~Master of Inferno~

By Jayeuchiga16

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Jaye Ozi...... Maki's younger brother has the ability of pyrokinesis. He is very special as he has some abili... More

Chapter 1: The beginning...
Chapter 2: Newbie #2
Chapter 3: Rookie Games
Chapter 4: Company 5
Chapter 5: Princess Hibana
Chapter 6: Company 1
Chapter 8: The Promise
Chapter 9: Cold
Chapter 10: Confusion
Chapter 11: Adolla Burst
Chapter 12: Adolla Burst 2
Chapter 13: The Pyrokinesis secret
Chapter 14: Into the Nether
Chapter 15: Amajika Sol
Chapter 16: Day off
Chapter 17: Mistakes

Chapter 7: Infernal Insects

249 7 2
By Jayeuchiga16

" Ugh this is not what I thought Company 1 would be like" I said as I got a tray of well made food

" It's too fancy for me" I said as Arthur laughed

" What do you know about what's fancy and what's not" Arthur said as I glared at him

" Well for your information, my family has money" I said as I showed them my two rings

" Woah, that had to cost a lot of money" Shinra said as I smiled

" So like I said..... too fancy" I said as I ate a piece of egg

" So how did you guys know you want to be a fire soldier" Takeru Noto asked

" Well I wanted to solve the mystery of human combustion and to save people" Shinra said

" It's un-kightly not to save the peasantry" Arthur said

" I did it for the ladies" Toru Kishiri said

" Ugh, what kind of woman want someone who blows bubble gum" I asked as Toru glared at me

" What about you Jaye" Takeru asked

" Well.... I wanted to solve the mystery of human combustion and also figure out how my mother turned infernal" I said

" Well isn't it all the same for everyone else who turns infernal" Arthur asked

" My Mother was a pyrokinetic, pyrokinetic's can't turn infernal" I said

" You guys are so amazing, I can barely control my pyrokinesis at all" Takeru said

" Maybe it's because I don't have a sense of purpose like you guys" Takeru said

" It's ok Takeru, you'll find it soon" I said

" It's time for morning assembly, so finish eating already" Tamaki yelled as Takeru blushed deeply

" All of you need to hurry back to your stations and-" Tamaki said as Arthur grabbed the mayo but it was under Tamaki's skirt

" If you would excuse me, ma'am, I need the mayonaise" Arthur said as Tamaki jumped towards Shinra and landed on his head

" You're such a friggin' jerk, Stay away from me meow, will you" Tamaki said clawing at Shinra

" I was just sitting still and then you fell on me" Shinra said blocking the claws and then a loud bell rang

" Is that the morning assembly bell" Shinra asked

" That's the alarm! It means that an infernal appeared" Tamaki said

" Juggernaut, find Lieutenant Hoshimiya" Tamaki said

" Kishiri, Lieutenant Li" Tamaki said

" And you three from the 8th go f-" Tamaki said as I got up

" I don't take orders from you" I said

" Shinra, Arthur, let's find Lieutenant Flam" I said as Shinra nodded and got up with Arthur following him

" Hey do you know where Lieutenant Flam is" I asked as the other members of comapny 1 just ignored me

" Ugh, let's just get dressed" I said as we ran to the lockers and got dressed

" Hey Jaye, you in here" Lieutenant Flam said

" Yes, where do you need us" I said

" Just come with me" Lieutenant Flam said as we followed him to a matchbox and drove to the place the infernal was sighted

" This is another mass total incident, a number of 5 victims turned infernal" Lieutenant Flam said

" Nozaka Squad, get civilians out of this area, Matsuda Squad spread out and keep the rest of us informed" Lieutenant Flam said

" The rest of us will look for the infernals" Lieutenant Flam said

" Let's put them to rest quickly" Lieutenant Flam said

" SIR" Company 1 members yelled

" You two stand by, Jaye you will come with me" Lieutenant Flam said

" Please let us help you" Shinra said

" Hey, you need to listen to your Lieutenant Shinra, represent Company 8 by following directions" I said

" Let's go Lieutenant" I said as Lieutenant Flam nodded and led the way to the infernals

"  Oh hey Lieutenant Rekka" I said as me and Karim found him at a dead end

" Is everything ok" Lieutenant Flam asked

" Yeah, so far" Lieutenant Rekka said

" Do you feel that" I asked as I looked behind me to see Shinra flying over to us

" Shinra" Lieutenant Rekka said

" What are you doing here" Lieutenant Flam asked

" Did something happen" I asked as Shinra was just frozen

" Answer me: What are you two doing back here" Arthur said as he slid on the ground for dramatic effect

" Talk or i-" Arthur said as Shinra elbowed him in the chest and put his arm over Arthur's shoulder

" We don't get to visit Shinjuku that much so we kinda got lost" Shinra said as I nodded and looked back at the two lieutenants

" We finished, Lieutenant Rekka, all of the infernals have been laid to rest" Tamaki said as she saluted to Lieutenant Rekka

" Got it, good work Tamaki" Lieutenant Rekka said

" Kay, let's head back" Lieutenant said as I nodded and grabbed Shinra and Arthur and pulled them into a corner

" What happened" I asked

" We need to go back to our dorms" Shinra said as I nodded

" Alright then, you two better not get lost again" I said as I walked passed them and followed Lieutenant Rekka

" Hey Jaye, wanna go hang out some time later" Lieutenant Rekka asked

" I-I don't know, maybe next time" I said with a smile

" Awww, please Jaye" Lieutenant Rekka said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

" HEY" Lieutenant Flam yelled

" He said no" Lieutenant Flam said as Rekka chuckled

" Oh alright, see you later my star" Lieutenant Rekka said winking at me

" R-right, see ya" I said blushing

" Alright, let's go" Lieutenant Flam said as I walked to the matchbox which took us back to Company 1

~once at Comapny 1~

" Ok, let's go to our dorms" I said as I finished putting on my orange jumpsuit

" Yeah, let's go" Shinra said as Arthur and I followed him to our dorm

" So what did you guys find" I asked

" Someone has been making infernals and the lieutenants are our top subject" Arthur said

" How come" I asked

" Well we saw someone press a bottle onto a civilians back and then a minute after they mad contact the civilian burst into flames and turned into an infernal" Shinra explained

" T-that means we need more information" I said

" I am gonna go see Captain Burns, I'll be back" I said as I went to the door and left

" Now, I need to talk to him" I thought as I ran to the main hall and looked around

" Do you know where Captain Burns is at" I asked

" Yeah he is in his office, it's down this hall to the left" A member of company 1 said as I smiled

" Thanks" I said as I ran to Burns office

" C-captain Burns" I said as I burst through the door

" Oh hey, I was expecting you" Captain Burns said as he sat on his desk

" I-I need to talk you y-" I said as Captain Burns walked up to me

" You wanna know if I am single" Captain Burns said as I shook my head

" No, I have a question on the fabric on your lieutenant's robes" I said

" Yeah, what about it" Captain Burns said

" Could you make me an outfit of those materials" I asked

" Oh of course, your pyrokinesis let's to create fire from any part of your body" Captain Burns asked as I nodded

" It get's weird when all my clothes are burned off, leaving me naked" I said as Captain Burns walked to a wall

" Luckily, I came prepared, now take this and go on partol for me, after that I can take you out to eat" Captain Burns said as I blushed

" S-sure, see you later" I said as I grabbed the costume and ran to the locker rooms and changed

~the costume, imagine blue strips where the chest is at and the arms~

" This is kinda tight but it's not gonna leave me naked after a mission so it'll do" I said as I went outside of company 1 and looked in the sky

" Flame Battle Ark" I thought as my body was engulfed in flames but then the flames turned into wings

" Woah, this costume is amazing" I said as I put more fire power into the wings and they turned blue

" Let's do this" I thought as I flew up in the air and started my patrol

" Man it's so quiet here" I thought as I flew through the air

" Is that Shinra" I thought as I saw him turn around and look down at a building and then I heard a scream

" What was that sound" Shinra said

" It sounded like a scream, wanna check it out" I asked as Shinra turned around with a smile across his face

" Damnit Jaye, you scared me" Shinra said 

" But you're smiling" I said

" Oh forgot, this is your nervous smile right" I asked as Shinra shook his head

" Ok then, let's find out who is that screaming" I said as we both flew down to the building

" W-wait you see that" Shinra said as he stopped me

" It's red flames" I said

" TAMAKI" Shinra and I yelled as we both rushed down there to help

" You go in first ok" I said as Shinra nodded and went down faster and then landed

" Ok, I need to scan the area" I thought as I looked around to see if anybody else was around

" Nope, let's go in then" I thought as I flew into the building

" Hey you guys o-" I said as I saw someone get up

" MY STARS" The person yelled as I stopped the fist from hitting Shinra

" REKKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I yelled as Rekka threw more punches and I dodged them

" DONT INTERFERE WITH MY WORK" Rekka yelled as Shirna came in and got punched back

" FEEL THE WRATH OF MY STAR FIST JAP" Rekka yelled as he punched my stomach

" GUAH" I yelled as I flew back into the wall

" REKKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I yelled as my blue fire wings grew larger and pushed me out the wall towards Rekka

" JAYE GET OUT OF MY WAY" Rekka said as he threw a punch but I dodged it

" THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY REKKA" I yelled as my fist was ignited and I threw a punch at Rekka

" YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND" Rekka yelled as the punch connected and send him flying to the wall



" BLUE FLAME VORTEX" I yelled as my wings turned into a tornado which came up on Rekka

" NONE OF YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND SO JUST BACK OFF" Rekka yelled as I moved the vortext up and slammed it down to the ground

" I will not let anyone interfere with our envangelism" Rekka said as the blue flames cleared showing Rekka with a torn robe

" Shut up already" I said

" You hot-blooded son of a bitch" Shinra said 

" This is nothing really, just another body to burn" Rekka said as I felt my heart broke

" R-rekka, I thought you wanted to hang out sometime, if you keep doing this then you will be in jail" I said as Rekka seemed unphased with anything I said and then I heard screeching

" What the hell is that" I asked

" It seems to be attracted to your flames, Kusakabe" Rekka said

" It seems like it's trying to go back to them, well well, it seems like my lucky day" Rekka said 

" What are you talking about" I asked

" To think you where here all this time, the third person that the Evangelist is searching for" Rekka said

" You have the undefiled flame, the Adolla Burst" Rekka said

" What's an Adolla Burst" Shinra asked

" I don't know" I said

" It's we who are under the Evangelist have been searching for, something which can only be possessed by the offspring of the great Sol" Rekka said as I looked at him in shocked

" Amajika Sol....... my mother's name has Sol" I thought as I looked at Rekka

" Hey R-rekka, do you know who is Amajika Sol" I asked as Rekka's face changed instantly

" She is the goddess of all elements, she is the daughter of Sol, she is the best pyrokinetic user there is" Rekka said

" Why, do you know her" Rekka asked

" Does she have an Adolla Burst as well" I asked

" Of course, she is the daughter of Sol" Rekka said

" Is she still alive" I asked as Rekka laughed


" I-I put her to rest...... she was out of control..... I put her to r-" I said as I thought of the time I was able to see the infernals face

" It wasn't her....... she is the one who forced that person to go infernal" I thought

" THAT BUG DESTROYED MY LIFE" I yelled as I flew towards Rekka

" SHE DESTROYED MY LIFE" I yelled as I kicked him in his gut

" AND YOU ARE JUST HELPING HER" I yelled as lightning came from my body

" GO TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG" I yelled as I jumped to him and threw lightning at him

" GUUUUUUUAAAAAAAH" Rekka yelled as I landed to the ground

" I can't believe this......." I thought as I looked at Rekka's smoking body

" I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET" I yelled as I flew over to him and kicked him in the air

" GUTTER SCATTERSHOT" I yelled as little balls of fire appeared around me

" NOW GO GUTTER" I yelled as the fireballs said gutter and flew towards Rekka

" LIGHTNING KING IRON HAMMER" I yelled as thunder was heard

" COME DOWN ON THIS BITCH" I yelled as lightning came down onto Rekka

" DON'T KILL HIM JAYE" Shinra yelled as the lightning stopped and I fell to my knees

" Damn...... that is some power" Rekka said as he got up from the floor

" I can't win with you here, so everyone in this building will be burned to ashes" Rekka said as he started laughing

" You said you want me to watch your back and so I did" Lieutenant Flam said as Rekka's arms began to freeze


" Stop it, you're not gonna overpower my power, you'll just make me freeze you more" Lieutenant Flam said

" THATS WHAT YOU THINK" Rekka yelled as I walked up to him

" W-WHAT ARE YOU DO-" Rekka yelled as I kissed him to make him shut up

" S-stop using your power and be with me" I said as Rekka looked at me with a shocked face

" I-I can't I need to do THIS" Rekka yelled as he kept using his fire power and then completely turned into ice

" I still can't believe it was you, I wasn't watching your back so you could kill kids" Lieutenant Flam said

" I came here as soon as I heard the report" Lieutenant Li said as he walked towards us

" Karim, what's going on here" Lieutenant Li asked

" I put Rekka on lock-down, we can question, interrogate, and grill him later" Lieutenant Flam said

" What does this mean for our company" Lieutenant I asked

" I think this isn't a problem for just the first it's a problem for everyone" I said as I felt some kind of fire coming towards us

" EVERYONE GET DO-" I yelled as I saw a fire arrow pierce through Rekka

" What was that" Tamaki said

" R-rekka" Shinra said as we all saw the big whole through Rekka

" It looks like someone shot him" Tamaki said

" No shit, we need to get out of here before they hit us as well" I said as another arrow came through the window and exploded right in front of the lieutenants

" It's a sniper" Lieutenant Flam said

" Do you know where they are shooting from" Lieutenant Li asked

" KARIM" Lieutenant Li yelled as he pushed Lieutenant Flam out of the way and then a fire arrow sliced his forearm off with another fire arrow coming at us

" SHINRA PUT UP A SMOKESCREEN" Lieutenant Flam said

" Right" Shinra said as he did as he was told

" Now Jaye, could you make them scared somehow" Lieutenant Flam asked

" I can but I need to know where they are at" I said

" Shinra" Lieutenant Flam said as Shinra jumped to the window

" There are two targets to the building southwest to us" Shinra said as I smirked

" Let's do this" I said as my eyes glowed purple and lightning came from my body

" LIGHTNING DRAGON" I yelled as the sky began to rumble and lightning came crashing down and then a lightning dragon came out and was about to head straight towards the targets but stopped

" We know you're there, just leave if you want to see another day" The lightning dragon said projecting my voice 

" Are you sure this will work" Shinra asked as I focused on keeping the dragon out there

" Looks like they are leaving, should I go follow them" Shinra asked

" You're still overheating from that fight you had against Rekka, so you'd just get killed" Lieutenant Flam said as he looked at me

" Hey I think they are gone" Lieutenant Flam said

" No..... I can still see them there" I said as I looked through the dragons eyes and saw them waiting and soon after a few minutes they left

" GUAAAAAAH" I said as the lightning from my body went out leaving smoke coming from my body as I fell to my knees

" JAYE ARE YOU OK" Lieutenant Flam yelled as he ran to my side

" Y-yeah I am ok" I said as I looked up at Rekka

" He was so hot-blooded but I think that's what I liked about him" I thought

" Wish I could of meet him sooner, maybe I could of changed this outcome" I thought as Lieutenant Flam picked me up bridal style

" W-w-what are you doing" I asked

" You can't walk can you" Lieutenant Flam asked

" N-no" I said blushing

" Then let me carry you" Lieutenant Flam said as I blushed even more and wrapped my arms around his neck to hang on

" Let's get you guys cleaned up" Lieutenant Flam said as we all walked out the building and soon went to a near by hospital

~3275 words~

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