Remnant's Favorite Spartan (N...

Por nobleT45

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Noble 6 was one of only two Spartans ever designated as 'Hyper Lethal.' Everyone thought he died on Reach, bu... Más

Chapter 1: Lone Wolf
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: First Impressions
Chapter 4: A Spartan's Honor
Chapter 5: The Grim Reaper
Chapter 7: Forever Falling
Chapter 8: Carter
Chapter 9: Unofficial Business
Chapter 10: Warthog Run
Chapter 11: Plans in Action
Chapter 12: Reha 'Sagam
Chapter 13: The Whole Gang
Chapter 14: Tell me Muse...
Chapter 15: Grifball
School is a Bitch
Chapter 16: More Missions?
Chapter 17: Your AI Assistant, Gavin
Another Author's Note
Chapter 18: Down to Business
Chapter 19: The Kinda Big Decision
Chapter 20: Wanna Tango?
Chapter 21: Reverse Invasion
Some Thoughts on RvB: Zero (Spoilers)
Plans For The Rest of This Book
Chapter 22: Rescue!
Chapter 23: No Rest, Just Action
Chapter 24: To No One's Surprise
Chapter 25: The Bastards
Chapter 26: Big Bad Guys That Are Bad
Chapter 27: To a Pulp
Chapter 28: Overpowering Force
Chapter 29: The Beginning...

Part 6: Encounter

3.6K 44 76
Por nobleT45

I break the sword lock by straight kicking the elite in the chest, causing it to stagger backward. I swing MES over its head, but it ducks the sword and rolls behind me. I spin, slashing in a downward angle. It blocks it and kicks me away, causing me to fall back. I'm still on the ground  when it tries stabbing me, but I could only redirect the stab into my shoulder. It goes straight through my armor, piercing my shoulder. I keep him there and pull my kukri, stabbing it up through its chin, the end of the blade sticking out of the top of the helmet. It falls over, dead. 

"What in Remnant is that?!" Port said, 'running' over. I stand up, gripping my shoulder. The hot plasma cauterized the wound, so I'm not bleeding. Still should get it checked out. 

"Silent Shadow. Sangheili elites specializing in assassination. This should be it, hopefully." 

"We need to bring this to the Headmaster immediately!" Port said as I take off the helmet, revealing its ugly face. 

"Get me something to cover it up while I carry it to the office. And hurry, don't want anyone seeing this." 

"Right!" Port waddles off and opens his scroll, calling Goodwitch. Soon enough, she rushes out, big box in tow. 

"By gods what is that?!" She shouts at me. She puts the box down, so I load the dead elite in, putting its sword in one of my pouches. 

"Analysis complete. Sangheili elite registered in enemy database. Information: minimal. Anything you would like to add to the entry?" 

"I'll fill you in later Gavin." I say this, now picking up the box containing the corpse. 

"Alright, Mr. Noble." I turn to Goodwitch as we enter the main building. 

"What was that? And- oh my, your shoulder!" Goodwitch points to the place the energy sword pierced me. 

"I'm alright. I'll get healed up later." 

"Hey! Noble!" Great, people. And Yang, none the less. "What's in the box?" 

"The corpse of an alien that I killed in the courtyard." 

"Okay, guess you won't tell me then." Yang said, tapping her foot. 

"Sorry, me and Mr. 6 are taking this up to Headmaster Ozpin." Glynda said, dragging me along. Yang follows us for a moment. 

"We're having a little party tonight. Just asking if your coming." Yang said, winking. Goodwitch rolls her eyes. 

"I'll come later." I say. Goodwitch starts dragging me along again. 

"Clever move with Yang." 


"Who are you talking to?" Goodwitch asks. 

"I'll also show you that." I say, arriving at the elevator. We come up and Ozpin looks up. 

"A gift? Please, I don't deserve that." Ozpin said. Goodwitch calls Ironwood, and he comes up on her scroll. She sets him on Ozpin's desk. 

"Glynda what in the world could be so urgent!" He complains. "Oh. Good to see you again, Noble 6." 

"You to, sir. Headmaster, do you have a table or something I could use?" He clicks a button on his desk, and a long table comes up. I take the elite from the box, laying it out on the table. I put Gavin's disk on the same table, and his green hologram pops up. 

"What is that?!" Ozpin shoots up. 

"Dido!" Ironwood shouts. 

"This is a Sangheili elite from the Covenant forces." I explain. 

"The Covenant... you've mentioned them." Ozpin said. 

"Right. I don't think they're actually here, though. This is just an assassin... he tagged me." I point to my shoulder. "With this." I turn on the sword, and everyone stares in awe. I turn it off. 

"This looks like nothing from this world..." Ironwood points out. 

"The Covenant are aliens." 

"Wait... aliens?!" Ironwood shouts, excited. 

"Oh no..." Glynda facepalms. 

"Haha! I've always knew there was an intelligent species of life somewhere!" 

"This isn't the time!" I slam the table. Everyone shuts up. 

"I have to agree with Mr. Noble on this. I calculated a eighty seven percent chance that there will be another attempt on Noble 6's life will occur." Gavin said. 

"Gavin? Is that you?" Ironwood asked. "Dr. Polendina would love to see you again!" 

"Yes, please tell him I'm safe and sound with Noble 6. And I'm learning quite a lot." 

"Yes, yes. He's one of the brightest mines in all of Remnant, I believe he can be trusted with this new information." 

"Alright. Anywhere to store the body?" I ask. 

"We have a freezer." Ozpin said. 

"Have this moved. I'll keep the sword." 

N'thura 'Musumiee PoV 

"The assassin hasn't reported back." Shipmaster said. 

"Then he has failed." I say. 

"Should we move the fleet in?" 

"No. I have one more plan." 

"If the demon could kill a Silent Shadow, you must consider if your current action is smart." 

"One of them looks like a jackal compared to me." 

"My point may still stand, so I suggest we send in another Silent Shadow before we send you." 

"The one given to me has already failed." 

Noble 6 PoV 

"I must urge you to be more careful." The nurse said. I had removed my shoulder plate so she could access my body easily. "It was cauterized well enough, so I'll let you go." 

"Thank you, ma'am." 

"It's my job." She said, throwing out her rubber gloves. I stand up and reequip my shoulder plate. I walk out, heading to the party that Yang invited me to. Wait... she never actually told me where it was. I'll check their dorm first. I knock on the door and Weiss answers it. It's just her. 

"If your looking for that annoyance that they all call a party, it's in the recreation room." 

"Alright, thanks. Why aren't you going?" 

"I have to study, something that they all don't seem to understand." 

"Weiss Schnee's grades are what one would call 'bullet proof.' She should come as well." 

"You should come as well, Weiss." I tell her. 

"And join that ruckus? Please, I'm above that." 

"Come on Weiss." 

"And what if I don't? You'll pull a gun on me?" 

"Not above that." This concerns her. 

"I'm not coming." 

"Please don't actually pull a gun." 

"I'll introduce you to my AI assistant. Maybe even let you use him for a couple of days." 

"Damn you Mr. Noble! Damn You!" 

"A personal AI?"  

"Do we have a deal?" 

"... Fine." She leaves the dorm, her sword at her hip. 

"It's a party. You won't need it." I tell her. 

"I guess." She puts her sword in the back. I walk next door, putting everything on the table, minus all my melee weapons. I walk back to the RWBY dorm and Weiss was waiting outside. We walk down to the rec room. 

"I met your sister." 


"Yes. She gave me information on when I went on my mission." 

"What mission? We aren't going on our first ones until the end of the semester." 

"I'm kind of an exception." 

"Fair, you did make quick work if Pyrrha. You're finally coming on our team Monday, right?" 

"Yes. It'll be an honor to work with you all." 

"The honor is all mine." She said, smiling. 

"Why did you send me off..." 

"Thanks for reminding me." I say. 

"For what?" Weiss asked.

"No, Gavin. He's yours until Wednesday." I pull out the disk, but Gavin doesn't appear. "Gavin?" 






"Thank you." I say this and Gavin appears on the disk. 

"Hello Ms. Schnee! I'm Gavin, your personal AI assistant." 

"Oh! He's so cute!" She put her face right up to Gavin, her eyes sparkling. 

"You flatter me, Ms. Schnee." She took Gavin from my hand. His disk turns off, Gavin going dormant. We arrive at the party and it's a little more... tame than expected. I mean, it's in school grounds. I reach a very disappointed Yang. 

"This sucks..." 

"Then make it not suck." 

"Can't drink... how do I make it more fun?" 

"How about we get out? So you can drink." 

"I like you a lot." She punched me in the shoulder. She takes my hand and drags me off campus. We take a spot on a bullhead, flying down. I flip my combat knife in my hand, and Yang starts conversation. "Why keep the helmet on? Are you super ugly? Or... are you super hot?" She flirts. 

"I keep it on because I always have. I'm a Spartan." 

"You say that like it means your not a person." This hits me a little. 

"I give up my humanity when I put the armor on." 

"Then take it off. Embrace yourself." She leans forward on her knees.

"I... I can't. It's become who I am." 

"Okay, I'm not the right person to talk to. I hate to do this, but we should drop it." 

"That, I can agree with." I say, the bullhead landing. She walks me to a nearby club called Junior's. 

"I'm kinda not really allowed here..." 

"Then why did we come?" 

"Because I don't care." She laughs. We walk up to the bouncer. 

"Hey! Blonde! You're not allowed!" 

"She's with me. I can keep her in check." I explain. The bouncer looks up and down at my massive stature. 

"Fine." He steps aside, letting us in. She leads me to the bar, where we take seats. 

"W-What are you doing here?!" The owner said. 

"Please, I have this oaf to keep me straight." She pointed her thumb at me. I nod at him. He sighs. 

"What can I get you two? Well, the armored guy. I know what you want." He gestures to Yang. He starts making a drink for her, placing a mini umbrella in it to finish. 

"I'll wait a minute." I say. 

"Can't drink with a helmet." He points out. I sigh. I trust these people, I need to put my past aside. I need to live my new life, and the best place to start is showing my face. I place my hands on my helmet, taking it off. Yang stares in anticipation, her excited smile growing as I remove the helmet. It comes off completely, and I place it in the bar. My jet black hair is short to fit the helmet, and I have dark blue eyes. 

"Oh... so you're hot... not ugly." Yang said, her blush growing as she clears her throat and takes a large gulp of her drink. 

"Thanks. Hey! Bartender! Get me a shot of something! Doesn't matter what!" He nods, filling a shot glass with some whiskey, from the looks of it. I notice Yang keeps glancing at me, the  back at her glass. "Aren't you gonna get a picture with me or something? Send it to Ruby?" 

"Right!" She stands up and walks next to me. She wraps her arms around my shoulders, so I smile and give a thumbs up for the camera. She takes the picture with me, then sending it to Ruby. 

Ruby Rose PoV

"This game is meant for skilled fighting! Not button mashing!" Jaune yells, angry that I beat him again. 

"Oh, your just angry!" I slap the back of his head. The next game starts, but I get a text from Yang. 

"Go on, answer it. She kinda disappeared with Noble." He said, pausing. I check the message. I drop my scroll, gasping. 

"Ruby, what's wrong?!" Pyrrha asks, rushing over. She picks up the scroll and then drops it, a massive blush growing on her face. The shock passes as my blush grows as well. 

"What could be so- HOLLY SHIT GUYS! NOBLE TOOK HIS HELMET OFF!" Jaune yells, prompting the rest of our teams to rush over. 

"He's a hunk!" Nora yells. 

"Guess I expected him to look a little older. Forgot he's our age." Ren comments.

"H-he l-looks p-pretty... pretty." Weiss said, her blush immediately beating all of ours. At this point, every girl here is blushing madly, except for Nora, who's just drooling. 

Noble 6 PoV

I down the shot, hitting the empty glass against the bar twice. 

"How much can you hold?" She asked, her drink half empty. 

"More than Jorge. Oh, he was our heavy, so like twice my size." 

"Damn. That's impressive. Bet you can't beat me." 

"Please, you'd be under the table before I feel a buzz!" Damn! This is nice, getting out of my helmet. It makes me feel totally different! 

"You want to bet on it?!" 

"No! I don't plan on dragging your drunk ass back to school! And we can't be drunk on campus." 

"Eh, we can get- nope! Your right." 

"One more shot and some water!" I tell the owner, whose name is Junior, figures. I down the next shot, doing the same table tap. I turn to Yang. "So, how does it feel? Being the one to get my helmet off?" 

"I feel powerful! Like I could take on the world!" She grabs a nearby guard that has been watching us, and punches him in the face. 

"Dammit Yang!" I grab her and pull her out, taking my helmet as well. 

"What? You don't like a good bar fight?" 

"You can do that on your own. We should return back to school anyway." 

"Yah... we kinda ditched them. And they're excited to see you." 

"Right, right." We grab a bullhead back, and soon we walk back into the rec room, and everyone cheers as I enter. 

"Why would you hide those looks, dude?! Wait... that sounded kinda gay." Jaune said, scratching the back of his head. I notice all the girls are looking elsewhere, but also taking occasional glimpses. Except Nora. 

"Wow! You're hot!" 

"Yang said the same thing." I say this and she punches me in the back, blushing. 

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