By linnetplacid

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Paris Killian has witnessed many outrageous scandalous things in the crowded sinful streets of Las Vegas. Bor... More

1. Sin City and Innocent girls
2: Sin city and It's Saviours
3. Sin city and Bloody streets
4. Sin city and Malcom Erin
6. Sin City and Arranged marriages
7. Sin City and murderous threats
8. Sin city and It's supposed psychopaths
9. Sin city and deep betrayals
10. Sin City and Wickedness within
11. Sin city and birth of the harlot
12. Sin city and hidden truths
13. Sin city and desperate times
14. Sin city and A girl called Darla
15. Sin City and Men in Rage
16. Sin city and Gun point
17. Sin City and Pain (part 1)
18. Sin City and Pain (part 2)
19. Sin City and Tapes
20. Sin City and Nightmares
21. Sin City and Talks with the Devil

5. Sin city and Trouble at first sight

178 14 45
By linnetplacid


Malcolm Erin

There was no doubt about it. That's the mayor's son, the one and only. You could spot him anywhere because of the intensity of his amber eyes, his brown complexion that matched so perfectly with the colour of his pitch black hair and his large mascular frame Is something you wouldn't miss.

But why is he here? God! and why did he just strike our guard down? What's his motive? Why is he covered in blood, smoking anger detectable from his fierce gaze but most of all, his rifle? I don't think I've ever seen a rifle so huge before.  He's going to kill me with that? Why? I could feel my tears dripping onto my cheeks. Am I at the wrong place at the wrong time once again? I should've never opened my door, but there's no time for regrets now. It's time for my last prayers to the heavens above. I'm not a saint , but for my soul's sake, may I be accepted into a better realm. I don't think I'm gonna like hell. That's not the place for me.

I swallowed hard as my heart clinched within my chest. I can't even move my hands nor my legs. I feel so paralyzed within my body from fear. I have a pistol in hand but I'm too terrified to even lift it and shoot. One wrong move and I'll be united with the dead sooner than anticipated.

I watch with despair as Malcom Erin moves towards the crime scene or is it murder scene, my gut twists. I think I'm going to throw up. I try to move but I'm stuck in my shoes. I curse at myself from the inside. What the hell is happening to me? Why won't the shock filter off already? Why won't my nerves settle down? I feel so over whelmed by the adrenaline but instead of fleeing from the source of danger, I'm standing here as though trapped.

I can actually taste Fredrick's blood on my mouth. It's honestly disgusting that his blood had to splash on my face of all places. But that shouldn't be my concern, the guy might be dying or even dead already.

Malcom's eyes meet my gaze and I'm a goner. God knows I can't even look away. The allure of his orbs might be everybody's undoing and I'm no exception. Why would God bless anyone so vile and wicked a gaze like that?

If I couldn't move then, I won't be moving now either. Not when Malcolm is willing me to stand still with just one glance. He scares me so much . And this gaze makes it worse, its cold and empty and I'm sure and certain that he won't leave me breathing.

He approaches me unwavering and closes the distance between us. His body towers over me with intimidation as I'm at one level with his clothed chest. Malcolm is extremely tall, and the heavy clothes he is wearing makes him seem bigger than what I assume him to be. He fits perfectly on the description Fredrick gave me earlier of a man lingering outside the complex. It was Malcolm. He was the man lurking around our building. My fear increases.

My lungs are burning because of my failure to breathe. I don't think I've ever been this terrified in my entire twenty two years of life.

His large bloody hand captures my chin tightly and lifts my head up to be in nose level with him. It's like he is lifting me with the way he grabs onto my chin and I'm tiptoed.

I can smell the reek of people's blood on him and I whimper, parting my lips but unable to inhale nor exhale. I sense my eyes burning and my chest tightening from lack of oxygen but I can't control my body. I can't even blink the tears away.

"Breathe." His rusty voice commands and just like that, my lungs obey and I start gasping for air. My breathing is incoherent and my trembling is intensified and I know for a fact that I'm about to fall on my jelly legs as the weakness evolves around me.

It's like all the weight of tonight's events was breaking me down. I noticed Malcolm drop his rifle and he immediately wraps his other arm around my waist so that I don't  fall. It was like I'm having a panic attack and I couldn't even register anything other than that I'm in the arms of a cold hearted murderer who is strangely holding onto me instead of shooting my brains out.

Our faces were so close and his breath was fanning my teary red cheeks. I had chills all around my body from the anxiousness and horror and that made my skin crimson and sweaty.

"Relax, I won't hurt you." He said those words as he stared deep into my eyes and I didn't know whether to believe him or not. "But you need to help me hide from very dangerous people. I can't be seen in the streets or anywhere tonight while I'm like this. You are my only hope." Malcolm's voice is still as rough but with a hint of desperation.

I was so confused.

"Y-you m_murdered our security ga_urd." My voice cracked.

"He's not dead, I wasn't aiming to kill. I targeted to rapture a blood vessel on the surface of his skull and knock him out. I can save his life from bleeding out."

I need some air again.

"I can't breathe." I pleaded. "P-please let me go."

He shakes his head. "I can't do that. Not until you agree to harbour me in your home away from the people who are hunting me. Otherwise, I'll be forced to hold you hostage. And I'd much rather we make an agreement instead. For the sake of both our well being." That was a threat. It sounded like a threat.

It felt like I couldn't disagree.

To me, his words came as a warning.

He wasn't asking me to help him. Malcolm was blackmailing me , asking me to choose between harbouring him in my house and keep my freedom, or saying no and then he'll hold me captive and use my house as he pleased. It's like I didn't have alot of a choice.

All this terrified me more.

But my lungs were burning again and my eyes were blurring from failure to breathe.

"P-please. I need a-air." I choked on my own words as my eyes burned as well.

"Make a choice." His grip on my chin tightened and his arm around my waist held on tighter that my body felt squished against his bloody one.

Tears fell from my eyes again.

I nodded my head vigorously hoping he'll understand.

"Is that a yes?" His deep voice echoed against my ear.

I nodded again desperately.

He let me go and I fell onto the ground because I lost balance, breathing harshly like my life depended on it. I tried whipping my tears away with my palms but they kept falling.

"We've no time to waste, go get something inside to clean all this blood out here as I drag his body inside."


"We can't have that body in my house." I looked up at him with eyes of desolation. "What if he dies? I'll be an accomplice in a murder crime?"

"I already told you that he's not dead. And nobody is turning you into an accomplice, I'll explain everything once we're inside." He roared at me, causing a cold chill to run through me.

"No, I don't want any part of this." I cried out. "I won't do it." I panicked.

Malcolm stared down at me with anger and instantly grabbed my shoulders, lifted me up and trapped my body against the wall beside my open door. Caging me there forcefully. "Now you better do exactly what I say or things will get messy between us. I'm not playing games with you, start doing everything as I say or you'll end up like your friend down there. Are we clear?"

I wanted to cower away but something in me just wouldn't budge. "I'm not doing anything I don't want to. You're gonna have to fucking kill me before I help a fucking murderer like you. Over my dead body."

A flash of pure rage glowed in his eyes and the fear in me returned. Shit! I should've kept my mouth shut.

Malcolm grabbed my arms tightly and ripped my body from the wall and pulled me towards the inside of my house. My arm hurt so much from his grip that I pleaded he let me go. "If you don't release me I'll scream." The gun I was holding is already out of my grip, discarded somewhere on the floor.

Malcolm didn't seem to care that I said I'd scream.

He literally threw me into the apartment and I fell on my back. I try to crawl away from him as he comes over me and grabs my hands, sliding my body deeper into the apartment. I'm totally and completely horrified.

Although none of this physically hurts me, almost as through Malcolm was holding back and being careful not to injure me. He lifted me up and placed me on my couch.

He takes his huge jacket off relieving his muscular chest that's covered by a bullet proof vest. He uses that coat to trap me. I struggle against him but he circles the jacket around my chest, caging my hands on my sides within the tight fold. I open my mouth to scream but he shoves a handkerchief into my mouth, muffling my screams.

"This would've gone much easier but you decided to push it." He said and then left me there.

He dragged Fredrick's body into the house and laid him on the floor of my  livingroom leaving a blood trail. Malcolm then went around the house looking for cleaning supplies, once he found everything, he cleared the blood scene. And then he locked the doors securely as though nothing happened.

All I could do is sit there and feel sorry for myself. I can't believe this nightmare is actually happening to me.

What kind of man is he? His father is the mayor, and yet Malcolm is out here commiting crimes. Who the hell did he kill before coming here with that rifle?
Oh Lord! I don't want to be caught up in this mess. I've done everything to make sure that I don't get into these kinds of trouble and yet here I am.

Malcolm returns everything where they're supposed to be and then he comes over to Fredrick's bleeding body. He looks up at me , "First aid kit?"

I look back at him. Unable to respond because of the handkerchief he shoved against my throat. "If you scream, it's over for you. That's a promise." He warned while coming to remove the barrier to my vocal cords.

He relieves me of the discomfort and I speak, "Bathroom that's inside the bedroom. You'll find it in the cabinet."

I just couldn't remain silent and watch Fredrick bleed out.

After I told him that, he resumed stuffing my mouth with the damn handkerchief. His hands were clean from the blood now.

Malcolm eventually returned with the first aid kit and started cleaning Fredrick's wound, I tried hard not to look at the disturbing scene but I couldn't  look away. Malcolm handled this like a professional. He even stitched up the wound and everything. I never used my first aid kit before so it still had every required equipment.

Once that was over he asked me about ducktape.

I stared at him confused. "We need to tie him up. I'll have a conversation with him once he wakes up. But first, I'll need to make sure he's unable to cause trouble by trying to fight me or escape here."

Of course he wants to keep both of us hostage. I can't believe this man.

Malcolm came to me again and removed the handkerchief. "I won't scream so no need to keep filling my mouth with that disgusting handkerchief."

He looked down at me, smirking, "Smart girl."

I'm inches away from spitting at his face. But this time, I'm more incontrol of my actions. "Duck tape is also in the bathroom cabinet."

Malcolm returns the First aid kit and then brings back duck tape. He tied Fredrick's hands and legs and seals his mouth shut with the tape.

And then he comes and stands before me.

He reaches his hand to remove a strand of my blonde hair from my face tucking it, "That's better. I'll be able to look at that wild beautiful face. "

"Any compliment from you is bitter to my ears." I retorted.

"That wasn't a compliment, it's a fact." He says simply. "So tell me, what's your name? I'm sure you already know who I am. Let's make this mutual."

"I don't think it's wise to tell you my name. You're a fucking criminal."

"And I think it's clear that you have no choice but to do what I say." His eyes turn cold again.

I hate him.

I really do.

"Paris Killian."

He smiles and I won't lie, Malcolm Erin is breathtakingly handsome especially when he smiles. No wonder women in Vegas can't stop talking about him nor praising him and especially throwing themselves at him.

"Now let me correct you here Miss Paris Killian, I'm not a criminal. I work for my father in matters of national security. And right now, I'm in danger and unfortunately for you, we're stuck with each other for a certain amount of time until things cool of. But until I'm gone, there things you'll need to know and actually negotiate with us."


"Yes, my father and I." He clarifies.

"So he's also a crook like you."

Malcolm almost growls at me in anger. "I already told you, don't make me repeat myself. I'm not a criminal." He warns me.

"Then explain the blood all over you, clearly not from sheep. Explain why I and Fredrick are your hostages. Did you have to hurt him and was it cool to threaten to murder me as well? Do you enjoy terrorizing people?" I tried to show a brave front. If I die, atleast I  leave this world with my dignity intact. I held down my tears of fear and sucked it up.

Malcolm moved away from me. He grabbed a chair from across the room and returned to sit Infront of me. He did not look anywhere else but directly at my eyes. I tried so hard not to get intimated by his stare. "A tragic event happened tonight in Freemont street. Many people got injured and I'm guessing some died. Did you hear about this Paris?" He asked me.

I nodded silently. "Yes, I heard about it."

Wait! Did he have something to do with that?

Malcolm proceeded to explain,"Well, some very dangerous men, a group of mobsters were secretly helping world class human traffickers escape the States to reach Russia mainland. It was my duty as the Mayor's son to stop this incidence from happening. My team  ambushed the mobsters before they could succeed. But  those men opened fire in the middle of the streets causing the serious casualties. "

I should've smelt it from a mile away. Of course Malcolm had something to do with what happened today. He was there.

"I and my father have been hunting down these criminals for years. We don't work with the federals, instead, we deal directly with the president and a secret organization in stopping acts against human justice. These are top secret matters, and I'm only telling you this because I'm going to need your help. I managed to flee into hiding from the scene and I'm being hunted down by these criminals specifically for a reason. I mustn't be in the streets."

My help? What can  a girl like me even help these people with? And how can I even trust Malcolm?

"If you work for the president as you claim.... And you deal with matters of national security then why are you here in my house? Shouldn't the president and your father be offering you some kind of protection? And on top of that, couldn't you and that team of yours find a better place to ambush those so called mobsters and their human traffickers allies rather than doing it in the streets? Couldn't you anticipate an obvious act of open fire? It's what these mobsters all do? Why risk the lives of so many civilians?" I asked in anger. Remembered how I and Lana almost lost our lives in that mob violence.

"Because desperate times call for desperate measures. That was our only shot at capturing both The Mafia and The traffickers. But things got way out of hand, half  of my team died in the ambush. We couldn't  capture anyone and right now I'm being hunted by the leader of the Mob. Since I don't work for the federals and neither the police, I'm suppose to stay out of radar until things cool off and I can communicate with my father. But right now, you are my only option."

This sounds like a load of bullshit to me. None of it makes sense and there's so many missing pieces to the puzzle.

"Why can't you deal with the federals? Why is the president only working with you and the mayor to capture very dangerous criminals like these? Shouldn't the CIA, FBI, military and all forms of national security be involved and not just The white house's personal armed forces and a mayor and his son? This doesn't add up."

I know I'm not the smartest person out there, but I watch political news sometimes and stuff like these are often in my interest. When you live in Vegas.......You need to know exactly how your leaders are working to keep you all safe.

"Because the FBI and the military can be infultrated. There are things you'll never be able to understand about matters of national security but these issues are bigger than you and I. The president is working with very few but precise people, top secret organizations that the world has never heard of. The FBI is in no match for such terrorizing criminals. These are some of the most dangerous men on earth and there's no room for risks. I can't tell you anything else because I'm protecting you by not allowing certain things to be known to you. But you need to trust me."

"I don't understand how the FBI and the military can be infultrated to the point that even the president doesn't work with them. Is that even a thing? Or are you just feeding me lies?" I retorted.

"Believe it or not, this is all true. That's why the police and the federals think that the incidence today was about two mobsters, not realizing that it's only one Mob and the Mayor's team taking direct orders from the president." Malcolm proceeded to clarify.

"You said that the mobsters are after you specifically and that's why you're hiding, why are they only after you and not the rest of the team that escaped?"

"Because I shot the Mob Leader's brother down. He might be dead as we speak. And ontop of that, the police and federals are also after me because I accidentally shot two other innocent civilians by accident and they might be dead too."

What in the name of God?

"You murderer."

Malcolm clinched his jaw at my words.

"The Mobster's brother deserved to die and the other victims wasn't intentional. They are collateral damage . But since the police don't know that I'm working for the president, and though they hadn't seen my face during the ambush one look at the street surveillance footage has them looking for anyone with my bodily descriptions. I'm a huge man, not difficult to spot and with the state I'm in right now, if they spotted me in the streets  they'd hold me captive even though I'm the mayor's son. I have blood all over me which is more than enough evidence , autopsy results would incriminate me. They'll be no way to clear my name and since this mission is top secret the president will pretend to be un-involved and my father will be forced to act clueless to save the mission."

I'm so confused, I don't think I understand any of this of what he's saying. And I'm also so tired I can't even process all this Information.

He should've just walked naked if you'd ask me. And thrown that rifle away too.

"How did you find me?" I asked. "Why choose this building out of all the buildings in Vegas to hide?"

"Because I spotted a taxi dropping off a young defenseless woman at 3AM in an apartment complex which had no security guard on the gate and that was my easiest ticket to safety."


My lucky day.

I roll my eyes in sarcasm.

"This house has security cameras." I warned.

"I already messed with the footage. They'll never know I was here."

"What about the street surveillance cameras?"

"This is the only part of Freemont without street CCTV footage. Everybody knows this. That's why alot of crimes happened outside this area. That's why I chose this place to come and hide."


How did I not know this?

"So what do you want from me Malcolm Erin?" This time I wasn't intimated to look at him straight in the eyes.

His amber orbs flickered with something I couldn't decipher. "It's very simple Paris. Our first mission failed but we have another plan. But before I tell you what role you'll be playing, there's something you need to know."

"What Is it?"

"But you must swear to keep that mouth shut and never reveal anything for your own good." Malcolm is threatening me again. I hate it when he does all this.

"What do I get out of this?" I asked him. "Since I'm basically being blackmailed to help you, what do I get?"

"Whatever you want, name your prize." He spoke confidently. "Just don't be too greedy."

I huffed in annoyance. I can be as greedy as I want. I'm not risking my life for the bare minimum.

"I need to hear what I'm getting myself into first, then I'll name my prize."

Malcolm smirked at me, "Smart girl."

"Don't flatter me." I warned.

"I wasn't trying to. It's the truth Paris." He stated simply.

I almost rolled my eyes again.

"The Leader of the Mob and the man helping these human traffickers escape is Varynus Galyner..." He reveals. "Keep this information to yourself."

My soul sunk.

"What?" I articulated. "Thee Varynus Galyner, owner of the MCM grand and heir to the Galyner fortune?"

"The one and only."

I can't believe this.

"So the brother you killed is....."

"Nicolas Galyner." He finished my sentence for me.

"They are heading the Mob in dealing with human traffickers?" My jaw dropped.

"That's exactly what I've been telling you. They are the reason so many people almost lost their lives today if they didn't open fire." He continued to say.

"Lana was right, they are criminals just like the rest of them." I recalled what Lana told me earlier tonight.

"Who is Lana?" He asked curiously.

"Nobody important."

I don't want my friend getting involved in this. "So what do I need to do Malcolm?"

"It's simple in theory but the hard part is in accomplishing the task. A few months ago, my father and I managed to sneak in spies into Galyner territory and they have already fully infultrated their mansion. But we need someone else In there. A person who has no connection with neither the government, the police , the president, the federals nor any criminals. Someone who is completely clean. But we've found nobody to fit that description yet but I'm hoping you are qualified. What's your job. Paris? What do you do for a living?"

I was reluctant to answer but I did, "A janitor at an old nursing home."

"Any criminal records?" Malcolm continues.

"None! But why is that important." I questioned.

"Because your task involves getting inside the Galyner mansion as a spy."

I almost balled my eyes out. "You better be joking."

"I'm deadly serious." His voice became ten times deeper and a shiver ran down my spine because of it. "I'm sending you into the Galyner territory as a regular house maid. I'm sure they'll be clearing their old stuff and replacing them with new people they can trust after this incidence. I'm sure they are already starting to suspect spies are inside and they'll be hiring new workers. You'll be among them. And with a clear record and a clean innocent life like yours, they'll hire you immediately."

Am I dreaming or is this even real?

"Once you're inside the mansion, you'll be keeping a close eye on everyone who enters and leaves the mansion. You'll report to me of anything suspicious that you might see and hear. You won't be alone, I'll send you in there with two other male spies. They'll be working in security and you'll be in the house. Closer to the family members than the rest of the spies. Infact, you'll be Varynus' personal maid."

"Now I'm convinced you aren't serious at all Malcolm." I glared at him in disbelief. "You say that Varynus is a dangerous criminal and you want me to be his personal maid? You have me signing a death wish. He'll kill me the second he finds out I'm a spy." I protested immediately. This is insane. I can't even imagine doing something so deadly.

"He'll never find out." Malcolm assures. "Trust me on this. You are very intelligent, he won't smell the deception until all of this is over. For the mean time, I'll be right here, and don't worry, Fredrick will also be part of this. Just watch and learn. We're about to bring that entire family down and put an end to them for good."


Any thoughts?

1k reads....AHHHHHH!! I'm so happy I could cry. Thank you my readers for being here and picking up this book, it's so dear to me and I'm grateful you guys love it just as much I do. Words can't express how I'm giddy and excited everytime I update because it makes my readers happy and joyful. You guys make this so fulfilling and I love you all so much.

Surprise surprise my lovely readers, very very long chapter for you because I love you guys so much. It took hours but I wanted to make it extra special for you.

Tell me what you guys think about Malcolm lying to our sweet girl that Varynus is working with those damned human traffickers instead of the other way around?

And what do you think about Paris being a spy right under Varynus' nose?

Also poor Fredrick, well, atleast he's alive right?


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