
By idenshell

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Desiderium (n) A fervent longing, as if something is lost. Rin Okumura lost his freedom to the Vatican. ~ Rin... More

Chapter 1: A Proposal of New Life
Chapter 2: Arrival
💀Strike Team: Thanatos💀
Chapter 3: Normal Kid... or Spy?
Chapter 4: Control
Chapter 5: Desiderium
Chapter 6: Adrenaline
Chapter 7: Gehenna's Gate
Chapter 8: Anxiety
Chapter 10: Push Comes to Shove
Chapter 11: The Children of Satan
Chapter 12: New Life
Epilogue: The New Mission

Chapter 9: Playing with Fire

202 16 0
By idenshell

"Nyx, Hawk-Moth, how are things going down there?" Rin asked through the comms. They had finished their concert about fifteen minutes before and Natsuki and Erin were already on their mission.

"All clear, Inferno. All hostiles have been incapacited, retrieving the piece now." Natsuki responded as Erin opened the back of the van to reveal another piece of the Gehenna Gate.


Back at the van Daisuke was monitoring things along with Haruki, Rin, and Mason. He was typing away at his laptop when he heard something buzz. "Oh shit."

"What?" Rin asked from the front seat.

"Um... we have company. It seems some old friends wanted a class reunion." He showed the security footage from about a block away. It showed Rin's old class, Yukio, and Shura walking in the direction of their van.

"Haruki can you..." Mason started though Haruki was already outside of the van and Daisuke was following her. "Okay then."

They all heard a familiar voice in their comms, "Just get the exwires and Teach away. Leave Kirigakure to me."

"Renzo! It's been a while!" Rin said, surprised to hear his old friend.


Haruki ran down the alleyway to where the exorcists should be with Daisuke, "Stay here and make it look like you're a demon."

"Um... okay?" Daisuke responded and pecked a kiss on Haruki's cheek, "Be careful." He used his powers to summon small orbs of light around him.

Haruki continued on her way, using her powers to change her appearance. She became the height of an average four-year-old, and made her hair a sunflower yellow, she changed her clothes into a little white dress with flowers on it. Finally she made her voice very high-pitched and nasaily as she approached the group of exorcists. "Help! My mommy was attacked by weird dogs!" The group turned and looked down at her, confused. "My mommy was attacked by weird dogs with green skin! She told me to run and get help."

The group all looked at each other and nodded, Yukio bent down to her level, "Alright, where is your mommy?" Haruki pointed down the alley to where Daisuke was waiting. "Okay, we'll go get her. You stay here."

She watched as the exorcists started down the alley, she grabbed Shura's hand, "Can you stay with me, miss? I'm scared. I don't want to be left alone!"

She turned back to the rest of the group and nodded signalling that it was okay. "Alright, Kiddo. I'll stay with you."


Shura and Haruki sat in the alleyway for five minutes before a bright light emitted from the warehouse next to them. Shura turned to Haruki, "I'm going to go check that out. Can you wait here for just a second?"

"Alright, miss Shura."

Shura summoned her sword and went into the warehouse. She walked in and immediately the door closed behind her, "Shit."

She saw a familiar boy with pink hair, the roots now showing his natural black from not redying, sitting at a two person table eating some kind of food. "Hi Shura."


"Actually Lucifer is asleep," He smirked, taking a bite of the food, "Sit down, I brought food and booze as a peace offering."

"You know I could kill you right?" Shura asked walking towards the table, sword still in hand. Shima just laughed.

"You could, you really could, I wouldn't be surprised if you tried. But... you won't." He said pouring some beer into a glass for her.

"And why's that?" She asked, smugly.

"Because, I'm the one who saved Rin. You never wanted Rin to get involved with the Vatican like you did. You were glad when he got away... but you still had to follow orders. Hence, calling me out about being a spy." Shima explained with scary levels of confidence. "You consider him a little brother and so do I... metaphorically and literally."

Shura slumped her shoulders and put her sword away. "Is he happy?" She sat down at the table across from Shima.


"Is he safe?"

"Of course. He shares an apartment with the best assassin in the Illuminati!" He said exasperatedly. Shura smirked.

"And who's that? You?"

"Of course not! It's the girl you were with, out in the alley." He said, chuckling at Shura's shock.

"Why are you here? Like talking to me?" She asked, genuinely confused. Shima nodded.

"Well... It's because I'm really into second chances. I know you Shura. I know what you're like and how you take orders." He said smiling.

"And what does that mean?" She said, taking a sip of the beer and then taking a chug because she really liked it.

"It means that, when push comes to shove I know where your loyalties lie. You only joined the Vatican because of Fujimoto, now that he's gone will you stay with them?"

Shura looked at him with her eyes squinted in confusion, "Wha-?"

"What I'm saying is... when it's time for push to shove, follow the light. You'll be happy, I promise."

And with that Shima disappeared.


Erin had found a hard drive inside of the van and decided to take it. Once back at the van and everyone had returned from their respective missions she plugged it into her spare laptop, just in case of a virus, and looked at what was inside.

Once it was plugged in a file appeared onto the laptop, she opened it and it was just a jpg picture. "What even is that?"

Rin looked at it closer, "It's the alchemical symbol for fire."

"But what does it mean?" Haruki asked, now back to her normal self.

"What if it... represents the person trying to collect all the pieces of the gate?" Daisuke asked the group for confirmation on the idea. Three out of the five other people nodded.

"But who?" Mason asked.

"Iblis. Her and Astaroth and the most committed to bringing my dad to Assiah." Rin said, thinking of it in the moment.

"Oh... that's great. We're fighting your sister."

A/N: Yes, I know I used Iblis as the antagonist in my other Blue Exorcist story but it's hard to think of antags for Blue Exorcist. Also, FUN FACT the yellow haired Haruki is actually based off of Hazel from the story 'Rin Moves Out' by @kyandidemon which was one of the main inspirations for this book.

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