Reminisce~ Baek Kyung

By Sana_is_shyshy

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"I don't need wealth or titles I have enough by myself. I want to feel loved by someone,I want to come home a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen(STAN SEVENTEEN)
Jang-Mi's Picture board
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Authors Note
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Breaking my silence
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirteen

1.1K 43 5
By Sana_is_shyshy

When shadow Jang-Mi woke up the stinging in her skin was still very present, she was laying on a bed and a blanket was pulled up to her chest. She couldn't move as much as she wanted too.

"Namju I don't think she wants to speak to you" she heard a deep voice say. Kyung. He carried me here so he must've stayed with me.

"She's my cousin I'll wait for her to wake up and apologize" Namju replied coldly to his friend.

Kyung laughed at him. "Yes your cousin that is injured because of you. Your cousin who has severe ice burns on most of her legs and hands, all this happening a week before her competition." She heard a chair screech and foot steps. Kyung must've walked towards Namju. Is there gonna be a fight? Am I going to miss a good fight because I'm frozen!

"Why do you suddenly care about her? Your fiancée was also involved, I don't see you fawning over her or when she's in the nurses room you don't even sit beside her until she wakes up. So what makes Jang-Mi different?" She heard more steps and a slight push. Omo there's gonna be a fight and I'm going to miss it!

Kyung stayed quiet and Namju laughed.

"That's what I thought. Ya Baek Kyung we may be friends, but I'll kill you if you hurt my cousin. Stay away from her and focus on your fiancée if you know what's good for you" Oof that cut deep,Namju is mean how does he even have friends?

She heard the door open and close and Kyung cursing, he hit his fists against the table beside her. He pushed the hair away from Jang-Mi's face and sighed.

"Namju is right."


Stage Jang-Mi woke up in her room,she heard shouting downstairs slipping her gown on and slippers she left her room hobbling due to her ice burns. Wow so I'm not going to be magically healed like everyone else? This sucks! She hobbled quietly and heard Ara shouting.

"You let her get injured a week before her competition this injury is going to set her back, and for what a pretty girl? Aish you're unbelievable"

Jang-Mi stared at her sister from behind the wall shouting at Namju. Ara should punch the idiot. Namju rolled his eyes and tried to push past Ara.

"I came to apologize to her"

"You think an apology is going to heal her? She has ice burns on most of legs and her hands! The school phoned me to tell me how Baek Kyung carried her to the wing! Baek Kyung! You're her cousin and you didn't even take care of her, so I won't let you speak to her" Ara said crossing her arms.

"I'm actually her cousin not just a charity case that her family took in" He did not just say that.


"I may not be your cousin but I will not be spoken down to by an ungrateful,entitled brat" Stage Jang-Mi having seen enough came out of her hiding place.

"Ya Namju I think it's time you leave" She crossed her arms,her multiple bandages showing. Ara walked towards their door and opened it for the boy and slammed it behind him.


"Unnie are you okay? What he said was uncalled for I'll go and punch him right now" Jang-Mi said walking towards her sister. Ara started to sniffle before breaking down.

"I know that is how people view me,but it hurts coming from Namju we grew up together. I know I'm not your biological sister and I don't deserve anything left to me" she cried sinking towards the ground.

Jang-Mi sped towards her sister ignoring the pain she felt and held her in her arms. She hardly saw Ara cry, her sister in her eyes was the strongest woman she knew.

"Ya Ara, don't listen to Namju he is an idiot. All he will ever be is the son of a chaebol and actress inheriting their income. You are a business woman and a lawyer, you're doing an amazing job of keeping our parents legacies alive and taking care of your delinquent sisters at the same time" She smiled at her sister and wiped her tears.

"When did you become so mature?" Ara teased Jang-Mi pinching her cheeks. The two sisters laughing instead of crying.

"I was born mature" Jang-Mi replied placing her hands on her hips. "AIGOO!!! I forgot I'm injured ahahahaha" she blew on her hands to relieve the stinging. Ara laughing at her sister.

"Omo I meant to tell you I'm dating Lee Jo-hwa, it's sudden so I'm assuming the writer decided last minute but I wanted shadow you to know because we are keeping it a secret" Jang-Mi stared in shock.

"My sister dating Lee Dohwa's brother waaaahh! I bet it's going to be some weird thing between Dohwa and I, knowing the crappy writer." The two laughed at the situation they were in. One in a sudden relationship and the other in a predicament.


A black Maserati pulled into Seulli High school's drive way attracting the students attention,they had never seen the car before. Was a new student joining them this late in the year? The driver of the car jumped out and opened the back door, a high heeled foot stepped out the rest of the leg covered in bandages.

"Park Jang-Mi has a driver?"
"Doesn't her whole family have personal drivers?"
"I heard she's fighting with Namju that's why her driver brought her to school"

Ignoring the whispers her driver put her bag on her back and closed the door.

"Have a great day Miss Park, I will fetch you after school" she nodded and walked towards the entrance. My legs are killing me and the writer made me wear high heels, where is the logic? Couldn't he have googled care for leg injuries.

She reached out her bandaged hand to open the main entrance,this is going to hurt me isn't it, when another hand opened it for her. Her knight in shining armor was none other than Lee Dohwa. Here comes the cheesy lines eww.

"My hero" Stage Jang-Mi smiled at the boy. Wow he opens one door and he is a hero. Who said Chivalry was dead.

"Anything for you my lady" he bowed, "Seriously how is your hands and legs? I heard you got hurt really bad and Kyung carried you to the nurses" Dohwa asked worriedly.

"Considering I look like an ancient Egyptian mummy I'd say they were bad, but I'm a tough girl a little cold couldn't stop me" Stage Jang-Mi replied nonchalantly,girl stop lying this was really painful and still is.

Stage Jang-Mi and Dohwa walked to her class,once again the boy opened the door for her. A gust of wind blowing her hair and suddenly there was beautiful flowers all around her that only she and Dohwa could see. Ewww this is so cheesy please don't let me say anything embarrassing!

"There you go proving that gentlemen do exist" She smiled and fluttered her eyelashes at the boy, his cheeks flushing red.

"It was nothing really" he replied scratching his neck.

Stage Jang-Mi stood on Her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. EWWW NO NOT DOHWA! "Thank you Lee Dohwa" She turned and walked towards her desk,a slight smile on her face. You better wipe that smile off our face right now Stage me!

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