Chapter 10

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"You sure you are alright?" Syo asked as we make our way to class. "You can still skip if you aren't."

"I'm fine, Syo." I said. "I can't just skip just because I don't feel like it. I wouldn't achieve my dream like that."

It is the following day and I decided to go to class. Thinking back now, it is silly of me to run to my room and lock myself in just because of a guy I didn't want to see. If I am going to be a composer, I must learn to deal with people that I don't like.

We make it to the classroom and immediately go to our desk.

"I'm just worried, that's all." Syo said.

"How sweet, Ochibi-chan." Ren-san said, his voice coming from the right of me.

I jump slightly in my seat and turn to see Ren-san standing there. I couldn't help but let my eyes trail down to his chest. Damn, that chest is something. I mentally shake my thoughts away and force myself to look at his face. I don't know if that is any better.

"Looks like the little kitten is enjoying herself." Ren-san stated as he caught me staring.

I blush madly. I look away and stare at Syo instead. I quietly beg Syo to help me. He seems to get the message.

"Hey!" Syo shouted. "I told you that my name is not 'Ochibi-chan'!"

I can feel Ren-san's attention move to Syo and is about to tease him when a figure suddenly looms over me. I look up and see the one person I didn't want to see now.

"You are Kokoro-san, right." He asked.

I flinch at the name. I look down at my desk and play at the edge of my sleeve.

"Y-Yes. That-that is right." I sputtered. "I look forward to working with you, T- Ichinose-san."

Silences come over us, making the situation awkward. After what feels like forever, someone speaks up.

"I want to make one thing clear." To- Ichinose-san said.

I know what he was about to say before he can even say it.

"You are not Hayato-san, right?" I stated.

I can't see his face, but I can sense that To- Ichinose-san was surprised. To be honest, I know the Hayato-san does not exist. I know that it is Ichinose-san's public persona. I know because I know him before his debut.

"Yes." Ichinose-san said slowly. "I don't want you to mistake me with my older twin brother."

I guess we are going with that. But I find something weird about this situation. I look up and see Ichinose-san staring at me.

His eyes. His beautiful stormy blue eyes. They show no recollection. None at all. I don't know if I should feel relief or hurt.

The boy. The boy that I used to know does not know who I am.

"Do you understand me?" Ichinose-san asked, making me break from my thoughts.

"Yes." I struggled to say.

Ichinose-san nods before going to sit down two desks behind Syo's. That is good because I don't think I can stop staring at him if he is somewhere in front of me. Syo gives me a worry look and I can sense Ren-san giving me the same look. Before I can say anything to reassure them, Hyuga-sensei walks in.

I sigh in relief as I didn't have to say anything. I just hope that they will forget about it.

They did not forget. The moment the bell rings is when Syo attacked me.

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