What Lie in The Shadows

By CharmfulIndividual

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Christina and Erik Lawson are one of the black power couples in Atlanta. With Erik being a big time lawyer an... More

How It All Began
Waiting For My Arrival
Meeting Dr. Price
Lesson Learned
A Friendship Bloossoming
My Savior
Sneak Peek
Sweet Sweet Fantasy
Oh So Complicated
The Ball Pt. 1
Crazy In Love
The Aftermath

The Ball Pt. 2

153 15 4
By CharmfulIndividual

Erik POV

I stared in rage as I watched Christina talk to that Derrick dude. How dare she invite him to OUR event ?! Then she allows him to feel on her like we're not being watched in the public eye.

I rolled my eyes in disgust as he whispered something in her ear. Its disappointing that I made a hoe into a housewife.

I felt a hand lay upon my shoulders. I turned around to see a smiling Shawn behind my back. My eyes quickly went wide. I didn't know he was going to be here either.

"Hey!" He said enthusiastically as he snaked his hand in mine. I glance around the room in panic. My heartbeat quicken in fear of someone noticing us.

I dragged him to an abandoned room."Hurry in here," I said pushing him in.

He rolled his eyes as he folded his arms.

I rubbed my temples,"Don't. Start."

He smirked,"Who said I was going to start? Just came by to ask if you seen your wife getting cozy with the fine piece of dark chocolate?" He said with amusement.

I took some steps closer to him,"What did I just say?" I asked him with anger as I got into his face.

"What are you going to do ? Hit me," he teasingly said.

I squinted my eyes at him as I repeatedly clenched my fist. My hands were just inching to grab him around his neck. I could feel my temper rising and that was not a good thing.

"What are you gonna do ? Hit me?" He said as his finger pointed into my chest. Shawn began to laugh like this was something funny. "I'm not like your punk ass wife. I ain't afraid to hit your ass back. Or better yet...go tell the cops." He whispered to me.

My body began to relax as I came back to reality. This wouldn't even be a good place to start something if I wanted to. All these people, my co-workers, gossip blogs, and the police.

"Mhm thats what I thought," he said as he turned around.

I licked my lips in pleasure as I watched him walk around. I smiled as I sneaked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Im sorry," I whispered in his ear. I kissed upon his neck.

"Not here," he said with a smile on his neck.

I smirked. "You know what I want," I told his as I turned him around. I looked down at my crotch. He licked his lips hungrily and quickly got on his knees. Im going to enjoy this regardless of what Christina is doing.

After about 15 minutes, I walked out of the room on satisfaction. I had to make sure the coast was clear. I didn't need anyone questioning my where a bouts.

I know somewhere Christina is scared out of her mind when I spotted her with that dumb ass doctor. She has really been testing my patience lately. But I now feel like I'm on cloud 9 after what I just received.

"I'll see you next weekend okay?" I told Shawn while casually standing. I had to make him seem like a normal male "friend" in the presence of all these people.

Shawn smiled at me,"Okay. Hopefully I could enjoy myself tonight." He said as he sashayed away.

I smirked while shaking my head. I proceeded to the main area where everyone was dancing having a blast. I knew Christina & I were going to be the talk of town during these upcoming weeks.

I seen a circled in the middle of the floor with people cheering on someone.

"What the fuck going on over there?" I asked to myself. I quickly walked over there to see what the commotion was all about.

In the middle of the circle was my old, white, proper boss doing the nae nae. I couldn't help but to double over in laughter. Now I know this event was a success when an old white man is doing the nae nae.

"Yo wassup man!" I heard my best friend Johnaton say to me. Johnaton & I are practically brothers. I've known him ever since high school. Him & Christina's sister even dated before.

"Aye! Nice to see you made it," I told him while giving him a man hug.

"Yea man. Everything looks like it turned out nice," he told me while looking around.

"All credit goes to my wife & her sister." I told him. "Speaking of my wife have you seen her?" I asked him.

He chuckled," Dang man you can't keep up with your wife? As beautiful as she is someone might of taken her by now," he joked.

I gave him a stone face.

He looked at me & began to laugh harder. "Ah man! Im just joking with you," he said while patting my shoulder.

I shrugged him off,"Don't joke like that," I said. Cause I knew that doctor probably was trying to make moves on her as we speak.

Johnaton looked at me and shook his head. "Lighten up dude. I doubt someone is gonna take her from you," he said. "Speaking of Christina, she's over there chatting with somebody. And I see her fine ass sister so imma go say hello," He told me leaving my alone.

My eyes quickly darted to where Christina was. My anger had skyrocketed through the roof. She was with that damn ass doctor again! I swear she want me to beat her ass in front of all these damn people.

I began to walk over there to her. She was giggling and blushing all in his face that she didn't even hear me call her name. Then I noticed him lightly place his hand on her back & whisper something to her. That only motivated me to go over there quicker. But before I reached her she was pulled away by Crystal.

By now the doctor's back was turned towards me & I decided to pay him a little visit.

"Excuse me," I said while rudely bumping into him. I noticed his liquor splashed on the floor & on his suit.

I seen his face scrunched up. "What the fuck?! Watch where you going," he said while trying to clean it up.

I chuckled," My bad."

He quickly looked up and began to smirk. He looked away and then at me and began to laugh.

I looked at him with confusion. "The fuck is funny?!" I said to him.

"You is! Coming over and bumping all into me. If you gotta problem we could solve it right here," he said seriously.

I looked him up and down. I got closer in his face," Look just stay your ass away from my wife," I said through gritted teeth.

He took a step away from me. "Words of an insecure man," he said while shaking his head.

"Im serious..or we're gonna have some problems," I growled at him.

He laughed like I just said one of the most hilarious jokes known to mankind. "Maybe if your ass knew how to treat your woman right she wouldn't have to run to me. But don't worry. She's in good hands," he spat at me before walking away.

My breathing was getting hard and my heart rate began to race. I clenched and unclenched my hands. I swear that lil bitch is going to get it when we get home.

The lights dimmed while the stage lights brighten. On stage was Christina, Crystal, & Andria. Just seeing Christina's face made me angry.

Christina's POV

I stood on stage with the girls. We were about to announce the auction for the dates.

"Hello everyone and welcome to our 5th annual ball." I spoke into the mic. They began to clap and I waited until it simmered down a bit to start. "This evening we will start off with the auction. This year we decided to do something different. We're going to auction off dates for the single men."

I heard some whistles throughout the crowd which made me laugh. "Then after that we'll auction off the celebrity items, then we'll have our mini concert. Last year we surpassed our goal of $200,000. Hopefully we could raise $350,000 this year. Okay lets get the auction started off by bringing our first girl to the stage."

"Actually!" My sister said while taking the mic,"Our first girl is our very own Christina Lawson," she said with a smirk.

My heart dropped by the sound of that. I could of shitted on myself right then and there. My face practically dropped. Why would she go and do that?! I knew once we get home Erik will have a fit.

I heard a couple of "oh's" throughout the crowd while they looked at, what I guess was, Erik. I look in that direction and seen the devil himself. I quickly shifted my gaze.

"Lets get it started! Do I have a starting bid?" Dria asked into the mic.

"$1,000!" Someone said.

"Ooh come on ! Yall could do better than that," she encouraged into the mic. I have no clue why they are doing this. I am freaking married.


"Could of just said $3,000" Crystal said into the mic. Some people in the crowd began to laugh.

"$10,000!" I heard Erik shout.

Dria rolled her eyes,"Erik you're not included into this. You could see her any day." She said nonchalantly.

I seen Erik stare at her with hatred. I knew he wanted to slap her. But instead I was going to receive those licks.

Some other numbers we're thrown around until someone finally decided to up the price.

"$20,000," I heard none other than Derrick say with confidence. Some of the crowd members began to clap while others gasped.

"Ooh shit!" Dria said causing the crowd to laugh. "I mean wow thats awesome! $20,000 going once....going twice..." I was hoping someone would of said something. I wiped my hands on my dress as sweat leaked through my palms. "Sold! To the handsome dark piece of dark chocolate. Come up and claim your prize."

I stared at Derrick as he took long strides. On the outside I seemed horrified, but on the inside I was kind of glad this happened. This will give me at least one night away from Erik.

I licked my lips absentmindedly. Gosh this man is so handsome. If I could sleep with just one man he would most definitely be the one. I shook my head free from those thoughts.

Once he got on stage he gave me a bright smile and placed his hand on my back. I shivered at his motion. I look back into the crowd at Erik. Steam was practically coming from him. I nervously tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Okay. Lets get the next girl on the stage," Dria said while we walked off.

Once we got behind stage, I immediately began to fuss at Derrick.

"Why would you do that?! Do you know what this is gonna cause?!" I fussed at him. I began to pace while running my hands through my hair.

He looked at me weirdly. "Whats gonna happen?" He asked.

I abruptly stopped my actions. Aw shit. I should of never said anything.

I shook my head,"Don't worry bout it. But Im married ! You know by now rumors are already starting up. You're gonna be named my side nigga or something." I stressed.

He sighed and brought my body to him. His hands rested so close to my butt. "Why you're so worried about them. I did this for you. I know you really need it" he whispered to me. I took a couple of deep breathes trying to slow down my heart rate.

"This weekend you might even see another side of Derrick," he said. I knew that had to have double meaning. But I wouldn't mind meeting another side of Derrick.

Before I got a chance to respond, my arm was nearly yanked out of my socket. I stumbled before I got a chance to balance myself.

"Nigga get your hands off my wife!" Erik said into Derrick's face. Derrick sat there laughing.

"Man go on with that," Derrick said trying to walk away.

Erik shoved him. "You must want to get hurt pretty boy." Erik said taunting him.

Derrick shook his head,"I never met a bitch ass nigga before. But just remember what I said earlier." I sat there confused not knowing what to do.

Within a blink of an eye, Erik punched him. They soon began to go back and forth, Derrick whooping Erik's ass of course.

"Stop!" I yelled. From the back I could still hear prices being shouted and the sound of Dria's voice. The auction was still going on. I was glad nobody could hear all the ruckus that was happening.

I tried my best to pull them apart without getting hit. "Please stop!" I yelled again. I pushed Erik with all my might. He landed with a thud into the wall.

I froze at what just happened. He then focused all his attention to me.

He brought his fist back and punched me in the face. My body shook as his fist met my face. I flew to the floor like a Raggedy Ann Doll.

"What the fuck nigga?!" I heard Derrick say as I began to black out. I knew that was going to hurt in the morning.

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