Beware the Frozen Heart

By Leslie1509

6.4K 276 47

{Written prior to Frozen Fever and the Frozen Sequel} Elsa has set off yet another Winter, but this time, she... More

The Death and the Apology
Condemning Them
Discovering More
The Argument
Trust and Promise
Could This Be... Love?
The Book
The Surprises
The Letter
The Three Gifts
Three Keys
This Has Gone on Long Enough
The Curse
Another Wrong Doing
Something Weird
Snow Globes


235 11 2
By Leslie1509

I happily let the next week or two pass by without any interruptions. I finally get Hans and Anna to somewhat get along, but I have a deep feeling Anna is only trying for me. I appreciate it, but it’d be nice if she would do it just so we could put what he did behind us. I walk out of my room and run into my sister, who is rushing to the babies’ room.

“You slept in late.” She says, brushing her hands on the front of her dress.

“Oh, I wasn’t sleeping, I was thinking.” I correct her.

“What were you thinking about?” She asks.

I bite my bottom lip.

“I was wondering whether or not I am suitable to keep Arendelle safe.” I whisper.

Anna gave me a disappointed look. She put her hands on my shoulder comfortingly.

“Elsa, don’t beat yourself up about something stupid like that!” She scolds. “You’re the best queen this kingdom has ever seen.” Anna adds with a smile.

“Don’t say that. We both know mother was a better queen than me.” I mutter, looking at the floor.

“Mother didn’t save the kingdom from a sorcerer.” Anna points out.

“Mother didn’t freeze the kingdom and give the sorcerer his power!” I retort, walking past her.

“Elsa.” I hear her whisper, barely audible.

I bite my bottom lip again, not wanting to apologize. I feel guilty, just like I always do when I yell at her like that. I can’t blame her for anything though. It was my fault that I froze her head. It was my fault that I wasn’t careful with my powers.

I shake away the thought, knowing I had put all of that behind me years ago. I turn back to her, she’s still staring at me from where I left her. I exhale heavily.

“I’m sorry Anna.” I admit.

“For what?” She asks.

“I snap at you all the time. Before you went through the power transformation… this was so much easier. We never fought with each other.” I whisper.

“It’s no different, Elsa.” Anna says. “We just have noticed a few more… differences now, that’s all.” Anna assures. She inhales and clears her throat. “I have to go get Kristin and Alexander from their nap.” She explains.

I nod and watch her walk into her son and daughter’s room. I follow her, realizing I haven’t been much of an aunt lately, or much of a sister. Anna looks at me curiously and then smile, holding Alexander in her arms. I take Kristin from her crib as her beautiful eyes look up at me. She gives a babyish giggle and laugh.

“Hi baby Kristin!” I smile.

She coos and reaches her hands up to me.

“You’re good with her you know.” Anna says.

“What makes you say that?” I wonder, looking up at Anna as Kristin has her hand wrapped around my index finger.

“Kristin won’t let anyone pick her up like that.” Anna laughs.

“Really?” I exclaim with shock.

“Really.” Anna assures.

We walk downstairs, out of the babies’ room. We go into the library, where Eugene and Hans are talking.

“Where’s Kristoff?” Anna asks.

“Right here.” We turn around to face Kristoff.

“Where were you?” Anna laughs as Kristoff plants a kiss on the top of her head.

“I was at the village getting you this.” Kristoff says, holding up a necklace with a sun charm at the end.

“Oh, Kristoff!” She exclaims. “It’s beautiful!” She says, wrapping her free arm around his waist.

“Queen Elsa!” I hear someone call for me.

I turn my head towards the door were Helga stands.

“Your highness, you are due for a fitting.” She smiles.

I look at Kristoff and he nods, taking Kristin from my arms. I smile at her before going with Helga. We go into a room and I begin my fitting.

When I finish putting the dress on, it is a little bit tight. The servants loosen it a little before I finish. I look in the mirror and spin.

It’s a most beautiful dress, it was my mother’s wedding dress. I made a few of my own tweaks, including a hint of blue. The tiara I’ll be wearing is decorated with blue gems and will hold down a very long veil. I smile. This will be a most wonderful wedding.

I walk down the aisle. The whole kingdom has gathered for the wedding. I find myself standing in front of Hans, a nervous smile on my face. I wait to hear the words, please say your vows, but I don’t hear them. I feel heat around me, I look around. A fire encircles Hans and me. I look over to where Anna was standing… she has her hands raised.

“Anna stop!” I cry desperately.

She stops maneuvering her hand, looking at me sadly. I return the look with a pleading expression. She goes back to doing as she had been.

“Anna, please!” I plead once more.

She doesn’t. I watch the fire separate Hans and me. I feel myself bring my hands up and watch the ice leave me in a circular form. It strikes Anna, causing her to kneel. Something flashes before me and we are back in the ice castle… when I struck her heart. It flashes back to the wedding.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

“Elsa! Elsa!” I hear Hans shouting at me. “Elsa!”

I jerk up, gripping the sheet. I look around, taking in my surroundings. I look at Hans. He is sitting next to me on the side of the bed.

“Are you alright?” He whispers.

I nod.

“Just had a bad dream.” I explain.

“Would you like to talk about it?” He asks sincerely.

“It was nothing… just a flashback to when I, uh, when I froze Anna’s heart.” I tell him.

“She’s alright, and so are you. No one’s hurt.” He comforts.

I stand up and go look in the mirror on my vanity. I don’t look nearly as bad as I had anticipated. Hans walks behind me and plants a gentle kill on my cheek.

“I’ll see you at the altar.” He whispers in my ears, making me smile.

He walks out of the room, and not a minutes later, Helga comes in.

“Are you ready, your majesty?” She asks me with a wide smile.

I nod, smiling widely as well, despite that fact that I’m biting down on my bottom lip. We walk into the room where I tried on the wedding dress a few days ago. Once I have the wedding dress on, and it’s given some final adjustments, I go and sit in front of the mirror.

I hear the door open, and Anna walks into the room. I smile to her and she returns the smile. I take in the gorgeous dress she’s wearing. It suits her wonderfully.

“Are you nervous?” She asks, standing behind me.

“A little.” I admit, looking down at the floor with an embarrassed smile.

“Every bride is nervous on her wedding day.” Anna explains with a small laugh.

“Were you?” I ask.

“I was a nervous wreck.” She laughs jokingly.

We sigh after our small fit of laughter. I bite the inside of my cheek, thinking about our mother.

“I wish mom was here. She’d be so proud of us.” I whisper, a tear rolling down my cheek.

“I miss her too.” Anna murmurs.

We sit there in silence for a few moments. I feel like she’s got years of wisdom to share with me. Anna’s had more experience with weddings than I have.

“Can I do your hair?” She asks sweetly. “I want to do the braid you had for your coronation.” Anna adds.

“Of course.” I reply, sitting in a chair so she has easy access to my hair.

Her fingers twist and loop until the braid is complete. I stare in the mirror at her work, it’s beautiful.

“Thank you Anna.” I say gratefully.

I stand up out of the chair and wrap my arms around my sister. I don’t ever want her to leave. We hear a knock on the door.

“Elsa… it’s time.” We hear Rapunzel say as she walks in, wearing a dress similar to Anna’s.

“Elsa! Elsa! I’m ready to be the flower girl! Look how pretty the dress is!” Emma exclaims, rushing into the room as she shows off the gorgeous dress.

“It’s beautiful Emma. You’ll be the best flower girl ever.” I smile, kneeling so I’m eye level.

She giggles and blushes.

“Oh! Elsa, I have a wonderful surprise for you.” Anna exclaims.

“What is it?” I laugh.

“Well you don’t get to know yet, silly! That ruins the surprise!” Anna says as if it’s obvious.

I roll my eyes playfully. Us four walk out of the room and go to where I will walk out. Rapunzel wraps her arms around me.

“You’re a beautiful bride.” Rapunzel says.

“Thank you.” I reply before Rapunzel walks off to take her seat.

“Rapunzel is right. You’re the most beautiful bride Arendelle’s ever seen.” Anna compliments, hugging me tightly.

“You helped.” I smile, directing to the braid.

“I’m going to go take my seat.” She tells me before disappearing.

“Are you ready?” Emma asks.

“Of course.” I smile back.

“I hope I look like you on my wedding day.” She compliments.

“Thank you.” I say.

“Elsa!” I hear someone call.

It’s a voice I haven’t heard in forever. I turn with surprise to find Olaf, the snowman I built ages ago, running towards me.

“Olaf? What are you doing here?” I ask him happily.

“You built me.” He says, clueless.

“No, I mean, where have you been all this time?” I rephrase.

“The Duke froze me, but I got out. Anna told me to keep out of sight until your wedding.” Olaf explained.

“What? Why?” I ask curiously.

“I’m the ring bearer!” He exclaims.

“Oh how wonderful! That was Anna’s surprise.” I cry with happiness.

Emma taps my arm.

“I think we have to go.” She tells me with a wide smile.

I give a nervous smile in return. Emma begins to walk out, Olaf behind her. I let them go ahead a few feet before in taking a deep breath. I exhale and take the first step. My veil trails behind me as I walk straight ahead, holding the bouquet in my hands. I look up and see Hans, then everyone else disappears. I walk towards him with a smile. I stand in front of him, looking into his eyes. The vows begin.

“Do you, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, take Queen Elsa of Arendelle to be you wife, through sickness and in health?”

“I do.” Hans recites.

“Queen Elsa of Arendelle, do you take Prince Hans of the Southern Isles to be you husband?”

I inhale before speaking. “I do.” I say confidently.

“The rings, if you may.”

Olaf brings the rings forward and I take the ring for Hans, and Hans takes the ring for me. I feel Hans take my hand in his as he slides the ring over my ring finger. I slide his ring on his ring finger.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

I wrap my arms around Hans’ neck and he goes in for the kiss. The room seems to vanish. The sound of the kingdom erupting into cheers and applause brings us back to Earth. He wraps his arms around my waist and lean my head into his shoulder with a smile. He sneaks a kiss on my cheek and I look up at him, seeing a sly smile painted on his face.

Later, I escape into the castle to change into a dress more suitable for a wedding reception. I find one that Anna had requested I wear. It flows to the ground almost gracefully. I carefully take the crown off my head, removing my veil. I gently set the crown and veil on my vanity. I untwist the braid in my hair and put it in my signature braid. I place the crown back on my head and walk out of my room, closing the door behind me. I begin walking towards the stairs, when someone grabs my waist from behind.

“Hans!” I exclaim, a laugh escaping.

He spins me around and gently puts me back on the ground. I look at him with starry eyes, and I can feel my face reddening, but I don’t care. I smile widely.

“I love your smile, Elsa.” He whispers.

I blush even more.

“Come on.” I giggle. “They’re probably wondering where the bride and groom went.” I add lightly.

He takes my hand and we walk to the ballroom. Anna walks up to us.

“You look lovely.” She tells me.

“You look lovely too.” I compliment, causing her to look down at her dress.

“You look lovelier.” She replies.

“Elsa! Elsa!” We hear Emma call me as she runs towards us.

“Hey Emma.” I smile.

“You guys look so pretty.” She tells Anna and me.

“Aw, but you’re the cutest.” Anna muses, taking Emma’s hand and walking off.

I take in the smell of all the food that the caterers have prepared. I take one whiff and smell one of the best desserts every made. Chocolate.

“Come on, let’s go eat.” Hans grins.

We walk to the buffet tables, they seem to go across nearly the whole room like a snake. I go towards the desserts and Hans laughs slightly.

“What?” I ask, taking a piece of chocolate cake.

“Nothing.” He says with an amused grin.

I roll my eyes and set the plate down. He takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck, and he put his arms around my waist. We dance with the music slowly, this moment couldn’t be more perfect. Then that moment ended as the light in the room turned to darkness.

We hear footsteps approaching and a door slam closed. Hans pulls me close. A light form in the middle of the room. The flames on the candles reform with a blue flame.

“Well, hello your highness.” I hear someone greet me, although I don’t recognize them.

I look at the woman before me. She has a short black hair done in an up do. Her crown was silver with dark blue gems. She looked me in the eyes.

“Who are you?” I hiss.

“Well, you aren’t very smart are you?” She chuckles.

I glare at her, and she looks at me.

“You really are clueless, aren’t you?” She laughs. “I’m you.” She says bluntly.

“That’s not possible.” I mutter.

“Of course it is. I formed off of all the hate and fear you had.” She retorts, walking closer to me.

“How is that even possible?” I hiss.

“That’s my business, not yours.” She glares, putting her hand under my chin.

I jerk my chin away, grabbing her wrist harshly. She smirks.

“Looks like I’m going to have a good competitor.” She smiles. “Nice meeting you, Elsa. Oh, and, congragulations.” She says before walking to the middle of the room.

I bring my hands up and watch the ice leave my fingertips, but it’s too late. She whizzed herself away in a bright blue light. The ice strikes the wall. Next thing I know, the whole kingdom surrounds us.

“Elsa, who was that?” Anna asks, pushing through the crowd.

I look at where the ice struck the wall.

“I don’t know.” I whisper.


There we are. So I finally updated. There is a picture of Elsa and the stranger to the right (or above if you're on the app) Some of you might recognize her, and I have intentions for her. Evil intentions. The song for this was What I've Done by Linkin Park. Comment, Like and all that awesome stuff. Thanks SO much guys. One more thing, would you guys be awesome enough to go read one of my other stories: Lion King: Kiara's Reign? It would mean a lot to me.

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