hatred {editing}

By hemmosocial

52.1K 1.8K 559

How can a person hate someone so much? Well, let me tell you. One person; one person can fill you with so mu... More

[12] Reasons
[13] Betrayal
[15] Unexpected
[16] Mia?
[17] Broken
[18] Blame
[19] Just Kidding
[20] Ice Skating
[21] Parties
[22] Penguins
[23] Webcam Secrets
[24] Promises
[25] Watch Your Back
[26] Liar
[27] Change
[28] Hit
[29] Friends Again and Crushes?
[30] This is the Beginning
[31] Thinking Out Loud
[32] Wisdom Teeth
[33] You Did What?!
[34] The End of The Queen's Reign
[35] Luke's Secret
[36] Heartbroken
[37] Mistakes
[38] Too Late
[39] New Looks
[40] I Love You
[41] Proposal
[42] No More Secrets
[43] East Sydney
[44] New Places, Old Faces
[45] The Love Doctor
[46] Happy Endings
[47] Not So Good News
[48] The Truth Comes Out
[49] She's Gone
[49.5] NEW STORY
[50] Is This The End? (pt.1)
[51] Is This The End? (pt.2)
To be continued...

[14] Breakfast

1K 34 2
By hemmosocial

I opened my eyes and I was suddenly in the middle of nowhere. "Hello?" I called. Yet no one answered. "Hello?" I said walking around. I heard footsteps come closer to me. Louder and louder with each step. A shadow formed, then an actual person.

"Luke?" I asked recognizing who the figure actually was. "Emily don't believe her, don't believe anything she says" he said but then turned around and stood there pale faced, like he just saw a ghost.

"Get back here" a voice roared. "She's a monster" was all Luke said before vanishing. "Hannah get away from me" I said walking back. The sky turned grey and rain started to form.

"Not unless you get away from Luke" she said stepping forward. "I already am" I said putting my hands in front of me, "We both hate each other, that's what you've always wanted. For us to be away from each other"

That's not enough bitch" she said, "You still love him" "I don't love him" I said, "I don't" "That's not what your heart thinks" she laughed, "You love Luke, you don't even realize it"

"Why are you doing this to me?" I plead. "Luke is mine, not yours" she said. "What do you mean? He was never mine" I say. "That's what you think" she said.

"No one will ever take him away from me, not you, not Mia not anyone" she roared. "Mia?" I said. "He loved Mia" she said, "I took her away. Now it's your turn" "What do you mean?" I ask. "Watch your back bitch" she said before she vanished.

"Hannah!" I called after her, "I need answers! I need answers!"

"Emily," I heard a voice call, "Emily" I opened my eyes and I noticed I was back in my room. Although I was covered in sweat and my hands were clutched on the blanket that was on top of me. I felt pretty gross considering that I was covered in a puddle of sweat.

"Emily" she shook me. "Mom?" I ask. "Yes" she said, "it's me, are you okay? When I came in you were shivering and spazzing out a bit and you were also yelling 'I need answers'"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "I'm okay" I said, "I just had a bad dream, that's all" "What was it about?" She asked, "Not to be nosy or anything but it's a motherly instinct"

"You know Hannah right?" I asked. She nodded. "Well she was in the dream and so was Luke" I said, "she kept on saying that I needed to get away from him but I already am" "I heard that you two were friends for a day" she said. "Yeah" I said, "then he like freaked out and said that it was a mistake so now we hate each other again"

She looked at me with motherly concern. "Then after she said I had to watch out or else something's going to happen to me"

She pulled me into a tight embrace. "Never ever let them bring you down honey" she said, "But that doesn't mean that you have to do what they do to you" I smiled and hugged her back. "I will mom" I said, "They'll never bring me down"

"Good" she said letting go, "C'mon It's time to get up for New York" she said walking out the door, "Be out in half an hour so we can meet with the Hemmings" Oh yeah right, we're going to New York today.

I picked up my phone and turned it on. The bright screen blinded me for a second and then the words on it became clear. The time was 5:00am. I'm not a morning person, never was and never will be.

I trudged me way out of bed and walked slowly to the washroom like a zombie. I looked at the mirror and I saw hairs everywhere and a little bit of drool on my face but who's to judge? I lifted the tap and splashed cold water on my face.

It was very refreshing and I was now awake. I looked at my face and noticed that there was a pimple growing. I sighed and decided not to use makeup to cover it up because it'll just make it worse.

I took my thick, wavy blonde hair and flipped it over creating a messy bun at the top of my head. I looked in the mirror and made it a little more messy by pulling out some strands. When I was done, I brushed my teeth. Boring as it sounds but everyone has to do it!

I moisturized my face with lotion and put some lip balm. I threw all my toiletries into a bag and stuffed it in my luggage. I stood up and walked to my closet to take out some leggings and threw them on.

We're going on a plane right? Might as well be comfy. I threw on a band tee and tied the back of it so it'll fit me. I went through my school bag and took out the black and red flannel and wrapped it around me. It'll be cold in New York since it's winter for them. Well I'm assuming...

"Emily!" My mother called out. "Yes! I'm coming" I said pulling my luggage put my room. I looked back to see if I forgot anything. I got my phone, charger, earphones what else could I possibly need? I looked over to my desk, "That's what I forgot!" I said to myself.

I walked over to my desk and took my Polaroid camera that Luke gave me. Beside it was the first picture that was taken with this camera. "First hug" I read from the bottom. I scoffed and threw it in the garbage.

I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and pulled the luggage out the door. I looked back to the room that I won't be seeing for quite a while. I shut the door and trudged down the stairs with a luggage and my heavy backpack.

"I'm here" I said, "That was hard" I put my bag and luggage down and put my hands to my knees and breathed in and out. I need to exercise more.

I looked over to my living room and saw Mrs. Hemmings and my mom socializing in the kitchen. "Emily" Mrs. Hemmings said, "you're here" I looked at her with a smile, "Yeah, the stairs, heavy bags and me don't mix" She chuckled, "I can have Luke help you with that"

I saw Luke sitting on the couch with his phone and his headphones on. He looked up from his phone and then quickly looked back down noticing my presence. I rolled my eyes and his childlike behaviour.

I walked to the kitchen and took a seat in front of my mom, "So what's happening?" She took a sip from her coffee, "We'll be leaving soon, we were just waiting for you" Mrs. Hemmings looked at the time on her watch. "I guess we better head on out" she said, "The plane's at 7:00"

"That's right Liz" my mother said, "Emily get your bags and head outside" I walked to my bags and pulled my backpack over my shoulder before pulling my luggage. "Lucas," Mrs. Hemmings said, "Why don't you help Emily?"

He gave his mom an 'are you kidding me?' look and his mom stared at him. He gave in and walked towards me. "Lucas" I chuckled as he came. "Don't start" he said, "I'm not in the mood"

"Since when are you ever in the mood" I said which received a glare from Luke. I chuckled, "Just kidding" I carried my backpack to the car and my mom and Mrs. Hemmings were already inside.

"Just put the luggage in the back Luke" Mrs. Hemmings said through the drivers window. I stepped into the car and sat down, pulling the seatbelt around me and relaxing myself for the hour ride. Luke opened the door beside me and took a seat next to me. Not really 'next to me' but the other side seat.

While my mom and Luke's mom were busy socializing in the front seat, I noticed Luke still wearing my present. If he did hate me he wouldn't have worn the necklace. "I'm guessing you like my present?" I asked looking at the chained red guitar pick.

"I don't" he said. "Then why are you wearing it?" I smirked which resulted in Luke's blank face. "Because" he huffed. "Because..." I said. "Just because" he said looking from the window and then towards me, "but what does 'E.M.H' mean? It's on the back of the pick"

"It means my name, idiot" I said. "M?" He asked. "May" I said, "Emily May Hunter" "Why'd you put your name here?" He asked. "Well when we were friends, I decided that if we're old and you still have that" I said pointing to the necklace, "then you'll remember it's from me" He smiled.

"But since you hate me" I said, "Then forget about it" His smile turned into a frown and he put his headphones back and looked out the window.

I did the same and faced my back to him.


"We're here" I felt someone shake me. "Get up Asswipe" Yup, that was Luke. "Get your fucking hands off me before I rip them out of your body" I said rubbing my eyes. "You're feisty when you're tired" he said stepping out of the car. "And you're annoying all the time" I said sitting up.

"Good Emily" my mom said, "you're up! Can you help me with the bags?" "Yeah mom" I yawned, "I'm coming" I pulled myself out of the car and made my way to the back of the car where my mom was struggling with the bags.

"Here" I said helping her bring them down, "I got it" "I have to park the car" Mrs. Hemmings said, "Luke stay with Emily and Mrs. Hunter" "Okay mum" Luke said pulling his luggage and his mom's bags.

"Do you need any help Hemmings?" I asked noticing how much he was struggling. "I'm fine Hunter" he said, "I don't need any help, more importantly I don't need your help" He continued walking forward. "Harsh" I said catching up to him.

"I'm going to check-in these bags so you two can buy breakfast and then come back right here" my mom said before following a man hauling all of our luggages.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked. "Coffee's fine with me" I said. "Coffee? Just coffee? Nothing else?" He said. "Can't I not have just coffee?" I asked annoyed by Luke's bickering towards me. "That's not breakfast" he said. "It's my breakfast" I said, "Now can I just get my fucking coffee so I can get away from you"

He stood back, "Fine get your coffee, I'm getting a real breakfast" He walked in the other direction and I stomped all the way to Starbucks.

I stood in line with only one person in front of me. "What would you like sir?" The barista asked the man in front of me. C'mon, C'mon, I thought tapping my foot on the ground. I was very impatient yes but this guy was taking his sweet time choosing whether to get the raisin bran muffin or the carrot cake.

"Which one would you choose?" He asked the barista. "I don't know sir" she said. "Why don't you buy both of them?" I blurted out loud. He looked back at me, "I'll do that" He turned back to the barista. "I'll have the raisin bran muffin and the carrot cake"

Finally, I thought. "Now should I have the black coffee or tea?" He thought. Oh my god, I thought face palming. "I'll go with the tea" he said. He finally paid and got his tea, muffin and cake.

"What would you like, ma'am?" The barista asked me. "A peppermint mocha frappe please" I said. She said the total and I gave her the money.

I walked out with my drink all the way to the meeting spot we discussed. Luke was already there eating what looked to be bread and Vegemite. "Vegemite?" I asked, "What kind of a breakfast is that?" I took a sip of my drink and waited for him to answer.

"It's an Australian breakfast" he said munching on the bread. "Since when was it an Australian breakfast?" I ask taking a sip of my drink. "It just is" he said. "What kind of a breakfast is coffee?" He asked. "My breakfast" I said.

"Good you two are here" Mrs. Hemmings said, "C'mon now we have to board"


Have you ever felt like your falling and then you spaz out or is that just me? Probably just me...

I hate coffee but i love coffee crisp what?

Having no internet sucks but I'm going to write a new Calum book called 'three years' read it I dare you haha jks but if you want to read it nothing's stopping you

You guys are amazing with all the votes an comments like I hope that you're enjoying the story if you aren't im sorry :(

Peace out-A

Instagram/Twitter: @/calmxfivesauce

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