Brother (Chapter 2)

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Thomas POV

I can't believe that guy is Jonah's brother. He looks nothing like him. " Why are you here" I hear Jonah say as he walks over to him and kicks him. I can tell there don't get along well.

" I didn't think anyone would be here. I've been staying here since April when I got kicked out of boarding school." He says to him as Jonah gives him a death gare. Am shocked Jonah hasn't tried to murder him. " No one has been here in like six years so didn't think anyone would show up." He says as he looks up at me. He has DeWolf himself. He back to looking human.

" Who the hot guy," He says to Jonah as Jonah's face goes red. " Am Jonah's..." I try to him boyfriend but Jonah cuts me off. " Best Friend," He says to finish my sentence. I forgot he doesn't want his family to know about him yet. That was a close one so I need to watch my mouth around his brother. " So he's single?" His brother asks Jonah as Jonah hits him in the stomach. " I thought you were straight?" Jonah asks him confused. " I went to the all-boys boarding school. After eight weeks a hole is a hole." He says to us as I want to throw up. " Am going to take a shower to get all this blood off my body. You two have fun figuring out what's going on" I tell them as Jonah's face goes long. I know Jonah wants me to stay with him but am soaked in blood and it's sticky.

" will be fast at least," Jonah says to me as he gives me puppy eyes. " Yeah it leaves you two enough time to talk about what's going on here," I tell them as I walk up the stairs. Walk into the hallway and grab my bag to find a new outfit. I walk into the restroom and turn the shower on hot. I hope blood is easy to clean off my body.

I get into the shower and realized that it is way too hot. It feels like it's burning my skin off. I have to adjust it to make it colder.

While being in the shower I think about Jessica and how she is doing. This whole summer her family has been out in Belgium with the Fairies there. Her phone doesn't work over in a different country but I have been able to send her mail but it's just not the same as spending hours on face time talking about dumb things.

I also think about Beth and Jeb. Over the Summer Beth and I have got closer. We Facetime a lot to talk about what was excited about this next school year. Especially learning more about different types of magic courses. She has also been keeping me updated on Jeb and Jeb's family. Jeb's parents are going to spend the next 20 years of their life behind bars. Which I thought there would have made it a life sentence. She has also talked to me about Lucas and Samuel. Beth told me that she gets to talk to them only once a week from back home. Their home life isn't great or anything. But she also informed me that Samuel and Lucas join a football team and may become all Americans, so that would be great for them.

Sadly I haven't heard much from Ned, Liam, Charlotte, or Mark this past summer as well. I know Ned spend most of the summer training to better at Magic. He did call me twice asking different magic questions. Mark lives in a different country so it is hard to try to get in contact with him. Liam and Charlotte are just themselves.

As I get done taking a shower I put on some basic baseball shorts and a tank top. I walk downstairs to hear them yelling at each other. " No, you can't stay here! Go home!" Jonah shouts at his older brother. I tell there had been arguing this whole time. " Jonah calm down," I tell him as I walk into the kitchen. I would go up to him and hold his hand and hug him but I don't want his brother to know about us. So I just have acted like we are friends.

" Am staying here until the school year starts then I'll head back home. Please Jonah just let me stay." I hear his brother I think his name is Brian beg to Jonah. This makes me feel guilty for him. But that could just be the good person in me. " I want this time alone from our family." He says to him as I walk into the living room. I sit down on the couch. That's when I notice they have a huge TV. Next to it is a shelf of movies and tv shows. I get back up and walk past the yelling brothers to check out the movies.

" Are you just going to act like we are not here?" I hear Jonah tell me as I don't face them. I pick up the first movie I see. " Yeah, it's kinda weird that you just acting like nothing is happening." Brian also says adding on to his brother's sentence. " You two just need to calm down. It's not a big deal. Jonah just let him stay. You can still have your week away from your family as long as Brian takes his comment to a minimum. " I tell them as I grab the movie Speed out and out it into the DVD player. Jonah's mouth drops.

" Thank you. Jonah please I will keep the comments to a minimum. Trust me. " Brian tells his younger brother. " Thomas are you sure, he did try to murder you," Jonah tells me as he looks defeated. " Yeah and if he tries to hurt me. Then you have full permission to murder him. " I say as Brian laughs but not me and Jonah. I am joking but I don't it to seem like I am joking though. " Okay fine, you can stay here but you must keep your comments to a minimum and after this week you have to go back home," Jonah says as he sticks out his hand for his brother to shake. Which is brother does joyfully. I really hope I didn't make a bad choice here.

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