Fat Girl - BTS FF

بواسطة tonibu76

154K 5.9K 2.3K

29 year old Y/N, goes on a series of failed blind dates. Her father is determined to marry her off asap. She... المزيد

Chapter 1: Date with Namjoon
Chapter 2: My Best Friend Jimin
Chapter 3: Date with Yoongi
Chapter 4: Cheered Up
Chapter 5: Embarrassed
Chapter 6: Sunshine
Chapter 7: Profile
Chapter 8: The model relationship
Chapter 9: Plane Problems
Chapter 10: Welcome to Macau!
Chapter 11: Jin Again?
Chapter 12: Butterfly
Chapter 13: Confession
Chapter 14: Engagement Dinner
Chapter 15: Explain
Chapter 16: Wedding Day
Chapter 17: Burned
Chapter 18: Little Mochi
Chapter 19: Not Daddy's Girl
Chapter 20: "Judas Kiss" Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 21: Awful Truth
Chapter 22: Retail Therapy
Chapter 23: Yohan
Chapter 24: Serendipity
Chapter 25: Stabbed In The Back
Chapter 26: The Prayer
Chapter 27: Mistake
Chapter 28: Friends
Chapter 29: Smothering
Chapter 30: JungshOOk
Chapter 31: Arrest
Chapter 32: No More Time
Thank you!
Chapter 33: I want Ramyeon
Chapter 35: A Love Lost Forever
Chapter 36: Results
Chapter 37: Missing Baby Bump
Chapter 38: He's Stinky Butt
Chapter 39: Sold
Chapter 40: Tears
Chapter 41: Brightness and Goodness

Chapter 34: The Nurse

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بواسطة tonibu76


Jimin: "Someone help! She broke her leg!" He yells as he runs into the hospital carrying me bridal style.

Y/N: "Put me down Jimin! I told you I did not break my leg!" I protest. I push on his chest to try to break free from his grasp. That just made him grip me tighter.

Jimin: "Hush. I will NOT put you down until you are checked out by a doctor!" He fusses.

Now I'm mad....... Who does he think he is talking to?!?

Y/N: "No.... YOU HUSH! Jimin, you ain't noooobody's daddy to be hushing somebody! You need to let me go before I jump down." I bark while I squirm around in his arms.

Jimin: "Oh no you don't! Stop fighting!" He grunts as he tries to hold me tighter...  in vain.



I broke free and jumped down onto the floor to my detriment. As soon as my feet touched down, I felt the pain. It was bad. Immediately, I fell on my butt with a huge 'thud'.  As if we didn't already have a lot of attention on us, we had EVERYONE watching our commotion after I hit the floor.

The pain in my leg is unbearable. It is such a shock to my system that not one sound is coming out of my mouth. It is wide open, but silent. Flies could of flown in and out of my open mouth and I wouldn't have cared one bit, because I can't move. It hurts so bad.

My makeup stained tears drop onto my pretty white dress. Jimin looks down at me and runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. He shakes his head and sighs before helping me stand on my good leg. Someone bought a wheelchair and Jimin wheeled me into my exam room. From the time I fell to the time Jimin helped me onto the bed I was completely silent. Maybe I DID break my leg?

I finally looked up at Jimin's face. His bottom lip was pouty, and his eyes looked apologetic.

Jimin: "I am sorry I let my 'short stuff, lovely baby, sweet honey, dew drop' fall down." He cooed then bent down and kissed my forehead sweetly.

Truthfully, he has nothing to apologize for. All he did was try to help me and I fought him every step. I am ashamed of myself. I lowered my head. I whimpered due to the pain and embarrassment. Jimin sat on the side of the exam bed and gave me a huge hug.

Jimin: "Awwwww... Lovely. You are so cute when you fret." He rubs the back of my hair softly and let me cry into his chest.

Y/N: "I'm sorry. I ruined the wedding and embarrassed you in the hospital lobby." I sniffle.

Jimin: "While you did act a COMPLETE FOOL in the lobby, you didn't ruin the wedding. That was an accident. It wasn't even your fault." He reassures me.



Dr Chu: "KNOCK KNOCK." He walks into the exam room with Nurse Lee.

Jimin: "Oh lord... not this dude again." I hate him. It is HIS FAULT that I was arrested the last time Y/N was in the hospital. I sigh and roll my eyes.... I rolled them sooooooo far back that I could see inside my brain.  I hate him....  Let me say that once more for the people in the back......


I digress....

As long as he treats My Lovely well, I am alright with that.

Dr Chu: "Miss Y/N, I hear you hurt your leg. I am going to take a look." He says while giving her a small smile. He presses areas along her lower leg.

Y/N: "T-that hurts right there." She says when he presses near her ankle. She winces with pain. She also squeezes the life out of my hand... my hand is officially dead... She has a lot of strength in those chunky little hands.

Dr Chu: "Nurse Lee, will you get her ready for an X-ray on her ankle?" He then walks toward the door. I stop him.

Jimin: "I need to speak with you in the hallway." I say this with a serious tone. I can see he has a bit of fear in his eyes. He knows I hate him for getting me arrested.

Dr Chu: "S-sure. F-follow me." We walk out into the hallway to have a short chat.



Nurse Lee: "Sweetheart we are going to get this leg fixed up." He pats my leg by my ankle.

Then in a matter of two seconds he dragged his fingers up my leg to my thigh. He squeezes it. This is super awkward. Maybe he just didn't realize that he was making me uncomfortable.

Nurse Lee: "Sweetheart I was your nurse when you recovered from your recent surgery. You may not remember me, but I certainly remember you."

***flashback from Chapter 28***


I am administering pain medication to Miss Y/N through the IV. I am happy that I got to come to her room. She is so cute. She started to ask me about her husband, but the medicine kicked in before she could finish speaking.

Nurse Lee: "You poor thing. You seem so sweet. Why would anyone hurt such a lovely person? And cute... You deserve a good man. I would gladly take that role." I say and smirk.

I stand over her sleeping frame and just stare for a while. I scan her from head to toe. She is beautiful. Her face is so innocent looking. Then I gaze at the rest of her body... I bite my lower lip as my eyes linger on certain voluptuous areas. Then I go back to her face. I place some stray hairs behind her ear, but I can't remove my hand from her form. So, I ran my hand down her cheek and jawline... then rubbed my thumb across her beautiful lips before I stopped myself and left the room.

***end of creepy flashback***

Nurse Lee: You were so adorable sleeping. You are even cuter awake." He says creepily and winks at me while wheeling me over to get my x-ray.

Y/N: "You are making me uncomfortable. Can you stop talking to me?" I say sternly.

Nurse Lee: "Ooooh you are a spicy little firecracker. MmmHmm. I like it." He says making me feel disgusted.

Y/N: "Will you stop that! I am not interested in you." I say words full of venom.

Nurse Lee: "Ok Ok... but, hey... you should leave the other guy and get with me." He whispers in my ear from behind. I smell his breath. It stinks.

Y/N: "No. Stop! Back off from me with that du du du du doodoo breath! I am tired of you bothering me!" I yell at him. He finally shuts his mouth. Seconds later we are at the x-ray room am so thankful to get away from this fool.

Nurse Lee: "Ok, I like her better asleep..." He mumbles. I breathe a sigh of relief when he walks away.



I am returned to the exam room.  Jimin was sitting on the chair fast asleep. His head is tilted to the side. He has a long string of drool coming from his pouty lips landing all over his shirt. Seeing him, even like this,  makes me smile and relax. I love him.... drool and all.

Once Jimin was awakened, the doctor explained that my leg was not broken after all. I tore my Achilles tendon. It HURTS. I will not need surgery, but I have to be on crutches for at least 4 weeks.


Y/N: "Jimin, I can't walk on these things! It's too hard to hold myself up!" I whine with a pout.

Jimin: "You just have to get used to them." He says and folds his arms across his chest.

Y/N: "Honey... can you carry me bridal style like you did when we came in?" I ask pitifully.

Jimin: "Absolutely not. You can walk. I am standing beside you so you won't fall." He says to reassure me.

Y/N: "Please." I plead with my eyes.

Jimin: "Gosh. Stop giving me that begging -puppy dog- doe eyed look that I cannot resist." He sighs then picks me up bridal style. I was so happy... BUT he only carries me as far as the wheelchair that is on the other side of the room.

Jimin: "Here you go." He sits me down on the wheelchair and starts laughing because technically I got what I asked for.

Y/N: "I hate you.... but I love you." I say.

Jimin: "I love you too." He says before kissing me. He had barely broken the kiss when we both slowly opened our eyes and smiled at each other.

After such a horrible day, we still can smile. I am so happy to have him in my life. Him just being there gives me a feeling of happiness. I hope I make him feel that way too.



Y/N: "Where are you wheeling me to? This isn't the way to the exit." She asks with eyebrows furrowed.

Jimin: "It's a surprise." I say with a huge smile.

Y/N: "Oh ok. Since you are smiling, I know it's alright." She looks up at me with the most beautiful expression. Whenever she looks like that, I cannot stop myself from doing whatever she wants. I am whipped and weak for her. It will always be that way. That is why I have to marry her.

Jimin: "OK, we are here!" I wheel her into the hospital chapel.

Y/N: "What's going on?" She looks around a little confused by, but also drawn in by the purple flowers decorating the chapel.

Jimin: "We are getting married. Unless you've changed your mind." I say as I push her to the front.

Y/N: "Forreal?" She turns around in the wheelchair with a huge smile and watery eyes.

Jimin: "Forreal."

Y/N: "But look at me. I look terrible. My dress is stained... My makeup is cried off... I'm sitting in a wheel chair." She says as a few tears fall. I stoop to be face to face with her. I cup her face and use my thumbs to rub the tears from her cheeks.

Jimin: "You look beautiful." I say before kissing her lips softly.

Y/N: "But I can't even stand up without crutches." She frets.

Jimin: "You don't have to stand."

Y/N: "B-but-" I interrupt with a "shhh" and put my index finger over her lips before she can say anything else.

Jimin: "Ok, let's do this then." I pick her up from the wheelchair, then I sit down on the wheelchair with her on my lap. I snake my arms around her waist and turn her body a little toward me. She giggles then lays her forehead against mine. She closes her eyes and smiles.

Y/N: "I love you, Jimin." She whispers and opens her eyes.

Jimin: "Me too, My lovely lady. Let's get married. ok." I whisper. She smiles widely and aggressively nods her head 'yes'.... A little too aggressively because her forehead hit me dead in the eye... That will leave a mark...

Once we finished cooing each other, we turn toward the on-site minister. Y/N's whole body froze once she saw his face.

It's Taehyung.

The hospital minister is




Taehyung: "Hello Y/N."

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