"My Warrior"


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Lexa is an Austrailain Ninja Warrior, on the morning of her competition she catches her girlfriend Costia che... More

Chapter 1 "Fallen dreams."
Chapter 3 "Taking a chance"
Chapter 4 "Commander squishy"
Chapter 5 "The pain of the past has a way of resurfacing"
Chapter 6 "No more running"
Chapter 7 "The calm before the storm"
Chapter 8 "Take care of you"
Chapter 9 "Wanheda's art school."
Chapter 10 "Losing you"
Chapter 11 "Freedom"
Chapter 12 "A bit about Wanheda"
Chapter 13 "The Rainbow Serpent."

Chapter 2 "The death of Clarke Griffin"

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Chapter 2  "The death of Clarke Griffin"

     I have my bags packed, I have just been waiting for Finn to get home. When I first started dating Finn in high school, things were good, really good. He was so sweet and caring. 

     We were set to move into our first apartment together, straight from the dorms, at the end of our sophomore year. That was two years ago, which is when it all started to go downhill.

    First were the late night study sessions with his friends. Some nights he wouldn't come home till the next day. He always had some excuse. 'I need to do well for both of our futures, babe,' but I knew he was cheating on me. 

     After a few times of confronting him, I gave up. He would get angry, sometimes he would punch the wall or grab, throwing me into it. Nothing that would leave any marks for others to see. I stopped going out with my friends, he didn't like them much.

     I even started missing brunch with my mom and dad. I thought that there was no way out. A few weeks ago made up my mind though. I was done, finished. I couldn't take it anymore. I called up my friend Raven, who I hadn't been spending as much time with lately. 

     She was more than a friend. She was like my sister. We had been friends since the first grade. We went out to dinner that night and I finally confessed to her about Finn. Well, not all of it, just the cheating. We cried together and made plans for me to move in with her.

     Unfortunately, Finn came home early that night. When I walked in the door there he was, in his crumpled clothes, nursing a whiskey. I noticed the bottle was over half gone and I closed my eyes. It was going to be a long night.

     "Where the hell have you been? I've been home for hours waiting for you." He yells.

     I lower my eyes, "I'm sorry, I went to dinner with Raven."

     "You're supposed to let me know if you go out. I thought I told you to stay away from that dyke bitch." He yells as he throws his glass at my head.

     I feel the deep cut across my temple, blood dripping into my eyes. He grabs his coat and says, "Clean this shit up. I will be out late."

     I started picking the glass up, cutting my hand in the process, tears flowing down my face. It doesn't take long before I am finished and I hop in the shower. Hoping that the steam will clear my mind some.

     I quickly dried off and got the first aid kit out from under the cabinet. I knew I needed stitches. That's one good thing about having a mom that is the chief of cardiac surgery at Arcadia memorial hospital, I know how to take care of most wounds.

     Tears still flowing down my face, leaning over the counter, staring into the mirror, I begin stitching my head. It takes just a couple minutes and I am cleaning it and bandaging it up.

     That was two weeks ago and I should have just left then. I don't know why I feel this need to confront him to let him know that our six year relationship is over. Maybe it has more to do with the memories of high school, when he was kind and oh so caring.

     Raven should be here with her truck soon, I hope he gets here before then. He can just leave and go back out like he normally does. I hear the keys jangle in the door and stand up to wait.

     He drops his keys in the bowl at the door, comes over, looks at me and asks, "What the hell is all this?"

      I look at him and say, "I'm leaving Finn. You're never home and when you are you are angry. You hurt me and then leave. I am here to pick up the mess, while you go screw whoever you pick up at the bar. I can't do this anymore." 

       I go to step around him and he swings his bag at me. He brings his fist up hitting me in the face. There is a knock at the door as I fly back hitting my head on the coffee table. Finn runs into the kitchen, as Raven breaks the door down. I told Finn when we moved in that the locks were shitty.

      Raven is standing over me, brushing a hair out of my eyes, "It's going to be ok, Clarke. Murphy is calling an ambulance now. Why didn't you tell me it was this bad."


      I look up and Finn is standing behind Raven with a knife. Before I can say anything, he stabs her, tossing her aside, knife still in her. He grabs my throat, squeezing harder as he is screaming, "You are mine, you will always be mine. If I can't have you, no one will."

       The last thing I remember is Murphy flying into Finn, Emori behind him with a baseball bat.

       I wake up to the blinding lights of a hospital room. Mom and dad are hovering over me. "Oh, thank god." My mom says.

      My dad pulls a cup over to me and I start sipping out of the straw. "We were worried about you kiddo. That was some nap you took." Dad says.

     "How long?" I ask.

     "Two weeks." My mom says.

     I start sifting through my mind, "Raven, oh god. He stabbed her. Where is she?"

     "Raven is fine." Dad says.

     I look over at dad and he won't look at me. "What aren't you telling me?" I ask.

     Mom squeezes my hand and says, "The knife lodged in her spine, just above the L4 vertebrae, causing damage to her sciatic nerve. She lost all function in her right knee. She is doing fine though, adjusting to walking with a brace. She even improved upon the one the hospital gave her."

     Tears start flowing down my face, "I am so, so sorry. I should have left sooner." I say.

      "It's not your fault sweetie. Everything will be ok." Mom says.

      "What about Finn? Did they catch him?"

      Dad shakes his head and says, "No, he went back to the apartment and trashed it. Writing threats on the walls. He has been seen in the hospital security cameras. Don't worry, your mom has this floor locked down."

     "What am I going to do dad?" I ask him.     

     "I have been in contact with my friend Marcus, from when I was in the army. He now works for the FBI. They can't officially help you out, but Marcus pulled a few strings." Dad says.

     "What's that mean?" I ask.

     "We can't protect you, either of you. Marcus made you both new identities. You are now Clarke Forrester and Raven's new last name is Ramirez. It is all taken care of, you and Raven both died from complications from your injuries. In that envelope is everything you will need. Marcus and Raven are outside to make sure you both get to your new home safely. Then I am sorry you are on your own." Dad says.

     "What if I don't want to leave you and mom?" I ask.

     "Oh, kiddo, it's the last thing we want either. We hope it won't take long to find that son of a bitch, but if it does, remember we love you. We will always be with you both." He says.

     A knock on the door startles me out of my thoughts. Marcus comes in and simply says, "I am sorry, but it is time to go."



Three months later

     I miss my parents. Dad always knows how to make me laugh when I am down. Mom knows how to keep me focused when I am off track a bit. I haven't heard from Marcus or dad, so I know that they haven't found him yet.


     Raven just finished physical therapy and tomorrow she starts a job as a mechanic at the garage down the street. She always wanted to be an engineer and work with my dad. Besides her getting hurt, that's what I hate the most about this situation. She lost out on her dreams because of me.

     Dad set up nicely, a three bedroom on the beach. One room for my studio. Raven has the garage to work on her projects. I am thinking of selling some art online anonymously. I can't use my real name, or face and I am still not used to Forrester. I hope I never do. 

    Truthfully, neither of us have to work. The house is paid for under my new name and dad left a million dollars in each of our new bank accounts. I knew mom and dad had money, but I never thought it was that much. Makes me wonder if we are using their retirement money.

     Raven walks out of Dr. Nyko's office and says, "Last one. I am completely finished. Want to go celebrate?"

     "I am so happy for you, Raven. I don't want to go out though. Can we pick something on the way home?" I ask.

     "Sure thing, Clarke, but we are drinking tonight." She says.

     I really don't want to, drinking seems to make my dreams worse, but Raven deserves to have some fun. "Sure, you can even invite Monty and Jasper over."

     Monty and Jasper are the owners of the garage and Raven has become friends with them. "Ok, but they will probably bring their new girlfriends over, Harper and Maya."

One year later

     I can't believe it's been over a year and they still haven't found Finn. I still miss my parents, so much, but I am enjoying my life here. I have been selling my art under the screen name 'Wanheda'. Raven thought it up, from a book she read. I still don't know what it means.

     Raven is doing well at the garage. She brought in so many customers that the boys were able to propose to their girlfriends. That is why we are going out tonight. I really don't want to, but Raven begged me to. 

     I haven't been out in years. Finn would have never allowed it. We walk into the doors and I take a look around. It's a small place, good just what I was hoping for. A nice quiet bar, or so that's what I thought.

     It isn't long before the music changes, tables are shoved closer together and people are dancing in the middle of the bar. It's been a few hours now and I really want to go home, but Raven is dancing with the girl she has been talking to all night, Luna I think her name is.

     I get up and almost make it to the bathroom, before someone grabs my wrists. Almost panicking, I turn around and see him. I once might have thought he was hot, but all I am thinking about now, is getting away. "Where are you going, baby. All I want to do is dance." He says, his speech slurring slightly.

      I look down and say quietly, "Please, let me go, I have to go to the restroom."

      "You do that sweetheart, I will be waiting." He says, while letting go of my wrist.

      I rush away. I go to the sink, grasping onto it, like my life depended on it, as I  close my eyes, tears falling down my cheeks. Raven comes into the bathroom and comes up to me. "Shh, Clarke. You're ok. Let's get you home."

     Next thing I know, I am laying in my bed, not sure how I got there, light streaming through the window.

Three years later

     Raven has been dying to go see American Ninja Warrior since I gifted her the tickets for her birthday last month. We walk in and I turn to her and say, "I have to go to the restroom, I will meet you at our seats."

     "Ok, Clarke. Just hurry, I don't want you to miss anything." She says.

     As I come out of the bathroom, I am not looking where I am going and slam into someone. She grabs onto my arms and I freeze for a second, look up and say, "I am sorry, I will go now."

    For the first time in a long time, someone holding my arms doesn't scare me, they actually make me feel safe. She must notice something though, because she lowers her arms slowly. She looks at me with the most expressive beautiful green eyes. She backs up slowly, and I turn to leave, "Wait, are you okay?" She asks.

     I stop and turn around and say, "I am fine, I just have to go find my friend."

     She looks sad for a moment before asking, "Wait, I am Lexa Woods. What is your name?"

     I look at her for a second, before saying, "My name is Clarke, um Forrester."

     Fuck! I almost gave her my real name. It's been so many years since I did that. She looks at me and asks, "Well Clarke, maybe we could get a drink after the competition?"

    I look down at the floor, as an image of Finn standing behind Raven pops into my head. I turn around about to leave, I don't know if I am ready for this, or if I ever will be. "Wait, would it take to get you to agree with coffee? You can even bring your friend."

     I find myself not wanting to leave her, but before I know it I am saying, "Impress me."

     Dammit, I said that out loud. I see the smile on her face and as I rush to leave, getting myself lost in the crowd. It isn't a minute before I am sitting down next to Raven. "What's got you smiling like that?" She asks.

     I look out at the crowd and say, "Nothing, I just bumped into someone."

     "What? And you're ok? Do we need to leave?" Raven asks, looking concerned.

     I shake my head and say, "I am fine, Raven. I didn't even so much as flinch when she grabbed my arms to steady me. We even talked for a few minutes."

     "Really, that's great. So what did you talk about?" Raven asks.

     "She asked me out to coffee later, and even said I could bring my friend." I tell her.

     Raven looks at me a moment and finally asks, "What did you tell her?"

     I pull my head into my hands and mumble, "I told her to impress me."

     "You mean she's a competitor? What's her name?" Raven asks.

     I look up just as they are announcing her, "That's her about to compete now." I say.

     "What? You have a date with Lexa Woods?" She screeches.

     "I don't know, Raven. I'm not sure that I am ready." I say quietly.

     "Clarke, I'm going to say this fast as the buzzer will go off. It's been over four years and you deserve happiness." Raven says and we focus on Lexa's run.

     I've watched it before on the t.v. with Raven, but watching it live is a whole other experience. I heard the announcer say that Lexa is coming back from an injury that should have ended her career. I don't know why my heart is in my throat as she races through each obstacle like they are nothing.

     She stops in front of the warped wall, like she is looking for something, or someone. Our eyes lock and she smiles, before she focuses on the wall. Then she is at the top, what the hell, did she just do a one eighty and blow a kiss, before backflipping over the top?

     She stops, locks eyes with me and smiles before continuing. The rest of the course is a blur for me, I don't look up until the buzzer sounds. Raven is whooping, jumping up and down, "Clarke, Clarke, did you see that she blew you a kiss and then she finished the course. Clarke no woman has ever finished the course. I don't know about you but color me impressed."

     "Ok, Raven, I get it. That was impressive. I just don't know if I am ready. I am not sure if I will ever be. Maybe, Finn broke me." I say quietly.

     "Clarke, Finn hurt you, he hurt me, but neither of us are broken. So we will go out with Lexa. You will talk to her and test the waters. As your sister, I will issue the usual threats. If you decided later, to never see her again that's fine. If you do though, you can always take things slow." Raven says.

     "Ok, fine." I say as we walk out.

     "I am going to the restroom. I will see you in a bit." Raven says, while walking away.

     I move to stand against a wall, just looking around some. There she is, standing to the side, talking to some little kids, signing autographs. I almost think that the way she talks to each one individually, like they are the most important thing in the world right now, impresses me more than her run.

     As the last kid runs back to their parents grinning, she locks eyes with me and starts to come over. Raven comes up behind her and stops her first. What is she doing? They talk for a few minutes and Raven walks over to some girl Lexa pointed to. 

     She finally makes her way over, and all I notice is her long legs as I stare at the floor. I snap my head up as she speaks, "Hello, Clarke."

     I look into her eyes quickly before turning away, "Maybe coffee is ok, if it's somewhere that I can get a burger. I haven't eaten all day." I tell her.

     I know burgers probably aren't on her training diet, but I want to know what she would say. She smiles and says, "I can do that. If you want you can pick the place and my sister and I can meet you both there." She says.

     Finn never gave me a choice before. "In and out, around the corner, in one hour, if that's enough time for you to shower." I say.

     "I wouldn't want to keep you waiting. We will be there in thirty minutes." She says.

     I turn to leave, Raven following me. "What did you talk about?" I ask her.

     "Well first I talked to Lexa, we didn't really say much. Then I talked to her sister, Anya, who is hot by the way. I might have told her that if her sister hurts you that I will blow her up."  Raven says while speeding up.

     I catch up to her and say, "Please tell me you didn't?" I ask her.

     "I did, and I would do it too. Anyways, right now, I am thinking that won't be an issue. They both seem really nice and nothing like Finn. Just take it slow, like I said. Maybe a date or two and see how things are going after that." She says.

     "I think I will. I didn't tell you this, but when she grabbed me earlier, I wasn't scared, like when someone usually grabs me. It was weird. I felt safe." I tell her.

      "Good, maybe this will be a good thing." Raven says.

     I am smiling the whole way to the restaurant. We are early, so I will just sit here with my thoughts.




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