Saints: The Supernatural Scho...

By TonyTheTigersBFF

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In the next installment of the Saints: The Supernatural School series, we follow Thomas, a unique tribrid who... More

Cast Of Saints: The Supernatural School - Year 2
Brother (Chapter 2)
Neighbors (Chapter 3)
Back Home (Chapter 4)
A Fairie's Summer (Chapter 5)
You Okay? (Chapter 6)
A Start of A Tell (Chapter 7)
Author Note
Fairness (Chapter 8)
New Day (Chapter 9)
A Party That Ends In Betrayal (Chapter 10)
1st Day Back (Chapter 11)
Broken Love (Chapter 12)
Deer Thomas (Chapter 13)

Lake House (Chapter 1)

736 43 7
By TonyTheTigersBFF

Thomas POV

" Are you fully pack?" My mom asks me as I grab my duffel bag and head downstairs to the kitchen. My mom is in the kitchen with my dad. " Yes I am," I tell her as I drop the bag next to the back door. " is your bedroom clean?" my mom asks me as she walks over to the fridge. She opens it up and pulls out little sandwiches. " Yes mom," I tell as I look into our cabinets for a water bottle to take with me.

"Well do you want something to eat." my mom asks me. I reach into one of the cabinets to find a Hamilton water bottle that I got was year in New York City. I go over to the sink and start to fill up my water bottle. " No am good. Sky took me to a birthday lunch." I tell her as I cap my bottle. My birthday is coming up in two days. I will be 17 years old. She has been like this for the past week. She Is nervous about letting me go to Jonah's summer cabin for the weekend. " Are you sure?" She asks me again but this time my dad answers the question.

She has also been stressing out because my grandfather just got back into town yesterday and he has no plan on leaving. It looks to be that he is going to stay with us again. So my mother has been making sure everything has been done around the house so he doesn't say anything about it.

"Honey he's fine. The Road family is a good pack." My dad says trying to ensure her. My dad meets tons of different packs all over the world. So am not surprised he knows Jonah's family pack. " It's just that they live in Texas and we live in Washington State." She tells us as I roll my eyes. " Mom his Cabin is in Colorado. It's not in Texas. " I tell her again. Her face lights up. " Oh yeah, I Forget." She says happily to me.

Beep Beep

I look down at my phone to see Jonah text me.

Am ready for you to come when you ready. The house is all ready for a great week by our sleeves.

When I see the message my face lights up. I haven't been able to see him since the end of school. Of course, we have been facetiming each other almost every day, but it's just not the same. I really miss him. I can't wait to see him.

I'll be there soon. I can't wait to see you.

I sent it back to him.

To get there am going to teleport. I know am still underage but it's an easy way to get there. Besides both my parents okay it.

" Am about to leave to his house " I tell my mom and dad in the kitchen as I head to the backyard. I pick up my bags on the way out. " Wait, Thomas" I hear a shout from upstairs. It sounds like Adam. I watch as Adam walks down the stairs case to me. " Am going to miss you little bro" He tells me as he hugs me. Adam got a job at the Wizard Council as a Bad Wizard Catcher, so he about to move out of the house to make sure we stay safe. He has always wanted to be a Bad Wizard Catcher since he was young. My grandfather used to be one before he made it on the Wizard Council. Adam has been training since he started school to become one and now he is one. " Am going to miss you too" I tell him as I hug him back. He is leaving tomorrow for his new place so won't really get to see him often. He lets go and goes back upstairs.

" I think I better get now," I tell my parents as hug them. " We see you in a week baby." She tells me as she hugs me tight. I don't know why she is acting like she is going to see me again until next summer. When I get back from Jonah's house we still have two more days till school starts. " You too mom," I tell her as I walk outside. " Have a good birthday "my mom says as my dad shuts the back door. He is also outside as well. I think this means he wants to tell me something important.

" Yes, dad?" I ask him curiously. I look around outside to see it cloudy and looks to me like it's going to rain soon. That how it is in Washington." Son, you know wolf pack, especially from down south, are raised differently than how you and Sky we're raised here," I tell him as I cut him off. " Dad, I know besides his family is not going to be there. So there is nothing to worry about. " I tell him trying to reinsure him that I'm safe. I know he is just worried about my health and well being. " I know second off. I want you to have there's " He tells me as he pulls condoms out of his pocket. I can't believe he just did that.

" OH MY LORD THAT PUT THOSE AWAY!" I tell him as I cover his hand. " Thomas safe sex is very important. " He tells me as he is being Serious. Both my Dad and Mom know about me and Jonah but I should have just said he was a friend of mine. " Okay dad ill take them just so I don't have to this talk with you," I tell him as I shove them into my bag. I have had sex before and so has Jonah but never together yet. But am not sure yet if we are ready to have sec together yet anyway.

" Okay good son, have a good trip and have a good birthday."He tells him as I walk off the porch onto the grass. I put down my bag. I have done a portal lime twice before and it's not that hard to conjure. I close my eyes and grab my ward and pull out and wave it around. I think about Jonah and where he is and how much want to be there. " Portal," I say as I open my eye I feel a gush of wind hit my face. Look to see a portal. I grab my bag I look behind me to see that my dad is waving at me. I wave back at him as I walk through. When I make it to the other side I get hit by a rain of sun. I turn around to see the portal close.

I look around to see that am in Someone's backyard. I really hope I am in Jonah's backyard. It only takes a couple of seconds for me to confirm that. I hear the door to the cabin open and I turn around to see my boyfriend. When I see him he is running towards me so I also run for speed towards him as well. When he reached me he picked me up off the ground and I lean into him and we kiss each other. " I have missed you, " he says to me as he puts me down on the ground softly. " I've missed you too," I tell him as I kiss him again. He picks up my bag for me and walks us inside.

When we walk inside the cabin couldn't be any more normal. Just a two-story cabin. We are standing in the kitchen and the in front of the kitchen is a little dining room and then the living to the left." We are lucky the lake is open to swimming still. So we have the whole cabin to our sleeves to cook and have fun. " He says to me as he pulls me in close. " Am happy when am with you," I tell him as we lean into a kiss again when the sound of a phone goes off.

We both pull out our phones but it's not either one of ours. " Who's phone is that?" He asks me as we follow the sound. The sound takes us to a landline. " Oh no way, we still have a landline," He says as we both laugh. He grabs the phone and clicks the speaker button. " Hello?" He says into the phone.

" Jonah?" I hear some say from the other line. " Yes?" He replies to the person on the other line. " Jonah, It's your mom." The person says as his mouth drops. "Mom, why are you calling on the landline?" he asks her as I can't but laughs at him. I haven't met his mom yet but he not even out yet so am not going to be forcing him anytime soon. " I just want to see if the phone line still works or not. " She says as we both laugh more. " Well bye mom," He says but she stops him from talking. " WAIT NO." He says as he gives out a goan. "Yes, mom," he asks her.

" I told the other neighbors that you were coming and there want me to tell you to by their house in like ten minutes to pick up some food for you and your friend. Is your friend there yet" She asked him. " No, he's not here yet, and ill go pick up the food bye." He says to her he hangs up the phone. Why did he lie about me being there? " Sorry, Thomas if said yes we would have been on that call for hours." He tells me as laugh at him. He pulls me into him and kisses me on the cheek.

" Do you want me to come with you? " I ask him as he signs. " Nah it's fine, the neighbors here are very different than what you used to and I don't want you meeting them." He says to me. How are there different than normal people? I would assume there are normal. " I'll be back in ten minutes. Just find a bedroom for us and unpack while you wait for me to return" he said to me a bit sternly. Am a little cut off from this but I know he just wants me to be safe. I grab him by the hand. " Jonah is fine, you know I can protect myself," I tell him as he shakes his head up and down. " I just don't want to lose you, Thomas," He says as he put his head against my own. " I'll be back," He tells me as runs out of the house. I watch him through a window to see him run to his truck. I forget he drove up here.

I guess I should unpack my belongings. I grab my bag and pull out my ward and put it in my ward holder. Sky bought me one for my birthday this year.  The ward holder goes on the side of your pants so it's easy to pull out your ward. I usually just keep my ward in my pocket or my backpack.

I up walk the stairs in his house. Along the walls of his staircase is family photos. In the photos are him and his family here at this cabin or should I say lake house. In one photo I see him when he was two being hold by some other darker skin boy. The darker skin boy seems to be like 4 in the photo. Must be a neighbor. But I keep walking up the stairs.

I see four doors down a hallway. The hallway is also covered in photos of his family. I try the first door on the left and it's a bathroom. I try the door directly across from the bathroom and that just turns out to be a laundry room. I look down the hall there is a door on the left and a down straight down the middle. Walk over to the door on the left and I turn the knob and it was locked. The door doesn't have an outside lock or anything. How could a door be lock from the inside unless?

Before I can question it the door flies open and am throw against the wall. My Body crushes one of the photos. I feel glass shards go into my body. I drop my bag on the ground in response. " AHH" I shout as shove him back into his room my feet. The guy was suspecting this to happen. The man is much taller and bigger than me. I see him starting to get up to make a break for the downstairs. I run as fast as my legs can run. Make it to the stairs case. I thought I had a lead on him. I make it to the last step and turn around to him jumping off the staircase. I Was going to make a break out the front door, but now he has the door cover by his huge body. I could get backdoor but it's lock so it would take at least three seconds to open it." WHY ARE YOU HERE" he shouts at me I see his eyes turn green. He is a wolf with no pack.

I grab my ward out of the holder. I point at him. When he sees me do this he makes a break for me. He trying to stop me before casting a spell. " must..." is all am able to get out before he tackles me to the ground. He knocked the ward out of my hand. I could have tried not using my ward again but I can't take that risk. Then I felt his claws rip down my shoulder. " ALEXANDER " I shout out loud hoping he hears me.

Let's get this bitch

I have Alexander tell me.

I feel my body has grown and my eyes turn red. I push him off me and he is shocked by this act of power. " A WOLF?" He says to me confused. " poison" I tell Alexander in my mind. I watch as the guy starts to cough and choke. But that won't even stop him because comes back to me and start to starch a huge part of my chest up. " AAHHH" I scream really loud.

Then I see him go up in the air. I grab on to my chest as I can feel the blood leave my body. I should be able to heal my body but any Dragon power I was using is gone now. My body is too weak to hold. I feel Alexander leave my mind " Thomas!" I hear Jonah tell me as he runs up to me. He looks at my shirt to see a giant claw mark cut out of my shirt. He gets on the ground next to me. " Am fine my body is healing. " I tell him as I can feel the cut closing fast. I guess it helps me to be a wolf and a dragon. " I tell him as he helps me on my feet. We both look backs t the ground who is facing the ground so we can't see his face.

" Jonah my ward," I tell him as I point to the ground. He runs up to it and hands it to me. I see Jonah is in his wolf mode. His eyes are yellow. His claws are out too. I point my ward at the man. I can tell we must look crazy right now because Jonah looks like he could murder anyone in a minute and then I am cover in blood with no cuts. Also, a shirt so rips up it barely holding on.

We watch the guy get up and face us. " BRIAN" He shouts at the man. He knows him. " Brother!" He says back to him in a very happy and joyful voice. Wait there are brothers?

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