Escaping The Mafia Boss

By iinfinityy_starxoxo

1.7M 47.9K 21K

All rights reserved, please do not copy my book. *** Twenty-four year old Katerina's life is turned upside d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Escaping the Mafia Boss
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 33

24.2K 861 332
By iinfinityy_starxoxo

Katerina De Luca


Complete, utter silence.

The only sound that could be heard was the wind swishing around the cold night air, as I remained hunched over Saverio D'Amore's shoes, having released all of the contents of my stomach onto him. I could feel Saverio's guards behind him suddenly hold their breaths, as if waiting for something horrible to happen.

In one fluid, swift motion Saverio's hand struck down towards me as I shut my eyes tightly and released a scream before falling back into a sitting position with my hands raised in front of my face.

Once again, silence ensued in the platform as my shivering form remained on the cold cemented ground and silently prayed for more people to appear. The train would be arriving soon and there is no way I am the only one boarding it.

Perhaps Saverio and his guards did something to the other passengers?

"... Qui, è solo un fazzoletto," Saverio cleared his throat before speaking and looking down at me with an unimpressed look as he handed me his white handkerchief. (...Here, it's just a handkerchief).

My eyes widened slightly in realization that he wasn't trying to slap me before, he wanted to give me his handkerchief instead. But after seeing the way he choked Aliana, his own fiance, into passing out just a few moments ago, I couldn't help but fear the dangerous man standing above me. My gaze remained on the floor as I slowly lifted my shaky hand up and took the handkerchief from him before quietly wiping my mouth.

Saverio remained quiet but I could feel his scorching gaze on me. I didn't dare look up, in fear of meeting his green orbs swirling with murderous intent like they were just moments ago when Aliana confronted him. Ever so slowly, I lifted my eyes up to look around the empty platform, in search of an escape route.

My heartbeat almost dropped to the pit of my stomach when I realized that the only exit was the tunnel that Aliana and I took to come out here. There is no way I will be able to run there and not get caught by Saverio and his two men. I don't even have my lighter and scissors anymore, they are still in the shopping bag that is presently sprawled across the floor a few feet behind me.

"Gino, riporta tua cognata alla mia macchina. Fai molta attenzione, se almeno una ciocca di capelli sulla sua testa è fuori posto ... beh, sai cosa farò," Saverio stated darkly before slowly placing Aliana into his guards arms. Almost all of the color drained from my face when I finally registered his sinister words. (Gino, take your sister-in-law back to my car. Be extra careful, if so much as one strand of hair on top of her head is misplaced...well, you know what I will do)

How could he threaten his own men so easily? He's much worse than Aro--

"Angelo, girati finché non lo dico io," Saverio suddenly ordered after contemplating for a bit as my surprised eyes finally snapped up to meet his darkened light green eyes. I gulped down hard and unconsciously shuffled away from him on the floor. (Angelo, turn around until I say so)

What if he's saying that so that he can kill me without any witnesses? Oh heavens, please save me and my baby.

As soon as the first guard disappeared through the tunnel with Aliana and the other guard turned around, Saverio bent down onto the ground and held onto my chin in a painful grip that immediately had me whimpering in pain.

"Please, I'm so sorry for throwing up on you, please let me go," I whispered through tears and managed to back away from him only a few feet before he clenched his jaw tightly and wrapped his other hand onto the back of my head, tugging at my hair in a vicious grip.

A scream instantly left my lips as my hands flew up to stop him but he only pulled on my hair even harder. His darkened gaze narrowed down at me, silently challenging me to dare and fight against him. I lowered my hands down in submission and placed them onto the ground behind me. To my utter surprise, I felt the shopping bag from earlier with my scissors and lighter still inside.

"Piccola colomba, ascolta bene e bene perché lo dirò solo una volta. Are you aware of what Omertà is?"Saverio's deep, husky voice suddenly switched to perfect English with no accent showcasing at all as his eyes bore into my widened eyes. (Little dove, listen good and well because I will only say this once. Are you aware of what Omertà is?)

My brows furrowed at the way he addressed me as 'little dove' before I thought for a moment and slowly shook my head. I had never heard the word Omertà ever before. At my reply, a terrifying smirk appeared on Saverio's handsome face before he let out a chilling laughter that could rival Arosio's any day.

"I thought so. Allow me to explain, carissima cognata," Saverio began as he stood to his full height and pulled something out from his back. My face paled when his black gun appeared in my line of sight before he placed the cold weapon against my forehead. (dearest sister-in-law)

"First off, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Saverio D'Amore, Italy's Mafia Don and sworn brother of Arosio De Luca," Saverio began with a cold smile that sent shivers of terror down my spine. I opened my mouth, in an attempt to tell him that I knew who he was but he shook his head and pressed the gun against my forehead even harder.

"When I talk, you listen. Understood, piccola colomba?" I nodded my head several times, and released a sigh of relief when his grip on the gun loosened a bit and wasn't pressed too hard against my forehead anymore. (Little Dove)

"Good girl. You do not need to introduce yourself, Mrs. Katerina De Luca. I have eyes and ears everywhere, and I already know all about your past escape attempts with Arosio. If it were up to me, I would have had you buried six feet underground months ago when you ran away to New York City," Saverio released a dark chuckle when he noticed my shivering form and even paler face upon hearing his words.

"It's nothing personal, piccola colomba. In the Italy Mafia, there are really no rules to follow. Drugs? We run the whole scene. Murder? We can kill anyone and face no consequences. Weapon smuggling? We own almost every airport in America and Italy, we can get anything in and out of the country without anyone finding out. The only rule we do have though, is Omertà. Are you not going to ask me what that is?" each word that he spoke made bile rise up my throat again before I suppressed it and took a deep breath with one of my arms wrapped around my bump while the other remained behind me. (Little Dove)

"à?" my shaky voice came out barely an audible whisper and I clamped my mouth shut when Saverio suddenly released another dark chuckle before using one of his hands to grip onto my chin and force my head up to look at him. His other hand kept the gun pressed firmly against my temple as I released more tears and silently prayed for help.

"Omertà is the code of silence practiced in the Italy Mafia," Saverio paused as if studying my reaction but all I could do was furrow my brows in confusion. What does this have to do with anything going on right now?

"You see, when I first heard about your little escape attempt the last time, I called Arosio and told him to kill you," my mouth fell open in pure shock as my gaze snapped up to meet his dark orbs that were clearly amused by this whole situation.

What a sick bastar--

"I explained to Arosio that a weak, innocent, coward girl like you can never become a part of our world. But of course, that lovesick puppy shut down my request and instead threatened to kill me if I ever repeat those words to him again," Saverio continued but I barely listened because suddenly the thought of Arosio and wanting him to be here with me appeared in my mind.

"The one rule of the Italy Mafia is Omertà and I, along with my predecessors, have followed this rule diligently for years. You have witnessed things that you cannot witness as an outsider, thus if you choose to leave Arosio, I have no choice but to eliminate you," Saverio explained in a bored manner before pushing the gun against my head firmly, effectively bringing me back to reality within seconds.

"No...please you can't do this...please I promise I won't tell anyone anything! Please let me go, I just want to live a normal life with my baby, please," I resulted to begging the terrifying man for my life instead as each second that passed by seemed like a ticking time bomb leading to my death.

"Tell me, how do you expect to raise your baby without Arosio by your side? I may have killed off your pathetic father and sister but Arosio has many enemies out there. The second news gets out regarding Arosio's wife running away, many people will make it their life mission to kill you. Let's just end it here, okay piccola colomba? " Saverio stated calmly as my heartbeat increased tenfolds when I realized that he was probably right. (Little Dove)

If Arosio's enemies found out that I left him, they would surely come after me too. A pounding headache settled in as I rubbed the side of my head and took a few deep breaths to calm down.My senses were becoming hazy but I could briefly make out the sound of a distant horn coming from an oncoming train.

The sound was barely there, hell I don't even know if it was there, but it felt like I could finally see light at the end of a dark tunnel.


I still have a chance to escape.

"Good girl, I'll take your silence as a yes then. Don't worry, for you, my carissima cognata, I will do a direct head shot. One clean hit, straight through your forehead. You'll barely feel any pain," Saverio promised before his finger began to pull the trigger back. (my dearest sister-in-law)

Faster than the speed of light, I used my hand that was kept hidden behind me and grabbed the pair of scissors before swiftly stabbing it deep into Saverio's thigh. His shocked gaze snapped down to meet my determined eyes as I twisted the scissors in his wound and immediately stood up and took several steps away from the monster.

"CAZZO INFERNO," Saverio roared out in fury as his guard finally turned around for the first time and looked at the two of us in shock before running towards me. I tried to run away but was caught within seconds. (FUCKING HELL)

"Puttana," the guard cursed at me before gripping the back of my hair and bringing his hand down to strike my face. A scream escaped my trembling lips and I held my hands up to stop him from beating me.

"FERMARE. Ti avevo detto di voltarti? Trasforma il cazzo in giro e fatti gli affari tuoi oppure ..." Saverio commanded his guard, seconds before I was about to be slapped, making the guard instantly lower his hand and turn his back to us again. (STOP. Did I tell you to turn around? Turn the fuck around and mind your business or else...)

Saverio's furious gaze instantly snapped to me next, and I watched in horror while he pulled the scissors out of his thigh as if it was nothing and took slow, predatory like steps towards me. By now the train horn I had heard previously was much closer and I couldn't help but turn around and run towards the train tracks.

I was pulled back within seconds though and this time, the gun wasn't placed at my forehead. My back was flush against Saverio's hard chest with his gun placed at my stomach. My breathing hitched in my throat as I began to beg him for mercy again.

"No, please, I'm begging you, please let me go," I cried out but froze when Saverio's phone suddenly rang and he placed his hand over my mouth before uttering the one name into the phone that had my heartbeat racing even faster.

"Arosio, a cosa devo il piacere di ricevere la tua chiamata?" Saverio spoke smoothly into the phone while sending me a chilling glare, silently threatening me to keep shut as if his hand covering my mouth wasn't enough. (Arosio, to what do I owe the pleasure of receiving your call?)

"Torna in Italia e gestisci il tuo problema. Non mi importa se manca la tua sposa. Il mio jet arriverà presto in Italia e devo tornare in America," Saverio placed the phone on speaker and due to the close proximity Saverio was holding me in, I could make out the familiar voice of Arosio crystal clear. Unlike his typical calm and collected voice though, he sounded tired and a bit panicked. (Get back to Italy and handle your own issue with the rival mafia. I don't care if your bride is missing. My jet is landing in Italy soon and I need to fly back to America,)

"Oh giusto, ho sentito che tua moglie è scappata di...nuovo," Saverio smirked down at me after speaking with a mocking tone to Arosio over the phone. (Oh right, I heard your wife ran away...again.)

"Sta 'zitto. Alejandro e Giovanni stanno cercando in tutta Los Angeles proprio ora. Sono passate solo poche ore, non poteva andare lontano," Arosio spoke with such confidence, it genuinely scared me. I had foolishly forgotten that Alejandro and Giovanni did not go to Italy and instead stayed back to take care of matters while Arosio is out of the country. (Shut up. Alejandro and Giovanni are looking all over Los Angeles right now. Only a few hours have passed, she couldn't have gotten far)

"Oh, beh...vedi tua moglie--" Saverio began but froze when my shaky hand instantly shot up and covered his mouth. He glared down at me viciously as I met his hardened gaze with my own steady gaze and begged him not to tell Arosio anything. (Oh, well...about your wife--)

"Please, I am begging you, let me go, please" I whispered with tears pouring down my face before falling onto my knees and folding my hands up to him.

Saverio's eyes widened, genuinely shocked as he remained silent and stared down at me for a few moments. His darkened gaze held an indescribable emotion that I had not seen till this moment.

Was that...compassion?

"Che cos'è Saverio? E mia moglie?" Arosio's furious voice pierced through the phone as I locked my fearful, widened eyes with Saverio's piercing light green eyes and shook my head repeatedly. (What is it Saverio? What about my wife?)

"...Niente. Ehi, ricordi quando eravamo bambini e Mia madre mi ha regalato una piccola colomba per il mio sesto compleanno prima di morire?" Saverio finally broke eye contact with me and instead stared off into the distance as he suddenly began to reminisce about the past with Arosio. (...Nothing. Hey, remember when we were kids and my mom gifted me a little dove for my sixth birthday before she passed away?)

My brows furrowed in confusion but I didn't waste another second and started to ever so slowly crawl towards my luggage a few feet away from me. By now, the train horn had ceased and I looked over my shoulder, only to panic at the sight of the train already waiting for passengers. There were several people boarding from the opposite side of the tracks and I could only assume that Saverio had made it so that no one would enter the side that we were on.

"Che cazzo hai che non va, Saverio? Perché ne parli adesso?" Arosio stated impatiently and I reached my hand back and felt the handle of my luggage behind me. Luckily, Saverio was too preoccupied with staring off into the dark night and his guard still had his back towards us. (What the fuck is wrong with you, Saverio? Why are you talking about that now?)

"Ti ricordi di aver aperto la gabbia della mia piccola colomba e averlo liberato senza il mio permesso?" Saverio muttered darkly into the phone as my eyes remained glued onto him while I slowly stood up with my luggage and began to take small steps back, away from the two men and closer to the train tracks. (Do you remember  opening the cage of my little dove and setting it free without my permission?)

"Cazzo, idiota. Non ho tempo per le tue sciocchezze," Arosio stated darkly into the phone before a beep sound was hard and I could only assume he had hung up on Saverio. (Fuck off, idiot. I don't have time for your nonsense).

Three final horn sounds emitted from the train, signalling that it would be departing in a few moments. My eyes shut tightly as I held onto the handle of my luggage firmly and turned away from Saverio.

This is it.

Without wasting another second, I began sprinting towards the train and didn't dare look back at the dangerous man who had been holding a gun to my head just a few moments ago. I could briefly hear his guard yell in alarm though.

"Don, sta scappando!" his guards frantic yell fell into my ears before I heard Saverio stop him from pursuing me. (Don, she's escaping!)

Confused as to why he would suddenly let me go, I pushed my legs even faster and finally made it to one compartment of the train. A worker was inside, assisting passengers on the other side of the train but I yelled for help.

"Please help me, hurry!" I exclaimed and sighed with relief when she opened the door on my side and helped me up into the train.

Scurrying through the crowds of passengers, I made my way towards an empty seat by the window and thanked the heavens when the train began to leave the platform. Without intending to, my eyes drifted out the window and met the piercing light green eyes that I knew would be the cause of many nightmares to come.

Saverio stood completely still, watching me as the train left the station and never broke eye contact with me. I froze when he suddenly lifted his gun up and stared down at it before looking back to me.

Just when I thought he was about to lift his gun and shoot me from that distance, he lowered it and placed it behind his back before doing something that shocked me even more than anything else that happened tonight.

He smiled at me.


Saverio's guard watched in horror as he allowed the wife of Arosio De Luca to escape. If Arosio ever found out, he would surely kill this guard since he would not be able to harm Saverio in any way.

They are sworn brothers after all.

"Aspetta, Don, per quello che hai detto al signor De Luca..." the guard started but paused, as if contemplating whether he should say anything or not. Saverio rose a perfectly arched brow at his guard and signaled him to say whatever was on his mind. (Wait, Don, about what you told Mr. De Luca...)

"Ho già sentito quella storia. Non è stata la sorella minore del signor De Luca a liberare la tua piccola colomba perché ne provava pietà? E non è stato il signor De Luca che è riuscito a trovare la piccola colomba in cinque ore? Anche se è volato via ed è stato circondato da altre colombe, ha comunque riconosciuto la tua colomba e te l'ha riportata, vero Don?" the guard hesitantly reminded Saverio who smirked back in response and shrugged his shoulders. (I heard that story before. Wasn't it Mr. De Luca's sister who set your little dove free from the cage because she felt pity for it? And wasn't it Mr. De Luca who managed to find  the little dove within 24 hours? Even though it flew away and was surrounded by other doves, he still recognized your dove and brought it back to you, right Don?)

"Oops, ho dimenticato," Saverio stated nonchalantly before making his way out of the train station with his confused guard following in tow. (Oops, I forgot.)

'Consider yourself lucky, carissima cognata, those big round eyes of yours reminded me of my late mother and the little dove she gifted me. All I could do was buy you some more time, but just like my dove in the past, you'll probably never be able to escape from Arosio,' Saverio thought to himself as he released a dark chuckle and left the train station with his unconscious fiance resting on his lap in the backseat of his car. (Dearest sister-in-law)


Hello Lovely Readers!

I had a lot of work to do recently (I work a part time job aha) so thank you for waiting patiently! Here's an extra long chapter!

Who is excited for Saverio D'Amore and Aliana Coldwell's story? If you are then be sure to add 'Resisting the Mafia Boss' to your library and reading lists! I'll be updating that in a day or two!

And as always, please comment your thoughts, I love to read and reply to them!


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