
By scarline464

861 36 7

"Did you ever stop to think that your own quirk might be your downfall?" The question seemed to ring in his... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 22

21 1 0
By scarline464

Another day, another test. It was getting to be exhausting. They checked his ears twice a day and then gave him medicine with every meal. Which f*ck those meals. Sura used to make sure they got the good sh*t and now he had some kind of weird glop sh*t that was nasty as f*ck.

He was currently sitting with his parents in his room, waiting for the doctor to give them an update on what was going on with his hearing aids.

'They already s.p.o.k.e. To us about the f.a.c.t that we won't have to p.a.y.'

His mother tried. She was spelling out most of the words, and using basic hand motions along with the actual signs. So 'won't' was just shaking her head. It was pretty f*cking confusing but he got the gist of it.

"Better f*cking not, we're not the ones who did something wrong. They're the ones that messed up." He spoke, signing still as he did. Hopefully that would help them learn some of the signs.

Because naturally, he was so f*cking bored and went ahead and learned more of them.

'That's true but. . . you also didn't tell a.n.y.o.n.e. About it.'

He glared at her silently and glanced at his father to see if he would say anything. He simply shrugged.

"I didn't know any better. How the f*ck was I supposed to know they were too big!? The f*cking doctor told me they were going to be uncomfortable, and he said they were going to give me headaches. So how the f*ck was I was supposed to know that what was happening wasn't f*cking normal!?" He snapped at them. His mother got riled up as well but his father took her hand and calmed her down as the doctor walked in.

He sat silently as they spoke. They weren't like Kirishima, they didn't translate everything for him when someone was talking. They just filled him in afterwards with a little bit of information, leaving him without the option to ask questions or help make the decisions.
He slouched down slightly, there was no point in him being there if they were just going to fill him in afterwards.

The doctor turned to him and motioned that he was going to look at his ears. The blonde nodded and turned his head to make it easier for him. He'd done this so many times by now he was moving before the doctor even motioned that he was done with the first check.

The doctor eventually nodded and stepped away, moving back to talk to his parents again.

Silence. F*cking silence. This was literally getting to be so old.

"Can I go outside? For a while?" He asked tiredly. They all looked to him, the doctor nodded.

'Don't go far.'

His father signed to him. He nodded, grabbing his phone and his jacket before he stood and stepped out of the room. He loved being outside, he wanted to go for another hike soon, he wanted to take Kirishima to a new mountain, one that even he hadn't been to, so they could both experience it for the first time.

He was starting to care for him too much. It was getting to where he was prefering to hang out with him instead of doing training and studying. And of course the entire time he was in the hospital the other ones were texting him too, telling him everything going on and making sure they told him how often Kirishima went on about him.

He scrolled through his messages until he found Kirishima's name, which didn't take long saying as he didn't message many people. He hit the call button, waiting a long moment before Kirishima finally answered. The redhead was laughing, a Pikachu and an Alien leaning against him on either side trying to fit themselves into the frame.

The blonde frowned a bit. Normally he was glad he couldn't hear them, being stupid and acting like children- but right now, he wanted more than anything to hear them laugh and hear their voices.

'Sorry it took so long to ------. They were being stupid.'

Kirishima signed to him once he had calmed down a little more, nudging the other two away from him, though they just continued to sign and make stupid motions from behind Kirishima. They made kissy faces and did the stupid thing where they turned around and pretended like they were kissing someone.

"I'm going to blow their a*ses up when I get back." He mumbled aloud before he turned his focus back to Kirishima. "I don't care. I just wanted-" He paused again and glanced at the two idiots behind his boyfriend. "Go somewhere private real quick Sh*tty Hair." He ordered quitely, and watched as Kirishima dismissed himself from the other two and made his way out of the room, wandering around until he found a place.

'What's up?'

"I'm bored here. They won't let me train. I can feel my muscle fading. What's going on at school? I'm f*cking falling behind in hero work andI hate it. It's making everyone right; it's starting to make me think that I shouldn't be in the hero course. Because there's no f*cking point. And I miss you..." He paused and sighed. "And the idiots. I want to go back. I hate it here. Just... at least fill me in on what I'm missing with Hero training.." He sighed once more and then ran his fingers through his hair, watching as Kirishima took a deep breath and set his phone down so he'd have both hands to sign with.

'To start off, do you want me to sign or text?'

Bakugou was silent for a moment and then motioned for him to text, knowing it would be easier on both of them. He then watched as Kirishima moved to text the blonde rather than speak to him.

'Well one, no, you're not dropping out of the hero course. If it's needed, I'll break you out of the hospital myself so we can go train somewhere. You're too strong and manly to ever even suggest that. And to answer your question; we haven't really gotten back into another big thing in hero training, it's the same as usual, basic training on quirks, strengthening ourselves. I'm pretty sure they're waiting for you to get back before they do anything big. Or maybe they're just waiting until after tonight.~Kiri'

"My f*cking g*d that's a lot." Bakugou huffed out before he began reading over it all.

'Also I missed you too, and you're really cute when you're focused.~Kiri'

He scoffed, realizing they were still on a Facetime call while he had been reading the messages. "F*ck off." He grumbled quietly. He glanced back over the first message again, already having forgotten what it said exactly. "Tonight...?" He repeated. "Oh f*ck they're listing the top ten heroes tonight." He remembered, it was about time they did that. It would be the first time All-Might wasn't going to be on there, Endeavor taking his place as top hero... "G*d that's going to be so f*cking weird... You're going to watch it right?" He questioned, brushing off the rest of the text and instead focusing on that.

'Of course I'm going to! It's one of the biggest events ever! I'll bring over that spicy food you like and we'll watch it together. I can bring the squad too if you want to see them!~Kiri'

"Eh... just you. Maybe the others tomorrow." He grunted, tabbing back into Facetime instead of looking at their texts. Kirishima had a bright smile on his face, a gentle nod and the simple sign of 'O.k' before making a simple heart with his hands. He mouthed a 'see you later' and hung up.

He grunted and placed his phone back down feeling an explosion pulse through the ground seconds later.

He pressed his palm to the ground as he rapidly searched over the area, desperately looking for where the explosion came from.

Another vibration of the ground and finally a cloud of smoke rising from a building not too far away sprang into view.

Without hesitation he launched himself up into the sky, using a small explosion to jolt him forwards just enough to land on top of a two story apartment complex. He examined the area again, running towards the cloud of smoke. The heroes were all going to be off their game; they only had five or six hours until the listing, they would all be gathered and preparing for that. He had to at least see what it was.

He slid down to hide behind the ledge of the roof he was on, peeking over the edge to see the people below. He couldn't hear anything- aside from some small screaming. Though that was barely anything, perhaps just a small squeak within his damaged ears.

He looked at where people scattered away from the explosion, his eyes widening as he realized what it was.

He froze.

This was the jail the villains that took his hearing were being kept at. And they had all just escaped.

He stared motionlessly as the guy with the heated knife grabbed a hold of a young woman and clung onto her arm, keeping her from her family, and also keeping the cops from approaching him.

Bakugou had the perfect chance to jump in. He would be able to get to him.

The scars on his side and arm stung just at the thought of going near the man.

But he was a hero. He could do this.

He just had to pay extra attention...

He jumped off the building, landing with a heavy thud and snatching the blade from the other's hand, tossing it to the side and freeing the woman of his grasp, allowing her to return to her family and escape.

Knife was quick though, and didn't take long to pull out another blade and start heating it. So Bakugou quickly moved to kick his foot to set him off and grab his wrist, flipping him over his shoulder and slamming him into the ground.

That was something he'd practiced with Kirishima, as it was something Kirishima typically used when they trained together.

He then pressed his knee to 'Knife's' throat and held it there, watching as he struggled to breath.

"Why can't you guys just sit still!? You were going to get out dumba*ses! You were going to be free and you know what this is going to f*cking cost you!?" Bakugou shouted at him. He wanted to finish it. He wanted to never have to deal with them again. He could just finish it and everything would be fine.

But no it wouldn't. He wouldn't be a hero if he killed this man. Especially when he knew that this 'villain' had never taken another life, or intended to. He was just scared...

Bakugou glanced up, another one of the villains coming into view. Invisible dust girl. She was struggling against the cops, obviously screaming as she reached out towards where Bakugou was choking Knife.

He pulled back. That was his girlfriend. He couldn't. Even if he wanted to he couldn't.

Just the split moment in his thoughts where Kirishima had come up- he couldn't. He watched as Knife quickly scrambled to get away from him and get to her, willingly giving himself back to the cops as she threw her arms around him.

Bakugou just sat there, ringing in his ears as a woman knelt in front of him.

One of the cops. "I'm deaf." He said quietly as she began to ask him questions. "I also don't know too much sign language... I'm a patient in the hospital down the street, I'm not hurt, I can walk back there by myself. Just make sure those guys stay locked up this time... and make sure that their court date doesn't change..." Bakugou explained to her before he turned back towards the hospital and started walking, glancing at where the woman stood with her family, a little ways off from where the accident was. Her husband held her in his arms so tightly that she almost seemed to be turning red- or perhaps it was because she was crying.

He clenched his jaw and continued walking.

He hated this feeling. He hated the fact that he let the villain go. He hated being terrified if Kirishima was ok in that moment, even if he knew he was.

He hated feeling so much. A few months ago he would have just been able to move on, and not think about anything, he would just study, and take tests, and train. That was it.

Now he kept getting thrown into battles, and into the hospital, he had a boyfriend that he was starting to care about too much, he was deaf and relied on glasses to see properly.

G*d he was so tired.

And there was the yelling- his mother approached with a few doctors at her side. They had apparently been looking for him.

He nearly laughed at her as she angrily signed. Because every two or three signs she would throw her hands in the air tiredly and say 'F*ck! I don't know the sign!' and then spell it out, forcing herself to calm down.

"There was an explosion, I'm a licensed hero. So f*ck off." Bakugou grumbled as he shoved his hands into his pockets and turned to walk back to the hospital. He felt a gentle vibration in his feet. She had made a small explosion with her glycerin. He glanced over his shoulder at the raging woman and smirked. "I can't hear you." He spoke before he continued, walking into the building before she could really blow up at him.

When he reached his room he stood in the doorway and looked back to the nurse that had walked with him. "I know you can't reply so nod or some sh*t but...." He continued on to speak to the nurse.



The boy made his way to his boyfriend's room, balancing boxes of dangerously warm food in his arms. He gently tapped on the door to Bakugou's room with his foot before realizing the other boy wouldn't be able to hear the knocking.

"Hey, I'm sorry to ask but can you open the door?" He turned and asked one of the nurses, nodding down towards the food he carried, leaving him without a way of opening the door. The woman quickly nodded and moved to open the door.

"This one, right?" She questioned gently before she turned the knob. He nodded with a smile.

"Thank you!" He said warmly before he stepped into the room, listening to the door click as the nurse shut it. He placed the food on the little rolling table thingie before he looked over at where Bakugou stood in front of the window, apparently not even realizing he was there.

The redhead grinned and snuck up behind the blonde, wrapping his arms around him and standing on his toes ever so slightly to put his chin on the blonde's shoulder.

He felt Bakugou tense and then ease, turning around within his arms and returning the hug.

"I smell food-" Bakugou spoke as he suddenly pulled away and looked around the room, gaze landing on the food before taking a heavy whiff of the air. "-and it's the good sh*t." He grinned.

Kirishima beamed and nodded, nearly chuckling before Bakugou put a hand over the slightly shorter boy's mouth. "No. Don't laugh yet." He grumbled with a sharp tone. Kirishima furrowed his brows together confusedly.

He watched as Bakugou took his hearing aids out of his pocket and put them in, turned them up and then looked back to the redhead. "You have your hearing aids!? I thought you said they took them away because they were hurting you!?" He exclaimed.

"They did, I asked to have them back just for today so that I could hear you while we hung out." Bakugou smirked and nudged the redhead before moving to the bed and sitting down, sliding the moving table towards him so he could look at the food. "How much longer until the top heroes are announced?" Bakugou asked casually.

He moved over towards the bed and sat down next to the blonde. "About an hour I think. I made sure I got here early so that we could eat and maybe glance at homework a bit." He offered as Bakugou opened up one of the boxes.

"Oh f*ck you got the f*cking good stuff you're literally the best f*cking person ever." Bakugou groaned as he turned and moved as though he was going to kiss Kirishima's cheek but never actually pressed his lips to the boy's cheek, instead just pressing their heads together and then he turned back to his food and shifted on the bed to sit down properly.

"I know. You like the-"

"-Spicy chow mein with chicken and rice? Yes. That's exactly what I f*cking like." The blonde interrupted him. The redhead smiled and nodded before he too shifted to sit next to the other boy with his food. They were pretty much sitting shoulder to shoulder, saying as they were only on a twin bed and there was only so much room for them to have.

But that was honestly pretty normal for them by now. They didn't care about their closeness most of the time, it was actually quite natural for them. That was, until Bakugou realized how cuddly he was being and shoved him off.

"Alright f*cko, what's happening at school. How are the idiots?" He grumbled.

One of the things Kirishima liked the most about him was how much he pretended he didn't like everyone, but would ask about them every day to make sure they were all ok still.

"School is still pretty ok. I've actually been hanging out with Midoriya a bit more- I'm kidding! I'm kidding. Calm down." He chuckled a bit as Bakugou grunted and leaned back into the pillows, grumbling a bit about how annoying 'Deku' was. "Yeah yeah, you don't like him. I know. Anyways, after I hung up on you, I talked to Jirou and she mentioned that she heard the teachers talking about what we're doing next in hero training; we might be fighting against 1B. She said that was all she heard, no details." He offered. Bakugou huffed and nodded slightly.

"Figures that the one that could hear the most would f*cking miss out on the details. Class 1B won't be a problem. We'll beat their a*ses easy. With you and me and how much we trained before I ended up in this h*llhole; we'll be fine against a bunch of extras like them." He smirked and without even thinking made some small explosions in his hands.

Kirishima nudged him gently to get him to calm down. "Yeah. I'm sure we'll do fine. We usually do." He nodded.

"And the idiots?" The other questioned as he used chopsticks to dig around in his food, apparently looking to see how much chicken there was. Kirishima smirked and nudged him.

"So you do care." He teased. Bakugou hissed quietly and glared at him, motioning for him to just move on. "They're all fine. Mina is trying to get Kam, Sero and I to dance with her so when you come back they can do this thing- don't look at me like that, it's cool." He huffed before he continued. "They wanted to come today to see you, but I told them today was just me and you, they can come tomorrow. How much longer do you have to stay?" He asked curiously.

"A day or two. So if I can get home tomorrow then they can just walk with me back to the dorms or whatever." He grumbled as he took a bit of chicken and stared at the food in his hands, obviously thinking.

Kirishima nudged him once more with a bright smile. "Bro, we can stop somewhere on the way home too! Maybe hit an Ice Cream place or something!" He exclaimed. Bakugou nodded slowly. "What's wrong?" He asked confusedly as he looked at the blonde, his smile fading.

Bakugou looked up at him quickly and shook his head. "Doesn't matter, it's f*cking weak as sh*t to think about. We'll get ice cream." He muttered. What was wrong? Could it have been about the arcade? And what happened last time they went in public?

"Are you scared?" He questioned, watching as his boyfriend's face stiffened and his brows furrowed.

"The villains escaped today- they're already back in custody, it was only a few blocks away from here so I got over there. But the f*cking idiots. I don't know. They're so f*cking stupid." Bakugou spoke.

"They got out!? You were there!??? Without your hearing aids!? You know how dangerous that was!? You can't hear and there was nobody else with you, what if someone came up behind you and you didn't know they were there!? You could have died." He spoke, somewhat harshly, and he must have gotten loud because Bakugou put his chopsticks down and covered his ear, adjusting the volume on it carefully.

"I know. Even though you weren't there I was just as worried about you. It was right after I hung up with you. I was careful, and the cops were there too obviously. So it's ok. I was safe. You don't have to f*cking worry about me. I'm not some sh*tty weak kid." Bakugou huffed out, though he never got loud, just harsh. His ears must have already been hurting. He sighed and set his own food on the table beside the bed, carefully taking Bakugou's from him and setting it on the table as well. "Why-" The blonde started before the redhead cut him off with a hug. "What the f*ck Kiri?" He questioned confusedly.

"I know you're careful, and I don't think of you as weak. But you're my best bro, and if you're going into battle I want to be there with you, so we can fight side by side, so we can protect each other and ensure that the other is safe. It's manly to be a hero and save people, but maybe... maybe we don't have to be manly all the time..." He said. He felt Bakugou sigh before finally hugging him back.

"Kiri... You love the thought of things being manly, it hypes you up and gets you all emotional n sh*t. I know you've had your sh*t happen in the past where you've been scared. You've told me about all that f*ckin' stuff and while you probably don't think it, I remember it all. But you're not like that anymore. It's starting to seep through again. Like how your roots were starting to show before I ended up in here. And that's fine if that's who you really are, I'm chill with anything as long as you don't get f*cking stupid like the other sh*tty nerds. If you're someone who doesn't think of things as manly, and gets scared over things like your true hair color showing, then that's f*ckin' fine. I'm gonna f*cking be here either way. But your hair isn't so sh*tty when it's down, or when it's black. You're f*cking adorable when he get all hyped about something being manly and you're attractive as f*ck when you're not scared or downing yourself." The blonde spoke as he pulled away and turned to grab his food again, shoving noodles in his mouth and grumbling about how much talking that was. He glanced back up with noodles hanging out of his mouth. "Why thE F*CK ARE YOU CRYING!??!?!?!?" He shouted, setting his food aside once again as he winced and covered his ears at his own shouting.

"That was the most manly thing ever, bro." He sniffled.

Bakugou nearly shoved him off the bed.

"Dumba*s. Scared the sh*t out of me. Made me think I said something f*cking wrong. Eat your g*dd*mn food and watch tv with me before I f*cking punt you." The blonde snapped as he plopped back against the pillow and ate his food.

Kirishima grinned and grabbed his own food along with the remote, flipping the channels until the pro heroes came up on the screen. 

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