Trapped - Can I Escape The Cl...

By Nihilisa

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Why did I read so many werewolf books that kinda have the same ending and plot? I shouldn't have done that. _... More

A Bad Dream-1
Dreams Come True
Inner Wolf
Heard That
He Is Coming
The Revenge-11
The Wish
The Queen
The War -16
War Preparation
Estelle's Death
Back Home
I don't care
For what?
Reaching the Start
The Luna
Bad Idea
The Queen
Giving up
Fate and Death
An escape
Way back and way out
Winner and Losers
New rules and rulers
Royal Advisor(End)
Extra-At the Ball (Arthur)
Extra- At the Ball(Beatrice)
Extra- At the Ball (Alex)


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By Nihilisa

I writhed in pain as I sat on the bed besides Beatrice. She had removed the numbing potion from most of the places thus I could feel pain in my hands and legs which were red and injured. I guess even werewolves were vulnerable in this world though quick healing favoured them.

Bathing was a bit painful but the warm water felt so soothing and relaxing that I forgot about all the pain. As I finally looked at the mirror I realized this body had long black hair that ended a little above the floor. Eyes were also pitch black with slight greyness in them that resembled and endless abyss one could fall into.

I didn't notice but I was continuously staring at my own reflection until Beatrice nudged and asked if I was okay. This body in which I was in was so much more better than my past self. This was a well trained body, though damaged it looked dangerous and beautiful. Dark abyss eyes, the sharp nose and red thin lips made this body or me look very good. Also I was older than my actual age.

"What's my age?" I asked Beatrice turning towards her.

"Eighteen," said Beatrice looking concerned and anxious as she weakly smiled and bit her lips.

This body was looked more mature than that of an eighteen year old. That was when I remembered werewolves were stronger and they matured faster. I looked like a kid despite being the same age.


Someone had knocked on the door and the knob twisted opening it before I could get it. Mabel entered the room with a moving tray table full of food, I gulped my own saliva as I felt an extreme hunger kick in.

"We have brought breakfast for you," said the doctor who entered just after her.

Why they weren't using any servants?

"What's your age?" I asked as I leaned forward taking an apple from the tray.

"Ten," she replied politely.

"Nice to meet you," I said, trying to be a bit friendly. I had to be on the safe side.
In every cliché book whenever the alpha gets angry he listens to only one person that is his beta or sister.

After we were done eating the doctor told that the alpha was coming to meet us.

Beatrice and I didn't talk in front of them as I was busy stuffing myself like a pig, I guess even this body won't stay in its shape. Also she was probably suspicious of them and didn't want others to know about her. As they both left the Alpha came in.

"How are you?"

I looked up but those words weren't for me. It was him standing at the door, his gaze fixed at Beatrice looking at her with great interest. She was his mate and he couldn't help but admire her while her expression to changed to one of contempt and annoyance.

"What is it that you want?" she asked without even turning to face him.

"That's not the answer to my question," he spoke in the same blunt tone.

"We both are fine," she replied with an annoyance in her tone. "If you haven't forgotten, you are the reason for our injuries in the first place. I am not obligated to answer a kidnapper and as I am not the Crown Prince's mate, I hope you will send me back."

"You are not leaving me and you are obligated to answer me, my mate," he said gritting his teeth.

"I have not accepted you and I won't do that unless you meet my father and ask for his approval," she said raising her voice.

"You will have to wait for that, I need to take your friend to the tribe healer," he said as he folded his arms.

"We have a healer at our own pack."

"Aren't you putting yourself before your friend? The faster we check the better she will recover," he mocked.

She looked towards me and said, "Sorry, you're right," she said slowly, "but I will be accompanying her."

"Okay," he said and then slammed the door shut like an angry kid.

Beatrice stood up and locked the door, proceeding to check the cupboard and drawers in the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Looking for a weapon, just in case," she replied as she searched through the entire closet.

I wanted to get up and help but I wasn't really in the best ability to move around when not necessary. I watched as she went through everything to only sigh and plop down on the bed exhausted.

"Not even a needle is here," she grumbled.

This was the perfect time for me to ask questions about this weird place. I flipped to her side and asked, "So if he is an alpha why does he work for the Crown prince?"

She looked at me in the eyes, there was a sadness in her expression but she covered it with a smile. She got and clasped her hands as she started explaining, "So the king looks after the various territories of his kingdom. Each territory has his own Alpha. We are from the moon kingdom. Got it?"

I nodded my head resting on my face as I laid down observing how much she moved her hands while explaining.

"The crown prince of silver kingdom, the place where we are at right now, had waged war against our moon kingdom by attacking us on the pretext that our king was trying to kill his mate. He only stopped when the king stepped down from the throne and made his elder brother the king though his brother was mateless. The crown prince's palace a bit far from here. I don't think he had gone to report to him or maybe the prince is here."

"How old is the prince?" He must have been pretty old to have gone through those lengths from his mate.

"Twenty years," she said furrowing her eyebrows, "I think."

"He is only twenty, then why is he so desperate for his mate?"

"To become the king he needs a Luna. Two years have already passed and he has still not found his mate. Not only the throne but according to him the life of his mate was also in danger."

"How will they know that who is his mate, I mean he accused your kingdom for trying to kill her?"

"The attack was sudden and there was no proof but just his words. We don't know if he was telling the truth or this was his way of seizing our territory," she said.

"Uhm, okay," I replied. All of it felt like a dramatic storyline and I couldn't really understand the situation.

I guess she read my face as she proceeded to strech her arms and starred explaining to me like I was a kid.
"Okay, this is going to be long. Pay attention," she said pointing towards me.

"I will," I replied like a diligent student ready for all the drama tea.

"Actually, the moon kingdom was searching for a way to find mates without having to search everywhere. Even Silver Kingdom had supported this, the crown prince himself gave his blood so that he could find his mate. It was said that they didn't succeed but the king of moon kingdom had other motives. It was declared by the prince that the king had conspired to kill his mate by finding her before him, no one knows if this was true or not as a war was raged without any warning. Though our army was considered stronger they had silently prepared for the war from before. The sudden blow resulted in heavy casualties, our king was dethroned and his elder brother was throned despite the fact that he had not found his mate yet. He could have taken our kingdom if there wasn't stern opposition from all the Alpha's because there was no conclusive evidence of his accusations. If he had still proceeded he would have only got a land razed to the ground, maybe he wouldn't have actually stopped if his father hadn't forced him. I can tell he's still looking for a reason to conquer our land."

What the hell did she just say? Is this maths class?

"On whose side are we on?" I asked, this is what matters. No one fights a freaking war unless they are just a maniac, so the one who instigated it must be bad.

"Our king who had himself suffered from the grief of losing his mate. Why would he do the same to someone else? He was a revered king despite having faults."

"So maybe it's the 'enemy' prince who is still looking for a reason to rage a war? And we are on the side of our Kingdom's king?" I asked confused and baffled from the situation.

"Yes, unless your life is at risk. That prince is still searching people and acting like he cares about his mate when-"

Someone knocked at the door.

"The healer is here," said the Alpha.


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