Second Composer

By TNckitty

221 2 5

Nanami Haruka's journey is something we all know about. How she helps each and every single one of the bright... More

Read Before Continuing
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 10

6 0 0
By TNckitty

"You sure you are alright?" Syo asked as we make our way to class. "You can still skip if you aren't."

"I'm fine, Syo." I said. "I can't just skip just because I don't feel like it. I wouldn't achieve my dream like that."

It is the following day and I decided to go to class. Thinking back now, it is silly of me to run to my room and lock myself in just because of a guy I didn't want to see. If I am going to be a composer, I must learn to deal with people that I don't like.

We make it to the classroom and immediately go to our desk.

"I'm just worried, that's all." Syo said.

"How sweet, Ochibi-chan." Ren-san said, his voice coming from the right of me.

I jump slightly in my seat and turn to see Ren-san standing there. I couldn't help but let my eyes trail down to his chest. Damn, that chest is something. I mentally shake my thoughts away and force myself to look at his face. I don't know if that is any better.

"Looks like the little kitten is enjoying herself." Ren-san stated as he caught me staring.

I blush madly. I look away and stare at Syo instead. I quietly beg Syo to help me. He seems to get the message.

"Hey!" Syo shouted. "I told you that my name is not 'Ochibi-chan'!"

I can feel Ren-san's attention move to Syo and is about to tease him when a figure suddenly looms over me. I look up and see the one person I didn't want to see now.

"You are Kokoro-san, right." He asked.

I flinch at the name. I look down at my desk and play at the edge of my sleeve.

"Y-Yes. That-that is right." I sputtered. "I look forward to working with you, T- Ichinose-san."

Silences come over us, making the situation awkward. After what feels like forever, someone speaks up.

"I want to make one thing clear." To- Ichinose-san said.

I know what he was about to say before he can even say it.

"You are not Hayato-san, right?" I stated.

I can't see his face, but I can sense that To- Ichinose-san was surprised. To be honest, I know the Hayato-san does not exist. I know that it is Ichinose-san's public persona. I know because I know him before his debut.

"Yes." Ichinose-san said slowly. "I don't want you to mistake me with my older twin brother."

I guess we are going with that. But I find something weird about this situation. I look up and see Ichinose-san staring at me.

His eyes. His beautiful stormy blue eyes. They show no recollection. None at all. I don't know if I should feel relief or hurt.

The boy. The boy that I used to know does not know who I am.

"Do you understand me?" Ichinose-san asked, making me break from my thoughts.

"Yes." I struggled to say.

Ichinose-san nods before going to sit down two desks behind Syo's. That is good because I don't think I can stop staring at him if he is somewhere in front of me. Syo gives me a worry look and I can sense Ren-san giving me the same look. Before I can say anything to reassure them, Hyuga-sensei walks in.

I sigh in relief as I didn't have to say anything. I just hope that they will forget about it.

They did not forget. The moment the bell rings is when Syo attacked me.

"Are you alright?" Syo asked as he stands in front of my desk.

I pick at my sleeve, not meeting Syo's eyes.

"Yeah." I said.

"You sure?" Syo pressed in more.

"Let the little kitten breath, Ochibi-chan." Ren-san said as he gently pushes Syo back.

I didn't realize Syo moving closer to me until Ren-san did that. I'm glad that he did. I don't like how close Syo was getting to me.

I get up from my seat and stretch my arms up, pretending to be nonchalant about it.

"We should get going." I said. "I am hungry and want to eat outside. It looks nice out there."

The hungry part is a lie. The stress is really getting on my nerve but there is nothing I can do about it.

The outside part on the other hand is true. With the sun out and the wind blowing softly, I want to sit outside and play my guitar. Maybe we can stop by my room for me to grab it.

"What are we waiting for?" Ren-san asked.

Ren-san moves to the door with me following close behind. Syo hesitates a little bit before following us. As we are halfway to our destination, I realize something.

"Are you going to eat with us, Ren-san?" I asked.

Ren-san turns around, which makes us stop walking. He gives me a seductive smile.

"Why wouldn't I get to eat with a beautiful lady like you?" Ren-san asked.

I blush at the comment. I spin Ren-san around and push him forward. I can still feel him smiling.

"Let's go before the line gets too long." I said while still pushing Ren-san to the cafeteria.

Syo chuckles as he follows is from behind. It is unfortunate for us as the cafeteria is packed again.

"I want hamburger!" Syo said as he rushes to the line where they serve hamburgers.

"What do you want, kitten?" Ren-san asked. "I'll pay for you."

"No." I automatically said. "I can pay for myself."

Before he has the chance to argue, I move to a random direction and disappear into the crowd. A good thing about my looks is that I blend with the crowd easily. I can't sense Ren-san nearby. I look over everyone's heads to see what line I am in. I see a sandwiches and other bake goods. I guess that is good since I am not extremely hungry and I could get a melon pan or something.

As I was waiting, I feel my phone vibrating. I pull it out and see Tomochika texted me.

The text reads:

"Where do you want us to meet up?"

"I want to eat outside."

"I guess we can meet by the entrance."


I put my phone back in my pocket and move up in the line. Once I get to the counter, I can see the different variety of breads. It seems like melon pan is popular as there is only one left.

"I would like the melon pan, please." I said.

The lady who is serving the food nods and grabs the bread. She puts it in a paper bag and hands it to me. I pull out my card and hand it to the lady. She scans the card and hands it back to me. I thank her and move away from the line.

I didn't move that far when I hear a familiar voice talking.

"Are there anymore melon pan left?" I hear Masato-san's voice said.

I turn to see that Masato-san was the next person in line.

"I am sorry." The lady said. "She took the last one."

I see Masato-san deflate. Feeling bad, I walk up to him.

"Here." I said as I hold the melon pan out.

Masato-san is startled by my sudden appearance.  He looks at me before shaking his head no.

"I can't take that." Masato-san said.

"It is fine." I said, pushing the bread towards him. "I can get something else."


Masato-san is quite stubborn.

"Then how about you buy something, and we trade." I suggested.

Masato-san is about to argue but stops. He thinks about it and nods.

"Okay." Masato-san said. "Is there anything you would like?"

I look at the selections and see a chocolate croissant. I point to the croissant. Masato-san nods and buy it. Once the lady bags and hands it to Masato-san, we trade bags.

"Thank you for trading with me." Masato-san said.

"You seem to like it more than me." I stated. "So, it is fine with me that you to have it."

"Thank you. You are really kind."

I blush at the compliment. I am not used to it, but it is nice to hear it once and awhile. Because of my awkward self, all I did to respond back was nod. Maybe it is the awkwardness that I am emitting or what, Masato-san nods back. We stand there for a while, not knowing what to say. I can feel my cheeks heating up. I may regret suggesting this, but it is already awkward so I might as well ask him.

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