Beste freunde für immer (best...

By kakyoins_hair_noodle

2.1K 170 47

Some times I be like this is shit other times I'm like damn I'm the god of writing it effects the updates of... More

Chapter 1: time to annoy
Chapter 2: I will protect you
Chapter 3: The room too awsome you will perish
Chapter 4: horrible bosses
Chapter 5: I don't want this
Chapter 6: *sniff sniff* was that a lie i smell
Chapter 7: family huh i like it
Chapter 8: if it werent for me...
chapter 10: revenge tastes real different here
chapter 11: do i know you
chapter 12: thats gonna leave a mark
chapter 13: for the best
time skip
chapter 14: strangers
chapter 15: the man of the hour, ludwig
chapter 16: new uniform
chapter 17: joined forces
chapter 18: side quest
chapter 19: farewell
chapter 20: a second chance?
chapter 21: reunited
chapter 22: time together finally
chapter 23: not angry just dissapointed
Chapter 24: heartbreak for a good reason

Chapter 9: nightmare

92 8 1
By kakyoins_hair_noodle

(Hehe I drew da pic of kakyoin.)

{Your POV:}
I open my diary to write in what happened today just the usual and then I put it under my bed with the other diary's before going to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be absolutely! I've got a battle to win I can't think negatively just yet only if I really am going to die. I wake up early before Francis and put my armour, sword and shield in a bag and sneak out. I had accidentally gotten on England's bad side again and we were to fight one on one. I guess fighting with England runs in the family. I didn't want to worry big brother about this though but he should know I'm pretty strong I can win this. I ran across the land over a couple of hills and saw England stood alone at least he isn't a liar he's got no men to protect him and I told most of my soldiers to makes sure big brother doesn't get worried or come after me.
{some time into battle}
Why was this going on for so long it's getting boring. "Hey sir burnt scones and big eyebrows I think I'm gonna stop now I'm gonna go home." I shout England seems taken aback by my words and I use that to my advantage whilst he's frozen for a split second I swing my sword down into his shoulder he shouts some poor attempt of an insult at me and I turn to leave but as I have my back turned I suddenly feel an incredible pain in my torso I don't need to look down far to see part of a sword sticking out and before I can scream a hand is clamped over my mouth it's England with the strength he has left he wounded me gravely I drop to my knees and let England drag me and prop me up against a tree. Unluckily i am somewhat of a liar and had a couple of my men hide in the forest near the fight just in case it does all go pear shaped only then will I ask for my big brothers help only if I have been beaten I will not need help in fighting only getting back home and in worst case scenario to say goodbye. "You are smart I will give you that... definitely smarter then frog face." England laughs and ties me to the tree and continues laughing as he writes loser on my forehead like a child. I don't have the energy to respond I am bleeding out fast but then again so is he my head falls forward and I'm just so tired but I won't allow my eyes to close. England uses my sword to help himself up I look up slightly to see him hobble off huh I must've sliced his leg open too. "(Y/N) WHERE ARE JOU SAY SOMETHING!" I hear a french man shout must be Francis I try to do or say anything but my body won't allow it. In a matter of seconds I see some boots in front of me "" I whisper and before I could stop them tears roll down my cheeks making streaks of clean against the dirt and grime on my face. My body I released from the tree and I slump forward. "Don't move I've got jou just focus on me oui." Francis smiles the best he can after see the state I'm in his tears on the edge of falling. Before I know it we're almost home but my eyesight is becoming fuzzy and dark and my hearing becomes funny but I can still makes out some words from Francis "please.......don't..... petite soeur!" I'm led down now I'm in my bed I think. Yes I am but my body is feeling numb now I try my hardest to say something anything again "S..orry" is that it really I'm about to start an argument with myself but I realise everything is fading away feels like deja vu I hear two things clearly the first thing is Francis pulling off my armour and desperately stopping my blood and the second thing is his voice "non non non.......I made a protect you!" Ah man I'm dead. Well I think I am. It's dark. It's kinda cold too. Roll the memories or is that all a lie. I suddenly gasp and open my eyes wide whilst sitting up. I look around me and then look out the window it's night, I look at the clock oh it's midnight. I just had a bad dream I lie down and try to calm down so I can sleep again but I can't; I get out of bed and shuffle down the hallway to Francis' room I hesitate before knocking on the door. "Oui (y/n) is that jou?" Francis' asks and I open the door slightly "I...I had a bad dream and now I can't sleep" I whisper embarrassed by myself  "oh well come in tell me about it was I in it?" He replies and pats the space next to him on the bed. I nod and sit down, I start to tear up as I retell the dream leaving nothing out. I dry my eyes with the sleeve of my dressing gown. Francis pulls me into a hug so I don't see his tears "jou know id never let jou fight caterpillar eyebrows alone even if jou were super sneaky about it." Francis reassured and pulled away from the hug to look into my eyes so I know he's being serious "and jou should've known it was a dream jou don't write in diary's....ever" Francis added I laugh "yeah I guess I should've know that well thank you for comforting me I'm sorry I woke you up; I will go back to my room now" I smile and stand up "jou sure jour okay though?" Francis asked before I closed the door "haha I'm fine it's just a bad dream" I laugh quietly and make my way back to my room but I don't sleep I read....I read through the diary's under my bed.

(This chapter is a bit of a mess isn't it)

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