Jackpot baby: Devil May Cry 3...

By chasy2804

24.6K 514 35

Even though Devil May cry was the first game but I thought it make sense because the begin of Devil May cry 3... More

Mission 1 (Rewrite)
Mission 2 (Rewrite)
Mission 3 (Rewrite)
Mission 5 (Rewrite)
Mission 6 (Rewrite)
Mission 7 (Rewrite)
Mission 8 (Rewrite)
Mission 9 (Rewrite)
Mission 10 (Rewrite)
Mission 11 (Rewrite)
Mission 12 (Rewrite)
Mission 13 (Rewrite)
Mission 14 (Rewrite)
Mission 15 (Rewrite)
Mission 16 (Rewrite)
Mission 17(Rewrite)
Mission 18(Rewrite)
Mission 19(Rewrite)
Mission 20(Rewrite)

Mission 4 (Rewrite)

1.7K 34 0
By chasy2804

(Y/N)'s POV

Me and Dante started walking towards the door after we defeated the Cerberus, me and Dante see an statue of some skeleton's with wings on.  I was a little weird out but I didn't pay attention to it because my main focus was back to the room again so I started to walking ahead but I felt some kind of light headed and all of a sudden I started to get dizzy and Dante noticed something was wrong with me as soon as Dante came closer to me.  I started to closed my eyes and I must've fell down.

Dante's POV

(Y/n) passed out, but before she could hit her head.   I catch her quick before she could even hit the floor.  I started thinking to myself, 'probably tired from fighting lately.' I said to myself in my head.  (Y/n)'s (h/c) hair was covering her face before I move some of her hair out of her face before I started talking to myself, "(Y/n). I don't know what I will do without you." I said to myself.  (Y/n) started to breath in and out but she was so tired that I couldn't leave her behind so I give her a piggyback ride even though I couldn't used my sword right now it was better then leaving (y/n) behind.  I wanted to tell her how I feel but after I saw what just happened I had to wait till she feels better.

I carried her on my back while I was trying to find which way that we are supposed to go then I realize there were stairs or should I saw a lot of stairs but I had to keep going, then I see a blue door so I open the door and as soon I open the door there were demons out there so I had to put (Y/n) down nice and gently before grabbing my sword and my guns to killed demons before continuing to go forward there was only a little bit of demons so it was easy to deal with and after I was done with the last one I had to go back downstairs to grabbed (Y/n) again and headed back upstairs to get through the other door.   I open the door and there was a lot of demons so I had to do something fast before I could even put her down I hear a groan coming from her so I moved my head back to face her and she was started to wake up and I was able to see her (e/c) eyes and her (h/c) hair started to move as her head started to move and that's when her eyes stare back at mine. 

(Y/n) started to move but I help her down off my back, "Hey you alright?" I asked (Y/n) with a bit of a worried tone in my voice.  (Y/n) looks at me before telling me, "Yeah I am alright but right now let's fight demons then I tell you." (Y/n) said to me before she was getting her sword out from her back and started to hit demons with her sword so I pull my out my sword and we started fighting demons till they were no more so I asked her again, "Hey, (Y/n), what happened to you?" I ask (Y/n) with a worried tone in my voice.  (Y/n) was looking at me before she started talking, "I don't know what happened we were walking in and then I just black out but I have been fine lately I am healthy so it couldn't be a coincidence. I don't know Dante, but this is not stopping me to turn back, you need me on this mission Dante." (Y/n) said to me with a small smile on her face. 

(Y/n) was right I couldn't do this without her but I have to make sure she doesn't get sick but I know she is a strong woman, she is a tough woman I ever met in my whole life and that's why I love about her, I have to to tell her how I feel about her, "Hey, (Y/n)? I wanted to asked you something?" I ask (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she ask me, "What's up Dante?" (Y/n) ask me.  I'll look at her before telling her, "I been thinking about you and me now and I think I started to have a crush on you since forever and I know we became good friends but sometimes you just make me smile and laugh and even though I can be a hard head and I eat pizza too much but I hope you give me a chance but if that's not okay with you." I said to (Y/n) with a blush that was on my face.  

(Y/n) looks at me before her face was turned red before she started walking towards to me and she looks at me before she kisses me on my lips.  I didn't back this out because I return her kiss back to her because I thought she will say no but for some reason she didn't.  (Y/n) really likes me and I was happy with this.  We both let go of each other and we were blushing red already but we didn't care at all, (Y/n) like me and I like her to but we had to be focus right now so the two of us walk upstairs to get to the door and it leads us to an area that there are statues there so me and (Y/n) had to break them with our swords so we can go up and it work we were able to go up.

(Y/n)'s POV

Dante confess his feelings to me and I was happy that he did and now we are happy that we got our first kiss and our first relationship.  We got on the stone floor elevator that took us up and there was light and there had to be more demons that show up and me and Dante started to smile at each other before he grabs my hand and started swinging me in a circle and I understood what he was doing so I did was I turn sideways so I could hit them with my gun and it was working well for the both of us and the demons were dead so we went straight to the green door and we were back well kinda but we are a little higher then before, so me Dante started walking up some stairs and we were at a yellow door and it lead us to a another door but it was block. 

We didn't know where the demons could be so me and Dante spotted stone stairs and as so we made it mid point the stairs came down and of course being a full human that I am could die from hitting the ground hard.  Luckily, Dante grabbed me in bridal style, "Thanks Dante." I said to Dante with a little smile on my face.  Dante looks at me before telling me, "I couldn't let my girlfriend die. I need you to." Dante said to me with a small smirk on his face.  I'll just blush at his comment  before we noticed there was demons in here with us.  Dante put me down and we go off fighting demons again and we were getting tired of it. 

After, we were done at fighting demons we were able to go back to where the yellow and red doors were at and now we were able to go inside the red door now and as soon we open the door there was a demon worm that was flying around so me and Dante had to shoot it and of course I still had my dagger on me so I start stabbing it while Dante was shooting it and it work because the demon worm was making noises in pain, but Dante used his sword to attack the demon worm.  The demon worm was firing some fire balls at us, but me and Dante got out of the way before we noticed the demon worm was going in one hole to another hole, so me and Dante started running till we started attacking the demon worm till it was finally dead.

We were laughing at this because it felt like the longest fight that we have done with other demons, but this fight with this demon worm was like a little hard, but me and Dante were able to kill it, "You alright?" Dante ask me.  I look at Dante before telling him, "Yes. I am okay, Dante." I said to Dante with a small smile on my face.  Dante looks at me before he grabs my chin before checking up on me to make sure there was no cuts or bruises on me.  I'll laugh at this because Dante was making sure that I was okay, "Dante. I told you that I am fine. No need to check up on me." I said to Dante with a small smile on my face.  Dante just chuckles at me before telling me, "Well, I just want to make sure." Dante said to me with a smile on his face.  

The other door was open, so I was going to come down but Dante being a true gentleman he is. He wanted to help me down so I jump down to him and Dante caught me in time and I gave Dante a kiss on the cheek before Dante put me down so we ran to the door and there we were the on other side of another room and I saw something on a square hole and I saw something shiny so I grabbed it but as soon as I grabbed it, I thought I feel something is wrong but I couldn't place my finger on it so I told Dante, "Dante. Get your guns out." I said to Dante.  Dante looks at me before he ask me, "(Y/n)? Is something wrong?" Dante ask me.  I'll look at Dante before telling him, "Something doesn't seem right." I said to Dante with a unsure tone in my voice.  Dante looks at me before he places a kiss on my forehead before we started walking back towards the door again.

Luckily, Dante believes me so he went in front of me, but when Dante tried to get the door open but the door didn't want to open so Dante told me to stay back and I listen to him and he went back and run full straight to the door to kick it down but it didn't budge open it was still closed, Dante got pissed off and got his guns out to tried to shoot it.  I was about to say something but I felt a hand on face till I heard a creepy voice coming from behind me, "Yoo hoo!" A creepy voice yells out to Dante.  Dante turns around to see me getting grabbed by a creepy jester that was holding my face, Dante wanted to shoot him but he knew he couldn't because I was there with him so he couldn't before I could say something the creepy jester started talking "There's no need to get violence, devil boy unless you want something to happen to your girlfriend." The creepy jester said to Dante.  Dante noticed the jester was holding my face real tight before Dante puts his guns back on the creepy jester.

The creepy jester start bring me closer to Dante before he started talking to him, "Wait, wait, wait, better listen to what others say, lad." The Jester said to Dante.  Dante had to listen to him because the jester was still holding onto my face and Dante was worried that something bad might happen to me so Dante put his two guns down before the creepy jester started talking again, "This tower here is very sturdy, you see. Your tricks will do no good. No good!" The creepy jester was saying before he could say anything else.  Dante had put one of his gun on the jester's face by his nose before saying to him, "Zip it, or I'll pierce that big nose, so, you better let go of my partner or else you say goodbye to this place." Dante threaten the creepy jester and the jester say the lines of, "That could be a problem!" The creepy Jester said to Dante.

The jester was fast and moved to Dante quick while I was with him but I hand my another hand into my pockets to grabbed my dagger and I was trying to go slow so he won't realize what I was doing.  I let the creepy jester kept talking to Dante, "Just hear me out. You've got nothing to lose, right?" The jester ask Dante.  Dante was looking away from the creepy jester but he was looking at me with those worry eyes but Dante seemed to catch on what I was doing and agreed with that eye trick we do so I was bring it closer to him, "My name is Jester, and I know a thing or two about this place." Jester said to us.  While Jester was busy talking to Dante I was getting ready to stabbed him but then he was quick again and grabbed my hand pretty good and I started to scream a bit but before Dante could grabbed me.  Jester started leaning closer to my ear before whispering to me, "Ooo, I love a woman who thinks that they can catch me off guard." Jester said to me with a creepy smirk on his face.

Jester sticks out his tongue before he licks my cheek before I started to groan uncomfortable, but before I could headbutt him.  Dante puts his gun back at Jester, "Keep your distances away her!" Dante yells out to Jester with a piss off tone in his voice.  Jester looks at Dante before he puts his tongue away from my cheek before Jester starts talking to us, "That thing there is a power generator for this entire sector. In order to open the door, you need to apply a little SOMETHING to it first." Jester said to Dante with that same creepy smirk on his face.  Jester looks at Dante before asking him, "Do you know what THAT is, kid? Or is that too difficult for you?" Jester was laughing creepy and Dante was having enough of his games and started shooting at Jester's feet.  Jester was trying to do a creepy dance, but I just bite Jester's finger to get him to let me go.

Jester screams in pain before he lets me go before Dante moves one of his arms to grabbed my arm before pulling me closed to his chest.  Dante started to talking to him, "Get to the point. Or do you wanna keep on dancing?" Dante ask Jester with a piss off tone in his voice.  Jester was kinda dancing but in a creepy way and it kinda freak me out a little bit but I to kept it together before Jester started talking again, "Actually, I prefer a sword to be my partner. May I have this dance, my lady?" Jester ask Dante.  Dante grabbed his sword and hit a stone and the door started to open up and before I was going to say something the creepy jester started to say something dumb, "Bingo, THAT is WHAT the SOMETHING is. Remember that, kids! Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!" Jester yells out to us.  I got tired off his crap so I grabbed my gun and started shooting at him and starts dancing to dodge my bullets and then he was gone I was happy that he was gone before Dante started to talk, " I see, thanks." Dante said before he put his gun away and we started walking till he said, "You still piss me off, though" Dante says to himself. 

I am not going to lie but I did laugh at that one and I was happy that Dante make funny jokes about his enemies.  Dante looks at me before he ask me, "He didn't do anything else to you, (Y/n)?" Dante ask me.  I'll look at Dante before telling him, "Besides that he lick my cheek and he grabbed my face real tight. I am fine and he didn't do anything else." I said to Dante with a small smile on my face.  Dante looks at me before he uses his fingers to clean Jester's saliva off of my cheek before Dante looks at me before I see Dante leaning his head closer to my face before something weird happens.  Dante got closed to mine face before he licks the same spot on my cheek that Jester lick.  I'll blush real red from this, "I'll wasn't going to allow him to have his saliva on you." Dante said to me with a smirk on his face.  I'll just kept blushing real red before I look at Dante before telling him, "I was not expecting that, but there is something I want to do to you." I said to Dante with a blush still on my face.

Dante gives me a smug look before I pulled his head closer to my head before telling him, "Open your mouth." I said to Dante.  Dante looks at me before he opens his mouth before I kiss him slowly before I used my tongue to touch his tongue.  Dante groans at this before he uses his tongue to touch my tongue before we started to make out before we moaned.  We pulled away from each other, "I-- Um..." I started to muttered out to Dante.  Dante just chuckles at me before he kisses my forehead before he tells me, "(Y/n). It's okay to let it out." Dante said to me with a smug look on his face.  I'll blush again before Dante pulls me closer to his chest before we started walking out of the room.

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