The Mafia Leader's Little

By M00n_Fl0wer_2

22.3K 1.2K 73

Aspiring trainee Jeongguk has been with the same company for years only for his dream to come crashing down... More



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By M00n_Fl0wer_2

Jeongguk was in shock whenever the head of the group - it seemed like she was older by mindset but even then was at a child's mentality while her companions were toddlers - ordered him to sleep.

"Here, have your milk for your morning nap," Yuri said as she shoved the baby bottle into the hands of the teenager.

"I just woke up from sleeping. How can you expect me to sleep now?" Jeongguk asked as he crossed his arms.

"A young toddler like you needs two naps during the day as well as sleeping throughout the night," Yuri said which resulted in a frown being placed on the younger teenager's face.

"I am a teenager, I don't do naps," Jeongguk growled out as he got up and decided it would be the best time to leave. "I'm going," Jeongguk said as he stood and headed to the door.

However, upon opening the door the man who had taken the littles to the playroom stood staring at him.

"Where are you heading to?" Lee asked Jeongguk.

A lump had grown in the teenager's throat making him swallow hard.

"B-bathroom..." Jeongguk said unsteadily.

Jeongguk tried to pass by but it was no surprise that Lee grabbed his arm making him scream. Down in the kitchen the other males perked up at the sound of the screaming boy. Seokjin sighed as he set his napkin down on the table and dusted off his suit.

"Clean the table," Seokjin ordered the servants before heading to where the younger male had screamed.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon all followed Seokjin wondering why Jeongguk was screaming. All of them were numb to the idea of him being scared of the new environment.

"Let me go, you buffoon!" Jeongguk screamed as he kicked his legs in the air wildly.

"What is the matter here?" Seokjin's deep voice rang out making Jeongguk stop and look at him.

"The boy tried to leave," Lee said making Jeongguk bite his bottom lip.

"Why did you not drink your milk?" Seokjin asked as he motioned for Lee to set the boy down instead of hoisting him up in the air by his arm.

"I'm not sleepy," Jeongguk said softly as he rubbed his wrist.

"Give me his milk," Seokjin said with a sigh and Yuri handed the bottle to the mafia leader.

He then picked up Jeongguk easily with one arm and brought the milk bottle to the teenager's lips. The teenager being stubborn did not open his mouth and was met with a pinch to his sensitive bum.

Jeongguk yelped and Seokjin used that as a way to put the plastic nipple into Jeongguks mouth.

"I will get Im to watch Jeongguks room once he goes to sleep. You stay here," Seokjin said to Lee.

Jeongguk glared at the male who held him with one arm, him doing so made him feel uneasy which made him grab onto the male's suit. As he suckled on the milk he slowly felt himself get sleepier.

Jeongguk found his sudden sleepiness odd but realized that the male who held him was the mafia leader. What or who would stop him from drugging the milk he drank with a sleeping drug?

The thought occurred to him too late as he cuddled closer to Seokjin and clutched the man's suit. Through his half-open eyes, he saw Seokjin as oddly handsome which made him feel weird, it felt almost nostalgic.

Seokjin was telling Namjoon to get the fake charity set up whenever he felt a soft weight being placed on his chest. His cold eyes traveled down to see the teenager sleeping all snuggled up in his chest.

"Boss?" Namjoon asked since Seokjin stopped talking mid-sentence.

It was uncommon for Seokjin to abruptly stop talking unless there was an enemy in the room, something of that kind. To Namjoons shock, Seokjin was looking down at Jeongguk who slept while suckling on the milk.

Seokjin thought the boy looked so peaceful at the moment with his face relaxed and suckling on the milk. That beige skin looked so soft to the touch which tempted Seokjin to poke just for the hell of it. The area around Jeongguks eyes was red due to the crying he had done since he had woken up. And oh his cheeks - without using makeup - Jeongguks cheeks were a pretty soft pink.

Everyone was silent as they watched Seokjin slowly raise a hand to Jeongguks face. His crooked pointer finger drew in closer to Jeongguks cheek.

The sound of a stuffed animal falling was all it took to take Seokjin out of his weird trance.


Seokjin had his hand supporting Jeongguks weight once again as he looked away from Jeongguk who was still sleeping, unaware of what he had caused.

"I am going to put him to bed. Yoongi make sure to tell Im to stand guard outside Jeongguks bedroom. Make sure to tell Im not to let the boy alone, if Jeongguk says he needs to use the bathroom or bathe then send for me. Other than that I will not accept disturbances. The teenager is quite troublesome and I rather not have to hit up Ken once again," Seokjin said as he began to walk to the teenager's room.

"Yes, boss," Yoongi said as he began to walk off to where Im would be.

"Daddy?" Jimin asked as Taehyung silently picked up Tata who had fallen from his grasp.

"Yes, baby boy?" Namjoon asked as he focused his attention on Jimin who looked up at him.

"Is this a good thing?" Jimin asked as Namjoon pinched his lips together.

"I wouldn't necessarily say that just yet baby. Only time will tell," Namjoon said as he looked at the retreating figure of Seokjin.

"Okay daddy, oh! I made you a painting!" Jimin said excitedly making Namjoon look away from Seokjin.

"Oh really? Let me see it, baby, anything you make is as precious as gold," Namjoon said making Jimin giggle.

"Daddy, did Taetae mess up?" Taehyung asked as he looked up at Hoseok with wide eyes.

Hoseok smiled and ruffled Taehyung's hair, "Not at all, baby. Only time will reveal if it was good though."

That image of Seokjin flashed by his eyes making Hoseok freeze up.

"You did well, baby," Hoseok said softly as he pulled Taehyung into his arms.

While everyone was happy, Seokjin reflected on his actions as pushed the horrible memories away.

["Please save me!"]


Seokjin sighed as he put the sleeping teenager onto the new sheets. Nothing left Seokjin's lips as he silently looked at Jeongguk.

"No," Seokjin said softly as he went to turn away but something made him stay.

Nothing left Seokjin's plump lips as he went over and silently tucked Jeongguk into his pastel pink bed sheets. Since the original target was assumed to be a girl Seokjin had the room set up for a girl, however, somehow the pastel pink went nicely with the teenager who currently slept in the bed.

"Such sensitive skin," Seokjin said to himself as his eyes raked the sleeping boys face to see a little bit of acne. "You let them do that to you? Even though you knew the consequences of what would happen to your face?" Seokjin asked as his fingers brushed lightly over the teenager's acne due to the makeup he had been forced to wear during his trainee outings.

With the simple movement of shaking his head, Seokjin knocked himself out of the weird trance he was in. A sigh left Seokjin's mouth as he turned on the humidifier and left to his office.

"Boss," Im said as he bowed to Seokjin.

"I am positive Yoongi relayed the information to you, however, this is just in case he did not. Make sure he does not attempt to leave. Only call for me if something urgent comes up or if he gives the bathroom excuse," The broad shoulder man said before leaving.

Being the leader of the mafia was not easy, sometimes - only when he is on the brink of death by work - Seokjin would wonder what it would be like if his father was still alive. The bare thought alone would set a fire underneath Seokjin and have him finishing his work with no problem.

Seokjin released a sighed as he typed in his password to his computer. His eyes flickered across the fluorescent screen but never managed to focus on anything. His eyebrows scrunched together in frustration as he slammed his fists down.

"What the hell?" Seokjin muttered out as he ran a hand through his silky black hair.

An agitated growl was emitted from the male as he got his cell phone and called the research group. Immediately the call was picked up for if it was a second late they would face the wrath of Seokjin. Which was more terrifying than a child's idea of a monster under their bed waiting to grab onto their exposed ankle.

"Boss! What do you need us to research?" The male who picked up the call asked.

"Send me all the information you have gathered on the man who ran into the boy and the man who was with the leader of the company," Seokjin said as he looked over the information of the leader of the company.

Staging a suicide would be the best option since his company was not doing the best at the moment. However, knowing the teenage boy doing a suicide would not settle his burning desire for revenge.

"I-I'm sorry, boss, we still don't-"

"Do you dare speak informally to me? What the hell do I pay your useless asses for then?!" Seokjin yelled in anger with a dark and dangerous look covering his handsome face.

"N-no! We are still looking into it! We will send you the files as soon as we can!" The panicked male said.

"For every five minutes that pass one of your family members will be killed. Bear that in mind and tell everyone in that sector," Seokjin said before ending the call. "Do they think I fucking get money by being nice?" Seokjin grumbled as he checked the time.

Seokjin looked into the workers that are in the investigation team and found the family information easily seeing as he had everyone's information. His closest workers - Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon - were no exception.

Years before Taehyung had been taken by Hoseok, Hoseok had made an error by accidentally revealing something that Seokjin kept as a dark secret to his best friend. Seokjin had no remorse and killed his girlfriend before his eyes and forced Hoseok's best friend to join the mafia.

Namjoon tried to comfort Hoseok for years until Hoseok took upon Taehyung who cured his broken heart. However, Hoseok was not angered that Seokjin killed his girlfriend he knew it could happen with the job, it was that the girl was his ex-girlfriend and by the time Seokjin killed her she was already in bed with another man...That was a day after she had ended things with Hoseok.

Seokjin glanced at the clock and saw there was going to be one more person added to his kill streak. After looking through some people, the leader finally found the guy who answered the phone and decided to kill off his dying father.

By the time Seokjin was sent the information on the two men, there were a total of six people who would eliminate. He had already sent some of his men to collect the people and the elimination would be later that night after dinner. The unfortunate workers who were going to watch their family or lovers die were sent an email to inform them.

Some would call Seokjin a monster and others would call him crazy. What does Seokjin call himself? A cold heartless murderer.

"Kim Intak," Seokjin said out loud as he saw the name of the motorcyclist who hit Jeongguk. "Wife divorced him three months ago and took their two children. He is jobless but owes a lot of people money creating a large debt," Seokjin read aloud.

A smile formed on his lips seeing as it would be easy to make the police believe one of the people he owed money to, killed him. Seokjin read more and smiled whenever he found out one of the people he owed money to actually owed him some money.

"Gguk can go crazy and we already have the perfect people to frame it on," He said with a smile.

Nothing pleased Seokjin more than having to do minimal for his job seeing as there needed to be so much planning into killing someone without being captured. Having everything set up and just having to strip someone of their life pleased Seokjin greatly. To him, it was like a birthday present.

"Pak Young," Seokjin muttered as he moved onto the male who had accompanied the leader of the entertainment Jeongguk was once under.

The more that Seokjin read the more he was displeased since the man had done nothing wrong in his entire life.

"Not even a drunken bar fight?" Seokjin asked in disbelief.

That just made Seokjin work, even more, making the leader pissed off.

"Boss?" Yoongi's voice rang out.

"What the hell do you not comprehend about 'Do Not Disturb' you thick-headed undercooked turkey?!" Seokjin bellowed as he threw a nearby pencil at the wooden door causing it to get lodged on the door.

On the other side of the door, Yoongi sighed and formed his words carefully before opening his mouth to speak.

"Sorry boss. However, one of our dealers got arrested by the police." Yoongi's statement made Seokjin pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Come in." Seokjin begrudgingly grunted out.

Without a moment of hesitance, Yoongi walked into the Seokjin's workroom.

"Give me the details," Seokjin ordered, his cold piercing eyes locking onto Yoongi.

"Well, one of the clients was an undercover cop and-" Yoongi immediately stopped as a lamp went flying past his head.

Yoongi was not quite sure as to if the lamp was meant to hit him or just startle him but Yoongi knew damn well he was not about to turn in his life to save some newbie.

"Did I become a damn kindergarten teacher instead of the fucking mafia leader?!" Seokjin yelled in anger.

The incompetence of his men honestly had Seokjin wondering what went wrong. Did he make a wrong turn and kill the man? Is that how he wounded up with incompetent idiots as his men?

"Boss, the man was recently let out and-" Yoongi was once again cut off by Seokjin.

"And what? Saying that he was recently let out of training to deal suddenly makes things better? Now that you acknowledge the fucking mistake the police are simply going to send him out with a simple slap on the wrist?" Seokjin snapped.

Yoongi had been around long enough to know not to respond to Seokjin whenever he was like this. Well, unless he wanted to be killed - based on witnessing such - or have another scar - based on first-hand experience - which he wanted neither.

"Well let me set it fucking straight. We are part of the mafia in this region, I am the leader of the mafia. Our group is wanted for billions of dollars. Now, due to someone's mistake of letting a trainee out too damn early, we are all jeopardized. While sure, we may have sent Ken there for undercover but there are only so many times Ken can help before he is suspected or caught," Seokjin said rather calmly.

"Shall I order the current trainer here?" Yoongi asked.

The pale man was more than ready to leave the dangerous office at any instant.

"Are you a fucking idiot? What good will bringing him here do? It is not like I can have him apologize for being a nincompoop. Go get someone to bail the useless shit out or make sure he does not reveal anything," Seokjin snapped as he shooed Yoongi out.

"Yes, boss," Yoongi said before bowing and exiting quickly.

"Joon, check up on the guy via your hacking skills and make sure he does not spill. I will have an undercover cop investigate him and Hoseok, go find a new possible trainer. This one is most likely going to die," Yoongi ordered to the two males who had won against the eldest in a game of rock-paper-scissors on who would tell Seokjin.

"Got it under control!" The two other men said as they ran off. Yoongi sighed and loosed his tie slightly as he looked at Seokjin's door before walking off.

Yuri peeked from the corner where she hid and looked down at the papers in her hands.

"Maybe...I won't give these to him..." She whispered as she turned back around to store them in her room before she returned to the playroom.

Besides, Yuri liked being in little space.

Yuri hummed as she went to her purple-walled room. The girl had been happy whenever Yoongi had told her she could pick the color of her room seeing as she was not particularly fond of the plain white walls.

Whenever Seokjin had first told them what he needed, Yuri was excited at the thought of befriending another girl who was also a little. Sure, Taehyung and Jimin were wonderful playmates who played dress-up with Yuri even if it meant wearing makeup or girl clothing. However, they just did not have the physique for the dresses since their hips just were not small enough to give them the hourglass look. Though, Jimin seriously did not look bad in the girl's clothing.

Yoongi had thought that since they had kidnapped a boy instead of a girl Yuri would be sad but the girl was not let down since the boy was absolutely perfect for dressing up!

Back in school, students would bully her for being different and acting like a little kid. Whenever Yoongi took her from that hell, Yuri had been really happy.

"There you go," Yuri mumbled softly as she tucked the papers into her paintings folder.

As she walked out she slipped into her little space and started to skip to the playroom until she got called.

"The boy woke up, stay here and make sure he does not try and escape," Im said to Yuri as Jeongguk glared at the man.

"I need to pee! Just let me go!" Jeongguk yelled.

Of course, Jeongguk had no urge to use the bathroom at all.

The teenager just wanted to look for a possible exit or possibly make a weapon to defend himself with.

"Just hold it, I'm going to go get boss," Im said as he nodded at Yuri.

Yuri smiled and nodded as Im ran off to go fetch Seokjin.

"Ggukie! You are going to look so cute in a dress!" Yuri gushed as she smiled at Jeongguk who was worried.

He thought that out of the other two mentally unstable guys the girl was the most mature and besides threatening to stab him would be relatively stable.

"I am a male, as in I have a guy part. One hole down there along with the guy part which has a small hole at the tip," Jeongguk said.

He felt idiotic for blushing so easily while the girl was fine.

"And? Your waist is perfect for a dress!" Yuri gushed making Jeongguk cringe.

Jeongguk believed the girl was not serious but then he remembered that she and the other two males were mentally unstable so she probably was not.

"You're crazy." Jeongguk hissed making Yuri giggle.

"Some cute makeup as well!" Yuri said giddily.

Even if Jeongguk is a guy and not the girl Yuri had hoped for there was no stopping her unless the leader said so.

"No makeup. The dress and whatever is fine but no makeup. He breaks out since his skin is sensitive," Seokjin said making Jeongguks stomach flip.

Just how much had this man looked up about him?

"Fine, I'm going to go play," Yuri said as she waved at Seokjin before skipping off.

Whenever the littles were in little space they could get away with talking informally.

"Now, you had to go to the bathroom I believe?" Seokjin said as he turned to Jeongguk who felt nervous.

"Yeah, why did you come? I can go alone." Jeongguk said as he got up and Seokjin walked in closing the door leaving Im outside.

"You are a little, of course, you cannot use the bathroom alone. As your Daddy, I must help you not make a mess." Seokjin said making Jeongguk glare at him.

"," Jeongguk said making Seokjin smirk before uttering a single word that sent shivers down Jeongguks spine.


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