Chapter Thirty-One

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"Welcome to Seuli Highschool sports day!" Soochul screamed into the microphone.

Who let that idiot be MC? My ears!

She looked at the hot pink shirt she was wearing in disgust. Namju and the kids? Do I fucken look like a kid? She clicked her tongue and went to line up with the girls running. She crossed her hands at the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and off her head. She chucked it at the crowd and started stretching before her race. I hope these girls enjoy dust cause that's what they're gonna taste!

"What is she doing?"
"Park Jang-Mi has tattoos?"
"Damn she's built nice"

She ignored the comments and got into her running position, when the gun went off she took off leaving the girls behind her. She crossed the line first and walked to the seating area and sat down. Piece of cake. She dabbed her forehead with a towel, and smiled at the boys staring at her.

"Take a picture it will last you longer perverts"

They all quickly looked away and hide their faces. Jangmi sat down and rolled her ankle, I can sense the writer is going to make me participate in every sport here today.

Jang-mi watched as Saemi attempted the limbo, She Chuckled at her failed attempt before stretching.

"And know we see Park Jangmi attempt the Limbo. She's taken home first place in all the sports she's taken part in so far will she do it again? Will Park Jangmi come out Victorious? Will she-

"Ya Soochul if you don't shut up I will kill you"

The boy immediately shut up and she walked forward and bent her torso and walked forward with ease. Winner Winner chicken dinner. She straightened up and high fived her class mates smiling.


Her stage was finally over, she went and sat down by her bag and pulled out her phone. She saw a reply from Ara and smiled.

From:Mimi Wang🐥💚
I'm sorry for taking my bad mood out on you guys 😔💔I'm the worst sister in the world, I promise I'll make it up to guys! I love you and Lily more than anything and anybody in the world(including Jackson) please forgive meeee🥺❤️

To:Mimi Wang🐥💚
It's okay Mimi, everyone has a bad day!🤗 I wasn't even mad at you anyway so don't stress. 😘
Btw Lily is convinced someone put a spell on you so good luck with her.😂😂
Love you lots and lots like jelly tots❤️❤️

From:Mimi Wang💚🐥
Oh gosh I can see I'll be busy with Lily tonight yay🙄,btw I'm totally kicking ass at this sports day😏😏. Second place is totally not in my dictionary ha! Must be nice to say you're related to a champion.😌

She smiled at her phone and slid it back into her bag, she saw Danoh sitting by herself on the top and waved to the girl.


Jangmi had her airpods in and was listening to Hard Carry, her eyes were closed as she faced the sun.


Aigoo how loud is that idiot? I'll shove that mic down his throat if he screams one more time.

She took out her airpod and turned around to see Danoh holding a poster up, she squinted to see the poster and laughed when she read it.

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