Chapter Twenty-One

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Stage Jang-Mi was in school waiting outside the principals office for her uncle. The door opened revealing her aunty who faked a smile at the girl, she walked out and the girl saw her uncle who held his arms opened for his niece.

"UNCLE!" She squealed and hugged the man, trying to squeeze him as hard as possible.

"Wow look at my beautiful goddaughter! You look as beautiful as your mother. I heard you were in a coma and won your match." He smiled and ruffled her hair, the girl nodded eagerly. "I've bought tickets for your next match, Namju and I will be there"

"Honey we need to leave now" her aunty said glaring at her husbands niece. Who spat in her tea? And if someone did I hope they put their phlegm in it. Her uncle nodded and hugged his niece before leaving with his wife.


"What a stuck up woman. She wasn't even that great of an actress if you ask me" Jang-Mi clicked her tongue.


Jang-Mi was reading in class when Juda flew past her with a stack of books. She saw Dohwa help her and she smiled at the two. YA MR WRITER LEE DOHWA DESERVES BETTER DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?


"Wow what a short stage" she got up and walked to Danoh and Haru,The girls smiled at each other.

"Jang-Mi do you know how pretty you looked in your coma? You looked like Sleeping Beauty waiting to be kissed by her prince" Danoh said hugging the girl.

"Danoh-ya you can't tell people they looked pretty in a coma and I don't have a prince to kiss me. I'm a lone lonely loner." She said and turned her attention to the boy, and stuck her hand out. "Hi I'm Park Jang-Mi secondary lead and fully aware and independent woman. You must be Haru Dohwa spoke about you a lot"

"Jang-Mi means rose" Haru said shaking the girl's hand. "Isn't your sister's name Lily? I read the comic" Jang-Mi smiled at him.

"Yup my mum really loved flowers."


Jang-Mi sat in class reading a book, her earphones in to block the class out. Suddenly an ear phone was pulled out her ear she turned and saw an upset Namju. The boy held her hand and gently tugged her, she followed him to the rooftop. What is going on?

"Namju are you okay?" She asked her cousin placing a hand on his shoulder. He let out a frustrated grunt before walking towards the table and throwing a chair out of his way. Drama king much. I swear if a chair hits me I'll break him.

"I know you're upset with me over what I said to Ara and believe me I regret it more than anything but I just need someone to talk to. You can leave if you want too." The boy sat on the floor and put his head in his hands. Ahhh look at him being all sad something between him and Juda must've happened. Jang-Mi sat beside her cousin and wrapped her arm around his shoulders.

"So you were a jerk to Ara, she slapped some sense into you, it doesn't mean you can't tell me when something is bothering you." She smiled at him gently and rubbed his back. "I'll always be here for you and you will always be here for me" So Mr Writer what I getting from this is Namju and I are good again? Okay then shall we continue?

"It's Yeo Juda, she just makes me so mad. How does she not know I like her when I've made it so obvious. It's so frustrating!" He sighed grabbing his hair. I knew Juda had to be involved for my robot cousin to feel something other than Teenage angst.

"Making her your slave and embarrassing her in front of people isn't a great way of letting her know you like her." Stage Jang-Mi raised her eyebrow at her cousins stupidity. "Treating her with respect and as an equal, getting to know her dislikes and likes, actually buying or doing romantic things for her would be a good step in the right direction." Oh wow look at my single lonely self giving advice.

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