Guns & Diamonds.

Από AaliyahSione

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On the west coast of the United States, lies the city of Los Angeles. At night, this city is where you would... Περισσότερα

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
The End.

Chapter Ten.

354 11 0
Από AaliyahSione


It was officially Christmas day, and I was as happy as I could ever be. Daniel Rodriguez was finally my boyfriend, after about ten years! I never thought that this would ever happen. It was hard to believe, truthfully speaking.

Are you happy or what?" I felt someone squeeze my hand.

I looked over and saw Daniel smiling at me. "Yeah, I am."

"Good." He said. "I'm gonna let it stay like that."

"Thank you everyone for coming!" I heard Jenny shout. "Merry Christmas!"

Everyone was leaving and the ballroom was nearly empty now. The place was a mess. But, we didn't have to worry about that. Jenny had maids, and she never had to do anything willingly. I bet that was fun. Every time my mom had a party she always left the mess for me to clean up.

"I'm getting ready to go." Carlos said.

"No!" Jenny yelled as she ran towards us. "Don't leave. Let's all go in the living room and hang out for a little while."

"Are you sure, Jenny?" Emilio asked as he came in the room. "It's pretty late."

"Where have you been?" My mother inquired at him. "You missed the whole party!"

"I was taking care of some business." He said. "Something you don't need to worry about."

"Sure." Jenny rolled her eyes.

Everyone except Emilio left the ballroom and went into the living room. I sat down on the million dollar couch next to Daniel, and Dalilah and Jake sat with us.  "The living room still looks the same." Carlos smiled.

"I know." My mom agreed. "Isolina didn't like change, much. She did have this house for about twelve years."

"Blah, blah, blah." Jenny said. "I don't speak grown up talk. It's time for presents!"

All of us looked at Jenny. She was smiling, but her smile quickly faded when she realized why we were looking at her.

"Oh, yeah." She sighed. "But, I got all you guys some presents!"

"Why?" My mother asked. "You didn't have to do that, Jen."

"You guys are familia, of course I would." She smiled, again.

"I didn't get you anything, though." I said. 

"What do you think of me, Aaliyah?" She asked. "Just because I get you something you would think I want something in return? I just told you, you're familia! It doesn't matter! So, who wants their present first?"

Nobody said anything.

"Alright, then." She said. "Shonalee, you're first."

"En la madre!" My mother laughed. "Why, Jenny?"

"Come on." Jenny smiled. "It's outside."

Of course, every one was curious so we followed Jenny and my mom outside. We went around to the side of the house, and parked by the gate was a brand new Toyota Corolla. My mother screamed and hugged Jenny.

"No manches!" She exclaimed. "This is for me?"

"Yes." Jenny laughed. "It's already paid off, too. Here's the keys."

She handed her the keys and I smiled. Jenny always did nice things like this for us. I didn't know why she always spent so much money, though. "Thank you so much!" My mother kissed her on the cheek. "God bless you baby nina."

"Alright!" Jake laughed. "It's kind of cold, we should probably go back inside before we all get frost bite."

Every one laughed, and agreed, so we went back inside of the mansion and sat down in the living room again. "Carlos, I have a present for you too!" 

"Really, Jenny?" Carlos asked. 

"Yes, really." She smiled. "I'll be right back."

She walked out of the living room and came back a few moments later with a small, red box. "Here," She smiled as she walked over to him. She handed him the box to which he gladly took it, and then opened it. He pulled out a pure golden Rolex watch. 

"Jenny, you didn't even have to spend all this money on a watch for me." He smiled.

"Oh, but I did." She said. "You've done a lot for me and my family. I didn't know any other way to thank you."

"Gracias." He got up and gave her a hug.

Another hour went by and Jenny was giving out presents like it was nothing. She had got Daniel a new pair of Jordan's, Dalilah a set of beanies, Nichole a couple of expensive dresses, and Emilio a new stereo so he could blast his music throughout the house even louder than before. She didn't buy Jake anything because she didn't know him and didn't know that he was even coming. I guess it didn't matter, though, because he wasn't really apart of our family.

"I saved the best for last." Jenny smiled as she looked at me. "Aaliyah, do you wanna see your present?"

"Why did you get my something?" I asked.

"You're my cousin!" She exclaimed. "My only cousin, and I love you! Of course I'm gonna get you a present."

"Ugh." I groaned. "Seriously, Jenny."

She grabbed my arm, pulling me off of the couch. "Just shut up and come look at your present!"

We went upstairs and straight to the room next to Jenny's bedroom. "Are you ready?" She asked.

"I guess."

She opened the door and stepped inside. I was so surprised to see the walls decorated with all kinds of skateboards. All of them were different colors, and they all had different designs. They were amazing. "Wow." I smiled as I looked at all of them.

"They're all for you." Jenny said. "I got them all just for you."

I was speechless. I didn't even know what to say. 

"Here you go." Jenny said.

I turned around and she was holding another skateboard. It was colorful like a rainbow, and had my name customized on it with pink letters. "Wow." I smiled as she handed it to me. "Jenny, why did you spend all this money on me?"

"Because, you're special to me!" She chuckled. "I just thought I'd do something nice for you. You deserve it, Aaliyah. You're the best friend, cousin, and sister I ever had."

I pulled her into a tight, long hug. Jenny would be the only one in the world to do all of these things for me. I really appreciated it, too. "Thank you so much, Jen." I smiled. "I love you!"

After we had our little moment, we both left the room and went back downstairs to join the rest of the family. "What'd she get you, mija?" My mother asked me as she looked at the skateboard in my arms. "Wow that's beautiful!" 

"There's a lot more than that upstairs." Jenny said. "I'll get them shipped to your house sooner or later."

"You're sweet." My mother. "Did you tell her thank you, Aaliyah?"

"Yes, mom." I rolled my eyes. "I did."

I joined the rest of my family as we went and sat down in the living room again. We did nothing but talk for hours. It felt good to have every one back together after such a long time, and I was happy about it. The only person who was missing was Isolina, but I knew she would be happy to see us all enjoying each other as familia.



After I had left the Christmas party, I didn't go straight home like I was supposed to. In fact, I was roaming around the neighborhood like I usually did. Of course, since it was Christmas, a lot of people were outside drinking and acting like party animals. I usually did the same, but only with my friends and they weren't out this year. So, I just decided to walk around by myself.

I wasn't really tired like I should have been. I wasn't even excited that it was Christmas. I stopped caring about holidays years ago. I guess it was because I was getting older and my mom never really bothered to celebrate that often. The only people who I knew were actually excited about holidays like this were Dalilah, and my grandmother.

Speaking of Dalilah, she texted me just as I turned on the next street, but she quickly lost my attention because I saw someone walking down the street. It was Crystal.

I was probably the only one of all of my friends who didn't mind Crystal's existence. Unlike Aaliyah and Dalilah, I actually liked her. I had a crush on her, and that had been since elementary school, and would probably continue on to High school. I had always thought she was one of the most prettiest girls I had ever seen, but I doubt she ever really noticed me.

She strutted down the street in her sparkling party dress and a winter coat. She looked dead at me with her beautiful green eyes, and I felt myself start getting nervous.

"What are you doing out here?" She inquired. "It's so late."

"I'm always out here this late on Christmas." I shrugged. "It's nothing new. What about you, though? It's weird seeing you out so late..especially around this part of the city."

"What are you tryna say?" She chuckled as she sat down on the sidewalk. "You think I'm some kind of preppy princess who stays inside of my mansion all day?"

"I mean, yeah kind of." I laughed and sat down next to her.

"Well, I like to go out sometimes, too." She said. "Plus, I was only over here because I was going to one of my friend's house. But, I think I'd rather stay here with you."

I raised an eyebrow, "Why? We've never even talked before."

"Isn't it good to socialize with new people?" She inquired. "That's how you make friends, right?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "But, I'd never thought you would actually wanna talk to me."


"Well, first of all you and my friends don't even get along." I said. "And, you never even noticed me before. It's kind of surprising that we're sitting here talking on a sidewalk."

"I have noticed you." She said. "I just never spoke to you because I don't like being around Aaliyah and your girlfriend."

"Yeah, I get that."

"You must have been wanting to talk to me.." She looked at me in my eyes.

I couldn't help but to stare back. Her beautiful green eyes fit her gorgeous face perfectly. She was so beautiful. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

"What?" She laughed as she continued to look at me.

"Nothing, you're just so pretty." I smiled. "I can't help but to look at you."

"Thank you," She smiled back. "I get that a lot. But, the last time I checked you had a girlfriend."

"She can't be mad about me complimenting another girl." I shrugged. "The words already came out of my mouth."

"And, what if she found out?"

"She won't." I smirked. "Unless you tell her."

She chuckled, "Well, since we're spilling secrets, I think I might need to tell you one."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Jake, I actually like you."

My eyes widened and my heart instantly started racing in my chest. Crystal Scott liked me? There was no possible way that could be true.

I laughed, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "You're cute, and from what I hear about you I feel like you could be a better boyfriend than Daniel was."

"I think anyone could be a better boyfriend than him."

We both laughed.

"Seriously, though." She continued. "I think that I want to give you a try."

"I think that would be better to say if I wasn't already taken." I smirked. "You just got out of a relationship, too. Are you really feeling me?"

"You might not know me, Jake, but I'm not a liar." She said. "And, who cares about Dalilah? You don't even look happy with her. I wasn't even happy with Daniel. Don't you wanna be happy with someone different?"

I guess I could say that was true. Dalilah and I weren't really as close as we used to be. Now, it was kind of awkward just having a conversation with her. I thought a few times about taking a "break," but I never really brought it up. It was mainly cause I cared about her too much to hurt her feelings.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "But, I don't wanna hurt her feelings."

"People get their feelings hurt all the time." She shrugged. "It's apart of life. We all go through it at some point."

I couldn't really argue with that.

"You're right." I said. "So, why not?"

"So..that means we're boyfriend and girlfriend, now?" She inquired.

"Yep," I blushed. "But, for right now, we're keeping it on the low until I break up with Dalilah."

"Okay, good." She smiled.

I was kind of happy that Crystal and I were a thing now. I knew that once everyone knew about it, people would finally start noticing me and probably even think I was better than Daniel.

But, I also felt guilty for doing this to Dalilah. Even though I really cared about her, we only lived once, right? So, why not have some fun sometime. I'm sure she would understand. Well, that's if she really had feelings for me.

Who knows what could happen now.

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