You're Not Alone

By SommieMusso

19.6K 538 193

A Kid x F!Crona fanfic about first kisses, first dances, and first loves... More

Part 1 - Boyfriends and Girlfriends
Part 2 - What Do You Know?
Part 3 - Kid's Mother
Part 4 - Shinigami
Part 5 - Do You Like Crona?
Part 6 - Tell Me
Part 7 - The Next Day
Part 8 - Dance With Me. Please?
Part 9 - Where's Crona
Part 10 - Why?
Part 11 - Ready?
Thank You :)
Part 13 - Some Endings Are Better Than Others
Part 14 - Epilogue / Announcement

Part 12 - For the One You Love

931 29 29
By SommieMusso

So I have officialy decided that after this chapter I have two more to write. The ending and the the epilogue. So stay tuned. Love goes out to my velociraptors. :)

The stairs leading to the roof almost seemed endless to the meister and weapon pair. Everything around the two was pitch black so it was impossible to see ahead a foot or so. All they could do was hope and pray that the end of the stairs were near.

After about another 5 minutes of walking, Maka and Soul finally made it to the top. The view from the roof was beautiful. From there, you could see hundreds if not thousands of beautiful stars. However, there was no time to enjoy the scenery because at the edge of the roof they could see Crona bending over the soul of a lifeless woman, collecting her glowing blue soul.

"Cronnnnaaaaaa!" Maka yelled as she ran over to stop. "Crona! What are you doing?!" Maka pulled Crona away from the body and took the wrist in a futile attempt to see if there was any hope left for this woman. There wasn't. They had arrived too late.

"Sorry. But I had to." said Crona.

Maka stood up. "What do you mean you HAD to? Don't you understand what you've done?"

Crona nodded. "Yes. I'm so sorry. But this was the only way. I HAD TO SAVE KID!! DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT THIS IS THE ONLY WAY?!?!

" do know what you're setting yourself up for right? If you keep killing all of these people, you'll slowly but surely become a kishin."

Crona nodded her head. "Yes. I do know that taking 1,000 souls will make me a kishin. I do know that when I finally become one, I'll have to start planning my funeral. And yes, I do know that Kid will probably never forgive me for as long as he lives."

By now Crona was on the verge of tears.

"Even if all of these things come true, it's okay. I couldn't stand by and watch Kid suffer. He won't tell anyone, but I can see it in his eyes that he's suffering. Not just from the Thorns of Death, but from loneliness. You would expect one of the most privliged teenages in the world would have everything he wanted, but everytime I looked at him, I could always feel like a piece of him wasn't there. Like he wasn't fully present. Back when I was living in the dungeons at the academy, I would walk around and explore the maze of dungeons. But then one day, I could hear sniffiling...almost as if someone was crying. It was Kid. Ever since I saw those tears roll down his face, I made a promise to myself that if I could prevent it, Kid would never cry again. He would never feel sad again. That's why I'm doing this."

"How do you think I feel right now?

Maka, Soul and Crona turned their heads to the top of the stairs and saw Kid hunched over. The only thing keeping him from collapsing to the ground was the IV he was clinging to.

"You're not supposed to be here, Kid. You're supposed to be back at the hospital resting," said Soul.

Kid coughed a little before speaking. "I'm sorry Soul, but you guys were taking too long. I needed to see Crona." He coughed again, this time almost falling to his knees.

Soul and Maka rushed over to Kid to help him stand up straight.

"How long have you been standing there?" asked Maka

"Long enough." Kid straightened himself and walked over to Crona. He took her head, pulled it to his chest, and began to stroke her hair.

"I'm sorry Kid."

"It's okay."

"I killed all of those people."

"It's okay."

Crona bursted into tears while Kid continued to give her words of reasurrance and stroke her pink hair.

"You're not suppsoed to be here. You're sick."

"It's okay."

"Say something besides 'It's okay' dammit."

"It's okay."

Crona continued to cry and Kid continued to stroke her hair for another 5 minutes. When Crona had finally calmed down, Kid decided it would be best to talk to her.

"Crona. Listen to me."

Crona held her head up while Kid held her chin and rub the tears that just wouldn't stop falling.

"I understand I'm sick and I know that I don't have much longer to live. I'm probably going to die soon. And many many years into the future, everyone else will die too. BlackStar, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Blair, Stein, Spirit, even Soul and Maka. Witches and shinigamis live longer than humans so I understand why you did what you did. You felt that after everyone was gone, you would be alone again. Am I right?"

Crona nodded her head.

"Well I'm going to tell you a secret that my mother once told me. No amount of time and space can seperate you from the people you love and the poeple who love you. In some way, shape or form, they will always come back and watch over you. Youd don't have to feel that you're alone anymore,Crona. My love. My girlfriend. My soulmate. And everything in between. I want to spend as much time with you as possible before I'm gone. I want to wake up next to you. I want to play with your hair and make it perfectly symmetrical. I want to kiss you as much as I want and for as long as I want. Crona Makenshi Gorgon. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Crona smiled and said one word.



The four walked back down the staris. Kid never letting go of Crona's hand the entire time.

When they reached the main church area, first they decided to give the woman that Crona killed, a proper funeral. Maka put the woman's soul in her backpack for safekeeping. After the "funeral", Maka took Crona to the back room and Soul took Kid to the other room. While they were looking around earlier, they found rooms that held the most gorgeous wedding dresses and suits. Apparently this church used to be famous for couples who wanted to get married as soon as possible and had no time or money to spare. Pefect for the young shinigami and young witch. Soul then formed 2 rings in the shape of skulls from some gold rings they found in one of the rooms. A helpful trick he picked up from the book about alchemy.

Crona pick a simple white dress that was similar to her black one and Maka pulled her hair in a bun and placed a white hairband in it. Maka tried to get Crona to wear a veil but she opted out. Kid picked a simple black suit after searching through about 20 suits for one that had it's buttons perfectly down the middle. Maka stood at the altar with Kid and Soul played the piano. Crona walked in. Kid's eyes widened when he saw his beautiful fiance. He had never seen her hair in anything but it's usual style, but he thought that she looked stunning.

When Crona reached Kid, she faced him and they smiled at each other. Maka began.

"Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens. A good marriage must be created. In the Art of Marriage: The little things are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say 'I love you' at least once a day. It is never going to sleep angry. It is at no time taking the other for granted; the courtship should not end with the honeymoon, it should continue through all the years. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives. It is standing together facing the world. It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family. It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is not expecting the husband to wear a halo or the wife to have wings of an angel. It is not looking for perfection in each other. It is embracingflexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humor. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.It is..."

"Will you shut up and move on already!?!?!?" yelled Soul from the piano.

"Would you like to stand up here and do this? How about I play the piano, and you do the talking?"

"How about no."

"M-Maka." Maka tapped Crona in attempt to turn her attention away from Soul.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. Now where was I?" Maka said as she flipped through the book. "Ok. Here we are. As I was saying,it is not only marrying the right partner, but being the right partner. It is all of these things and most importantly, knowing that you're not alone. It's knowing that someone out there loves you. No matter how annoying they may be." Maka turned and glared at Soul and Soul just rolled his eyes.

"Crona Makenshi Gorgon, do you take Kid to be your lawfully, until we get found out, wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Kid... what's your middle name?"


"Ok then. Death Steve the Kid, do you take Crona to be your lawfully, until we get found out, wedded wife?"

"I do."

"The rings please."

Soul walked the rings on an old pillow to the couple and they put the rings on each other's fingers.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Kid and Crona smiled and blushed at each other before bringing their lips closer and closer together. Their lips were about to touch when all of a sudden...

"Everyone raise your hands in the air and put them where I can see them!"

The doors ot the church had slammed open and 10 meister and weapon pair rush in, and pulled Kid and Crona away from each other. Crona was put in restraints and Kid, Maka, and Soul in handcuffs.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here?!?!" yelled Soul.

One of the meisters who had it's weapon to Crona's neck just in case she made any moves, spoke.

"Witch Crona. You are under arrest for the murder of Death City civilians and harvesting innocent souls.

Crona was pulled to the car waiting outside while Kid, Maka, and Soul struggled to get free.

"Cronaaaaaa!!!" Kid yelled as he tried to resist the meister holding him back. The meister apparently knew of Kid's condition since he was was trying to be as gentle as possible with him. Kid was strong but the meister was stronger.


"Crona!!!! I'll come after you!!! I promise!!!"

Crona drove off in the back of the car and the meisters released their grips on him and the others. They still had the handcuffs. Maka and Soul were taken to a seperate car and drove off. Kid was put in an ambulance. Realizing that tere was no way to calm the young shinigami, the doctors gave him a sedative and Kid passed out.

When kid woke, it was around 6am and he was back in his hospital bed. He rubbed his eyes thinking that everything that just happened was all a bad dream. He smiled when he noticed that he still had his gold ring in his left hand. When he realized that he wasn't dreaming, he tried to jump out of bed and find Crona. He stopped struggling when he noticed that his ankles were chained to the end of the bed. He looked around the room for something nearby he could use but noticed that Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, BlackStar, Liz, and Patty were watching him with sad looks on their faces.

"What's with the sad looks? Where's Crona? Is she okay?"

After a few minutes of silence Maka spoke. "Kid...Crona...she....I'm so sorry" Maka walked to corner of the room with tears in her eyes and Soul walked over to comfort her.

"What's going on? Where's Crona? Why isn't anyone answereing my questions."

Tsubaki spoke, "Kid...Crona...she's going to be executed."

Wasn't expecting that one eh? The lack of Kid x Crona pictures really annoyes me for some reason. I try to find pictures that relate to the chapter but I couldn't find any of Kid and Crona getting married or at leat her in wedding dress. Yay... \(^_^)/

WhooHoo! Only one more chapter to go. Technically two, but the main story only has one more chapter.Then next chapter is the finale to this long story. The chapter after that is the epilogue.Thank you for all of the nice comments. If you have a ship you want me to write a mini fanfic about, please tell me. Coming up next is the NaLu fanfic or the Sasha x Connie fanfic. I'll also be working on a GerIta, USUK, and Spamano fanfic. Those three are going to be a series called "The Sinces Series" It'll make more since when they are posted. But thank you for the love and support. I reached 1.8K reads and that is absolutly amazing considering my slow updates but thank you so so so so much. I can not thank you guys enough. I never though I would have people in other, not just countries but continents on the other side of the world reading my work so love goes out to you guys. Love goes out to my velociraptors. If you would like to become a velociraptor, just follow me on here and I'll read your work when I have a chance. Thank you :)

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