Life as A Lesson

بواسطة QueenofPepper

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Chelsea Chelsea is a wealthy,flamboyant, sexy, famous and beautiful girl. Her key words are sex, money and fa... المزيد

Author's note
Chapter 1- Pain
Chapter 2-Chelsea
Chapter 3- Family
Chapter 4: The call
Chapter 5:Gareth
Chapter 6:Cecilia
Chapter 7: Greatest unit of life
Chapter 8- Love
Chapter 9: Things fall apart
Chapter 10: Cherish every moments
Chapter 11: Forgiveness
Chapter 12: Reconciliation (First Ending)
Chapter13: Reconciliation (Second ending)

Bonus chapter

64 9 0
بواسطة QueenofPepper

(Taylor and Kevin Cohen A.K.A wood)

Taylor's pov

I watched the interview looking at the actress Chelsea with disdain.

I watched it looking at the way she was lying as if it was a norm to lie. She lied so we'll that I am very sure that even the devil himself is taking notes as he is awestruck by her lies.
Lies rolled out of her mouth like honey. It was too sweet and soothing to people who didn't know her.

She denied that she was a prostitute when she was cleaarly a prostitute.

She even had the guts to lie that her parents died. Wasn't she the daughter of Madam Maria? Wasn't she the mother of the little quiet and hurt Gareth? Wasn't she a family to them?

You might be wondering how I knew how all those things happened.

I had recently packed to the empty house near them.
I lived at Las Vegas and I was running away from Vegas because the cops had been able to get information about the mafia that was headed by me and the cops were heavily on our trail. I have a scar on my face because another gang had tried to murder me. They poured acid on my face but it didn't kill me instead, it scarred me.

Even if I had killed a lot of people, even if I had brutally murdered people, I have never hurt a child before. I could never bring myself to hurt a child because children are so innocent and pure.

I watched from my window how poor Gareth was begging for his mother not to leave. He was begging her. A normal human would have been moved but she hardened her heart. Even Pharoah's heart wasn't as hardened as her heart as Pharoah's allowed the Israelites go after he lost his heir.

If it was an adult begging her and she hardened her heart, I wouldn't have any issue with that. But the poor boy was crying his heart out.

The main reason why the police caught up with my gang was because I was at fault.
We were supposed to kill a man in his home. I went there thinking the man was on his own. As I was about to kill him, I saw a little child. She begged for her father's life.
I couldn't bear to kill the man and hurt the child, so I left and you know the rest.

But I was so shell shocked as she told the poor little boy that she never loved him.

She told the poor that it was money she needed. I had the urge to go and shoot her right there but I decided against it. Doing so would scar the young boy for life.

So watching that interview made me angry. She said that she got her first role when the movie director saw her. But it was a lie.

All those lies made me angry.
Even if my gang had scattered, I was still a mafian lord.

I was for the first time in my life thankful to God that I was rich. I decided that I would deal with her. She was a stain to this world. Our Mafia had the responsibility of dealing and destroying people who caused trouble in the society.

We had the responsibility of washing away stain in the society. She was a stain and she needed to be washed away.

For four years, it didn't get out of my mind.

Kevin Cohen A.K.A wood(Josef)

We had successful evaded the police. Some of gang members had been caught. Our Mafia wasn't the only Mafia chased by the police. Other smaller Mafias were chased by the police.

I escaped with my private jet to Vegas. I and my boss; Taylor.

I was sitting in my arm chair smoking pot when someone knocked.

I took a wood nearby and slipped a knife in my pocket. I knew that it wouldn't be easy for the cops to track me but I didn't want to hold on to that belief.

"Who is that?" I asked but there was no reply.

I opened the door and hit the stick on whoever was on the door without looking at his face. He was a man.

"Shit what the hell is wrong with you man? Do you wanna ruin my half damaged face?" Taylor(my boss) asked angrily.

"Oh I'm sorry man. I didn't know it was you. Are you hurt?" I asked as I tried to help him up because he was squatting.

"Fuck you!" He cursed as he stood up by himself. His head was bleeding.

"Why the fuck did you hit my face with the stick?" He asked angrily.

"Hit the head, you hit the whole body" I quoted with a loud voice. That was what he usually said to the Mafia.

"I guess I don't disobey your rule. I was following your rule" I added as I sat down.

He was my boss but we were also best of friends.

"Shit!" He said once again as he took a bottle of gin near him and cleaned his forehead, erasing the blood. He didn't even wince in pain. He was a good receptor of pain.

"So what's up Taylor?" I asked.

"We have a business to do" he said as he took a stick of cigarette from his pocket.

"Business? Hell man! Don't tell me you are mad. Don't you know that the police is hot on our chase? Do you want us to get caught?" I asked as I sat on a chair opposite him.

"This business won't fetch us money, instead we would spend a lot of money. We won't get caught" Taylor replied as he lit another cigarette.

"What? Why would we do a business that we won't get paid?Why would we spend on a business instead of gaining from it?that's funny. I never knew that you can be funny" Taylor I replied with a mocking smile.

"Shut the hell up and listen. I'm not trying to be funny Josef" he replied angrily.

"Calm down man! Why are you getting so angry? I was just kidding man" I replied even if we both knew that I wasn't kidding.

"So what is this business about?" I added.

"It's about famous porn actress Chelsea Anthony" he answer angrily.

"She isn't a porn actress man!. She doesn't act porn movies" I said wondering if he had swallowed a chemical before coming.

"Well, we both know that even though she doesn't act porn, she is a porn star. She has slept with almost every men in the whole of America" he said angrily.

"Including you?" I asked.

"She is a stain to the world" he replied not answering my first question.

"The last time I checked Taylor, you had no problem with prostitute, instead you patronize them. So why do you seem to have problem with Chelsea?" I asked.

"Chelsea is a bad person. She had the guts to lie during the interview that she had no family. She had the guts to lie that her parents had died. She had the guts to leave her 8 years old son who really loved her How dare she?" Taylor said angrily.

"What? Chelsea has a son?" I asked in shock.

"Yes her mother is still alive. All what  she said during the interview were all lies. They were all lies" Taylor replied angrily.

"How do you know this?" I asked.

"I was her neighbour four years ago. I saw the way her 8 years old son was begging and four years later, she claims to have no family" Taylor replied.

"So what do we do?" I asked already angry at her wickedness.

"We need to get to her. We need to deal with her" Taylor replied.

"You know that even if Chelsea loves sex, she wouldn't want it from men like us. Men with scars" I said.

"I know" Taylor replied with a calm voice.

"How do we do it?" I asked.

"Chelsea Anthony always  a bar near here.  She always sit in a seluded place in the bar because of her pride. You would go there and rape her. I know that you've always wanted to have sex with her" Taylor said as a slight smirk played on his face.

"What? I know I have always wanted to have sex with her. Don't you know that she would scream. Her scream would attract everyone there and I would be arrested because of your genius plan" I said sarcastically.

"Learn to shut up and listen man. You would go there with a knife. No sane person would scream when he or she is threatened. When she sees the knife, she would happily do whatever you wanted her to do" Taylor explained with a smug.

"Don't you think that we would be noticed?"I asked still unsure of the plan.

"By the time you get there, almost everyone would be drunk. And as I said earlier, she usually stayed in a seluded place" Taylor replied.

"After I rape her, I kill her right?" I asked.

"No you wouldn't kill her. You would threaten to kill her and you would really mean it" Taylor said.

"Why shoudnt I just stab her there?" I asked.

"Stabbing her would attract attention and she would die in a easy way. I don't want that. I want her to die a hard deaath" Taylor replied.

"So what's your part in this movie you want me to act?" I asked slightly pissed because I had the urge to kill but he just instructed me not to kill.

"When you are about to kill her, I would arrive like a knight in shinny armour. I would be her hero. I would shoot you and you would die" Taylor reply.

"What? Like seriously? You would really shoot me?" I asked confused making "shoot" sound like five syllables.

"Yes I would really shoot you. You would be wearing a bullet proof vest and under it, would be a nylon of ketch up at you back which I would shoot at and it would burst and serve as blood" Taylor replied with a smug.

"Won't shooting attract aattention?" I asked.

"No. My gun would be silenced" Taylor replied.

"Don't you know that unlike movies, I can't stand up after the part has been acted?" I said.

"Don't worry about that. I would contact some members of our Mafia. They would gladly carry your body away" Taylor replied with a smirk.

"Mr knight in shinning armour don't you think that Chelsea would be scared of your face?" I asked with a smirk.

Taylor had a very high IQ and whenever he made a plan, they was hardly a flaw. His plan was a perfect plan. So I was kind of happy that I was able to correct his plan.

"Well, that's were Zeus comes in" he said proudly.

"Zeus? Who is Zeus? We don't have any gang member named Zeus" I said confused and slightly angry that he seemed to have a solution to the loophole in the plan.

"Zeus Alfrado" he replied with a smile.

"What? Isn't Zeus Alfrado a Roman? And isn't  he the one who died three years ago" I ask.

"Yes I know. I would become Zeus"Taylor said amused and proud that he had once again been able to confuse me with his plans.

"What? How?" I asked confused.

"Well, I would have his face" he replied.

"Surgery?" I asked confused.

"Face mask" he reply with a smile as I opened my mouth shocked.

"I would fly to India with my private jet where a mask that looks like him would be made" he said.

"Wow" I replied as I clapped. His IQ was just too much.
"I think Albert Eistein is your ancestor" I added as he smiles.

Taylor's pov

Anastasia wasn't part of my game plan. She didn't abandon her family, rather her family left her because she went against what they believe. But I decided that she would also die. A friend of a thief they say is a thief. She was a friend of a stupid person so that makes her stupid.

I told Kevin that a face mask of an handsome man would be made so that Anastasia will fall in love with him. We named the mask "Josef."

         The end
Author's note
I'm sure you know that their plans was a success.
We have come to the end of Life as it is series 1.
I haven't conceived an idea for series 2 but I'm sure I will come up with something.
Thanks for following this story till the end.
I really appreciate your votes and comments.
I love you all Sugars.

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