His equal

By Darrenchrisglee

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Grindeldore More

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Wand of elder
Earthly stars
für das größere Wohl


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By Darrenchrisglee

A ray of light penetrated a dark room. Albus awoke and ran his fingers through his sun kissed hair. He looked around and was greeted by a torrent of books that laid at odd angles everywhere. He reached for his wand, flicked it and the books stacked themselves into piles. He ran down the stairs and found a cold bowl of soup and a few slices of bread waiting for him.
"You..made breakfast?" Albus asked abashed.
"No, I suppose the bread just  buttered itself." Aberforth replied indifferently.
"You should've called me."
"Oh so now you're worried. Do you think Ariana eats flies when you don't turn up?"
Last nights shame washed over Albus once more. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it when he heard a polite knock. He averted his eyes to the door and walked towards it instinctively. Aberforth was horror struck.
Albus wrenched open the door stepped out and slammed it close. Rage started to boil inside him. Grindelwald raised an eyebrow.
"You alright?"
"YES!" He said scowling.
"Sorry I'll just.." He pointed his wand at his room and muttered "accio". A dozen books zoomed out of the window.


the pair had fallen over.
"You might want to learn how to control that anger of yours" Gellert said his lips curling as he pulled Albus off the ground. Albus' cheeks flushed.
"Sorry" He said to the grass who listened intently but didn't care to reply.
"Are you going to help me with these or not?"...

The duo walked over to the thicket of trees and spent the entire day going through books, fishing for the whereabouts of the hallows. Albus occasionally raising his eyes to see Gellert, intensely absorbed, his mismatched eyes skimming the page...(unbeknownst to him, so did Gellert)

Grindelwald had abandoned his search for the evening and laid lazily on the grass. He protruded three brilliant blue (a color identical to an eminent pair of eyes) birds who fluttered seamlessly around him. He lifted his head slightly to catch Albus deeply enthralled in a copy of 'Magick Moste Evile'. He sent the flock at him.
"Gellert?" Albus muttered clearly startled as birds nipped his ears affectionately.
"Stop it" Said Albus Still reading.
"Make me" Gellert replied in a bored voice. Albus looked up annoyed, drew his wand and in an instant the birds vanished. He then shut the book and threw it at Grindelwald who stopped it, inches from his face. He looked up from the book smiling, he had succeeded. Albus walked over and sat beside his companion.
"What do you want?" Albus asked gazing at the trees that shuddered slightly in the breeze.
"Weren't the birds obvious enough of for you?" Gellert replied distractedly.
"You know what, I agree with Aberforth. You can be a dim witted gargoyle sometimes." He then ran his fingers through Albus' auburn hair and very slowly caressed his cheeks that were now deep red...

"It's for the muggles own good you know. Remember what I told you about?"
"The wars you mean?"
"Yes, it won't be long now"
"How does it work?" Albus asked curiously. Gellert looked at him, puzzled.
"-your visions, I mean. How do you know for sure it's-"
"Real." Gellert completed.
"I keep forgetting you know close to nothing about divination, you're rather well informed on everything else" he teased, not unkindly. Dumbledore looked rattled.
"I don't." Grindelwald finished. A sudden thought crossed Albus' mind.
"Have you seen, me?"
"Perhaps" Gellert replied.
"What did we-I-do?" Grindelwald smiled.
"Visions can be misleading, most prophecies are fulfilled because they're acted upon"
"Oh come on!" Albus protested.
"I'll tell you after it comes to pass"
"What's the point then" Gellert sighed.
"In that case" He pulled Dumbledore by the scruff of his shirt...

Albus walked home reminiscing how he just lay there in Gellert's arms under a dark sky, spangled with glittering stars, conversing about anything and everything. As he approached the door no one stood waiting for him. He didn't mind he was to meet Gellert tomorrow and the day after that...forever he hoped.
He climbed onto bed and waited for sleep to entice him. It did not come thus he rolled off and addressed a letter.

Your point about Wizard dominance being FOR THE MUGGLE'S OWN GOOD -- this, I think, is the crucial point. Yes, we have been given power and yes, that power gives us the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled. We must stress this point, it will be the foundation stone upon which we build. Where we are opposed, as we surely will be, this must be the basis of all our counterarguments. We seize control FOR THE GREATER GOOD. And from this it follows that where we meet resistance, we must use only the force that is necessary and no more. (This was your mistake at Durmstrang! But I do not complain, because if you had not been expelled, we would never have met.)
Albus concluded by signing his name in his usual slanted handwriting, but filled in the symbol of the deathly hallows where his initial A ought to be.

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