Met In The Snow-Countryhumans

By TheOldJazz

149K 3.9K 15.8K

Everything seems to be falling apart for UK. He had a divorce. He was said to be 'untrustworthy' and everyone... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 16

4.1K 113 340
By TheOldJazz

Britain's POV

I sit on the couch, quite drowsy. I'm tired but at the same time not tired. Does that make sense? No idea but it's how I feel. I could easily sleep but could also stay awake for another hour or so.

I can't get what happened outside off my mind... I'm just really confused. It felt good dancing with Soviet. He had a gentle touch for his general rough appearance. He also has the most entrancing eye colour. I've seen people with rare eye colours but Soviets fiery orange just seems to put them to shame. Even if an eyepatch covers one eye the way his other eye manages to glitter—it looks like a real fire and I have to say it's quite beautiful.

His general appearance seems to captivate me and I can't really say why.
Is it weird to observe someone so much?

Something seemed to happen outside. Me and Soviet were very close to each other. Any normal person would of felt uncomfortable and a friend probably would of jokingly pushed them away, but that didn't seem to be the case.

I can't describe how I felt. I can't describe how Soviet felt.
But it's really making me begin to question a lot of things.
I can never seem to come to a full conclusion.

A big one I can't seem to answer is... what is mine and Soviets relationship?
I would of simply said friends but it doesn't sit right with me. There is just a little thing that bites at me that I can't seem to explain.
It's like a feeling of wanting more.

"Here is hot chocolate." Soviet said and I come out of my thoughts.

"Thank you." I say and happily take the hot chocolate from his hand.

Soviet places his hot chocolate on the table in front of the sofas and grabs the TV remote on the table before sitting down next to me.
A decent distance away. Not like when we were outside.

Gosh, I can't seem to stop thinking about it.

I begin to sip my hot chocolate, completely immune to the heat. The taste is a sweet chocolate delight that I always love.

"What movie you want watch?" Soviet asks.

"I don't really mind, as long as it's not... inappropriate." I say.

Soviet mutters an "okay" before scrolling through the movies.

"What about Hush?" Soviet asks.

"Hush?" I question and look up to the TV.

"It good movie." Soviet says.

"It's a horror movie." I mutter in reply.

"Oh? I can put on Baby TV for the baby Britain instead?" Soviet slightly teases.

I give him an annoyed look.

"Play it."

"You sure?" Soviet still teases.

"I said. Play. It." I say sternly to him.

"Alrighty." Soviet said and pressed the play button.

I mentally prepared myself for what was going to happen, as I had no idea where this movie was going to go.

(Slight movie spoilers but I' won't reveal the entire plot of the film or that.)

Of course it was a slasher and it was some realistic looking gore at that.
I was mentally screaming at the protagonist, they were death and there were so many scenes where she was so close to dying. I had to squeeze one of the sofa cushions to channel the tension building.

I noticed a few times that Soviet was looking back at all the most scariest or tension filled scenes to see my reaction.

He'll be disappointed with me though because I never gave a reaction and he seemed slightly confused at the end of the film.

"You handled really well for saying you no like slasher horror." Soviet said.

Did he put that on to purposefully scare me? Asking a question like that, I swear.

"No I didn't." I say, looking at him.

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"We are in a cabin in the woods... that was in a house in the woods... do you have any idea what mindset you just put me in?" I ask to Soviet, squeezing the small sofa pillow I still hug with my fingertips.

"Ah... yeah." Soviet says like he just realises it.

"I'm not good with horror movies..." I mutter. "I think I am until I actually watch them."

"You shouldn't be scared." Soviet says.

"I can't control my fear." I reply.

"That's a good point but not what I meant." Soviet says and slightly shakes his head.

"What?" I ask. "Why shouldn't I be scared then?"

"Because I'll protect you." Soviet says with a smile.

I squeeze the pillow almost ten times harder at that response, slightly burying my face into it.
This time not out of fear, however.

My stomach is doing flips again.

"Th-Thanks." I mutter, I hate how I just stuttered.

"You must be scared with that stutter." Soviet jokes.

"Shut up."
I'm glad he took it that way, but it still annoys me.

"I'm sure you would be fine. You seem smart, like girl in film." Soviet says.

"What? So I'm the brains and you're the muscle?" I ask in a jokingly sarcastic way.

"Oh? You think I've got muscles?~" Soviet teases.

What the—
I said that didn't I?
Oh shoot,
Oh shoot,
Oh shoot,
The way he said that too...
You liked it.
No I didn't!
Don't deny it.
I'm not. Just shut up for once dumb brain...

"N-No!" Why do I have to stutter. "I never said that it's just... how the line is usually delivered!"

"I'm pretty sure depending on whom speak to the delivery could be different." Soviet says.

"Yeah well, I invented English—or it at least originated in my country—so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm saying." I say in annoyance.

"For you having invented language you stutter lot more than me when speaking it." Soviet says smugly in reply.

This country, I swear.

Yep, I'm nervous because I'm breaking into a Scottish accent at the most random time.

Soviet looks at me confused.

"British thing?" He questions.

"Nope, Scottish thing." I reply.

"Scottish?" He asks sounding even more confused.

"I can do British, English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. Not all on demand, though." I say.

"I... hm..." Soviet mumbles, not really able to think of a good reply.

I quite happily sit in silence waiting for Soviet to think of his response.

"Bet you still stutter in those accents, too."

"Why you—"

I throw the sofa cushion at Soviet and it hits him in the face.

I cross my arms grumpily as Soviet chuckles. I try my hardest not to smile at Soviets chuckling.

"I sorry." Soviet says.

I turn to look at him with narrowed eyes.

"You really do have beautiful voice, though. I understand that stuttering isn't thing can always control." Soviet adds on.

Soviet thinks I have a beautiful voice?
I can feel my face heating up, this situation is just piling up on my embarrassment.

"O-Oh, thanks I guess." I say with a stutter and mentally face palm.

"But it seems like you will be stuttering for a while." Soviet says with a small chuckle.

"Y-Yeah, oh my g... lets just move the conversation on." I say and place my head in my hands with the feeling of embarrassment building.

"Don't be embarrassed." Soviet says. "Like I said, is natural thing."

I let out a sigh, not wanting to speak, afraid of this stutter.

"You really did get scared to develop stutter like that." Soviet slightly says to himself.

Soviet still thinks the stutter is because I'm scared.
That is not the case.

"I'm not scared." I said annoyedly.

"Yeah I see, you didn't stutter." Soviet responds.

I give him a small glare and he just smiles in response.

His dumb smile...

I let out another sigh and look away from Soviet.
I'm beginning to feel tired again. Well, I wasn't really feeling tired the first time I just wanted to get out of that awkward situation. But when Soviet had offered to watch a movie, I wanted to do that. I just wanted to spend more time with him.

"You're tired, aren't you?" Soviet said.

I look towards him.
"How'd you know?"

"Your eyes are drowsy." Soviet reply's

"Hm, yeah." I mutter. "I think it's time to call it a night."

"I can agree on that." Soviet says, giving a nod with his head.

"But if anything happens—you're protecting me." I say, completely serious.

I know it would take a lot to kill me, which is usually the main basis of horror movies, but the thought of it makes me scared, especially picturing what happened in the movie.
It was really well done but too well done and now I feel uneasy about it.

"Of course I'll protect little Britain." Soviet says jokingly.

I give him an unimpressed look.

"Yes. Да. I'll protect you." Soviet says a bit more seriously this time.

He probably thinks I'm a scaredy-cat.

"Thanks and sor—"

"No apologising." Soviet cuts in. "I was reason you watch it, I knew there was possibility that might get scared."

He made me watch it... even though he knew I might get scared...... how kind of him...

"Yeah, you better be protecting me for that." I say.

I truly am anxious, I'm not exactly the best country in the world and I can see many reasons why people would want to try to hurt me.

"I will be, after all, I've got the muscles like you said." Soviet jokes.

"Now you're just flexing." I reply unimpressed.

"You're pretty strong yourself, realised that when you stole my hat." Soviet says, recalling the memory.

I smile at the memory.

"You can't always judge someone off of their appearance. Or in the quote version: 'Don't judge a book by its cover.'"

"There is lot of truth in that." Soviet said.

I nod my head in agreement.

"Well, you can head bed and I'll clean up hot chocolate mugs." Soviet says, standing up from the sofa and grabbing the mugs.

Back to stuttering now, are we?

"Not worry, I'm not mile away or something like that, just in different room." Soviet says reassuringly.

I'm honestly embarrassed about being scared, but I've already realised I have no control over my emotions.

I give Soviet a gentle nod before walking off to the room I'm staying in. I fiddle with my hands as I walk along.

As soon as I get into the room and on the bed it doesn't take long before I'm passed out. As if I completely forgot about my fear due to the sudden tiredness.


I wonder when Britain will stop being clueless.

I just feel like there are a few mistakes or one mistake in this chapter... just feel... so... I apologise if there are/is.

Stay safe and...

Have A Nice Life!

Word Count: 1842

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