Yandere one punch man X innoc...

By ppsychho

545K 12.3K 8.3K

Y/n we can describe her as the most beautiful women, she's saitama wife, her husband will do anything to keep... More

โœจPart 1โœจ
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๐ŸŒธPart 10๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒธpart 11๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒธPart 12๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒธPart 13๐ŸŒธ
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๐ŸŒธPart 16๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒธPart 17๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒธPart 18๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒธPart 19๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒธPart 20๐ŸŒธ
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๐ŸŒธpart 25๐ŸŒธ

๐ŸŒธPart 14๐ŸŒธ

15.1K 354 63
By ppsychho

Saitama was chasing after a frog looking monster "you think you can run away?"saitama said, the monster reached a dead end and looked back and saw a guy standing on top of a building "who the fuck are you!?"he said "me? I'm a hero for fun"saitama said. He jumped down and accidentally ripped his pants, the monster laughed at him "you think you're a hero with what you're wearing?!hahahah!"he said "you crossed the line"saitama said, the monster was scared now, of what gonna happen to him.

"Do you have my money? Old man" a guy with blond hair asked the old man "not yet"he answered "you know tomorrow is the last day, and you know what gonna happen if you don't pay, right?"the guy said.

You were trying to find your boyfriend after he run after the monster "sai! Where are you?......I hope he's okay"you said, you felt someone's hand on your shoulder, you looked back and saw "sai! Are okay? Did you get hurt?"you asked "no I'm fine, let's go I ripped my clothes... again" he said patting your head.

When you arrived to the shop to fix saitama clothes, you saw the blond man talking to your grandpa "is the shop open?"saitama asked "hi grandpa!"you said, happy to see your grandpa "hey (y/n), yes the shop just opened"he said "see ya tomorrow old man"the guy said and left, you and saitama entered the shop "is he bothering you?"you asked "don't worry about it darling"he said.

Saitama gave him the ripped clothes "I'm sorry for bothering you"he said "don't worry about it, I don't have money too. the clothes are dirty too, did you find strong monster?"your grandpa said "yes, he was kinda strong he almost defeated me"saitama said "but I can't fix it today, it's gonna take time"he said "it is fine"saitama said "oh! I have something to show you, since your clothes always get ripped. How about I make a hero suit for you!"he said and gave saitama a notebook.

You looked at the suit your grandpa draw 'this is horrible!' Saitama thought, you imagined saitama in the suit, you giggled "I got inspired by the samurai"he said 'what should I say! I don't want to break his heart, he's like grandfather to me...and I don't want (y/n) to get mad at me if I made her grandpa sad' saitama thought "n-no, I don't think I need one"saitama said "don't worry about the money, this is like a dream to me...don't say! Did you ask someone else to make it?"he said and looked down "n-no! Not that! It just I-" saitama looked at you to make sure you're not mad at him.

But you were calm "do you know why he keep wearing the same suit? It's because He don't want to forget about his origin"you said "I see, is that how it's"your grandpa said 'thank goddess,(y/n) you just saved me' saitama thought "when I'm professional hero, I'll ask you myself, anyway I'll come back tomorrow"saitama said.

Saitama holds your hand but before you leave with him "one more thing, since you do hero work for fun, I advise you to stop for sometime, things are not looking good"he said "really, why?"you asked "look around, the shops are all closed, this place is not good to live in, that why your parents kept trying to take you with them to another city, they care about your safety"your grandpa said.

You were about to say something "tell them to not worry, I'll  protect her"saitama said "I told them many times but they won't listen, they see you as bad influence on (y/n)"he said "but he's not, he protects me and treat me well"you said, your parents never liked him and they don't know why you love him so much, they tried to take you away or make him look bad but nothing worked on you.

You were so in love with him for some reason, and saitama never liked them since they tried to take you away.
Saitama walked you home "why don't you come inside, I made your favorite food"you said "y- no I have to go"he said "okay then just wait I'll give you the food so you eat it later"you said.
You gave him the food and he kissed you before he left.

Saitama was watching tv while eating the food you gave him, he heard someone knock on the door he stood up and opened the door "you're so annoying, what do you want"saitama asked, he didn't see anyone till he looked down and saw an old woman.
He tried to close the door but she didn't let him "do you have the money? You didn't pay for three months"she said "you know I don't have it and I'm busy too"he said "you mean bing a hero? I'm sure you can make money out of it, remember if you don't pay I will kick you out"she said and closed the door "damn it"

You were at your grandpa shop when saitama came in and told him what happened last night, your grandpa laughed "why don't you work? You're young and strong"he said "I can help you pay, the rent is not that big it's so cheap"you said "thank you, you always save me"saitama said, you smiled you were so happy to help "anyway I finished sewing your clothes"he said and gave it to saitama.

The guy from yesterday came in "hey old man, the time end" he said, your grandpa looked down and gave them a paper. You and saitama looked confused "that paper look important, give back!"you said, the guy looked at you "hmm, heh how about I take you instead"he said and pulled you hand. You screamed "leave her alone and take the paper!" Your grandpa said.

Saitama punched the guy and kicked him "don't ever lay your dirty hand on my girlfriend"saitama said "you will regret this!"he yells and run away.
"Who is that guy?" You asked "look like the shop will close, they'll come and collect everything"he said "eh? Who are they?"saitama said "you don't know them?"he said.
Your grandpa started explaining.

He draw a map to where the criminal live "don't go anywhere near the places I drew In The map"he said.
Saitama tried finding those criminal using the map "as expected, they live in the same place I live in"he said.
a guy was talking on the phone walked passed him "hey do you know-" he cut him off "I don't have time for you I'm busy"the guy said.
Saitama went to one of the apartments in the building and knocked on the door, he heard the old woman voice and panicked, then heard your voice "hey saitama" he jumped on up and hold into the ceiling and trying his best not to fall.

The door opened "who is it!?.... oh it's you (y/n) do you need something sweetie? Come in, I made some cookies"she said with smile, this all it take to convince you to go with her "I love cooking!"you said "I know, now come in"she said and closed the door after you entered ".... man (y/n)'s like a child, she get fooled so easily, kidnapping her won't be hard I should keep a close eye on her"saitama said and went to find the bad guys.

(Time skip)

Saitama knocked on the old woman door "you finally paying the rent"she said "no I don't have the money but you can take those guys and give them to the police they have bounty, they should be enough to pay the rent, and is (y/n) still with you? Can you tell her to come out? It's time to leave"saitama said, the woman wasn't pleased with what happened "they were the only ones who rent here! If you were about to do something like that you should've asked me first you dumbass!"she yells.

"She really kicks me out"saitama said "s-sai? What are you doing here? I was looking for you all day"your grandpa said "that old woman kicked me out"saitama said "let's go to my house"he said.
They were talking when you came running and opened the door "grandpa! Saitama is not in his apartment! H-he left"you start crying "I'm here, don't cry"he said and hugged you "you're here? But what happened"you asked "long story short I need somewhere new to live in"he said "you can move in with me! We can finally live together like a couple"you said with blush on your face.

You sat next to saitama "thank you for protecting the shop and my granddaughter, saitama" he said "no problem, you can always depends on me, and (y/n) is my girlfriend it's my job to protect her"saitama said "but I have to close the shop"he said. Saitama almost choked on his drink "but why?"you asked  "I got old and I can't do that anymore, here I made this for you. You don't have to use it but I want you to keep it"he gave saitama a yellow suit.

You went home, saitama was trying the suit and you fangirling about it "keeeaaaa! You look so hot"you said, he was happy you like it, and that all it matter.


"And that what happened"saitama said to genos, they were sitting on top of a building eating "at first it was embarrassing to wear it but I got used to it, that why this suit is important"saitama said "so to be a strong hero like you I should have something so important to me"genos said "hmm where did get that bullshit from" he said "from you. And I still think it is time you should change your suit, I'll give you new one if you gave yours"genos said " I don't want to, weren't you listening when I was telling the story!, and I know you want it since (y/n) like it!, I don't know why I'm keeping you alive till now!"saitama yells.

They walked home "how did you meet (y/n)?"genos asked "we were together for along time, she is three years younger than me, but she only wanted to play with me and always following me, the kids were jealous and started bullying me but she will always be there to yell at them and try to protect me....well she always end up crying and the kids will apologize to her and leave" saitama said

*Flash back*

Saitama was standing with the other students while the headmaster talks 'I wonder if (y/n) found a new friend...probably everyone throwing themselves on her and trying to be her friend, why does she have to be three years younger! I want her to be with me so I can keep her safe' Saitama thought.
He sat down and started reading his book, the students were talking about some bullies "yeah I heard 2 upperclassmen attacks a student, be careful to not attract their attention"a boy told his friend "they attacked the kid from class 2, their uniform were ripped up" a girl said "that so scary"another girl said, saitama minded his business and continued reading and thinking about (y/n).

"A monster appeared in city Z, the police who rushed to the scene fell under attack and suffered severe injuries" the news said.
Saitama was bored "man I'm sleepy"he said before he heard someone knocking on the door so he went to open it, to his surprise it was (y/n) "hi sai!"you said "(y-y/n)? What are you doing here? It's raining outside, dose your parents know you're here?"he asked, he know he will get in Trouble if they found you here, thinking he's the one who dragged you with him.

"I left a message for them"you said "(y/n) you're 9 y.o, people might hurt you or uh..kidnapped you... so don't leave without telling your parents"he said, you looked at him with innocent sad eyes "b-but I missed you and wanted to see you and play with you" you told him and that broke his heart to see you sad "*sigh* it's okay let's play, until your parents realize you're not home and come to take you"he said.

"My friend told about something, it is kissing and not on the cheek"you said, saitama choked on air "what kind of friend is that? You better stop hanging around with her"he said "it's a *him* not *her* actually, he said kiss the person you love on the mouth, it's disgusting yaaag, why don't they just say I love you and then hug each other"you said "uh y-yeah that what everyone do, they just hug. Your friend is stupid don't believe him"he said you nodded and continued playing 'wtf! They're kids how come they know about that and why do they want to ruin her innocent mind!' He thought.

Eventually you fell sleep in his lap "don't worry, I will protect you and no one gonna ruins your innocent or hurt you"he said, he heard the someone knocking so he puts you on his bed and went to open it "where is my sweet angel you bastard!"your father said "I swear if you did something to her you will regret it"your mother said "she came here to play, and then fell sleep"he said ,they went to his room to get you "awww look at her, sleeping peacefully like an angel"your father said "common let's take her home, she should sleep on her comfortable bed not on this thing"your mother said.

They left "man they are jerks, poor (y/n) she gonna have a hard time dealing with them"he said.

"Saitama!.., why haven't you done your homework!?"the teacher said "sorry I forgot, I'll do it now"saitama said "do you think goofing off we'll get you girls?"the teacher asked "huh? No, not at all"he said "why you little punk, come to the staff room after school, I'll teach you how much of a loser you are"the teacher said.

Saitama sat back, he heard the students whispering "whoa, now the teacher's out to get him"someone said "he shouldn't have talked back"the other said.

"Hey new kid, come with us for a sec"two students with ripped uniforms approached saitama "I can't. I have to go to the staff room"he said "don't you know who we are"one of the said "come with us out back or we'll rip your uniform"the other said "all right new kid, you got a wallet?"the other said "don't get bossy, I don't have one you moron"saitama said.

Saitama was ready to fight them but they beat him up and took his 200 yen "he was nothing but attitude and he only got 200 yen"the boy said "ugh!"one of them got hit by the monster, saitama looked up to see what's happening, he saw the two bullies screaming in fear and the monster took all the money they had on them and run off

Saitama stood up and run after the monster "first I forgot my homework and then thugs beat me up! Everything is so stupid!"saitama said running after the monster,"give me back my 200 yen!"saitama yells. The monster knocked saitama out.

After he woke up he went to the staff room and talked to the teacher.
He walked passed your school when you saw him you run towards him and hugged him "saitama!.... why is your clothes ripped? You're hurt too!"you said tears forming in your eyes "don't cry don't cry, I'm fine no need to worry"he said " then Let's go home"you holds his hand and walked back home together.

'The only one who made me feel like I can fit in this society is (y/n), she always brings happiness to my heart, I will make sure no one take her from me, no one will ever touch her other then me! She's mine' he thought.

*End off the flash back*

"I remember crying my eyes out when my parents wouldn't let me go to visit you"you said surprising the two male "when did you get here?"saitama asked "oh, I saw you walking so I decided I'll walk home with you, and I heard you telling genos some stories so I listened to them, it was good remembering the good old days"you said with smile.

"When you didn't know what the kiss was, and now you know more than a kiss"he said with smirk, you blushed "oh common, can't you stop doing that in front of genos"you said "so (y/n) you're 22"genos said "yes"you said, he started thinking about something.

'She's just 22 and I'm 19... yes there's still hope for me, she's just 3 years older I still can convince her to be mine' genos thought, saitama hit him on the head "I know what you thinking, and you better stop, you're crossing the line and getting on my nerves, don't ever try and take her from me!,(y/n)'s mine, forever and ever" saitama said "I'm not sure about that"genos said "you guys walk so slow, common hurry up"you said.

Hope y'all enjoyed reading this chapter🌸🍃.

Little saitama and little (y/n)

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