hatred {editing}

By hemmosocial

52.1K 1.8K 559

How can a person hate someone so much? Well, let me tell you. One person; one person can fill you with so mu... More

[13] Betrayal
[14] Breakfast
[15] Unexpected
[16] Mia?
[17] Broken
[18] Blame
[19] Just Kidding
[20] Ice Skating
[21] Parties
[22] Penguins
[23] Webcam Secrets
[24] Promises
[25] Watch Your Back
[26] Liar
[27] Change
[28] Hit
[29] Friends Again and Crushes?
[30] This is the Beginning
[31] Thinking Out Loud
[32] Wisdom Teeth
[33] You Did What?!
[34] The End of The Queen's Reign
[35] Luke's Secret
[36] Heartbroken
[37] Mistakes
[38] Too Late
[39] New Looks
[40] I Love You
[41] Proposal
[42] No More Secrets
[43] East Sydney
[44] New Places, Old Faces
[45] The Love Doctor
[46] Happy Endings
[47] Not So Good News
[48] The Truth Comes Out
[49] She's Gone
[49.5] NEW STORY
[50] Is This The End? (pt.1)
[51] Is This The End? (pt.2)
To be continued...

[12] Reasons

1.2K 32 27
By hemmosocial

"Did you look at the list?" The blonde headed girl stared at me. "Huh?" I said in confusion. "The list? The Drama list?" She said. "It's up?" I said walking towards the list with a whole group of people surrounding it.

As I came closer to the crowd, everyone made a pathway for me to go to the list. "Okay..." I said walking to the list. I heard murmurs from people as I passed. I placed my finger down the list reading:

'Romeo and Juliet' the MUSICAL!


Romeo = Luke Hemmings

Obviously, I thought, Why wouldn't he be Romeo?

Romeo (Understudy) = Simon Howell

Simon Cowell, I mentally laughed.

Juliet = Emily Hunter

What? I'm Juliet?

Juliet (Understudy) = Hannah Wilson

Hannah's going to be pissed. But Yes! I finally beat her at something.

I stopped reading from there and I turned around to see the whole crowd looking at me. I questioned why they were looking at me, until I heard someone say, "Finally a change in our school!" Then they all cheered. "Okay..." I said walking pass everyone. I was confused, very confused as to why there was a change in the school?

Hannah would always be the lead in the plays because of her 'talent' and she would sabotage the lead somehow if she wasn't. I do agree that she has talent, a singing talent, but she's a terrible actor. Bad on my part, being the lead and all but I just have to keep my eye out.

I heard the last time Sophia Neil was the lead a couple years ago in the play 'Grease' and Hannah was the understudy until Sophia suddenly disappeared. She was found after the play in a barn somewhere. She was alive, nothing happened to her but then she transferred.

Hannah has a lot of power and she doesn't use it responsibly. People say it's just a rumour but still, she's an evil mastermind under that smile and all the makeup.

"You're Juliet!" Meredith said as I made my way out of the crowd. "So?" I said questioning her. What was so bad that I was Juliet? "I've heard that Hannah was always the lead no matter what" she said. "Finally I beat her" I said, "Hopefully she takes this well" "Hopefully" she said.

"Em you're Juliet!" Ashton said, "and Luke's Romeo!" "So?" I said. "You two will kiss and fall in love and-" "No" I said, "Ashton no matter how hard you try, Luke and I are never going to be a thing" "But-" he said. "No Ashton" I said.

"You're-" Michael and Calum said. "JULIET I know" I said. Calum walked over the Meredith and put his arm over her shoulder.

"When did this happen?" I said smiling. "Yesterday actually" they said in sync. "Oh my god!" I started jumping up and down. "Calm down" she laughed, "it's no big deal"

"Yes it is" I said, "do you know how many times Calum kept texting me about how you're so pretty? Or how you're hair's so soft? I don't know even know how he know that but-"

"Anyways" Calum said clearly blushing. "Anyways" I said, "I'm happy for you two" "Thanks" they said.

"Hey Luke" Calum said. "Hey guys" he said, "how's my leading lady?" He put his arm around me and I flinched. "How about no?" I said removing his arm.

"You're annoying" I said. "I know you love me" he sing-songed. "Ew" I said. "You guys even sound like a couple" Ashton said. "Ew" we both said at the same time. "I ship it" Mere said. "You guys are my OTP" Calum said. "Lemily!" Michael yelled. "Or Emuke" Ashton said. "I like Lemily better" Michael said.

"There will not be any shipping of Luke and I" I said. "That's because we are not a couple" Luke said. "And we'll never be one" I said. "Ever" Luke said. "Fine whatever" Calum said, "Someday"


"Luke, Emily" Mrs. Hemmings said, "Come over please" I looked over to Luke and lifted my eyebrow in confusion. He shrugged and mouthed 'what did you do?' to me. I signalled him to just go up and he agreed.

Luke and I both stood up in the middle of class during the work period. I wonder what Mrs. Hemmings wants to talk to us about. Luke and I met up in the centre of the class and walked to Mrs. Hemmings' desk.

"What did you do?" Luke whispered to me. "Me?" I whispered back, "What did you do?" "Nothing" he said, "she's my mom" "I know she's your mom dumbass" I said, "she's like best friends with my mom" "Great" he said.

"So" Mrs. Hemmings said looking for a paper on her desk, "Luke I have your recent test" "And..." He said with anticipation. "You got an A+!" She said. "Yes!" Luke said. "This means that Emily will no longer have to tutor you" Mrs. Hemmings said.

"Yes!" I said. I heard Luke murmur something but I shook it off. I will no longer have to tutor Luke meaning I have more time in my hands to probably watch more Netflix...by myself. "Thank you Emily" she said. "You're welcome Mrs. Hemmings" I said.


"That is disgusting" I said. "What?" Michael said, "Let me be a man" He sprinkled the remains of the chips into the bowl of chips. "I agree" Calum said. "Thank you Calum-" Michael said. "With Emily" Calum said, "That is disgusting" Michael frowned and crossed his arms like a 5-year old.

"I love your manly pink hair" I said emphasizing the word 'manly'. "You said it looked more red Ashton!" Michael said trying to cover his hair. "Now it looks pink" Ashton said examining his hair, "I guess I was colour blind that day"

"It's fucking red" Michael said with fire in his eyes. Ashton walked up and looked at his hair for a second. "No it's pink" he said, "I see it now"

"We should do something for Christmas and by the way I was joking Mikey. I love your pink hair" I said changing the subject. "Thank you Em" Michael said.

"Like what?" Meredith said seeming very interested. "How about Secret Santa?" Calum suggested. "That's a great idea Cal" I said. "Yeah" Ashton said, "We should do Secret Santa" "What about you Luke?" I said kicking Luke with my foot.

"Stop it" he said typing away on his phone. "Secret" I kicked him, "Santa" "Dammit" he said throwing his phone on the ground causing it to smash. He ran to his phone and held it. "Dammit it's broken!" He said, "Stupid Flappy Bird!" He huffed and we all stared at him.

"Okay..." I said, "Secret Santa?" He stood up and walked back to us. He sighed, "Sure" Mere stood up, "Okay we need a hat" she said, "How about that hat over there?" She walked up and took a hat from the hook. She held it up and Calum grabbed it.

"No I'm C-Dizzle!" He said putting the hat on his head and posing. Meredith playfully punched his arm and took the hat off his head. "I'll write your names down" I said grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down all 6 of our names, folded them and placed them in the hat.

"Okay let's all pick" Meredith said shaking the hat and doing a little dance. I laughed at her actions and took a name out of the hat. I looked at the name. I'm actually not sure what to get this person.

"Me!" Michael said picking a name out of the hat. Ashton stood up and took a name out of the hat, "I got it!" He waved the small piece of paper around.

"Luke" Meredith shook the hat motioning it towards him. He took his hand and moved it around the hat even though there were only two names there. He got a piece of paper and opened it. "Who'd you get?" I asked over his shoulder. "None of your business" he said turning around.

"Yesh" I said, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today" "No" he said, "You're just annoying today" I glared at him and he glared back.

"So the due date is this Friday since Emily and Luke are leaving for New York Saturday" Meredith said, "Today's Tuesday so you have 3 days"

"How am I supposed to get a gift in 3 days?" Luke exclaimed. "You better start shopping kid" Ashton said.We all agreed. Now I have only a couple days to get a gift. But what should get him?


"So who'd you get?" Luke asked me in Drama Club. "You told me it was 'none of my business' when I asked you. Why should I tell you who I got?" I protested. "Because" he said, "I could help you get him a gift"

"How do you know I have a him?" I said. "Because Calum has Meredith" he said, "and you two are the only way girls sadly" "First of all, rude" I said, "and second of all, not going to tell you" "Why not?" He said. "Because I don't want to" I crossed my arms and looked away, "Plus I already know what I'm going to get him" "So it is a him" he smirked. "Shut up" I said.

"Hey Lukey" Hannah said putting her arms around Luke. He looked very uncomfortable and I gagged. "What bitch?" She said. "You two are annoying" I said.

"You're just jealous that Jake broke up with you" she snarled. "He didn't break up with me" I said, "it was mutual" "That's not what I heard" she said, "I heard you cheated on him so he broke up with you" "Well I guess you need to check your ears, because you're hearing wrong"

"Didn't you hear?" I said, "I got the part as Juliet" "What!?" She said. "That's right bitch" I said. She mumbled something and stomped away.

"You and Jake broke up?" Luke said. "Yeah" I said, "but I'm fine" His eyes lighten up. "Why do you look so happy?" I said with my eyebrow raised. "I'm..." He said but thought, "happy that I can... bother you about how lonely you are. Yeah that's right" "Okay..."I said.

"How are you and Hannah?" I asked. "I want out" he said. "What?" I said. "She's a bitch and she's evil" he said. "Then why are you even with her?" I asked.

"She forced me to be with her" he sighed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'll tell you later," he said, "you need to do shopping anyway right?" "Yeah?" I said. "How about we go shopping together?" He suggested.

"Why would I go shopping with you?" I said. "Because" he said, "Why not? Look I'm actually trying to be nice to you" "Fine" I said, "Fine but you have to tell me why she's forcing you to do all these things with complete honesty" "Okay" he said.


"Okay Drama's over" Mrs. Morgan said, "Have a great holiday everyone!" "Finally Drama's over" Luke said. "I agree" I said, "All we did was Mrs. Morgan talking to us about the importance of being on time" "So boring" Luke said.

"Now come on" I said, "we have some shopping to do!" "You're really going shopping with me?" He asked. "Sure why not?" I said, "but let me go to my store first then we can go to Starbucks and talk" "Fine" He said.

"Since you and I have no car" I said, "we have to take the bus" "Actually" he said, "I have a car" "I thought it was you know, somewhere in the woods" I said. "It is but it's a new car" he said. "But how?" I said. "I convinced my folks to let me have a car" he said. "Fine, hurry up" I said starting to walk away.

"Wait but you can't go anywhere without me" he smirked. "You can't go anywhere without me" I mocked. "I heard that" he said. "I heard that" I mocked. "Come on let's go" he said walking in front of me.

We walked all the way outside to a small car that looked used. "It's getting chilly out here" I said opening my bag. I took out the black and red flannel and wrapped it around me.

"Why'd you park so far?" I said. "Being far is safe for the car" he said. "Whatever lets go" I said trying to open the door. "But" he said swirling the car keys in his fingers. "You can't go anywhere without me" I mocked. "That's right" he said.

He pressed the button and the car beeped. He opened the door and so did I. I hopped into the car and looked around. Not as dirty as before,
I thought.

I looked to the middle of the dashboard and saw a picture of the 3 of us; Calum, Luke and I, in year 6 with all our arms around each other at camp. Michael and Ashton couldn't make it to camp so it was just the 3 of us. I was toothless of course and then there was Luke with his flat hair and Calum with his toothless grin. That was the one time when we actually had a great time.

"I like that picture too" Luke said noticing me looking at the picture. He turned on the car and the radio started playing. "Hey this is my favourite song" We both said together.

"You like Green Day?" Luke asked. "Of course" I said, "Who doesn't?" "Hannah" he said, "Whenever I play them, she says that it's noise and to turn it off" "Well she doesn't have any music taste" I protested. "Come on let's go to the mall" he said.

We came to the mall about 10 minutes later, it was just by the school which was also why people would go there for lunch. "Okay I know where to go" I said, "Meet me at Starbucks" "Okay" he said.

I walked away and went to the store.

About 20 minutes later I had my gift. I took the bag and walked out of the store. I hope he likes it, I thought.

I went to Starbucks and took a place in line. What is it with Starbucks and big lines? "Got your gift?" I heard Luke say. "Yeah, I hope my person likes it" I said swinging the bag back and forth, "How about you? Get your gift?"

"Not yet" he said, "I'm not sure what my person likes" He frowned. "What is your person like?" I asked moving up in the line. "My person has a great taste in music, and has the same style as me" he said. "Then you could get them an album, or a new flannel, you know I've always wanted a Polaroid camera. But that's just me"

"What would you like ma'am?" The barista asked me. "Um a peppermint mocha frappe, please" I said, "and you Luke?" "A caramel frappe" he said. The barista said the total and I handed her the money. We walked away with our drinks and sat down at a table.

"I have to owe you for this" Luke said. "Think of it as a friendly gesture" I said sipping the drink. "We're friends?" He stuttered. "We could be if you want to" I said. "Sure" he stuttered. "Then we're friends" I said and he smiled.


"So what's up with Hannah?" I asked. "She's evil" he said, "that's all I can say" "What does she have on you?" I asked. "My notebook" he said. "Your notebook? That's it?" I started laughing. "It's not just any notebook-" he said. "It's important to you" I said, "What's in that notebook anyway?"

"My thoughts" he said, "if I can't think things right I write them down" "What have you been thinking about?" I ask. "A girl mostly since year 6" he says blushing a bit. "What is she like?" I ask.

"She's a bit like me" he says, "she likes the same music as me and has the same style as me. She also has an amazing laugh that makes you smile every time you hear it" "She sounds nice" I say. "But I hate her and love her at the same time" he sighs.

"How can you get this book back?" I ask. "I have no idea" he said, "if I don't obey her she'll tell her and the whole school in fact" "Sucks. But I think this dream girl of yours would love you" I said, "So if you let her know then she'll have nothing against you"

"I can't do that" he said. "Why not?" I ask. "Because she'll hate me" he says. "Why?" I ask. "Because I hated her" he says. "What was her name?" I ask. He sighed, "Mia Clarke"


A little stop here but they're FRIENDS NOW YIPPEE! Did I just say yippee? Yes I did. I'm sorry you have to deal with me...

Happy new year! I'll be writing the date wrong for at least a month but oh well...

There will also be a pause in the dedications :( I'm not sure who to put because I can't see my notifications when I have no internet which is everyday sorry

Also the next part might be the start of their holiday and the secret Santa. Who'd you think they got or what do you think they gave?

Mia Clarke huh she won't be around for long

Anyways keep on the voting and commenting!

HATRED HAS REACHED 1K that's like a lot for me thank you so very much to you people for enjoying my book.

I also wanted to start a Calum book but not right now because I'm already struggling with this book a bit but I know this book might have a sequel yay

Xoxo -A

Instagram/Twitter: @/calmxfivesauce

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