
By Miss_Hoodnificent

851K 22.9K 11.3K

This is the book that follows "Redrum" and the 7th book in my "Thug Love Series". The Order Is On My Profile... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter: 33
Redemption: A Thanksgiving Special
Redemption: A Thanksgiving Special Part II
Redemption: A Varomas Special
Redemption: A Valentines Day Special

Chapter 26

21.4K 573 325
By Miss_Hoodnificent

Redemption: Chapter 26

~Varo P.O.V.~

I showed up at the trap and headed inside. I looked around and didn't see either Ginot or Sweet Cheeks at first so I began to look around. I stopped when I heard the sound of a box drop on the ground and followed the sound.

I came to a room and saw Sweets sitting on the ground with her back to the door as she continued to fill the box. I quietly walked up behind her and grabbed her left hand, sliding the ring back on her finger and then wrapping my arms around her.

"You dropped somethin'." I said into her ear just before kissing her cheek. "I went too far, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I take back saying 'Fuck you', I didn't mean it."

"I love how you always keep in mind that I'm a visual person, I really do." This wasn't a case of Sweets taking a situation too far or being a drama queen. She was showing me I went too far instead of just telling me. Hence why I love she understands that I need to see things, not just hear it.

"Always remember I'm your fiancé, not just another fellow gang member." She turned around and wrapped her around my neck. "We're all going through this, it's not just you. All I was trying to say was, you shouldn't be talking like you're already accepting defeat."

"I'm sorry, it's just it kills me to see this shit happening to IRG. Been through hell to get this gang here and now it's like everything is crumbling, I need to work on my anger, I can't lash out at you." I need to really stop lashing out at her... I don't mean to lash out at her but it's just in the heat of the moment- Nah no excuses. It's my fault and I'm gonna fix it.

"It'll be okay Varo. Just remember I'm never going to leave you, I don't care how many times I toss the ring at you or if I say I'm never coming back, I'll come back." She said with a small laugh. "But come help pack up this stuff."

"I love you Sweets." I gave her a big sloppy kiss and laughed when she returned the favor with a mean mug. "You love my sloppy kisses, stop frontin'." I pinched the top of her cheek before letting her go to grab another box off the table in the room.

"No I don't because they're sloppy." Her laughter bubblng through her voice. I just nodded my head as if actually agreeing with her. "Nigga I mean it."

"Female, you love it. Hush up or I'ma make you hush up." She cocked a brow at me with that 'nigga I'd like to see you follow through with that empty ass threat' look. "Fix that face too."

"You're on thin ice." Again her laughter making her all the more adorable opposed to threatening.

"I'm about to be in the sheets waiting for you." Nice save on my end if I do say so myself. "We could make a box house right now if we wanted to. These boxes are big enough." I said staring at the boxes.

"Can we?"

"We might as well since we got all these boxes here." I said with a shrug. "I'ma work on our room, you wanna start the front door?" She nodded her head and got up to grab another box. I needed to take my mind off of this gang bullshit for just at least an hour... then go back to being pissed the fuck off when we get back to Oakland.

"Make it big Varo, I like space."

"I already know." She snuck over to my side and gave me a kiss before retreating back over to her side. "Oh you think you're cute huh?"

"I'm adorable."

"Okay that is true but I'ma get you back for sneaking onto my side." I said with a laugh. "Best believe it too."

"Bring it on Varo." I will, trust me- my phone vibrated and I stopped to pull it out of my pocket.

12:06 p.m. -Tilly Beans: How many inches are you?🍆

12:07 p.m. -Me: You don't needa know

12:08 p.m. -Tilly Beans: I'm just curious to know how many inches y'all got! It's like when guys ask how big a females tits are, well I'm asking about your inches! it's just a question!

12:09 p.m. -Me: Bye Felicia

12:10 -Tilly Beans: It's Tilly Beans, bitch. Nigga don't think just 'cause that sexy ass is in Detroit I won't be there and fuck you up. Just answer the question! Arlie and Lexis answered!

I just ignored her ass. I can always tell her when I get back, for now I'm just going to leave her ass wondering. King needs to seriously dick her down because she's just in need of the dick.

~Trey P.O.V.~

I laid there flat on my back with Honey right on my chest staring back into my eyes.

"You look so sleepy." I said with a satisfied smile. She rested her forehead against mine and gave me a soft kiss.

"I am sleepy." She said before giving me a more deeper kiss. Running my hands along her sleek back and tracing along her curves-

I woke up to find Honey passed out asleep on the other side of the couch. Oooh I really need to slide one in if I'm legit dreaming about fucking... Shame how the dream me didn't even roll on a condom, tryna start the third generation of dream babies n' shit. Fuck that.

"You okay?" Honey asked with a yawn as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah, I just had a crazy dream. What time is it?" I could just look on my phone but it's in my pocket.

"Almost 7."

"Well Honey, I'm gonna get going." I said as I stood up. I had a good nap aside from that dream but now it's time I take to the streets.

"You should stay longer."

"Nah, I think we're spending too much time together. I like that we're hanging out and all but I think it's just a little too much." Mainly 'cause I miss chillin' with the SMUBNBF.

"We haven't been this close in a long time though. I like that we're spending time together." She said as she walked me to the door.

"I just don't want feelings to be formed. Whether it be from my end or your end, so I think a lil' while apart is what we need. I'm glad we're friends and all, don't get me wrong." I just wanna go to Breezy's. That's all this nigga wants to do.

"The feelings are always there."

"And this is why I say we need space. I'm not tryna add on to your feelings, I just wanna be friends." And I'm done with relationships for a while. I just want my bromance and that's it.


"Bye Honey." I slipped through her front door and jogged down her driveway and grabbed my keys out of my pocket.

I did not feel right. At all. I've been caught up in enough situations to know when something is off and this was one of those moments. I felt like eyes were on me and naturally I start to look around but of course there ain't shit to see because it's already dark out... I swear to God, I do not have the time to be caught up in anymore shit than I'm already involved in.

My eyes landed on that outline shape. Where you can see that really dark outline amongst the surrounding darkness and it was the shape of a person. They were standing as if either facing my direction or with their backs to me but when they brought up their head, I caught the milk white eyes and let out a little mental sigh of relief.

I closed my car door and started to walk up to the member. Since he's here, I might as well get word about anything that may have popped up. I looked at those eyes and it still creeps me out to this day, I'm glad August doesn't have the white out eyes, it's just so creepy and gives a nigga the chills.

The closer I got the more I started to notice he just stood there so perfectly still... like a statue but I would still see his eyes blinking. I furrowed my eyebrows and stopped about twenty or so feet away from him.

He pulled out his gun and aimed it up at me.

"It's Trey from IRG! Lexis' son!" I yelled at him. Ah fuck, no no no what the hell is going on? He's with WTE, but he's holding a gun up. I know this nigga sees my red bandana hanging from my pocket, even though it's dark out this bandana is bright as fuck.

He proceeded with cocking the gun.

I didn't waste another second, I took off back in the direction of my car as bullets were being fired. What the hell is this?! When did WTE turn on us and why? No this is all wrong, this isn't happening- I fell to the ground when a bullet skimmed my leg. Pain shot up my leg as I let out a yell of agony. Bullets kept being fired and I could hear his footsteps getting closer, was he running? I don't know but I started to drag myself to the drivers side and opened the door.

This is gonna hurt like a bitch, I thought as I stood myself up and slid into the car. I slammed my door shut and pulled my keys out of my pocket. My hand was soaked with blood but I jammed the key in the ignition and sped off down the street. The bullet were still being fired but came to a stop when I got far enough the block and made a sharp turn.

I set my phone up on the dash and had it dialing Dad's number. His ass better pick up, I could feel the blood draining down my leg and probably dripping onto the leather.


"Meet me at the hospital or something please. Dad I was shot." I plead into the phone as more pain shot up my leg.

"I'll be there." He said before hanging up the phone. My phone fell off the dash when I made another sharp turn onto another street. I know this blood loss ain't good at all, I felt like I was loosing gallons of blood and starting to feel faint.

"No, please no. It's just to the hospital and then I can pass out. Just not now." My vision was beginning to appear fuzzy. Street names were a blur, road signs looked like fuzzy shapes and roads started to look too confusing.

my hands dropped from the wheel, I felt an abrupt forceful hit and everything went black for me.

~Arlie P.O.V.~

Tilly Beans and I were at the crash site first.

"His bentley is completely totaled." I said as I looked at the massive clump of metal in front of my eyes. Trey had been pulled out but he was a bloody mess and mangled almost beyond recognition.

"Oh my God, Arlie!" Tilly Beans screamed.

"Stop with that screaming Tillz. It won't do anything." I said with nothing but disappointment clear in my voice. What the hell did this boy go and do now?

"Where's Trey?" Lexis asked as he rolled up in his car. I followed his gaze to the car and watched his expression shift completelty.

"Don't go a hunnit bars Lexis. There's no point. Trey's been airlifted to UCSF hospital for immediate care." I said. Ty came out of Lexis' car and just stared at the car. "We have no idea what happened but all I know is, someone found his car totaled and called 911."

"What are we going to tell Mom?" Ty asked. "She's going to kill us all even though we didn't do anything."

"We're not telling Mom anything. If Mom asks where she is, you tell her he went to Detroit to be with Uncle Varo and Aunt Sweets. Add this onto my plate too. I've got two failing gangs, a drug dealer on my ass, and now Trey who I can already see being on life support based on just how totaled his damn car is." Lexis said. "What else could possibly go wrong Arlie?"

"I know this is a bad time but Dad, Tilly Beans looks really good." Ty said and I tried so hard not to laugh. I looked over at Tilly Beans and saw she wasn't even paying attention to the conversation, she was off looking at something on the sidewalk.

"I'm about to throw you off a cliff." Lexis said hitting Ty upside the back of his head. "Looks like I'm heading down to UCSF. I seriously can't believe this shit right now." I slowly nodded my head.

"We'll handle Nelle if she starts to questoin things. Just get to Trey and try to find out what the hell happened." I said dapping him. "Lexis don't trip over this, Trey will be fine and the IRG will be back on top. Once that happens, you'll have me out in Detroit, Varo in Houston, and you right out here in Oakland till things are running just like how they used to be then it's back to kicking back."

"Things better go back to that. I'll keep in touch with you all when I get information. Ty let's go."

"I wanna stay here though." He said as he eyed Tilly Beans.... She really shouldn't be in those shorts bending over. I just shook my head with a small laugh.

"I'll take him home when we leave if you want? Just go straight down to UCSF." He nodded his head and headed back over to his car before taking off to the highway. "Ty leave her alone or you'll be next in the hospital because I'm about to beat your ass."

"Can I at least sit in the backseat with her?"

"Do you want my belt to be imbedded across your ass?" He shook his head. "Then you're in the back and she's up front with me." He let out an irritated groan but hopped in the back of the car. "Tilly Beans get that ass in the car." I said as I walked over to my side and hopped in.

"What are we going to do?" She asked when she hopped in.

"Wait till your Dad comes out. That's all we can do and just hope that nothing else goes wrong out here." Nothing will go wrong or I'm murdering everyone who isn't IRG, NBG, or WTE associated.

"Hey Ty? How man-"

"Tilly Beans knock it off. Calm that curiosity down." I said before turning up my music in the car. God damn this female has no chill. Ty was in the back laiughing but cut that quick when he caught me mugging him through the rear view mirror.

~Breezy P.O.V.~

I was laying in bed with my head resting on Yvonne's stomach. We had just come back in from chilling in the hot tub and now she was running her fingers through my curls... if I was a cat, I would be purring because that's just how good her nails felt.

"So what was my surprise?" I asked. I finally remembered to ask her, I was so caught up on trying to think of what it was, I initally forgot why I was coming up with possibilities.

"Do you want to guess?" She asked with a chuckle.

"I'ma just get this out of the way but are you pregnant?" I'm pretty sure every nigga asks this question first when he's asked to guess.

"No." I peeped that small amount of sadness in your voice, Yvonne but I ain't about to point that out for discussion.

"You moving into that house that's between Trey and I's?" If she doesn't and the house still ain't claimed, we want Ty to move there so it would be us three on this block.


"You're gonna give me a cookie?" I hope it's your cookie because I like your cookie a lot.

"Nope." She reached forward and gave me a kiss on my forehead...yay. "I caught that smile."

"I like female attention a lot. Especially your attention but what is the surprise because I'm gonna start guessing random things." She got off the bed and threw on my shirt before leaving the room. I sat up and just waited there, confused. "Did you bring home cheesecake from the factory? Yvonne I'll propose to you right now if you did." I called out after her.

A few seconds later she came walking back in with Sugar Peach!

"Oh my God." I said when Yvonne set her down on my bed. "Where was she?"

"She was in Romeo's yard eating the weeds. He called me over and I took her home to my place, cleaned her up and brought her here without you knowing." She said giving me a kiss.

"Thank you Yvonne, I'm serious as fuck right now." Sugar Peach sat in my lap and I felt like I was reuinted with a child. I was just so happy right now, I wanted to celebrate by going back to the factory.

"You're welcome. I thought she was missing her buddies." I pulled Yvonne in for a hug and held her tight.

"I want you to move in with me." I said into her ear after I left a kiss on her neck.

"What? Chris I get you're happy but-"

"I want you to move in with me. You're always over here anyways, just move in with me." I let her go and just looked at her. "Please? That'd make me even more happy if you moved in with me."

"Alright, I'll move in with you." She climbed onto the bed and pulled me down with her. Sugar Peach hopped off my lap and laid down at the end of the bed while Yvonne were tangling ourselves with each other. "Are you sure about this, Chris?"

"Mhm, you can have your own room or share this one with me." My phone rang on the nightstand, letting out an irritated groan, I reached over and grabbed the phone off the nightstand.

"Hello?" I said.

"Aye Breezy." Lexis said. "I just wanted to let you know Trey was in a car accident, he's in the hospital right now being treated, so you don't need to worry but I want you especially to keep out of the streets because Trey was also shot in the leg earlier, so just be careful." I damn near threw the phone.

"Where's he at? Bay hospital-"

"No. UCSF but don't worry about him. Just keep off the streets till I'm back in Oakland and do not tell Nelle. If she calls and asks you, tell her he went to Detroit with Uncle Varo and Aunt Sweets." Nigga she gon' know you're lying but it's your ass Mr.Lextasy.

"Aight. When can I come see him?"

"I'll let you know as soon as I talk to a nurse."

"Aight thanks Lexis." I hung up the phone and tossed it to the side.

"Everything okay?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, just a few hectic things going on right now but don't worry." I forced a smile and just held her close to me. "I hate this life right now Vonnie-Pooh."

"It's not an easy life but things will get better. Things have to get to their absolute worst before they can begin to get better. Just hang in there Chris." That's all I can do.

There's no backing out now unless it's suicide.

~Lawrence P.O.V.~

Amazing how all this chaos has managed to break loose because word spread that I was coming to Oakland. This was going to be perfect, once IRG turns on WTE, all I have to get them to do is turn on NBG and I'll have IRG within' a month tops.

What will I do with such an empire? The possibilities are endless.

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