Just Like the Day I Met You...

Autorstwa randomperson42169

23K 385 375

It's been quite sometime since that goodbye in Kalos. Their travels were some of the best times of their live... Więcej

Are You Okay?
Where To Next?
A Recollection of the Past
A Nice Day Out
Fates Align: Part 1
Fates Align: Part 2
Fates Align: Part 3
Fates Align: Part 4
The Third Date?
A Reminder From Long Ago
Coming Along for the Ride

Galar! Here We Come!

1.8K 34 25
Autorstwa randomperson42169

*A/N: The video above is recommended if you want to get the same vibe as the anime when they get to Gigantamaxing/Dynamaxing. I put it at a specific point. Also, Gou and Ash will be staying in Galar for approximately 5 days. Hope you enjoy!*

October 21: Wyndon City
*Ash POV*

"GOU!!!" I yelled for my friend.

"What do you want Ash?" Gou asked. I guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"We have to go to Wyndon Stadium to participate in the Gigantamax Tournament!" I said. I was quite eager for my upcoming battles.

"Fine, but after this I have to catch more Pokemon." Gou grumbled.

"Let's go!" I yelled out. We soon ran outside, on route to the stadium.

I must have ran fairly quickly because I had just arrived at the stadium a few minutes later. Gou was still all the way in the back, I could see him quite a few blocks away.

Eh, he will get here eventually. I entered the building and went to a booth. I got my tournament number and registered my three Pokemon.

The man at the booth told me to head in line to wait for my battle. I thanked him for the help and walked towards the line.

There are quite a few trainers here. I guess time passed fairly quickly because soon I got to the front of the line. There was a woman with a checklist right in front of me.

"Ash Ketchum, right?" said the woman.

"Yeah, that's me." I responded.

"You're battle is up next." she told me.

"Great, can't wait." I said.

A few minutes later, she soon let me pass through. I walked down the hallway and could see the entrance to the battlefield.

*I'm too lazy to write more than one battle so let's say he makes it to the finals and has to face off against... Kabu the Fire Type Gym Leader in Galar!*

"Welcome to the Gigantamax Tournament Finals here in Wyndon Stadium! Please welcome... Ash Ketchum from Kanto!" the announcer said.

I made my way out of the hallway walking to the battlefield. I could hear many people cheering for me. It probably could be that some knew I was the Alolan Champ.

"Annnnnnd, please welcome your famous Fire Type Gym Leader of Galar... Kabu!!!" The crowd roared with excitement. I'm pretty sure that's because he is their gym leader after all.

He walked up to the battlefield. He gave me a look and seemed pretty tough. Well he is very athletic, judging from his muscles. We walked towards the middle of the field.

We both shook hands silently. Then the ref told us to get into battle positions.

The ref then said, "Trainers, release your starting Pokemon."

"Gengar, I choose you!" I said, throwing the Pokeball.

"Ninetails, come on out." said the man.

Both Pokemon stood ready for battle.

The ref then said, "Battle Start!"

"Go ahead make your move." I told the man.

"As you wish... Ninetails use Fire Blast!" Kabu called out. You could hear his voice, it had a tough tone.

"Gengar, use Night Shade to stop the Fire Blast!" I called out.

Both attacks hit evenly as it caused an explosion.

"Now let's make our move Gengar, use Shadow Ball!" I yelled.

The Shadow Ball flew at an incredible speed and managed to catch Kabu by surprise. It got a hit on Ninetails causing some serious damage.

"I guess I will have to get more serious." the older man grumbled.

"Ninetails let's keep up our attack! Use Quick Attack!" Kabu said.

"Gengar use Psychic and stop Ninetails in it's tracks!" I called the ghost Pokemon.

"Gengar!" Gengar said. You could see its eyes were glowing blue.

Gengar was barely holding Ninetails back, but Ninetails wasn't giving in.

"Break right through!!" called out the gym leader.

"Come on Gengar!, you can do it!" I told Gengar. I was at most trying to give it encouragement.

Gengar couldn't hold it any longer and got hit by the Quick Attack. It sent Gengar a feet yards back.

I could see it took damage, but still Gengar was ready for more.

"Come on Gengar let's end this, use multiple Shadow Balls!" I told my Gengar.

"Gen... GAR-GAR-GAR-GAR!!!" it cried out, sending multiple Shadow Balls.

"Ninetails use Fire Blast to get rid of them!" said Kabu. He did sound quite worried.

The Fire Blast did manage to get some of the Shadow Balls but not all of them. They came flying down and converged on Ninetails. It then hit Ninetails all at once. Smoke came out as they made contact.

The smoke cleared and I saw the Ninetails with spirals in it's eyes.

"Ninetails is unable to battle, so Gengar is the winner!" said the ref.

"Thank you Ninetails for your assistance." said Kabu returning the fainted Pokemon.

"Let's keep it up Gengar!" I told my Pokemon. I was quite eccentric after another win.

"Gengar!" said Gengar. I guess he liked winning, just like me.

"I see your not an easy opponent... So, Arcanine come on out!" said the man. He through a Pokeball out on the field.

"ARCANINE!!" roared the giant fire wolf Pokemon.

"Let's keep the fire raging by starting it off with Flare Blitz!" called out the gym leader.

"Gengar use Night Shade to stop it!" I called out.

The move hit but didn't manage to deal much damage to the speedy Arcanine. Then, Gengar got hit hard by the Flare Blitz. It sent Gengar flying and hit the barrier of the stadium. Next, I saw Gengar collapsed on the floor.

"Gengar is unable to battle, so Arcanine is the winner!" said the ref.

"Thank you Gengar, you put up a good fight." I told my Pokemon while returning it. I soon put Gengar's Pokeball away in my belt and took out my second Pokeball.

"Dragonite, let's go!" I called out. I threw my second Pokeball out.

"DRAGON!" said Dragonite.

"Arcanine, use Extreme Speed!" said Kabu. I guess he wanted a quick hit.

"We can take it, so use Dragon Dance!" I exclaimed.

The Arcanine came fast and hit Dragonite. It didn't manage to deter Dragonite though, since the Dragon Dance managed to increase  Dragonite's power.

"One more time, Dragon Dance!" I called out.

"Oh no you don't! Arcanine use Flare Blitz!" said Kabu.

With increased speed, Dragonite manages to pull off the Dragon Dance quicker and even dodge the attack.

"Now, let's go for the offensive! Dragonite, use Dragon Claw!" I told the dragon Pokemon.

"Arcanine use Play Rough!" said Kabu. I knew he was hoping to get one super-effective hit.

The increased speed for sure helped but Arcanine still managed to get the Play Rough to hit. My Dragonite got hit but still had more to give.

"Use Hurricane!" I told Dragonite.

Dragonite got the Hurricane to hit and did a lot of damage thanks to the Dragon Dances.

"Flare Blitz, one more time!!" called out Kabu.

"Let's go head on once more! Dragon Claw!!!" I yelled out. I guess I was getting fired up!

Both came racing down towards each other and both got hit. It was a stalemate. It must have been a minute or two because suddenly...

Arcanine fell sideways and didn't get up.

"Arcanine is unable to battle, so the winner is Dragonite!" said the ref.

"That's how we do it! Great job Dragonite, let's use our increased power to our advantage." I told Dragonite. He hugged me. I guess he really likes hugs.

"Thank you Arcanine for an amazing battle." Kabu said, returning the fainted Pokemon back into it's Pokeball.

"Now, I'm really fired up for this battle!" said Kabu. You can really sense his enthusiasm with the sound of his voice.

"Centiskorch come out for battle!" said the Fire-type Gym Leader.

*Play the video right now if you want a battle experience like Leon vs Raihan in the anime*

"Burn bright, Centiskorch. Let Gigantamax change your form!" said Kabu. Was I dreaming or did I really see Kabu have flames in his eyes when he said that?

"Dragonite, stay alert!" I told my Pokemon. I was quite worrisome of what I was to expect, since I haven't really battled with Dynamax in a while.

Then, Kabu returned his Centiskorch and the Dynamax energy from his Dynamax Band rushed towards the Pokeball. Suddenly it grew massive and Kabu threw it behind him. Then, all we saw was the towering fire centipede Pokemon above us. All I could say was...

"Dragonite use Hyper Beam!" I said nervously.

"Come on Centiskorch, let's end this." "USE G-MAX CENTIFERNO!!!" Kabu boomed from his position.

The moves collided and stood at a stalemate until the flames broke through and hit Dragonite. He still stood for a couple of seconds but then fell face flat. Dragonite was out for the count.

"Dragonite is unable to battle, so the winner is Centiskorch!" said the ref.

"Thank you Dragonite for this battle, you were great." I told it before returning it back to it's Pokeball.

"Now, can you feel our fire burning! Will you manage to extinguish my raging flames or be engulfed by them?" asked Kabu. He was grinning at me, probably acting all smug about it.

"There are many things I can manage to do and beating you is just one of them." I responded back.

"I like your fire kid, but I won't hold back." said the gym leader.

"Now, Pikachu get ready for battle buddy!" I said calling my partner. He then jumped off my shoulder and onto the battlefield.

"Pika!" he said. I could see his red cheeks were sparking up, ready for battle.

"I know it's been a while since we've tried this, but let's do it. Pikachu, let's Gigantamax!" I exclaimed.

Pikachu looked at me and nodded.

He then ran up to me and the energy from my Dynamax Band was starting to build up. As if we were going to use our 10 Million Thunderbolt Z-move, Pikachu's tail smacked my band transfering the Dynamax energy into his body.

Then, Pikachu started to grow in size rivaling Kabu's Centiskorch. Once he finished growing, Pikachu let out a loud, "PEEEEEE."

"How did you manage to Gigantamax without a Pokeball?!" said Kabu. I guess he was quite surprised by the action.

"I actually don't know." I responded.

"That doesn't matter now, Centiskorch use Max Flutterby!" yelled Kabu.

"Pikachu use Max Steelspike!" I yelled to Pikachu. *A/N: He can use this move because of Iron Tail, for those of you who are confused.*

Both moves collide in the middle but Max Flutterby breaks through and hits Pikachu.

"PIKACHU! Are you okay?" I asked him. I was worried that he might not be used to Gigantamax.

"PIIII!" boomed back my large Pikachu.

"We've got one move left so let's make it count Centiskorch!" called out Kabu.

"USE G-MAX CENTIFERNO!!!" yelled the gym leader.

"LET'S END THIS NOW PIKACHU!" USE G-MAX VOLT CRASH!!!!" I yelled out. I felt the need to say it with an even greater voice.

Pikachu sent up a thunderbolt up into the sky. Suddenly, lightning clouds were forming right above Centiskorch. When it started to get ready to use it's final move...


The lightning bolts fell down. It was so bright, I had to cover my face. If I would have looked up, I would become blind.

Then, the smoke and light faded away revealing the fire centipede Pokemon had reverted back. I then noticed the spirals in its eyes.

"Centiskorch is unable to battle, so the winner is Pikachu!" "That means that the winner of this battle is Ash!" called out the ref.


The crowd roared in excitement. I guess they liked our battle. A bright red light started to form around Pikachu.  Then, Pikachu reverted back to it's normal size.

"Pika!" squealed out. Pikachu was really excited over his win.

"You were awesome buddy!" I said in agreement.

"Hey kid, thank you for this battle, me and my Pokemon really enjoyed it. I think Leon might have some challenge if he ever faces against you!" said Kabu.    I guess he was being sincere.

"No problem, Kabu and thanks for the compliment!" I said to the gym leader.

Kabu nodded and soon walked off the arena.

"Now for the winner of our Gigantamax Tournament, they get as a reward this trophy, some elite battle items, and finally a 1v1 against Leon himself!!!!" said the announcer. The tournament staff handed me my rewards, but I was more intrigued by the upcoming battle.

Wow, I did not think I would be battling Leon! Is that what Kabu meant when he said I would be a challenge for him?

"Mr. Ketchum would you mind telling us a few words on your victory?" asked a reporter.

"Umm, all I can say is that I enjoyed it and can't wait for my battle with Leon." I responded.

*A/N: I know this is an Amourshipping story but it still has to show some battles because that is Ash's passion. Don't worry about this battle because it has implications in a later chapters. The next chapter is still going to be Ash's POV but Serena will be back after that chapter. Also, the contents of the elite battle items are revealed next chapter. I dont have much battles planned for this story. Maybe later on in the story there could be another 4 battles or 5 battles. Anyways, on to the next chapter.*

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