Dina offered.

"I want to do it." Ellie replied as she looked up to Dina.

"Okay." Dina said as she moved back to Dylan, who smiled at his sister.

"I'm okay. Come on." Ellie replied before heading inside.

Dina and Dylan followed behind Ellie, Dylan closing the door behind them.

"I'll hang out down here. Give you two some time to get what you need." Dina said.

"Thanks." Ellie replied.

Dylan smiled at Dina before she headed into the lounge. The twins looked around the house, seeing things that brought back memories of Joel. The twins headed upstairs and began to look around. They headed into Joel's workshop and noticed a guitar that Joel had been working on. Dylan carefully ran his hand over the guitar and looked back to Ellie with a small smile.

"I bet she would've sounded amazing." Dylan said.

Ellie smiled before leaving the room. Dylan followed her into Joel's bedroom. Dylan saw Ellie in Joel's closet and watched as she went through his clothes. Ellie found Joel's coat and brought the material to her nose, inhaling Joel's scent before she sighed. Dylan smiled at Ellie as she exited the closet.

Dylan walked around the room and noticed a picture of Joel and Sarah.

"Hey, Ellie." Dylan called over his sister and showed her the photograph.

Ellie smiled as she looked at the photo.

"You've just got to think that he's in a better place now. He gets to spend time with his daughter and be a father to her again." Dylan said with a small smile as Ellie put the photo back.

Ellie nodded and gave Dylan a small smile before she continued to look around. Ellie stopped at Joel's bed, which had a red box sat on it. Ellie opened the box as Dylan stood beside her.

Ellie pulled out Joel's watch and his revolver before placing them in her pocket. Dylan placed his arm around Ellie's shoulders and comforted her.

"Ellie! Dylan! Can you come down here?" Dina called up.

"Everything okay?" Ellie asked as she called down stairs.

"Yeah, just...just come down." Dina replied.

Ellie looked to Dylan confused. Dylan shrugged and the twins headed downstairs.

The twins headed downstairs and looked into the dining room to see Dina sat at the table and Maria pacing by the fireplace. The twins entered the dining room and looked to Dina before looking up to Maria as she turned to talk to them with a note in her hands.

"'Maria, I'm headed to Seattle. I wish I could let it go, but I can't. I have to bring these people to justice. Ellie and Dylan are going to try to come after me, but stop them. Take their guns. Lock up the horses. Maybe lock the twins up. Buy me some time so I can end this. Love you always, Tommy.' He's gonna get himself killed." Maria said.

"He should've taken us with him. You should've given us a group to go after those fuckers!" Ellie replied.

"I wish I could." Maria stated.

"You gonna try and lock us up?" Dylan asked.

"I prefer that you stay--" Maria started.

"That's not gonna fucking happen--" Ellie informed.

"I prefer you stay, but I know you better." Maria continued, "Are you going with them?" Maria asked Dina.

"Yeah." Dina replied.

"So, you just gonna sneak outta here?" Maria asked.

Ellie folded her arms and looked to Maria.

"Yeah." Ellie answered.

"On foot?" Maria asked.

"Yeah." Dylan replied.

Maria moved and leant against the table on her hands.

"I told the stable to let you out with yours and Dylan's horse." Maria told Ellie, "Grab some ammo too."

Dina looked to Ellie and Dylan before the trio looked back to Maria.

"Thank you, Maria." Dina said.

"Just, uh, do me a favour and bring my dumbass husband home in one piece, please." Maria stated.

"Of course." Ellie replied.

"All right then. Get going, you''re losing light." Maria informed.

Maria went to leave before she called back.

"Dylan, can I talk to you outside please?" Maria called.

Dylan looked to Ellie and Dina.

"I'll catch up with you after I've seen Talia. I shouldn't be long, so I'll meet you at the stables." Dylan replied before he went to leave.

"Hey, Dylan!" Ellie called.

"Yeah." Dylan replied as he turned to meet his sister.

"You sure you want to do this still? I mean, you are still pretty beaten up, bro." Ellie asked.

Dylan smiled at his sister and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"There is nothing that is going to stop me from going with you, Ellie. Together forever, remember?" Dylan replied.

"Forever." Ellie said with a small smile.

Dylan placed a kiss on Ellie's forehead before he pulled away and smiled at his sister.

"I'll meet you at the stables. Could you grab my things for me please?" Dylan asked before he turned to leave.

"Of course. I love you, bro." Ellie replied.

"Love you too." Dylan said before he left.

Maria sat in the chair on the porch as Dylan moved to lean up against the fence, facing Maria.

"What's up?" Dylan asked.

"I have something for you and Ellie. It's from Joel. Tommy and I found it, when we were looking through his things." Maria informed.

"Why are you just telling me this? Shouldn't Ellie be here too?" Dylan asked.

Maria stood up and placed her hands on Dylan's shoulders.

"I couldn't tell Ellie about this right now. She's fragile and grieving, I didn't think she could handle it emotionally, so I told you. I don't want you to open it yet though. The note it came with, Joel insisted that you open it when you think the time is right. I'd save it when you two are both stable and are settled." Maria informed.

"Okay." Dylan replied as Maria handed him the letter.

Dylan placed the note inside his coat, placing it in the pocket. Maria smiled and pulled Dylan into a hug.

"Please be careful out there. Look out for one another and keep each other safe." Maria said as she pulled away.

"Of course." Dylan replied.

"You best get going. Ellie won't wait around forever." Maria informed.

Dylan smiled and went to leave.

"Maria, could you do me a favour? Whilst I'm gone, could you keep an eye on Talia for me?" Dylan asked.

"Of course. Does she know about this?" Maria asked.

"I'm going to tell her now before heading out." Dylan replied.

"Okay. Well, be gentle with her and good luck." Maria said.

Dylan nodded with a smile before heading to Talia's house.


Dylan entered Talia's house and saw her sitting in the lounge. Talia looked to him with a smile.

"Hey. Where have you been? I missed you this morning." Talia said as she moved over to greet him with a kiss.

"Hey, um, I was with Ellie and Dina at the cemetery. Actually, we need to talk." Dylan informed as he looked to Talia.

"Talk? What do we need to talk about? Oh my God, are you braking up with me?" Talia rambled.

"No, no...I'm not breaking up with you. I'm just heading to Seattle with Ellie and Dina to go after Tommy and to kill those bastards that murdered Joel." Dylan replied.

Talia looked to Dylan shocked at the reveal before she nodded and began to walk around the house gathering her things.

"What are you doing?" Dylan asked.

"I'm packing a bag. I'm coming with you." Talia replied.

"To hell you are. I'm not putting you in danger, you're staying here." Dylan stated.

"I'm not sending you out there to die. Look at what happened last time you left. You nearly died, Dylan." Talia informed.

"No, I survived. That's my speciality remember." Dylan replied.

Talia threw her bag down beside her and looked to Dylan.

"This isn't a joke, Dylan. You could die out there!" Talia stated.

"I'm not going to die, Talia. I have Dina and Ellie with me. We'll keep each other safe. But I'm not putting you in the firing line as well. I will not risk your life." Dylan replied.

"No, but you'll risk your twin sister and your best friend instead?" Talia asked.

"Talia, do you know how to use a gun, a knife, anything?" Dylan asked.

"I've shot some targets before, but that's about the half of it." Talia replied.

"Well, the other half is like a freaking nightmare." Dylan said.

"I don't care. I can help you." Talia insisted.

"See that's the problem, you don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel, I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind. You see, death doesn't happen to you, Talia, it happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how their going to live the rest of their lives now without you in it, huh? And look at my face, huh? Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me!" Dylan informed.

Talia looked at Dylan, a little scared. Dylan noticed this and took a step back.

"I'm so sorry." Dylan said.

"It's okay." Talia replied.

"I just need you to stay safe Talia, okay? Cause I love you. So I'm sorry, but I have to go." Dylan said before he left, leaving Talia speechless.

Talia began to cry as Dylan walked out the door, crumbling to her knees as her boyfriend walked out on her.

Dylan walked to the stables, seeing Ellie and Dina with the horses.

"Everything okay?" Dina asked.

"Yeah, let's head out before it gets too dark." Dylan replied.

Dylan mounted Shadow and looked to Dina and Ellie as they sat on Shimmer.

"Hey, bro. You sure you're okay?" Ellie asked.

"I'll be fine. I just...let's talk about this later." Dylan said

Ellie nodded as Dylan looked back to see Talia standing by the stables. Dylan shook his head and turned to look to Ellie. The trio headed out for Seattle, ready for a fight.

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