Bad Boy | Kang Taehyun • Mafia

By Shi-Bii

167K 7.3K 17K

"I told you not to fall in love with me" "But I couldn't help it" Bad Boy New chapter every Saturday and Sund... More

♜ Story Characters ♜
♜ Chapter 1 ♜
♜ Chapter 2 ♜
♜ Chapter 3 ♜
♜ Chapter 4 ♜
♜ Chapter 5 ♜
♜ Chapter 6 ♜
♜ Chapter 7 ♜
♜ Chapter 8 ♜
♜ Chapter 9 ♜
♜ Chapter 10 ♜
♜ Chapter 11 ♜
♜Chapter 12 ♜
♜ Chapter 13 ♜
♜ Chapter 14 ♜
♜ Chapter 15 ♜
♜ Chapter 16 ♜
♜ Chapter 17 ♜
♜ Chapter 18 ♜
♜ Chapter 20 ♜
♜ Chapter 21 ♜
♜ Epilogue ♜
Mafia Yeonjun new book?!! Out
New Mafia Book?

♜ Chapter 19 ♜

4.7K 219 608
By Shi-Bii

"Call me later on when you reach home." Y/N said as she got off the car. "I will." Taehyun said with a smile on his face. The both stood there starring at each other for few seconds.

"Won't off?" Y/N asked. "No, I want to make sure that you go home safely." Taehyun said. "But it's two steps away! I will watch you leave first, I did it all the time anyway." Y/N said.

"No, I insist I watch you leave first." Taehyun said. "No, I insist. Come on Tae!" Y/N said. "No, I am stubborn." Taehyun said. "Oh yeah? Me too! Just look how did all my hard work pay off and now we are in a real relationship!" Y/N said.

Taehyun coughed as he avoided her gaze. "Well....I am the man and it's my job to make sure you returned home safely." Taehyun said. "It's neither a man or a woman job!" Y/N said.

"Why are you still out this late?" A voice asked as he approached.

"O-Oh! Mr. Choi! I-I actually just came back!" Y/N said. "It's 12 AM at night! And who are you with?" Mr. Choi asked as he stopped walking.

Taehyun gathered up all of hid confidence and went out of the car and bowed. "Hello Mr. Choi, this is me, Kang Taehyun." Taehyun said. "Oh my boy! Long time no see!" Mr. Choi said in a happy tone. "If it's you with Y/N, then I have nothing to worry about." Mr. Choi said as he gave Taehyun a hug.

Although there was hatred between Yeonjun and Taehyun, Mrs. and Mr. Choi still loved Taehyun dearly and knew that he had many difficulties that made him this way. For them, he was like a son.

"Why are you this late, Mr. Choi?" Y/N asked. "Well, I had many surgeries to do and they were very hard." Mr. Choi said. "Being a doctor is hard, isn't it?" Y/N said.

"Anyway, you two need to go inside since it's too cold. I will get going now." Taehyun said. "Wait." Mr. Choi said. Taehyun turned around to face him. "Yes?" Taehyun asked.

"It's too late and as you said it's cold, we can't let you go home in this condition! It might snow heavily an moment now so how about you sleepover here?" Mr. Choi suggested. "M-Me?" Taehyun asked in shock.

"! You used to sleepover here almost 24/7 in the past years, well until...." Mr. Choi stopped talking and smiled.

"I am not sure....I didn't tell my mom about it and Yeonjun might not feel comfortable with me around him....specially in his house...." Taehyun said. "Oh come on Taehyun! You are like my son and you know that Yeonjun likes to overreact sometimes so don't bother with him." Mr. Choi said. "That's right! Let's go in now!" Y/N said. "But I-"

Y/N held Taehyun's hand and forcefully pulled him inside. "Don't worry, a servant will park your car inside." Y/N said. "Y/N....Please calm down!" Taehyun said.

"Why are you s- What is he doing here?" Yeonjun asked in a stern tone as Y/N stopped running and starred at him. " was cold and late so I suggested that Taehyun sleeps over...." Y/N said.

"You did it?" Yeonjun asked. "Yes, I did." Y/N said. "If it is you then okay....I will allow him to stay." Yeonjun said. Y/N clapped her hands cheerfully as she smiled at Taehyun. She saw a maid walking by and ran toward her as he held her shoulder.

"Excuse me, what rooms are empty?" Y/N asked. "I am so sorry but currently other than the used bedrooms, the rest are under re-organizing with an order by Mrs. Choi." The maid said.

"It's okay, I will go back home." Taehyun said. Y/N held his hand using all her force. "No!" Y/N said. She turned around to face Yeonjun with a pout on her face.

"What?" Yeonjun asked. "Will you let Taehyun stay in your room?? Please......" Y/N said with puppy eyes as she blinked multiple times at Yeonjun.

"WHAT?" Both of the boys asked in union with shock. "Wait, Taehyun staying at my room? That's not even slightly possible! Not even when pigs fly!" Yeonjun said.

"I am not letting him leave! Then do I let him stay In my room?" Y/N asked. "W-What?" Yeonjun asked. "That makes things better, Taehyun will sleep at my room, with me." Y/N said.

Taehyun laughed in shock as he covered his mouth. Y/N only held Taehyun's hand as she started to walk away.

"You know something Taehyun? I bought a new whole collection of lin-" "FINE FINE HE CAN STAY WITH ME, HAPPY NOW?" Yeonjun said as he ran toward the two and separated them. Y/N smirked as she looked at him.

"Promise me that you won't treat him badly, threaten him, or tell him hurtful words!" Y/N said. "You are too demanding, you know?" Yeonjun said. "My room s in t-"

"Fine fine fine fine.....Let's go." Yeonjun said. "I....are you sure?" Taehyun asked as he glanced at Y/N, she nodded her head with a smile.

"Let's go quickly before I change my mind." Yeonjun said as he started to walk away. "I am coming!" Taehyun called. He turned around to face Y/N with a smile.

"I knew why you did this....thanks." Taehyun said. "Don't waste your chance now! Go!" Y/N said. Taehyun waved at her and then quickly followed Yeonjun upstairs toward his room.

Taehyun entered inside following Yeonjun and looked around his massive room. "Nothing changed here I see..." Taehyun said.

Yeonjun only ignored him as he was searching through his wardrobe for something. Taehyun smiled as he looked at a photo frame of him, Yeonjun, and the rest of his friends when they were younger.

"You still kept this?" Taehyun asked. Yeonjun turned around and walked toward the desk to flip the frame.

"I forgot to throw it. Don't touch anything in here." Yeonjun said in a cold tone and then returned back to search for the thing in his wardrobe.

Taehyun grinned as he sat down on Yeonjun's bed.

"I feel hurt by your cold attitude....I thought that we made up but......Y/N might notice my tears." Taehyun said. Yeonjun turned around as he rolled his eyes to face Taehyun.

"What do you want now?" Yeonjun asked furiously. "Nothing, just some warm clothes and a place to sleep." Taehyun said. "You see boy, I am searching for something for you to wear and the couch is over there, or you can even sleep in the bathtub, I don't care." Yeonjun said.

"Let's share the same bed." Taehyun said. "W-WHAT?" Yeonjun asked in shock. "What is wrong hyung? We used to do this all the time!" Taehyun said as he walked closer to Yeonjun and opened his arms wide.

Yeonjun stepped back as he held one of the pajamas sets and threw it at Taehyun. "FINE WHATEVER! Just go washup and wear these....Aish...." Yeonjun sighed as he walked out of his room.

Taehyun smiled as he picked up the clothes and smelled them. "I miss our old days...." Taehyun sighed. He pulled a bathrobe and went in the bathroom to take a shower.

Yeonjun sat down in the balcony and couldn't help but smile as he placed his chin on his hand.

"Finally....his old attitude is back thanks to Y/N....." Yeonjun said in a happy tone.

Y/N threw her towel aside as she lied on her bed and checked her phone, there were two missed calls from Lia. Y/N wasn't feeling sleepy and so decided to chat with her for a while.

It was few seconds until she picked up.

"Y/N, I called you for like many times but you didn't pick up!" Lia argued. "Hey, it was only two times!" Y/N said. "So you knew that I called you...." Lia said.

"Chill girl....I was out all day and just got home and took a bath, why are you in rush?" Y/N asked. "You were out?'s nothing. Who were you out with? Yeonjun?" Lia asked in an amused tone.

"No, not Yeonjun." Y/N said. "Who then?? Jaehyun?" Lia asked. "No..." Y/N said. "Then who is it? I can't think of anybody else!" Lia said. "Well....don't get shocked." Y/N said.

"Wait.....can it be...." Lia stopped talking as she gasped. "Yeah...Taehyun. We hung out, he ranted out to me and then confessed his love and you can say we are now in a real relationship as girlfriend and a boyfriend." Y/N said.

"Y/N.....did you forget about all what happened to you because of him? You almost died and at the end he dumbed you!" Lia said. "He had his reasons back then and now he had changed!" Y/N said.

"Y/N, people don't change in one day! Please stop this right now before you regret it..." Lia said. "Lia please trust me....what if Soobin was a gang member and you had to suffer a lot because you love him? Please let it go! I am not listening to you and you know it." Y/N said.

"Fine....but did anything hot happen between you two? Like the v-card get-" "WOHA THERE DO YOU HAVE SCHIZOPHERNIA OR WHAT?? No we didn't go that far! Just some kisses." Y/N said.

"And I thought dating a mafia member was something hot....." Lia sighed. "You know something? He left the mafia world and all f the things related to it, and now he wants to move on and start a new fresh start...with me...." Y/N said in dizzy tone as she smiled sheepishly.

"NO WAY! Believe me Y/N, it's a week and he is back to action." Lia said. "Why are you always so pessimist? Gosh how does Soobin handle you?" Y/N sighed.

"Well....I don't know. What are you doing anyway?" Lia asked. "Well...I am not sure. I actually asked Taehyun to stay over and forced him to stay with Yeonjun." Y/N said.

"So, peacemaker role now? Good job....he might need it for his fresh start." Lia said. "I know, anyway I am feeling sleepy, I am hanging up." Y/N said.

"Sure, next time make sure to take pills." Lia said. "I AM HANIGN UP!" Y/N said as she quickly ended the call and sighed.

"This girl never changes....I wonder how things are going on between these two...." Y/N said as she lies back on her bed and admired the moon through the large glass window.


There many pillows, almost twenty, in the big king-sized bed. Yeonjun was on the left side while Taehyun was on the right side. The both remained awkwardly silent as they weren't able to sleep.

"Hyung.....are you sleep yet?" Taehyun asked. "Yes." Yeonjun said. "Are you for real?" Taehyun asked as he laughed lightly and glanced at Yeonjun.

"Hey.....I need to ask you something..." Yeonjun said. "Sure, anything." Taehyun said.

"Do you really love Y/N?" Yeonjun asked. Taehyun sighed deeply as he fixed the blanket and placed his head on top of his hand.

"Well....I know there was something special about her when I first saw her in Jennie's party. I kept her necklace because it gave me a weird sense of nostalgia....I wanted to keep her by my side although I never felt anything toward her...I was still attached to Sangmi back at that time and never thought she would agree to my deal......Well, I slowly let go of Sangmi and my heart belonged to her. It took me long time to realize this but I am 100% sure that this the best thing that ever happened to me. I feel life again, nothing is dead again.....I felt happy again, hyung!" Taehyun said.

"That was so sweet, I dare you to go and tell Y/N all what you said now." Yeonjun said. "No....I don't think I can do it." Taehyun said.

"You are coward, you always were a one." Yeonjun said. Taehyun giggled a bit. " are right." Taehyun said.

"Please keep her safe and love her wholeheartedly....she is very precious you see." Yeonjun said. "I-I will...." Taehyun said.

"Don't get me wrong though! I still didn't forgive you yet for what you did but I know you had your own reason. Give me some time....maybe I will be able to forgive you one day and we can become friends again." Yeonjun said.

"Sure, take your time. I can wait." Taehyun said.

Yeonjun turned around as he pulled the blanket to his side. "You are too annoying, let me sleep." Yeonjun said. "Wait, It's cold!" Taehyun said as he pulled the blanket to his side.

"So what? Go get up and bring yourself another one!" Yeonjun said as he held the blanket and Taehyun held it too. "No, I want this one!" Taehyun said.

"But this is my favorite one!" Yeonjun said. He pulled a pillow and threw it on Taehyun making him fall down.

"Oh I am sorry! Did you get hurt?" Yeonjun asked. Taehyun remained silent for few seconds and then pulled a pillow and threw it on Yeonjun but he dodged it.

"You are good..." Taehyun said. "Yeah? You didn't see anything yet!" Yeonjun said. The two pulled the pillows and started a pillow fight as they laughed loudly.

"I think they are more than friends now...." Y/N sighed as she covered her ears and tossed to the other side trying to sleep.

Y/N slowly walked toward the large table as she yawned and then sat down stretching her hands.

"Noona! You finally woke up!" Daniel said in a cheerful tone. "Yeah.....where are the boys?" Y/N asked. "The boys? Is there anyone staying here?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, Taehyun." Y/N said.

"Wait, the boy you always talk about! Man I have to see him!" Daniel said. "How about we go and wake them up?" Y/N suggested. Daniel nodded his head and Y/N smiled as she got up and walked toward Yeonjun's room with Daniel behind her.

She signaled him to stay quiet and slowly opened the door as she walked on her tip toes. Her jaw dropped and she almost broke laughing when she looked at Yeonjun's bed.

Both Yeonjun and Taehyun were sleeping while hugging each other strongly. "Noona! Is that him? Why is he hugging Yeonjun hyung?" Daniel asked in a whisper.

"They are close....let's take a photo.." Y/N whispered as she took out her phone and took multiple photos of the two until Yeonjun slowly opened his eyes.

He blinked multiple times as he saw Taehyun in his arms, it took him few seconds until he cried loudly and pushed Taehyun of the bed.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING??" Yeonjun cried. Taehyun held his back as he felt pain and glared at Yeonjun. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU SUDDENLY KICK ME??" Taehyun cried.

Y/N and Daniel only broke laughing as they looked at the two. "Why are you laughing? I don't this is funny!" Taehyun said in an annoyed tone. " got to see this..." Y/N laughed between each word as she showed Taehyun the photos she took.

"The hell what is this!" Taehyun cried. "I AM ASKING YOU THIS QUESTION!" Yeonjun said. "Okay guys I bet nothing heated happened yesterday. This only shows how close the two of you really are. Anyway, wash up quickly, I will prepare the breakfast today." Y/N said.

"Wait, you can cook?" Yeonjun asked. "I am not bad." Y/N said. Taehyun sighed as he got up. "Wait, if you can't cook then don't cook, we don't want our stomachs to get poisoned." Taehyun said.

"HEY!" Y/N cried as she held a pillow and threw at Taehyun.

"Y/N....I appreciate that but....Taehyun is maybe....slightly....a We can always ask the maids so why bother and tire yourself?" Yeonjun asked. "Well, to your luck none of the maids are here." Y/N said. "What? This is impossible!" Yeonjun said.

"They all went out with Mrs. Choi to some orphanage to help her there and only the servants remained and none of them know how to cook." Y/N said.

"Let's be honest....have you ever cooked anything in your life?" Taehyun asked. "Yes." Y/N said. "Then what is it?" Taehyun asked as he crossed his arms.

"Yes. I cooked ramyun like five times in my whole life. Great, isn't it?" Y/N said. The both boys remained shocked.

"Noona, I am excited to taste your cooking! Noona said that she is going to make some pancake for us!" Daniel said. "Do you even know how to make pancakes?" Yeonjun asked.

"Well, I watched Lia make it many times, don't worry! Go wash up and wait for your breakfast downstairs." Y/N said. She ran outside before any of the boys said anything leaving them sigh.

"How bad do you think it will be?" Yeonjun asked. "I don't know, but we must cheer her up at least." Taehyun said. "You are right....anyway you can use the other bathroom I am using mine." Yeonjun said. "Fine."

Y/N wore a headband and an apron to cook. She took out a huge bowel and placed it in the middle.

"Okay let me remember...." Y/N said as she closed her eyes and held her head strongly. "Oh yeah!"

Y/N took five eggs and broke them in the ball, some of the egg shell got in the bowl. "They say egg shells provide protein so...."

Y/N turned around and held a huge bottle of milk and poured it in the bowl. She then added seven drops of vanilla, six cups of flour and cut some bananas inside.

"Is there a way where I can be creative?" Y/N wondered as she looked around and her eyes landed on the onions. "I bet it will be new and wonderful to have onion pancake!" Y/N said as she threw the onion there without removing it's shell or cutting it.

She stuffed the mixture inside a blender and turned it on. She then walked toward the stove and turned the heat to the maximum as she tried to flip the pancakes.

Taehyun finished showering quickly and changed his clothes and then walked downstairs. He saw Daniel sitting in the dining table and walked over to sit next to him.

"You must be....Daniel. The boy who helped Y/N." Taehyun said. "Oh yes! To be more accurate, she is the one who helped me! She also told me a lot of things about you hyung! I was very excited to meet you!" Daniel said.

"Really, what did she say?" Taehyun asked. "Um....she said that you totally turned her world upside down and made her heat beat faster. She said that you are very handsome and wonderful and that she would fight until the end to protect you. She said many other things too but I forgot them." Daniel said.

"Yeah.....anyway, what is your relationship to Seungri?" Taehyun asked. Daniel sighed as he looked at the table sadly.

"I only remember vivid memories about my mom....according to what I heard the servants talking about one mom used to be one of the girls who hung out with Seungri until she got pregnant and left. I wonder if she left me there with him because she didn't like me...." Daniel wondered.

'He is just like me...." Taehyun thought. "Don't worry, I am sure she had her own reasons, everyone likes you!" Taehyun said. "You think so?" Daniel asked. Taehyun nodded his head with a smile.

After a while he got up and walked to the kitchen to check Y/N out.

"Need any help?" Taehyun asked. "No, this is the last piece." Y/N said. Taehyun looked around and sighed since the whole place was a mess.

"WAIT, ARE PANCAKES PINK IN THEIR COLOR??" Taehyun asked in shock. "No....I used food colors because I thought they were cuter this way!" Y/N said. She grabbed the huge plate and sat the table. Yeonjun was already there waiting.

Y/N smiled widely as she opened the counter and placed a pancake for everyone. "I cooked it with love!" Y/N said as she sat down.

The boys starred silently at the food.

"Y/N....Is this onion?" Yeonjun asked. "Yeah.....I tried to combine sourness and sweetness together!" Y/N said.

"Won't you eat?" Taehyun asked. "I will eat after you eat first." Y/N said. Taehyun sighed as he filled his mouth quickly and forced himself to swallow the food.

"Is it good?" Y/N asked. Taehyun nodded his head. "Aw.....then I should cook more often.....Have another piece!" Y/N said as added another piece on Taehyun's plate. Yeonjun tried to hold in his laugh.

"I am already full!" Taehyun said. Y/N frowned as she looked at him. "Look at how thin you are! I can't let you be like this, you have you have to eat!" Y/N said as she took the fork and shoved the pancake inside Taehyun's mouth. His eyes teared a bit as he forced himself to swallow it.

Y/N glanced at her phone and checked the time. "Oh I am late!" Y/N said as she got up. "Are you going somewhere?" Yeonjun asked. "Yeah I am meeting Danielle today. We will talk about what to do with our lives and so...." Y/N said. She looked at Taehyun. "You know who Danielle is, right?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah....Your sister. We even talked about her." Taehyun said. "Oh right! Anyway, I might be home late so have lunch without me, don't fight when I am gone!" Y/N said. "Wait he is staying here today too?" Yeonjun asked.

"No, I need to go back home." Taehyun said. "You are going home?" Y/N asked in a sad tone. "Yeah...let me drive you off to your destination." Taehyun said. "Sure....I will go and get changed." Y/N said.

She ran toward her room and picked up one of her dresses randomly to get changed into and then hurried downstairs.

"Did you all finish the whole breakfast?" Y/N asked. "Um....Yeah! It was so delicious that we fought for it! Isn't that right, Taehyun?" Yeonjun said. "Y-Yeah! It was good." Taehyun said. "Then I should cook more often." Y/N said.

"Let's go now before you are late!" Taehyun said as he held Y/N's hand and pushed her outside. "Woah! Calm down Taehyun!" Y/N said as she tried to keep up with him.

She got in the car and Taehyun started driving. It was few minutes until Y/N reached the destination of the café.

Danielle sighed as she looked around waiting for her sister. "She should have told she was going to be late!" Danielle sighed. She kept on looking around and her eyes caught something interesting.

"Thank you for driving me, call me when you reach home." Y/N said as she got off the car. "I will, be careful out there." Taehyun said. Y/N smiled and turned around to walk away but Taehyun held her hand to stop her from walking.

"You forgot something." Taehyun said. Y/N felt very confused as she looked at him. He smiled as he pulled her closer to him and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I will call you later on." Taehyun said. He returned back to his car, winked at Y/N, and then drove off.

Y/N stood there shocked for a second as she covered her lips with her fingers. "Did he just....Kiss me? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGM!" Y/N jumped in happiness as her heart beats fastened.

She stopped when she noticed Danielle from the distance glaring at her. "Oh....DANIELLE!" Y/N called as she ran toward her.

"You are finally here?" Danielle asked in a cold tone. "Yeah....are you okay?" Y/N asked. "Yeah, let's go inside." Danielle said. She took quick steps inside and Y/N followed her and sat down.

Danielle remained silent after ordering as she was reading some papers. Y/N felt awkward as she looked at her.

"So......will we talk about the houses or what?" Y/N asked. "Sure." Danielle said coldly not bothering to remove her eyes from her papers.

"So you have that old house from dad and my house from mom so.....I thought we could sell the old house and you can move in with me and we can invest to make the house bigger...." Y/N said.

"Yeah whatever." Danielle said. Y/N lost her temper finally and placed her cup of tea aside as she crossed her hands.

"Are you even listening to me??" Y/N asked furiously. "I guess." Danielle said.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you suddenly acting like this?" Y/N asked furiously. "Well.....because your little butt doesn't want to hear what helps her and keeps on doing what kills her and all of the close people to her!" Danielle snapped back.

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked. "Kang Taehyun! Break up with him. I told you staying beside him will only hurt you." Danielle said.

"Are you serious? He changed! And now our relationship is real!" Y/N said. "I don't care whether it's real or not....did you already forget what he did to you??" Danielle asked. "No, I didn't! But I still believe in him! And I am never leaving him, EVER!" Y/N said.

"Just look at how pathetic you are! Y/N, I will say it for the last time, break up with Taehyun before you regret it!" Danielle said. "I won't." Y/N replied.

"Fine, then you must cut your ties with me then." Danielle said. "I will." Y/N said furiously as she got up and left.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she felt very angry. She didn't care where she was going, she just wanted to get as far away as she can.

Y/N didn't notice that she was in the middle of the street and a car was about to hit her when a man suddenly held her hand and pushed her away.

"Woah.....are you okay?" The man asked. Y/N looked at him and her eyes widened as she saw him. He was very handsome as he had a very cute smile.

"" Y/N said as she looked at the ground. "Why is a beautiful girl like you crying here all alone? Are you okay?" The man asked.

"I....I am fine....." Y/N said. "No you are not, you almost got hit by a car." The man said. "I guess than you for saving me." Y/N said. "You owe me now." The man said with his cute smile.

"So you want me to treat you on a meal or something?" Y/N asked. "No, I need your help, come with me for a while." The man said as he held Y/N's hand and started puling her toward a car.

"Wait, what are you doing???" Y/N asked. "Don't worry, I am not kidnapping you. I just need help." The man said. "But I do-"

"Be careful! You might hit your head!" The man said as he pushed Y/N inside the car and got in. He smiled at her as he adjusted her belt.

"Listen, I don't even know you!" Y/N said. "Oh, sorry about that! My name is Kwon Ji-yong. You can check my profile and cards." Ji-yong said as he tossed Y/N his wallet. She opened it and checked his card, it was true.

"What help do you want from me anyway?" Y/N asked. "Well, there is my sister wedding and I have to have a date but there is no girl I know who is available to go with me." Ji-yong said.

" you want me to be your date to some wedding?" Y/N asked. "Yeah, you didn't tell me your name yet." Ji-yong said as he started driving.

"My name is Park Y/N, but....I am not sure about this...." Y/N said. "Don't worry, it's just for today, after that you won't see me again." Ji-yong said. "Okay....sure...." Y/N said.

Ji-yong smiled as he started driving his car.

"Hold tight, it's going to be a long ride........."

-Do you think Ji-yong is a good or bad guy???

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Wait for the next chapter soon!

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