Chapter Fifteen

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On the train Jang-Mi sat next to Yeo Juda. The two smiled and spoke about their plans for the trip.

"Juda do you think I'd survive if I jumped out this train?" Jang-Mi randomly asked her friend who's eyes widened at the question.

"No you'd probably die but why the sudden question?" Juda asked her friend. She really is sweet and my only friend sad.

"I really hate not seeing my sisters" Jang-Mi pouted.

"I know I can't replace them but I will help you enjoy this trip Jangie!" Juda said holding her friend's hands.

"Yeo Juda you're an amazing friend" Jang-Mi Smiled.

"Park Jang-Mi Smile for the picture!"


They arrived at their first stop, Juda and Jang-Mi exited the train hand in hand and laughed at the rest of their class, Both girls excited to have a friend they could call their own.

"OH MY GOSH!!" Jang-Mi screamed releasing Juda's hand. Her friend stopped and looked at her concerned. "I forgot my reading books! I specifically took books out from the library for the camp and I forgot them!"

Juda smiled at her friend who apologized for leaving her and rushed off to the book store. Juda is literally honey I should get her something nice.

Stage Jang-Mi walked into the book store and smiled at the owner. She loved books and poetry, she ran her hand over the multiple books and smiled. She was so lost with the books she didn't see Kyung being rude to Danoh or Kyung smiling at her through the window.

When she had bought her books and left the shop, she wobbled with the weight of her packets. She bought two collections for herself, a book about bears for Lily, 'How to make a man fall in love with you' for Ara and 'Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur' for Juda. Satisfied with her gifts she walked out the shop proudly.


She saw Danoh laughing with a crowd around her, curious to hear what she missed she went to her friend.

"Danoh what happen-AHH" she dropped her packets at her friend's appearance immediately she grabbed tissue from her side bad and wiped her face that was stained by mascara. "It was Kyung wasn't it? When I get my hands on him,he is dead!"


Juda helped Jang-Mi carry her packets, the two spotted Eun Danoh staring out the window immediately they went to her aid. Juda sitting next to Danoh and Jang-Mi across from her.

"Danoh your eyes are red are you okay?" Juda asked Kindly. "My Grandma falls ill often, so I'm good at nursing."

This is not going to end well, I can feel Eun Danoh's embarrassment.

"When you have a heart problem you need to boost your blood flow,give me your hand." Juda continued. Jang-Mi smiled at her kind friend and pulled out her phone and put her ear phones in.

She blasted SHINee in her ears and smiled at Juda massaging Danoh's arm. Suddenly there was a polystyrene container passed towards Juda, Jang-Mi looked up and saw Namju. She clicked her tongue still mad at her cousin she didn't remove her earphones to avoid talking to him. Namju looked at his cousin sadly and gave her the second polystyrene container he brought with him. She looked at it and put it beside her staring outside the window. If he thinks he can buy me off with food he is 50% right!

When she turned she saw all her classmates dancing and smiled. Danoh looked at her and grabbed her to dance with them.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PARK JANG-MI HAS JOINED THE DANCING!" Danoh's geeky friend shouted into his mic. Please don't do anything embarrassing Stage me please!

Reminisce~ Baek KyungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ