-Two sides of different coins...

By Sodapop_Ramen

1.5K 47 11

"Maybe you don't know what my true intentions are. Maybe they're different for you because you yourself are d... More

Chapter 1: Daughter to a Demon
Chapter 2: Braided Hair
Chapter 3: Intrigued
Chapter 4: Moonlight
Chapter 6: Suffocating
Chapter 7: Nicknames
Chapter 8: Young, Dumb, and in Love
Chapter 9: Red Wine

Chapter 5: Disobedience

197 5 2
By Sodapop_Ramen

A/N: so I've been using he/him pronouns for Grell, and I just wanted to apologize since I know she's a trans woman. I only used he/him pronouns because those were the pronouns used by other characters in the actual manga and anime, but in order to be respectful to the LGBTQ+ community I will from mid-way through this chapter be referring to Grell with she/her pronouns because that's what she deserves and I will give her no less because of how wonderful a character she is. Anywho, enjoy!

The crowd roared with cheerful laughter and singing, though how couldn't it when the atmosphere of the pub was so lively? There wasn't a single crestfallen soul to be seen, just jolly drunks, musicians and the rest of those people that were simply having a good time. Ronald sat in a booth with his two lady friends, Artemis and Juliet, who had had their fair share of drinks and were now cuddled up very close to each other. It was no secret that the two women were lovers, not to Ronald anyways, considering two people of the same gender dating was frowned upon in those times. The blonde reaper never saw any issue with it, if you love someone, why should their gender be of any matter? Really it's about what's on the inside. But he wasn't about to start a fight with the entire world against him and the two ladies, so he bit his tongue when someone made a comment about the matter. 

"Ey, that's one long face."

Ronald was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of his coworker's voice, looking from the table to her face as he recognized it as Artemis's. She had Juliet leaning into her neck, the blonde woman's eyes closed yet she still had a beer in her hand. As for Arty's drink situation, the brunette held her current beer as well, but had many glass cups sitting on the table in front of her, since she really did like her beer. 

"What's got you down, Ronnie?" She finished, the man sighing as he leaned back in his chair and placed his own beer onto the table before him.
"I'm not down, I just...can't stop thinking about her," he admitted, Artemis cocking her brow as she took a short sip of her beverage and licked the foam that formed on her upper lip.
"What, your lady friend?" She asked, Ronald nodding as the woman continued, "why didn't you invite her out with us?"
"You know why. If anyone else catches wind of who I'm seeing then I'm as good as dead," he sighed, picking his beer up once again but making a face of slight realization, "...again, anyways."
"No one from the dispatch ever comes out here, you wouldn't have anything to worry about," Arty reassured him, swirling the golden liquid in her cup around which caused it to fizz up a little, "Why don't you ask her to come out with us next time?" 
"I'm not sure if I wanna risk it, for both my sake and hers," he admitted, sipping on his cup of beer as he rested his elbow on the table and then his face in his hand.
"That's real noble of ya, buddy. But we will get to meet her eventually, won't we?" Artemis asked, a slight slur to her voice.
Ronald looked up with a sweet smile, nodding as he placed his beer back onto the table.
"Of course Arty, as long as you don't tell on me," He answered, the woman snickering as she pulled her own lady a little closer to her from around the waist. 
"Your secret's safe as long as ours is," she whispered, Ronald chuckling quietly as the two of them settled down and simply enjoyed the night as it was.


"(Y/n), what is this?"

The little lady called upon looked up from her work at the servants dining table, that work being cutting off bits of the succulents that sat around the manor to multiply them so that there would be more. She was alone, and because of that she was quite startled when someone called her name, herself spinning around toward the direction of the voice to discover that it was her father Sebastian who had asked her a question. 

And the fact that it was in reference to Ronald's coat, which he was pinching by the collar, nearly made her scream. This wasn't good, demons could sense suspicious things about Grim Reaper's belongings, especially old demons like Sebastian.

"It reeks of death, where did you find it?" He asked once more, a firm yet slightly perplexed look about him as he waited expectantly for his daughter to answer.
"I found it on the streets. I thought it looked rather nice, I'd hate for such decent tailor's work to go to waste," she lied as smoothly as she usually did, returning her attention to the succulents on the table before her.
"What if it bares a disease? You wouldn't have the young master killed so easily, would you?" He asked, and (Y/n) was beginning to become irritated by his constant needling, but held her feelings back and kept calm about the situation.
"If it bared a disease then I wouldn't have picked it up, father. Honestly I thought your expectations of me where a little higher," she sighed, Sebastian face morphing into a bitter look at the tone she used.
"I'd prefer you didn't speak to me in such an impertinent tone, (Y/n)," he chided, his eyes flashing an angered crimson that (Y/n) couldn't see.
She wanted so badly to continue further, since her father was being a little unreasonable in that moment. But she was mature enough to know that such an action would only lead to more trouble for her, so she simply sighed and continued her work.
"I'm sorry, father," she apologised, Sebastian's look staying firm as he spun around, his back now facing her.
"I'll leave the coat in your room. I expect you to wash it," he began, slowly walking out of the room as he did, "thoroughly."

And with that, he left to attend other duties, and (Y/n) simply sighed, much softer than she would have liked, but she knew that if she did any louder then Sebastian would be right back in there lecturing her about respecting her elders. She was too tired to listen to another one of those, so she simply continued her work and let thoughts of the grim reaper who owned the coat fill her mind as to repel the boredom. 


The tapping at her window alerted young (Y/n) from her place upon her bed as she looked over, having been brushing her hair after just having got out of the bath. To her surprise, it was her friend Grell, who usually didn't come to visit until Thursday. 

Since she knew that Mey-Rin had just gotten into the bath herself, she got up from her bed and opened the window for her friend with a questioning look upon her brow.

"Grell? What are you doing here? You do know it's not Thursday, right?" she asked the red-headed reaper with a slight giggle, themselves nodding as they leaned in slightly.
"I do, I just..." Grell looked down slightly, their beautiful green eyes a little hesitant as they grabbed the girl's hand gently between their own, "...need you to do something for me."
"And that would be?" (Y/n) asked, Grell giving her a moment more of hesitation as they dampened their lips and looked into her eyes properly.
"Could you...if you don't mind...speak a sentence in reference to me, but use...she instead of he? I just...want to see how it feels," they asked, their eyes becoming sheepish and downcast once more as they waited for a response.

(Y/n) stared at her friend for a moment, questioningly. She knew them to be quite feminine, so this didn't surprise her at all. So, with a loving smile, (Y/n) placed her other hand over the top of Grell's and rubbed it comfortingly.

"Miss Grell Sutcliffe is a beautiful woman. Her luscious hair is red as crimson, and her eyes which are cloaked in pretty lashes are a gorgeous shade of green. She is an energetic, flamboyant woman, and never fails to put a smile on my face every time I have the pleasure of seeing her. And no matter who she is, or becomes, I love her unconditionally, and such a fact can never be changed."

(Y/n) couldn't help but notice the tears that had pooled up in her friend's eyes, though what came to make them happy was the smile that graced Grell's lips as they looked back up at her and wiped them away.

"I...think I quite like that," they, or rather, she whispered sniffling a little, "thank you, (Y/n)."

Without another word, (Y/n) brought the red-headed woman into her arms from the other side of the window and embraced her tightly and lovingly. They held each other for a moment more before leaning back ever so slightly, the demon woman placing a gentle hand against Grell's face as she brushed her hair behind her ear.

"...how about I braid your hair next time? If you'll teach me?" (Y/n) whispered, Grell's smile sweetening as she nodded.
"I'd like that," she answered, the two nuzzling their noses together in a platonic Eskimo kiss before Grell leaned back and prepared to leave.

Though as she did, a thought came into her mind, and she had remembered what else she had come here for, as well as asking something of her friend.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" she said as she clung to the window, "Ronald was wondering if you'd be available next weekend, though he'd be able to ask you himself if you're also available Thursday evening?"
"I am, both days. Why?" (Y/n) asked, tilting her head slightly.
"He wanted to go out with you again. I tell you, (Y/n), I genuinely believe you're changing him for the better," Grell said with a smile as she took the younger woman's hands, "though I'm asking because he and I along with two other of our friends were going to the pub that evening, and I was wondering if you'd like to join us."
"Ah-are you sure that's alright?" (Y/n) asked, the redheaded woman nodding vigorously.
"But of course, no one else from the dispatch ever goes to that pub, and our friends know how to keep a secret. Don't tell Ronald that you're coming though, if you end up coming across him before then, I want it to be a surprise," Grell explained as she winked, the demon giggling as she nodded.
"I promise I won't, I trust you," she said, Grell smiling once more as she leaned away from the window.
"Well, until then, my dear."


"Father, I will be going out on Thursday evening, if that is alright," (Y/n) announced, coming into the servants dining quarters where it was empty besides the presence of her father.
"I'm afraid that is not your call to make, you are needed here, (Y/n)," Sebastian responded, cleaning the dishes before him thoroughly.
"But why? Surely you can spare me an evening," she huffed, her father refusing to face her as he continued with his chores.
"I've actually spared you many evenings as of late, and I believe you're overusing the privilege of being able to leave on your own will," Sebastian noted, turning his head slightly, "you will not be leaving."
"I'm not the one who made the contract, so therefore I don't believe that I should have to put up with this," she said in a voice that shook with anger that was about to explode out of her.
"You are my offspring, and therefore I have authority over you until you are of Faustian age," he countered with his voice shaking nearly the same, "don't push it (Y/n), I mean it."
"You're being so unreasonable right now Father! I don't understand why I can't-"
"Go to bed, (Y/n)," he firmed, the anger in his voice growing.
"But if you'd please listen for a moment-"
"I said go to bed," he repeated, his tone firmer.
"But father-"
"I've had enough of your disobedience child!!" Sebastian snapped, spinning around to reveal his eyes as crimson to (Y/n), "Now do as you're told and go to bed!! I will hear no more of this!!"

Silence momentarily befell them, and (Y/n) felt tears welling up in her own crimson eyes. At first, she was hurt by the tone her father had used on her, but then anger overwhelmed her features as she furiously wiped her tears away and spun around, running up to her room and slamming the door behind herself.

She was going out. She would find a way. 


With a quiet sigh, (Y/n) made the final touches to her outfit before pushing the creases out of her skirt and spraying herself with a bit of the perfume that Grell had bought her for her birthday last year. She was ready for the evening, to go to the pub that is and surprise Ronald with her presence. Grell had asked her to meet her in the forest beside the Phantomhive manor, and they'd walk to the pub from there which would be quite the distance but luckily for them they were not simple humans. 

Sneaking out of the manor was beginning to prove difficult, and coming up with excuses for her father the same. She wasn't exactly sure of how she was going to handle this situation, but she knew she'd be able to do it. After all, these last two years she had spent were nearly entirely of deceiving Sebastian and convincing him that she hadn't made friends with a Reaper, she'd manage. 

So, with delicate footsteps, she made her way to her window, climbing out of it before closing it behind her and dropping to the very bottom, which was quite the distance. Tucked underneath her arm was two things, Ronald's coat, and a note she'd leave at the door, should her father come looking for her. No, she knew he would, but her perfume would disguise her scent enough for her to escape if she ever needed to. Once she had made it to the ground, she quietly tiptoed to the front door and placed the note just before it, then quickly rushing off into the forest where she'd meet her friend. 

(Grell's dress)

"Oh Grell! Your dress is absolutely gorgeous! It suits you so well!" (Y/n) complimented as she hugged her reaper friend, the lady returning the embrace.
"Why thank you, dear. Your dress looks quite ravishing on yourself as well," Grell returned, pulling the younger woman away from her to take in her attire.

(Y/n) noted the way that Grell's curled hair really complimented her makeup, as did the way it was done up in a cute messy bun. Grell was quite beautiful for something as simple as a pub meetup, and she couldn't help but giggle at how extra her friend was.

"We should get going, before my father finds out that I'm gone," (Y/n) suggested, the redheaded woman nodding as they rushed off into the forest, their intentions with making it to town and to the pub without Sebastian on their tails. 


"Well, here we are (Y/n)! I do hope you're ready," Grell announced as the two ladies came to the front of the pub, the demon nodding as she straightened herself up.
"Ready as I'll ever be," she sighed, the reaper nodding as she opened the door for the two of them and let the two of them in. 

From the get go, (Y/n) couldn't see Ronald from a first glance. She'd use that fact to her advantage, if her father ended up managing to pinpoint her whereabouts. Grell lead them further into the pub, and within only a few seconds did they find who they were looking for, sat in a booth that, even though it was hidden, still had a decent view of the door, which would prove useful if Sebastian came into the pub in search of her. 

"Ronald! How nice to see you again!" Grell greeted, the man turning his head around with his eyes closed.
"Hey there, Miss Sutcliffe, glad you could make i-" he cut himself off when he opened his eyes and (Y/n) came into his line of sight, to which his eyes widened, "(Y/n)?? What on earth are you doing here??"
"I thought I'd join you, I'm not intruding or anything, am I?" She asked, brushing the (h/c) hair from her shoulder as she tilted her head slightly.
"N-no, not at all. It's just...not safe for you here-"
"Oh Ronald, would you give it a rest?" Grell cut in, taking a seat beside Artemis and Juliet, who were sat across from Ronald, "no one from the dispatch ever comes here, and Arty's been dying to meet her. It'll be fine, I promise."
"Huh! So you really have been seein' a you-know-what," Artemis chuckled, lifting her cup of beer as she took the woman's appearance, "pleasure to meet you, Miss Michaelis."
"Just (Y/n) is fine," (Y/n) insisted with a sweet smile, sliding into the booth next to Ronald, "you are?"
"Artemis. And this is my lady, Juliet," the brunette introduced in reference to the lady sitting beside her, reaching her gloved hand across the table in a friendly manner, "Ronnie talks about you all the time."
"It's pleasure to meet you as well," (Y/n) smiled as she gently shook the other woman's hand, then turning to look at Ronald who's face was flushed red from the earlier comment, "what's this though? You say Ronald talks about me?"
"God, all the time! We can't get him to shut up about you," Arty huffed, leaning back in her booth and placing an arm around Juliet.
"Arty!" Ronald warned, though he was ignored as the women continued their conversation.
"I do hope he speaks of me positively," (Y/n) said in her silky voice.
"Positively? He talks about you like you're his wife-"
"Ah-(Y/n)! C-can I get you a drink or something??" Ronald cut Artemis off, flustered with his face flushed a deeper red than before as he tried to play it off nervously. 
"A drink would be lovely thank you, Ronald," (Y/n) answered as she smiled sweetly, then remembering that she was holding onto Ronald's coat after noting the way that it was absent of his body, "here, I never gave this back to you. I washed it."
"Thanks bird, I'll have to get you to do all my laundry."
The man chuckled goofily as he put his coat on and shuffled out of the booth and walked off to the bar to fetch her a drink.
(Y/n) watched him all the way there, an endearing look in her eyes until someone had interrupted her thoughts.

"Jesus Christ," when she heard someone laugh the Lord's name, (Y/n) spun back around to see that it was Artemis who had, "He's never been like that with a girl ever."
"Surely you jest," (Y/n) chuckled in disbelief, Artemis shaking her head as she sipped her beer.
"No, I swear. From the first day we were put into training, he's always been a natural ladies man. I have never, in all my years, seen him act like that around a girl, I promise you," she reassured, then turning to look at Grell, "C'mon Miss Sutcliffe, back me up here!"
"It's true, (Y/n). As one of his teachers, I can confirm that this is the first time he's ever behaved like that around a girl," she confirmed, smirking slightly at the demon, "I did tell you that I believe you've changed him for the better."

(Y/n) couldn't help the way that her cheeks flushed pink as she looked down sheepishly. Did she really cause that significant of a change? Within only one date? She was astonished, yet not really all that surprised, she had been admired so by many men alike, perhaps she had put a curse on him by accident. 

"Here you go, love."

(Y/n) was shaken from her thoughts by the sound of a voice, the woman looking up to find that it was Ronald who had spoken with a glass of cola-bourbon in one hand and a beer in the other. He was handing her the bourbon, so she took it and let him back into the booth where he sat down and took a sip.

"Can demons even get drunk?" Artemis asked from across the table, (Y/n) nodding as she took a sip of her drink.
"It actually depends on our age. For a demon as young as myself, it is possible with two times as much as it is for a human. But if we're talking old demons like my father, it's nearly impossible," she explained, Artemis tilting her head slightly.
"How old are you?" she asked.
"190, 000, I think. I've began to lose count over these years," (Y/n) sighed as she poked her own cheek.
"Then how old's your dad?" Arty asked again, though the only answer she was able to get was a shrug, which caused a burst of laughter to ring out amongst the group.

The night went on quite pleasantly, and as it went on, (Y/n) eventually came to find herself snuggled up close to Ronald, with his arm wrapped around her while her laid against his chest. It was pure bliss, to be out, doing her own thing with people that enjoyed her company. She hadn't ever felt such a sensation in her life. 

But, all good things must come to an end eventually. 

It was when Ronald got up to get the lady another drink, making that a total of ten for the night in two hours. Though when he was near the bar, a man came storming into the pub, and Ronald felt the blood drain from his face as he rushed back over to the booth with a panicked demeanor about him. 

"(Y/n)!" he whisper yelled as he placed a hand on the leather of the booth and leaned in close to her, "...your dad's here and he does not look happy!"

(Y/n) whipped her head around to look toward the door of the pub, and sure enough, it was Sebastian, seemingly furious as ever as he began looking about in search of something. That something, she assumed, was herself, and panic immediately set in.

"Shit!" she cursed in a whisper, standing up and brushing herself off as she grabbed Ronald's hand, "he most likely tracked the scent of your coat here. We need to hide."

(Y/n) was quick to drag Ronald around the back of the pub, where there was an opening to the other side of it near the front. And unfortunately for them, Sebastian had taken that route, and came to be across the room from them. (Y/n) yanked Ronald into a gap which sat between a wall and a jukebox, and pushed him furthest into it. 

"Hold your breath, I'm going to take your coat off of you," she whispered, the man nodding as he quickly did so.

She held her own breath and quickly shed Ronald of his jacket, tucking it under the jukebox just as Sebastian stormed past them. The second he did, (Y/n) took Ronald's wrist and pulled him in the opposite direction Sebastian was walking. They crouched behind a vacant table just as the demon noticed a change of scent in the air, and turned back around to approach the jukebox. Then, he crouched down in front of it, and pulled the coat out from underneath, his gloved fingers examining the cloth before he clenched it tightly and switched his direction once again, in their direction. Anxious, (Y/n) motioned for herself and Ronald to crawl out of the door that would lead to the front area of the pub, and when they swiftly did so they immediately bolted back around to where their table was, with Grell, Artemis and Juliet all still sitting at it. (Y/n) stopped reluctantly. 

"Grell, my Father is coming this way. I want you to distract him," she quickly breathed, the redheaded woman nodding as (Y/n) took off with Ronald once more into the back of the pub. 

(Y/n) then tried any door she could see, eventually coming to one which was unlocked and turned out to be a tight broom closet. Since there was no time to find a place more spacious, she simply shoved Ronald into it before stuffing herself in as well, closing the door behind them to which darkness befell the two of them. 

How (Y/n) would get out of this one, she didn't know. But she did know that she'd be in big trouble regardless if she was caught or not. 

Word count: 4038

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